Who is responsible for YOU?

Not really. Hell, I'm a BIG fan of supporting my assertions with evidence. Ask Bern all about that.

A lot of people are BIG on their own versions and opinions on things.

Your assertion is that repubs are turds and dems are sooper, that's neat .....

Notice we never say anything about the dems. We're simply pointing out that the GOP are turds. Bigger turds than the Dems.

But no one said the Dems are sooper. Just better than the GOP. If you work for money, then you should vote Dem. If your money works for you, then you are a GOP.

At least until they change their policies. Just like the Dems now are better than the corrupt dems of the 80's, the GOP now are even worse than the GOP of the 90's. Remember the Bob Barr, Bob Dole, Newt GOP? Compared to the last 8 years, I miss those guys. Those guys at least cared a little about America. Not really, because they put NAFTA in front of Clinton. He didn't come up with it all on his own.

But the GOP of the last 8 years excellerated the process of jobs going overseas. And at the same time launched a bullshit war and gave all the rich people tax breaks/loopholes.

Is it any wonder why we are bankrupt?

I say GW and Co. did it on purpose. They wanted to break government to prove it didn't work. Break the army so they could outsource to haloburton/blackwater.

It is amazing how anyone dares say the current Democratic party is anywhere near as bad as the current GOP party. Either you are brainwashed or purposely lying. If you are rich, I mean MEGA rich, then maybe you are lying. But chances are you are just brainwashed.
Not really. Hell, I'm a BIG fan of supporting my assertions with evidence. Ask Bern all about that.

A lot of people are BIG on their own versions and opinions on things.

Your assertion is that repubs are turds and dems are sooper, that's neat .....

Notice we never say anything about the dems. We're simply pointing out that the GOP are turds. Bigger turds than the Dems.

But no one said the Dems are sooper. Just better than the GOP. If you work for money, then you should vote Dem. If your money works for you, then you are a GOP.

At least until they change their policies. Just like the Dems now are better than the corrupt dems of the 80's, the GOP now are even worse than the GOP of the 90's. Remember the Bob Barr, Bob Dole, Newt GOP? Compared to the last 8 years, I miss those guys. Those guys at least cared a little about America. Not really, because they put NAFTA in front of Clinton. He didn't come up with it all on his own.

But the GOP of the last 8 years excellerated the process of jobs going overseas. And at the same time launched a bullshit war and gave all the rich people tax breaks/loopholes.

Is it any wonder why we are bankrupt?

I say GW and Co. did it on purpose. They wanted to break government to prove it didn't work. Break the army so they could outsource to haloburton/blackwater.

It is amazing how anyone dares say the current Democratic party is anywhere near as bad as the current GOP party. Either you are brainwashed or purposely lying. If you are rich, I mean MEGA rich, then maybe you are lying. But chances are you are just brainwashed.

I disagree with you guys because i think rep's and dem's are douchebags of equal proportions. The Obama zombies are the brainwashed, i think quite clearly. I'm not rich either or i'd be chillin in Hawaii or a similar place right now.....
Not really. Hell, I'm a BIG fan of supporting my assertions with evidence. Ask Bern all about that.

A lot of people are BIG on their own versions and opinions on things.

Your assertion is that repubs are turds and dems are sooper, that's neat .....

Hence the necessity of evidence.. Unless, of course, you feel the urge to argue that flat earthers were just picked on by liberals who saw the scope of the horizon differently.

Not really. Hell, I'm a BIG fan of supporting my assertions with evidence. Ask Bern all about that.

A lot of people are BIG on their own versions and opinions on things.

Your assertion is that repubs are turds and dems are sooper, that's neat .....

Hence the necessity of evidence.. Unless, of course, you feel the urge to argue that flat earthers were just picked on by liberals who saw the scope of the horizon differently.


Uh huh, i'm just drowning in the ocean of evidence that you've laid on me here..... :thup:
Like I said.. ask Bern all about it. You might want to go ahead and raise the gutter bumpers while i'm busy scoring 300 on your ass.
COMPARED TO FUCKING NIGERIA, BERN? We didn't get to that point by outsourcing fucking labor to china. The Greatest Generation, BERN, wasn't a fucking bunch of wal mart checkout wage slaves.

oh gosh, you really outdo yourself sometimes.

No they were the product of a war.


check mate.

of course the fact that we weren't nearly as globalized then as we are now has nothing to do with that. Get fucking clue would ya. We didn't outsource it because it was not technologically or logistically feasible. If you think the reason we produced things here is because we had some altruistic motive back then despite a financially better option of doing things overseas, you're dumber than even I thought you were. More likely just intellectually dishonest.
Like I said.. ask Bern all about it. You might want to go ahead and raise the gutter bumpers while i'm busy scoring 300 on your ass.

I asked Bern, he said you were full of shit. Your bowling analogy was cool though .....:cool:
No they were the product of a war.


check mate.

of course the fact that we weren't nearly as globalized then as we are now has nothing to do with that. Get fucking clue would ya. We didn't outsource it because it was not technologically or logistically feasible. If you think the reason we produced things here is because we had some altruistic motive back then despite a financially better option of doing things overseas, you're dumber than even I thought you were. More likely just intellectually dishonest.

Your lame fucking excuses as to WHY we didn't outsource ww2 production doesn't belay the FACT THAT IT WAS DOMESTIC PRODUCTION THAT GAVE US OUR MOST SOLID MIDDLE CLASS.


Oh Bern.. feel free to rant and rave after i've done stomped a mudhole in your ass. It's funny to watch you get so frantic and lose composure as I apply DAS BOOT to your goofy fucking half assed logic. Face it. You lose this argument much like Greenspan lost all credibility. Feel free to keep trying to fly the burning wreckage of your economic opinion, dude, but don't be too shocked when the REST OF US don a parachute and skip out on your failed economic strategy.

Your lame fucking excuses as to WHY we didn't outsource ww2 production doesn't belay the FACT THAT IT WAS DOMESTIC PRODUCTION THAT GAVE US OUR MOST SOLID MIDDLE CLASS.

You're right Shogun, not having the trans-continental travel options and communication tools that we have now is a really lame excuse for not outsourcing. my mistake. Have you considered the fact it wasn't so much that we built tanks and airplanes as it was PEOPLE undserstood that they needed to pull their weight for the war effort to be successfull? I didin't think so. Going BACK to building things is not the only way to make a strong middle class. How narrow minded and unimaginative you are. Perhaps what would be best instead of trying to recreate the forties and fifties would be to adapt as a society. Rather than desperately clinging to a style of labor we have a horrible disadvantage in perhaps we could focus on what we are good at. But no that's asking way too much in your world. Let's let the American people keep the blinders on for the rest of their lives.

Oh Bern.. feel free to rant and rave after i've done stomped a mudhole in your ass. It's funny to watch you get so frantic and lose composure as I apply DAS BOOT to your goofy fucking half assed logic. Face it. You lose this argument much like Greenspan lost all credibility. Feel free to keep trying to fly the burning wreckage of your economic opinion, dude, but don't be too shocked when the REST OF US don a parachute and skip out on your failed economic strategy.

You're a bit more well know for frothing at the mouth around here than I am, Shogun. it was you who has left these boards for extended periods a couple times now because you got your panties in a big twist. The only thing we will be donning in your future, Shogun is a diaper as we revert to babies and allow the nanny state you so desperately want so that your life's responsibilities are limited to timely bowel movements so the nanny state knows when to change said diaper.
Since KMAN's question was apparently too hard for many of our lefty friends (though they are very good at telling us what everyone else's responsibility is) perhaps we can take a crack at this one.
This is my general feeling on the argument of big government versus small government:
All of us can agree on one thing: without government, we would not be able to enjoy the liberties that we, as American citizens, are privileged to. These freedoms, however, do not come without some form of cost. If we wish to rightfully retain our privileges, then we must give something back. That "something" is taxes. As much as we would love to begrudge a poor child a reduced lunch in the cafeteria or an elderly citizen proper medical care, I am of the opinion that none of us could find it within ourselves to do so. No matter how much we blame the child's parents or the elderly citizen for not working hard enough to provide for their children, themselves, and their futures, it would be strictly inhumane for those of us who are blessed to live in reasonable comfort to not do our part to help those who cannot help themselves.
As for the argument of who is responsible for our persons, it is my opinion that everyone must look after themselves AND their neighbors, for no one can survive with only a heart of stone.
I leave a parting idea: Do we not all need a helping hand at least once in our lives? Considering that there are selfish people in the world (as much as we wish it wasn't so), can we infinitely rely on completely unregulated markets or individuals that are overwhelmingly interested in maximizing profits over providing assistance to another human being?

P.S. Have we truly lowered ourselves to swearing and name calling in a forum that is supposed to be stictly aimed towards intelligent conversation?
I am responsible for all those who cannot take care of themselves and are less fortunate than I. It would be stereotypical for me to dislike or think terrible things of people who are poorer than I and are unable to provide for themselves. Since I am able to live happily and comfortably, I must do my part in a world where many cannot live as I do.
Am I not an American, blessed with the duty of spreading my lifestyle to others?
It's a matter that varies from person to person. I'd say the average Joe is responsible for himself and those dependent upon him as a result of his actions. (i.e. his young offspring)
My self, my family (both present and future), my job, and anything God asks of me.
I am responsible for all those who cannot take care of themselves and are less fortunate than I. It would be stereotypical for me to dislike or think terrible things of people who are poorer than I and are unable to provide for themselves. Since I am able to live happily and comfortably, I must do my part in a world where many cannot live as I do.
Am I not an American, blessed with the duty of spreading my lifestyle to others?

How do you spread a lifestyle of self reliance and responsibility by making people dependent on you?
me....my family....my employees.....the welfare and safety of anyone that enters or lives in one of the buildings i design.....the players on the soccer teams i coach.....and at one point in my life my constituents when i was in public office.....
I knew I shouldn't have added that last paragragh... it's makes it too difficult for people to answer the original question... so let me remove the paragraph and just ask the question.... It shouldn't be that hard of a question to answer but maybe it is for some.....sad.

Removing the last paragraph so dumbs down the question as to make it meaningless.

The complex economic reality that we live with is not condusive to that sort to black/white thinking.

It's not the 18th century, amigo. W

e're not living in a land where we can just head out to the wilderness and live lives of deperate self sufficiency and subsistence farming.

In fact people couldn't even really do that then, either. They brought the benefits of civilization with them, and they depended on civilization to keep them going even when they lived far outside the confines of civil society, too.

Trappers and traders still brought their goods to society so they could buy the stuff they needed to survive the wilderness.

It's a lovely myth that you believe in, of course, about individualism and self reliance, but it was a myth then for the majority of people, and its even more a myth now.

You are no more completely in control of you life than any welfare mother.

Neither, for that matter, is Bill Gates.

Civilization just doesn't work in that simplistic way your world view is informing you it does.

Yeah, okay, so we're all dependent on each other socially. Big whoop.

That doesn't mean we are incapable of supporting ourselves in today's world.

I certainly am able to do so.

The government is not responsible for me and was never designed to be responsible for anyone. The government exists to make it possible for people to pursue life, liberty and happiness, period. Not to provide those things to them, or to make sure everyone has those things and a big screen tv. Just to be free to pursue them if they have the wherewithal to do so.

Case in point. I had an angry woman talking to me today because her 25 year old daughter lost her job, has moved home, and wants benefits. Mom and dad own a home in Florida, they're building a new home, they own their own property, and they're pissed off that I ask them what their income is. "The government needs to help her!" was what the mother said to me. "She's done everything right, if she was pregnant or an illegal you'd help her...."

Well duh. That's because the welfare programs were DEVELOPED for indigents and destitute single mothers whose husbands were either dead or had abandoned them. Sorry, that's who the programs focus on. Desperate people with children, and the homeless. It isn't to keep mom and dad from having to spend $200 a month on food for their daughter because they want leaded glass windows on their estate.

So no, the government isn't responsible for anyone. We are responsible for ourselves, and if you think you aren't you're doing yourself a terrible disservice.

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