Who is Rick Perry?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
About two weeks ago the media wouldnt shut up about this guy from Texas who was considering running for the republican bid. Well, since then he tossed his hat in, and now the media just wont stop flappin their lips about him. Seems during the debat the camera sure loved him, and he was asked alot of easy questions intended to make him look tough and all that.

But who is this guy that I am being told is a front runner??? So far as I am aware he has made only a very limited few public appearances since he announced, but he is in the lead??? Who is making these decisions?? I had never heard of Rick Perry untill a couple months ago, when Maddow was making fun of his Jesus fest/Political event and all the right wing religious extremists in that direction.

Never heard him speak at any debth about any of the following issues which I deam important:

Foriegn Policy
Peace in the Middle East
Minimum Wage
Help the Poor
Rampant Corruption
Monetary Policy
Role of President
Military Funding
Global Empire
Food Subsidy's
To name a few.

Can somone fill me in???
They have this wonderful thing called "Google". Please avail yourself of it.
Steve Perry's brother.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcjzHMhBtf0&ob=av2n]Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Live in Houston) - YouTube[/ame]
They have this wonderful thing called "Google". Please avail yourself of it.

Read over his own website and it doesnt really say much. I mean it uses alot of words to describe him, but it doesnt say much. Mostly alot of commitments and 'ill do my bests'. Its as shallow as an insurance salesmans pitch.
A. It was August, the silly season. B. Political writers have 14 months worth of columns and articles to write before the election. That's a lot of inches to fill. Perry has filled a lot of those inches for them. C. And of course, the Internet pundits have to have something to talk about too.
Could it be that our 'frontrunner' has no solid platform because he has no opinions or views??
They have this wonderful thing called "Google". Please avail yourself of it.

Read over his own website and it doesnt really say much. I mean it uses alot of words to describe him, but it doesnt say much. Mostly alot of commitments and 'ill do my bests'. Its as shallow as an insurance salesmans pitch.

I rather hear, "I'll do my best" than Empty promises of Hope, Change, and Transparency.
Could it be that our 'frontrunner' has no solid platform because he has no opinions or views??

I use the "boxer" analogy; the guy not in the ring looks a lot better than those in the ring who have been trading punches.

I don't like Perry because he portrays himself one way but acts quite often in a different way. You may have seen the executive order he signed requiring all girls in Texas to get an injection for Gardasil which prevents STDs and also may prevent cervical cancer. Gardasil would have been a required injection to give to your daughter if you lived in Texas. If that is what he wants to do fine, we have elections and he can be voted out. But then he turns around and decries, quite often, about government interference. You can't have it both ways.

Recently, he bowed out of a debate with fellow GOPers to attend to the "wildfire crisis" in Texas. The fires, as it turned out, have been burning for several months and continue to burn. He bows out of one debate then turns around and goes to a debate some 72 hours later. He cites the crisis as a reason to duck a debate then shows up when there is free network coverage. You can't have it both ways.

The supposed jobs that were created on his watch in Texas are credits to him. Let that be clearly understood that if you happen to be the QB of a SuperBowl winning team, you get the credit for the win even though your defense and running game may have been featured. He gets credit. Does he deserve the credit? Maybe. Look, the retail gasoline market is based in Texas. According to one source I saw, the price in January 2002 for Gasoline was $1.11 on average. The price now is $3.65. Obviously the record profits the Texas based companies are making is keying a hiring uptick. If Texas had a bunch of semi-conductor plants; you wouldn't see this uptick. But Perry did do what was necessary to lure and keep businesses there; in other words, he didn't mess things up. So he gets credit in my book.

Texas ranks lowest in many categories and middle of the pack in most.

In short, he's just another politician. Some good, some bad. If you liked Bush Jr., you'll love Perry I suppose.
Who is Rick Perry?
The neocon answer to Barry Obolshevik, only with slightly more executive experience.

Seriously....The guy is the biggest wind sock since Bubba Clintoon.
It is true that Rick Perry's website is comically lacking in positions. The "Issues" section would fill about a printed page and consists largely of claims like

"Perry’s pro-growth agenda, combined with real spending reductions, will lead to a new era of economic growth and the creation of millions of American jobs"


"His [Perry's] first priority will be to get America’s economic engine running at full speed to restore our global economic leadership"

rather than specific statements of Rick Perry's actual positions.

Still, between Perry's long record as Governor and his book "Fed Up!", Perry is perhaps the most well-defined of the candidates, whether he would like to be or not.
About two weeks ago the media wouldnt shut up about this guy from Texas who was considering running for the republican bid. Well, since then he tossed his hat in, and now the media just wont stop flappin their lips about him. Seems during the debat the camera sure loved him, and he was asked alot of easy questions intended to make him look tough and all that.

But who is this guy that I am being told is a front runner??? So far as I am aware he has made only a very limited few public appearances since he announced, but he is in the lead??? Who is making these decisions?? I had never heard of Rick Perry untill a couple months ago, when Maddow was making fun of his Jesus fest/Political event and all the right wing religious extremists in that direction.

Never heard him speak at any debth about any of the following issues which I deam important:

Foriegn Policy
Peace in the Middle East
Minimum Wage
Help the Poor
Rampant Corruption
Monetary Policy
Role of President
Military Funding
Global Empire
Food Subsidy's
To name a few.

Can somone fill me in???

I would deem it prudent for you to do a lot of in depth research for yourself on all the candidates until you are satisfied that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You can start with this On the Issues link.

Rick Perry on the Issues
About two weeks ago the media wouldnt shut up about this guy from Texas who was considering running for the ...

Food Subsidy's
To name a few.

Can somone fill me in???

I would deem it prudent for you to do a lot of in depth research for yourself on all the candidates until you are satisfied that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You can start with this On the Issues link.

Rick Perry on the Issues

That site is pretty cool, Rick Perry is freaking scary.

ACLU shouldn't protest random drug sweeps in public housing
The ACLU [protested] new community policies initiated by the law-abiding poor to protect their homes and families from youth gangs and drug traffickers. In 1997, the Chicago Public Housing Authority began conducting random sweeps in public housing projects in search of drugs and guns. The sweeps were initiated by members of the community fed up with crime and were beginning to have a deterrent impact. Then the ACLU showed up. They filed suit, saying the sweeps violated the Fourth Amendment concerning unreasonable search and seizure. The result of the suit was to turn the Housing Authority's policy into a joke because it was forced to provide advance notice to gang leaders and their supporters before conducting a sweep, and tenants could forbid them from entering. Meanwhile, the rapes, the beatings, and the shootings go on, thanks to the ACLU and its crusade for the "rights" of criminal thugs.

Secure freedom for oppressed people in Iraq and Afghanistan
Today our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are on patrol, securing freedom for oppressed people, guarding the tender shoots of a blooming democracy, working to eradicate an infestation of terrorism, so that it does not revisit our nation. Media reports from the front lines are filled with stories of gloom, defeat and failure, and talking heads, whose only experience with sand and heat are from the beaches of Martha's Vineyard, sound the cry to retreat, but those who serve on the front lin tell a different story. Time and again, I speak to soldiers who have seen the positive impact of US efforts and tell of Iraqi communities responding to the rule of law. We have come too far and sacrificed too much to simply walk away and allow the dark forces of oppression to regain control of these places that have been consecrated by the blood of our nation's best. Instead, we must lead boldly, focused on preserving order as we prepare people who once lived in bondage to defend their own freedom.

Invest in defense to prepare for unpredictable threats
There is no reason to believe that armed conflict with any major power is imminent, but the world is rapidly changing, and the US must be prepared for the ramifications of shifting balances of power.

North Korea and Iran, in contrast, are utterly unpredictable and do present an imminent threat with their nuclear ambitions. Kim Jon Il's regime sunk a South Korean ship, the "Cheonan", for no apparent reason, killing 46 sailors. Iran is rattling its sabers and developing nuclear technology with impunity. Hugo Chavez is harboring communist rebels in Venezuela. All of these issues require our attention and investment in defense capabilities.

Yet it is clear that after decades of ignoring the constitutional division of authority, our bloated national government is distracted and running thin on resources to perform its central mission.

Defense spending is not being squeezed out of the budget because of the explosion in entitlement spending.

Require 6th graders to receive STD vaccination
One of the biggest objections Tea Party groups have with Perry was his decision to sign an executive order in 2007 requiring all sixth-graders in the state to get vaccinated against HPV, or human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease. The Legislature passed a bill striking down Perry's order two months later.
About two weeks ago the media wouldnt shut up about this guy from Texas who was considering running for the ...

Food Subsidy's
To name a few.

Can somone fill me in???

I would deem it prudent for you to do a lot of in depth research for yourself on all the candidates until you are satisfied that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You can start with this On the Issues link.

Rick Perry on the Issues

That site is pretty cool, Rick Perry is freaking scary.

Yes...if I were a liberal, Perry would scary me too.
Rick's the guy who was governor of Texas, where they loved his cowboy, bible thumping ways.
Now it appears the other 49 states, especially seniors, have different feelings about him.
I would deem it prudent for you to do a lot of in depth research for yourself on all the candidates until you are satisfied that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You can start with this On the Issues link.

Rick Perry on the Issues

That site is pretty cool, Rick Perry is freaking scary.

Yes...if I were a liberal, Perry would scary me too.

So i spent some more time looking at this site you gave me and I am totally convinced now that Rick Perry is a total fraud, and that his supporters are sheep. When comparing Rick Perry to Ron Paul on all the issues I noticed a trend. Ron Paul has alot to say about everything and he makes his position perfectly clear. Rick Perry doesnt say much, and when he is saying something usually its about as straitforward as a mountian pass.

Rick Perry has 5 quotes on abortion, Ron Paul 34
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62
Civil Rights Perry 7 Paul 30
Corporations Perry 0 Paul 10
Crime Perry 11 Paul 13
Drugs Perry 6 Paul 21
Education Perry 12 Paul 24
Energy and Oil Perry

This trend continues by my fav is government reform
Perry 10 Ron Paul 54
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62

Ron Paul also has a strong record of voting consistant with conservative principals, and more importantly voting in agreement with the constitution.

The only demographic that holds Perry as a front runner is the big business/big government demographic. If republicans want the white house we had better get behind Paul.
That site is pretty cool, Rick Perry is freaking scary.

Yes...if I were a liberal, Perry would scary me too.

So i spent some more time looking at this site you gave me and I am totally convinced now that Rick Perry is a total fraud, and that his supporters are sheep. When comparing Rick Perry to Ron Paul on all the issues I noticed a trend. Ron Paul has alot to say about everything and he makes his position perfectly clear. Rick Perry doesnt say much, and when he is saying something usually its about as straitforward as a mountian pass.

Rick Perry has 5 quotes on abortion, Ron Paul 34
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62
Civil Rights Perry 7 Paul 30
Corporations Perry 0 Paul 10
Crime Perry 11 Paul 13
Drugs Perry 6 Paul 21
Education Perry 12 Paul 24
Energy and Oil Perry

This trend continues by my fav is government reform
Perry 10 Ron Paul 54
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62

Ron Paul also has a strong record of voting consistant with conservative principals, and more importantly voting in agreement with the constitution.

The only demographic that holds Perry as a front runner is the big business/big government demographic. If republicans want the white house we had better get behind Paul.

Ron Paul has run for president how many times? 4? 5?

Plus Paul is a U.S. Congressman, and has been for how many years?

So it stands to reason...unless you are a complete lunkhead...that Paul would be on the record FAR more often on national issues than a three term Governor of the state of Texas.

But, of course, you knew that...right?
So i spent some more time looking at this site you gave me and I am totally convinced now that Rick Perry is a total fraud, and that his supporters are sheep. When comparing Rick Perry to Ron Paul on all the issues I noticed a trend. Ron Paul has alot to say about everything and he makes his position perfectly clear. Rick Perry doesnt say much, and when he is saying something usually its about as straitforward as a mountian pass.

Rick Perry has 5 quotes on abortion, Ron Paul 34
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62
Civil Rights Perry 7 Paul 30
Corporations Perry 0 Paul 10
Crime Perry 11 Paul 13
Drugs Perry 6 Paul 21
Education Perry 12 Paul 24
Energy and Oil Perry

This trend continues by my fav is government reform
Perry 10 Ron Paul 54
Budget and Economy Perry 3 Paul 62

Ron Paul also has a strong record of voting consistant with conservative principals, and more importantly voting in agreement with the constitution.

The only demographic that holds Perry as a front runner is the big business/big government demographic. If republicans want the white house we had better get behind Paul.

I'm glad you're doing your research.

There is nothing better than an informed voter.


So, do you think you'll vote for Paul, then?
Rick Perry is a professional politician – superficial, shallow, not very intelligent or knowledgeable, in many respects very typical. He’s not an ideologue, he’ll do or say whatever it takes to get votes. Again, rather typical.

And the ‘religion thing’ doesn’t go very deep, either.

The problem with politicians such as Perry, as we saw with GWB, is that they’re easily manipulated by ideologues, extremists, and radicals.

The problem with a Perry administration, therefore, is it would be full of rightist extremist and ideologues, the people who actually make and implement policy.

Consequently we’d go back to the same tedious banning of stem-cell research, an assault on environmental protection, and the appointment of judges and justices hostile to civil liberties and due process, to name just a few.

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