Who is Stephen Miller?

What really amazes me about the criticisms here is that so many seem to be calling out Miller when Acosta was rude as hell, refused to allow Miller to even speak and failed to cite anything even close to a relevant fact. Not one single fact.

And THAT is what is being supported because Miller did what? Who knows, he is part of a administration that simply must be wrong no matter who is speaking or what is being said.
He did a helluva job at the Podium. I loved it.


Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
I don't think we watched the same exchange...
He did a helluva job at the Podium. I loved it.


Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
That is because loud, heated pushback is all that gets through to these people anymore. If you are tired of this administration attacking the media, then deal with the media.

They don't ask a question for the purpose of reporting the beliefs and thoughts of this administration. They ask to be combative so that they can engage in debate. That is not their job. Particularly when they come to the entire exercise with closed minds and beliefs that what they believe is an ironclad truth that cannot be challenged.

Acosta demonstrated very effectively the level of group think that exists at CNN and in the progressive party.
Certain reporters have always been like that, back as far as I can remember, with every President. Long loaded statements leading to their questions that make their point even before asking for the speaker's "comments." They're as bad as senators at an open hearing. LOL
We already know who Acosta represents and I happen to agree with him marginally in that the English speaking provision is an unnecessary dog whistle to the xenophobes. Some say the racists. I don't know, I suppose in some cases they intersect.
Miller would have done his argument a favor by staying calm, cool and collected as confident people who know they're right are able to do. It's not as if the Trump administration is shocked by CNN's slant on the issue.
He did a helluva job at the Podium. I loved it.


Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
I don't think we watched the same exchange...
I respect your opinion, but I found Miller less professional than a WH spokesman should be. CNN reporters have no such responsibility to gravitas.
Hes the guy that schooled the uninformed fool masquerading as a CNN reporter.
The guy did no such thing. He made a total ass out of himself.

The question was whether the English speaking requirement was intended to get certain immigrants whether race, religion or regions.

The moron was tolo fucking stupid to answer the questyion & whren the reporter clsrified it, he went off on some tangent.

He was asked of El Dumpster wanted to limit immigration to English speaking countries such as England or Australia, the Trump wannabe went on a rant exposing his ignorance.

The idea you thought it was great & yet again proof that Triumpettes are dumnber than shit.
What is with you people thinking that reporters are some kind of intellectual gods. Acosta did no such thing. He wanted to ridicule and embarrass Miller and had it backfire in his face as Miller made him look like the uninformed, bigoted imbecile he is.
NO, he wanted to know if the "English Requirement" was to target a certain group. Miller was dodging the question. The English speaking requirement was thought by most people as a wah to slow immigration from particular ares, races, & religions.

Miller like most Trump spokespeople mskes such sasses of themselves trying to explain Trump's ignorance & bigotry..
He did a helluva job at the Podium. I loved it.


Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
The English speaking requirement is seen by most people as a way to regulate who does not get in. Acosta asked m]Miller to explain why it wasn't. Miller couldn't andwer.

That is what happened.

This is like photo voter ID. Pretending that it is about one thing yet really about reducing people of a a group from voting.

Nope, the Acosta's question and followups were insult aimed on administration by calling them revisionists and racists. Beside, he didn't even give a chance to Miller to finish his replies, constantly interrupting Miller with typical leftist blabbering tactics they're using for decades and shoveback (exactly what this word means) was necessary.
Hes the guy that schooled the uninformed fool masquerading as a CNN reporter.
The guy did no such thing. He made a total ass out of himself.

The question was whether the English speaking requirement was intended to get certain immigrants whether race, religion or regions.

The moron was tolo fucking stupid to answer the questyion & whren the reporter clsrified it, he went off on some tangent.

He was asked of El Dumpster wanted to limit immigration to English speaking countries such as England or Australia, the Trump wannabe went on a rant exposing his ignorance.

The idea you thought it was great & yet again proof that Triumpettes are dumnber than shit.
What is with you people thinking that reporters are some kind of intellectual gods. Acosta did no such thing. He wanted to ridicule and embarrass Miller and had it backfire in his face as Miller made him look like the uninformed, bigoted imbecile he is.
NO, he wanted to know if the "English Requirement" was to target a certain group. Miller was dodging the question. The English speaking requirement was thought by most people as a wah to slow immigration from particular ares, races, & religions.

Miller like most Trump spokespeople mskes such sasses of themselves trying to explain Trump's ignorance & bigotry..
It wasn't thought that by most people. It was thought that by partisan hacks with agendas. In other words, Costas was looking to embarrass Miller and it backfired because he isn't as bright as he thinks he is.

Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
I don't think we watched the same exchange...
I respect your opinion, but I found Miller less professional than a WH spokesman should be. CNN reporters have no such responsibility to gravitas.
That is a double standard. The meida have every bit as much responsibility as the government spokespeople to maintain a professional demeanor. In addition when being attacked for purposes of ginning up a story, the spokes people can fire back. It is beyond ridiculous that the media can insult and attack and expect that it must be taken.
What really amazes me about the criticisms here is that so many seem to be calling out Miller when Acosta was rude as hell, refused to allow Miller to even speak and failed to cite anything even close to a relevant fact. Not one single fact.

And THAT is what is being supported because Miller did what? Who knows, he is part of a administration that simply must be wrong no matter who is speaking or what is being said.
Miller was asked a reasonable question & refused to answer it & started dodging & then insulting Acosta.

The relevant acys Acostacited:

Trump wanted a English speaking requirement for immigrants.
The Statue of Liberty does not cite that attribute.

Miller cired the following "facts"
The poem was not added after the Statue was installed.

Shit Miller did not answer: Why isn't this requirement a cloaked method of screening out certain peoples.
Hes the guy that schooled the uninformed fool masquerading as a CNN reporter.
The guy did no such thing. He made a total ass out of himself.

The question was whether the English speaking requirement was intended to get certain immigrants whether race, religion or regions.

The moron was tolo fucking stupid to answer the questyion & whren the reporter clsrified it, he went off on some tangent.

He was asked of El Dumpster wanted to limit immigration to English speaking countries such as England or Australia, the Trump wannabe went on a rant exposing his ignorance.

The idea you thought it was great & yet again proof that Triumpettes are dumnber than shit.
What is with you people thinking that reporters are some kind of intellectual gods. Acosta did no such thing. He wanted to ridicule and embarrass Miller and had it backfire in his face as Miller made him look like the uninformed, bigoted imbecile he is.
NO, he wanted to know if the "English Requirement" was to target a certain group. Miller was dodging the question. The English speaking requirement was thought by most people as a wah to slow immigration from particular ares, races, & religions.

Miller like most Trump spokespeople mskes such sasses of themselves trying to explain Trump's ignorance & bigotry..
It wasn't thought that by most people. It was thought that by partisan hacks with agendas. In other words, Costas was looking to embarrass Miller and it backfired because he isn't as bright as he thinks he is.
My Bad. Most intelligent people.
Trump team member Miller just became famous for his yesterday's stellar performance at a press meeting....

Stephen Miller has been a pivotal part of Team Trump since the campaign trail, and he's now a key player behind the scenes. The 31-year-old conservative is the president's senior policy adviser and has been a key player in pushing some of Donald Trump's most controversial policies, like the border wall and travel ban. Here's what you need to know about him.

Who Is Stephen Miller - 12 Facts About Donald Trump Senior Policy Advisor Steve Miller
Ok apparently not the same Steve Miller as in the Steve Miller Band ?!

Helluva Job = making a total ass of yourself.
He was really over the top in that dust-up with CNN over the immigration bill.
I remember him in an interview on one of the Sunday shows not too far into the campaign. He was a belligerent hothead then, and he is a belligerent hothead now. Just the kind of guy Trump likes (see Scaramucci). They usually keep him under wraps and they should continue to do so.
Correcting dumbfuck leftists is now considered over the top.

Fuck them fake ass journalists. They're nothing more that DNC staffers. FUCK THEM
Yeah, well those of you who are entertained seeing the string of statements from our administration that are more like promos from the WWE, I'm not a fan. I'm sick of seeing our President's office cheapened with its unprofessional communications style.

The CNN question was more of a political statement and a downright criticism of the President's proposal than a question, and I can understand Miller's pushback, but Miller used loud, heated SHOVEback. Instead of simply explaining the policy and the whys and wherefores of it--and possibly even defending why this country is not in a place right now where it should welcome the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the homeless and tempest-tossed--Miller got worked up like a dad at a Little League game.
By getting all rude and nasty about it, calling the reporter ridiculous, etc., he weakened his own position. When you're right and you're confident, you don't need to raise your voice, interrupt and call names.
Miller is not the right guy to send out for press statements.
I don't think we watched the same exchange...
I respect your opinion, but I found Miller less professional than a WH spokesman should be. CNN reporters have no such responsibility to gravitas.
An exchange cannot be 'respectful' if one of the parties is acting like a child.

Calling it racist, refusing to allow a response and utterly ignoring anything stated or any questions does not allow for a professional exchange. You are essentially pigeon holing Miller into simply standing there and getting berated or looking unprofessional. IOW, no matter how he responded it would be wrong.
Trump team member Miller just became famous for his yesterday's stellar performance at a press meeting....

Stephen Miller has been a pivotal part of Team Trump since the campaign trail, and he's now a key player behind the scenes. The 31-year-old conservative is the president's senior policy adviser and has been a key player in pushing some of Donald Trump's most controversial policies, like the border wall and travel ban. Here's what you need to know about him.

Who Is Stephen Miller - 12 Facts About Donald Trump Senior Policy Advisor Steve Miller
Ok apparently not the same Steve Miller as in the Steve Miller Band ?!
No.....but that does remind me of a cool song....

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