Who is telling the truth.

The next president is in big trouble. Minsk was Europe breaking with the US. ISIS was born on Obama's watch causing the biggest foreign policy failure since Truman lost China.

But by all means, worry about what politicians are lying cause that's much more important. :)

Yeah, why worry about what comes out of John Kerry's mouth? He has NEVER told the truth during his entire "military" or political history. Why worry about him starting now?
Not worrying about, or recognizing, the lies we are being told is why we are in trouble today. To ignore the lies is to stick your head in the sand.
Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, etc...all this administration's failures. You expect them to get Iran right?
Not worrying about, or recognizing, the lies we are being told is why we are in trouble today. To ignore the lies is to stick your head in the sand.
My GOD in heaven...after the last 6½ years we must be head first about 50 feet under the sand for worrying about all the LIES.
Interesting that no lib has weighed in on this thread. They're having a hard time figuring out how to change the subject.
Everyone lies. And honest politician is an oxymoron. Used to be just a joke, but now it's as self-evident as death and taxes. Of course, if you're prone to believing what politicians say and basing your decisions on that then another saying comes to mind,

A fool and their money are soon parted.
That's fine...but who/ what do you believe?

I don't actually believe anyONE. When there's a question before me I get as many answers as I'm willing to search for then compare them. If a consensus of opinion appears and it makes sense to me, that's who I'll believe. But I never take any individual's word for something.
Do you believe the world is safer?

Right now, yes. Projecting fowards no, we're fucked.
Interesting that no lib has weighed in on this thread. They're having a hard time figuring out how to change the subject.

They would rather talk about homos and bash Booooosh
Kerry said, “The fact is that on Iran, sure its controversial, may have some risks, but we are daring to believe diplomacy may be able to provide a better alternative to ridding Iran of the possibility of a nuclear weapon than a war.

Kerry said, “The fact is that on Iran, sure its controversial, may have some risks, but we are daring to believe diplomacy may be able to provide a better alternative to ridding Iran of the possibility of a nuclear weapon than a war.


"...the Israelis, the Saudis and the Egyptians have seen a U.S. president conduct an Iran policy based on applying economic sanctions to fanatics who care little about the well-being of their countrymen, and on the notion that Islamofascists who await the coming of the 12th imam to lead an apocalyptic war against Israel can be reasoned with.

The Saudis and the Israelis understand that Iran cannot be appeased out of becoming nuclear-armed. Unfortunately, we have a president intent on doing just that."
Israel And Saudi Arabia Know Iran Can t Be Appeased But Not Obama - Investors.com
Kerry said, “The fact is that on Iran, sure its controversial, may have some risks, but we are daring to believe diplomacy may be able to provide a better alternative to ridding Iran of the possibility of a nuclear weapon than a war.

War will not be necessary...several bombing runs...one on the iranian leaders...foment an uprising...fund the overthrow...
Kerry said, “The fact is that on Iran, sure its controversial, may have some risks, but we are daring to believe diplomacy may be able to provide a better alternative to ridding Iran of the possibility of a nuclear weapon than a war.

War will not be necessary...several bombing runs...one on the iranian leaders...foment an uprising...fund the overthrow...
With ever lower net energy revenues I think you are over-estimating force requirements.
If Putin's troops run short on guns he could invade France.

Two tanks plus 1,000 troops with trucks to gather up the dropped guns and bring 'em home. Wouldn't take any more......
If Putin's troops run short on guns he could invade France.

Two tanks plus 1,000 troops with trucks to gather up the dropped guns and bring 'em home. Wouldn't take any more......
With Cyprus already a Russian ally, Greece, Hungary and Serbia leaning that way why would that be necessary?

For that matter with the disposable Armata why would it be necessary? The damn thing is so cheap to build that virtually all the expense is put into protecting the crew so that they can be picked up, transported back to the FOB and get issued another disposable weapons platform when their first one is destroyed.
Kerry said, “The fact is that on Iran, sure its controversial, may have some risks, but we are daring to believe diplomacy may be able to provide a better alternative to ridding Iran of the possibility of a nuclear weapon than a war.

War will not be necessary...several bombing runs...one on the iranian leaders...foment an uprising...fund the overthrow...
With ever lower net energy revenues I think you are over-estimating force requirements.
Maybe so..but if they're hurting they still seem to keep Obabble and Kerry over the barrel..
Everyone lies. And honest politician is an oxymoron. Used to be just a joke, but now it's as self-evident as death and taxes. Of course, if you're prone to believing what politicians say and basing your decisions on that then another saying comes to mind,

A fool and their money are soon parted.
That's fine...but who/ what do you believe?

I don't actually believe anyONE. When there's a question before me I get as many answers as I'm willing to search for then compare them. If a consensus of opinion appears and it makes sense to me, that's who I'll believe. But I never take any individual's word for something.
Yep. I agree with you. I don't believe anyone. If I care enough about an issue to research it, I read all sources and try to extract some kind of truth.
Both can't be right

Who has an agenda?

Who is telling the truth?

One is lying. One backs Obama's line. One contradicts. Who do YOU believe?

Figures. James Clapper Contradicts John Kerry Less Than 24 Hrs After His Testimony Before Congress The Gateway Pundit
It is deeper than that.

Which one lied under oath to congress?

Obviously one of them did.

Now, seeing as Clapper reports his findings to Kerry and Kerry reports his findings to congress.....I have a reason to believe Kerry took Clappers findings and ignored them and gave congress his own opinion NOT Based on the facts presented to him.

Kerry should resign.

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