Who is the bigger piece of shit? Herman Cain or Eric Holder?

Who is the bigger piece of shit?

  • Cain

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Holder

    Votes: 37 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Who is the bigger toilet bowl floater? That's one of the easiest questions that have appeared here.

Let's see. Cain is a self-made man who attended Morehouse College, despite his growing up in the Jim Crow south. Cain worked his way up to CEO of a large corporation. IF, and I say IF he has sexually harrassed OR had an affair with another woman, I would say that is a significant personal failure, but it certainly does not rise to the level of Eric Holder's professional incompetence and possible outright illegal behavior.

We have the Mark Rich affair during Clinton's presidency, all of which was vetted by Eric Holder. Then as Attorney General, Eric has been personally responsible for letting the New Black Panthers stand at a polling place with clubs, threatening potential voters. Lawyers at the Justice Department have quit over this and have called it the single biggest miscarriage of justice they have ever heard of. Someone on this thread has discounted the act. Course, if it was Tea Party members standing around a polling place, then we would be searching for the lumber and nails to build a gallows down by the courthouse.

Fast and Furious. The cockroaches are still scrambling from that one. One dead law enforcement officer. Holder refuses to apologize to the family. I hope that the House Committee investigating this thing puts as much light on it as possible.

We have the belief that terrorists committing acts of war against the United States on a foreign battlefield should be read the Miranda Warning. The failed attempt to try foreign combatants in New York. The Gibson guitar fiasco. The Ft. Hood terrorist incident, the Arkansas recruiting station shootings, and other terrorist incidents being down played as a simple "criminal act." The underwear bomber fiasco, just to name a few.

Eric Holder should be impeached by the Congress and removed from office, then he should be tried for his crimes. Then when he is convicted, he can have the cell next to the underwear bomber and they can discuss how horrible they've been treated for the next twenty years.

Bullshit, the New BPP was already standing at voting stations before Holder became President and it was the Bush administration that decided not to pursue any action, get the fucking facts straight before you go on a pissing mission.

The shootings at Ft Hood and Arkansas have nothing to do with Holder, you're dishonest piece of shit.

Where do I begin when someone is as ignorant as this? First of all, I realize that you WANT it to be so, but I hate to tell you that Holder is NOT the President. Barry is... or, well he was elected to the office.

Secondly, the New Black Panther Party standing in front of the Philadelphia polling place occurred during the 2008 Presidential elections. You would be CORRECT to assume that the Bush Justice Department began looking into the matter, HOWEVER. It was Holder and Holder alone that ordered the Justice Department to CEASE prosecution based on... well, we don't know and he won't say. Even though they were going to plead GUILTY, Holder wouldn't let them. IT IS YOU, who needs to find out what's going on here.

Ft. Hood and Arkansas shootings were perpetrated by want-to-be members of Al Queda. When you pretty much join a terrorist organization and then you commit atrocities in the name of that organization, are you STILL under state prosecutorial perview, or do you somehow graduate to being a federal maggot? I realize that I used a couple of big words here, but use the dictionary. There's a couple of really good on-line ones.

Speaking of maggot's... Really, if you're going to be a complete and utter left-wing, whiny hack, then at least do us a favor and TRY to use English correctly.
Fago can't help it, he is just a blind obamaturd butt kissing hack.
Yep. Flylo can't help it.

If you disagree with him he starts calling you names.

He's a class act.

Hard to imagine that he serves in our military.
Why not stick more to apples to apples.

Alberto Gonzales or Eric Holder?

Without a doubt Holder is a 100 fold bigger piece of shit! Next question!
Yep. Flylo can't help it.

If you disagree with him he starts calling you names.

He's a class act.

Hard to imagine that he serves in our military.

Meh, maybe he does, maybe not, we have only his word.
The military covers a lot of folks, why must they be monolithic in their points of view?
Why not stick more to apples to apples.

Alberto Gonzales or Eric Holder?

Without a doubt Holder is a 100 fold bigger piece of shit! Next question!

That's why i don't believe removing Holder is enough. He should be arrested. Brian Terry and so many others would be alive today if it weren't for Eric Holder. Fit him with an orange jumpsuit and be done with it.
Hi, you have received -637 reputation points from Si modo.
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For consistency, I gotta neg the neg whines.

Si modo

:) Neg rep this:lame2:
Not only did Holder set into motion the means of Terry being murdered, but Holder actually bragged that the deaths will continue for years to come.
Hi, you have received -637 reputation points from Si modo.
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For consistency, I gotta neg the neg whines.

Si modo

:) Neg rep this:lame2:
Awesome! Now we have someone who is guaranteed to whine about negs, just like Val.


What is it you think you're doing right now? :eusa_boohoo:
What I'm doing right now is calling attention to your neg whining. I tried to tell you that many will let you know that they don't want to see neg whining. Some will tell you on the board, and if you don't get it, some will tell you in other ways.

Like I did.

And, when a neg whine is guaranteed, like apparently it is with you (and with Valerie), you ensure that you will be negged again.

It's opening the can of neg worms, and you've done that.

You can keep whining, or not. But, I AM consistent about neg whines.

Just so you know. I don't care who you are or aren't. It's what I do. Nothing personal.
Awesome! Now we have someone who is guaranteed to whine about negs, just like Val.


What is it you think you're doing right now? :eusa_boohoo:
What I'm doing right now is calling attention to your neg whining. I tried to tell you that many will let you know that they don't want to see neg whining. Some will tell you on the board, and if you don't get it, some will tell you in other ways.

Like I did.

And, when a neg whine is guaranteed, like apparently it is with you (and with Valerie), you ensure that you will be negged again.

It's opening the can of neg worms, and you've done that.

You can keep whining, or not. But, I AM consistent about neg whines.

Just so you know. I don't care who you are or aren't. It's what I do. Nothing personal.

Like I said.. Neg away.. It's lame. Nothing personal.
What is it you think you're doing right now? :eusa_boohoo:
What I'm doing right now is calling attention to your neg whining. I tried to tell you that many will let you know that they don't want to see neg whining. Some will tell you on the board, and if you don't get it, some will tell you in other ways.

Like I did.

And, when a neg whine is guaranteed, like apparently it is with you (and with Valerie), you ensure that you will be negged again.

It's opening the can of neg worms, and you've done that.

You can keep whining, or not. But, I AM consistent about neg whines.

Just so you know. I don't care who you are or aren't. It's what I do. Nothing personal.

Like I said.. Neg away.. It's lame. Nothing personal.
Not as lame as whining about them. :thup:

What I'm doing right now is calling attention to your neg whining. I tried to tell you that many will let you know that they don't want to see neg whining. Some will tell you on the board, and if you don't get it, some will tell you in other ways.

Like I did.

And, when a neg whine is guaranteed, like apparently it is with you (and with Valerie), you ensure that you will be negged again.

It's opening the can of neg worms, and you've done that.

You can keep whining, or not. But, I AM consistent about neg whines.

Just so you know. I don't care who you are or aren't. It's what I do. Nothing personal.

Like I said.. Neg away.. It's lame. Nothing personal.
Not as lame as whining about them. :thup:

I thought you said it wasn't personal so why the personal attack now?
Neva mind So to or whatever the fuck your name is.. Neg me, complain, moan, piss your granny panties.. whatever it takes.. in the end a BIG FUCK YOU will suffice.. my last post to you. :)
Holder didn't accidentally put those guns in the hands of killers. He intentionally did it. That's not negligence.

Issa isn't going to let this go.. He was on with Sean Hannity last night. He said there is some explosive stuff coming in to his office now- whisterblowers nervous.. emails.. The shit is about to hit the fan and these Chicago Thugs are going to do real time. I hope Holder rots in a jail cell where he belongs.

You watch Hannity too driveby? Thats the guy w/ the one- inch forehead right.
Holder didn't accidentally put those guns in the hands of killers. He intentionally did it. That's not negligence.

Issa isn't going to let this go.. He was on with Sean Hannity last night. He said there is some explosive stuff coming in to his office now- whisterblowers nervous.. emails.. The shit is about to hit the fan and these Chicago Thugs are going to do real time. I hope Holder rots in a jail cell where he belongs.

You watch Hannity too driveby? Thats the guy w/ the one- inch forehead right.

You watch Rachel Maddow? That's the guy who's twice the man his momma was......

"The Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge, or STOCK Act, would prohibit Members of Congress and their aids from profiting from inside information they might obtain through their official duties.

Originally authored by New York 28th District Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D-Fairport), it languished on Capitol Hill for six years, never gaining more than 14 co-sponsors.

That was until the issue gained notoriety through a recent 60 Minutes report on congressional insider trading.

Suddenly Slaughter's bill to got 219 co sponsors-- a majority of the house--and a number almost unheard of.

The bill was pulled at the behest of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQIGAxwteiM]60 Minutes: Are Members of Congress Trading Stocks on Inside.Information to Pad Their Own Pockets? - YouTube[/ame]​

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