Who is the bigger piece of shit? Herman Cain or Eric Holder?

Who is the bigger piece of shit?

  • Cain

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Holder

    Votes: 37 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I can't believe you are actually engaging Crayon-boy's lame deflections, Pilgrim. :lol:

I'm bored and he is a good ego booster :lol:

BTW I tried to rep you for that nickname but apparantly i've been to stingy since the last time i repped you :razz:
Another "present" vote from faggoty moonbat, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Oooooh "faggoty", how original. Did you get that from a 12 yr old, or ARE you a 12 yr old?

So you're ok with the moonbat part, but offended by being called faggoty? .... :dunno:

I didn't say that I'm offended. I said that you sound like a 12 yr old with your grade school insults. :dunno: Do what you wish. But do it soon - your recess is almost over.
Oooooh "faggoty", how original. Did you get that from a 12 yr old, or ARE you a 12 yr old?
Would you prefer pole smoker?

Would I prefer for you to smoke my pole? Not really. That's what my GF is for. But feel free to offer your services to Driveby. He seems to have a thing for your type. :ssex:

You're right, Lois Einhorn types don't do it for me, did you check for Captain Winky while (allegedly) getting your "pole smoked" ? ...... :eusa_whistle:
It is a VERY simple question with what I hope is an obvious answer...time to vote to see how everyone voted.

DO I vote for the guy that is rumored to have cheated on his wife and sexually harassed people or do I vote for the guy that either willingly or unwittingly put assult rifles into the hands of drug cartels that have been used to verifiably kill people........hmmmmmmmmmm
Does the fact.....

.....make a difference???



Not at all...how does Oliver North/Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra scandal justify Holders bad decision or complete incompetence?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....so.....all-of-a-sudden you're stepping-AWAY from your (original) issue with.....​



Teabagger consistency; it's a wonderment.
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Would you prefer pole smoker?

Would I prefer for you to smoke my pole? Not really. That's what my GF is for. But feel free to offer your services to Driveby. He seems to have a thing for your type. :ssex:
I doubt a microscope would even help me fine your pole.

You need help finding my pole? Didn't I tell you that I'm not interested? Can't take no for an answer, huh? Anyway.You shouldn't project. It's not pretty. Now get back to your daily ritual of standing naked in front of the mirror and crying at the sight of your sad little glorified clit - or what you call your penis. I hear that shaving your pubes makes it look bigger. Be careful doing it, though. You might lop that little thing clean off :lol::lol::lol:
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Would I prefer for you to smoke my pole? Not really. That's what my GF is for. But feel free to offer your services to Driveby. He seems to have a thing for your type. :ssex:
I doubt a microscope would even help me fine your pole.

You need help finding my pole? Didn't I tell you that I'm not interested? Can't take no for an answer, huh? Anyway.You shouldn't project. It's not pretty. Now get back to your daily ritual of standing naked in front of the mirror and crying at the sight of your sad little glorified clit - or what you call your penis. I hear that shaving your pubes makes it look bigger. Be careful doing it, though. You might lop that little thing clean off :lol::lol::lol:
Dude, c'mon. My response to you was unoriginal, at best.

But, you still felt compelled to respond?

Hmmmmmmmm. Methinks the lady doth protest......
I doubt a microscope would even help me fine your pole.

You need help finding my pole? Didn't I tell you that I'm not interested? Can't take no for an answer, huh? Anyway.You shouldn't project. It's not pretty. Now get back to your daily ritual of standing naked in front of the mirror and crying at the sight of your sad little glorified clit - or what you call your penis. I hear that shaving your pubes makes it look bigger. Be careful doing it, though. You might lop that little thing clean off :lol::lol::lol:
Dude, c'mon. My response to you was unoriginal, at best.

But, you still felt compelled to respond?

Hmmmmmmmm. Methinks the lady doth protest......

You need help finding my pole? Didn't I tell you that I'm not interested? Can't take no for an answer, huh? Anyway.You shouldn't project. It's not pretty. Now get back to your daily ritual of standing naked in front of the mirror and crying at the sight of your sad little glorified clit - or what you call your penis. I hear that shaving your pubes makes it look bigger. Be careful doing it, though. You might lop that little thing clean off :lol::lol::lol:
Dude, c'mon. My response to you was unoriginal, at best.

But, you still felt compelled to respond?

Hmmmmmmmm. Methinks the lady doth protest......

Not even close. Holder got Brian Terry and countless others brutally murdered. Forget resignation,the man should be arrested. He's a stone-cold murderer.
Simple question....

There have been NO deaths directly linked to any Cain issue.

There has been either outright lying by Holder or outright incompetence
1) in not knowing anything about "Fast and Furious"
2) or having subordinates that instituted the program without consideration of the potential problems! This is then an example of incompetence.
Cain's issues were all personal ones. Holder's actions got Brian Terry and many others murdered. He really shoud be arrested.
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - I am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for (well, a type of manslaughter). Someone is dead not from natural causes, and someone is accountable.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

That's not the way it works. If you leave your gun laying around (negligence) and someone finds it and kills someome you are guilty of negligent homocide as an accomplice. If you intentionally give that gun to a criminal that you know is likely to use tht gun to kill someone, you are guilty of first degree murder as an accomplice.

Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter because there was no intent to kill anyone.
Thanks for clarifying. So, at least negligent homicide certainly does apply to Holder. :thup:

Fast and Furious was INTENTIONAL. It wasn't an accident.
That's not the way it works. If you leave your gun laying around (negligence) and someone finds it and kills someome you are guilty of negligent homocide as an accomplice. If you intentionally give that gun to a criminal that you know is likely to use tht gun to kill someone, you are guilty of first degree murder as an accomplice.

Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter because there was no intent to kill anyone.
Thanks for clarifying. So, at least negligent homicide certainly does apply to Holder. :thup:

Fast and Furious was INTENTIONAL. It wasn't an accident.
I don't believe a federal agent getting killed was intentional for a second. I DO believe that consequence could have reasonable been foreseen, but for negligence.
Lets just hope & pray this doesn't go the way of Janet Reno. She completely skated for murder. Holder intentionally armed these Mexican Cartels. And Brian Terry along with numerous others were brutally murdered as a result. Holder needs to be held accountable. I think it's time to not only call for his firing but to also call for his arrest. Brian Terry and his family deserve justice.
It is a VERY simple question with what I hope is an obvious answer...time to vote to see how everyone voted.

DO I vote for the guy that is rumored to have cheated on his wife and sexually harassed people or do I vote for the guy that either willingly or unwittingly put assult rifles into the hands of drug cartels that have been used to verifiably kill people........hmmmmmmmmmm
Does the fact.....

.....make a difference???



Not at all...how does Oliver North/Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra scandal justify Holders bad decision or complete incompetence?

Does the fact.....

.....make a difference???



Not at all...how does Oliver North/Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra scandal justify Holders bad decision or complete incompetence?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....so.....all-of-a-sudden you're stepping-AWAY from your (original) issue with.....​



Teabagger consistency; it's a wonderment.

Hey dippy do pay attention to what I actually typed.

I'll ask you again but more simply so you can understand. How does what ollie north did justify what holder has done?
Does the fact.....

.....make a difference???



Not at all...how does Oliver North/Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra scandal justify Holders bad decision or complete incompetence?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....so.....all-of-a-sudden you're stepping-AWAY from your (original) issue with.....​



Teabagger consistency; it's a wonderment.

Hey dippy do pay attention to what I actually typed.

I'll ask you again but more simply so you can understand. How does what ollie north did justify what holder has done?

Excellent point. Yea i guess some will just defend anything their team does. I don't see how any Democrats can still be defending this. That's just Mind-Boggling.
Who is the bigger toilet bowl floater? That's one of the easiest questions that have appeared here.

Let's see. Cain is a self-made man who attended Morehouse College, despite his growing up in the Jim Crow south. Cain worked his way up to CEO of a large corporation. IF, and I say IF he has sexually harrassed OR had an affair with another woman, I would say that is a significant personal failure, but it certainly does not rise to the level of Eric Holder's professional incompetence and possible outright illegal behavior.

We have the Mark Rich affair during Clinton's presidency, all of which was vetted by Eric Holder. Then as Attorney General, Eric has been personally responsible for letting the New Black Panthers stand at a polling place with clubs, threatening potential voters. Lawyers at the Justice Department have quit over this and have called it the single biggest miscarriage of justice they have ever heard of. Someone on this thread has discounted the act. Course, if it was Tea Party members standing around a polling place, then we would be searching for the lumber and nails to build a gallows down by the courthouse.

Fast and Furious. The cockroaches are still scrambling from that one. One dead law enforcement officer. Holder refuses to apologize to the family. I hope that the House Committee investigating this thing puts as much light on it as possible.

We have the belief that terrorists committing acts of war against the United States on a foreign battlefield should be read the Miranda Warning. The failed attempt to try foreign combatants in New York. The Gibson guitar fiasco. The Ft. Hood terrorist incident, the Arkansas recruiting station shootings, and other terrorist incidents being down played as a simple "criminal act." The underwear bomber fiasco, just to name a few.

Eric Holder should be impeached by the Congress and removed from office, then he should be tried for his crimes. Then when he is convicted, he can have the cell next to the underwear bomber and they can discuss how horrible they've been treated for the next twenty years.

Bullshit, the New BPP was already standing at voting stations before Holder became President and it was the Bush administration that decided not to pursue any action, get the fucking facts straight before you go on a pissing mission.

The shootings at Ft Hood and Arkansas have nothing to do with Holder, you're dishonest piece of shit.

Where do I begin when someone is as ignorant as this? First of all, I realize that you WANT it to be so, but I hate to tell you that Holder is NOT the President. Barry is... or, well he was elected to the office.

Secondly, the New Black Panther Party standing in front of the Philadelphia polling place occurred during the 2008 Presidential elections. You would be CORRECT to assume that the Bush Justice Department began looking into the matter, HOWEVER. It was Holder and Holder alone that ordered the Justice Department to CEASE prosecution based on... well, we don't know and he won't say. Even though they were going to plead GUILTY, Holder wouldn't let them. IT IS YOU, who needs to find out what's going on here.

Ft. Hood and Arkansas shootings were perpetrated by want-to-be members of Al Queda. When you pretty much join a terrorist organization and then you commit atrocities in the name of that organization, are you STILL under state prosecutorial perview, or do you somehow graduate to being a federal maggot? I realize that I used a couple of big words here, but use the dictionary. There's a couple of really good on-line ones.

Speaking of maggot's... Really, if you're going to be a complete and utter left-wing, whiny hack, then at least do us a favor and TRY to use English correctly.

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