Who is the bigger piece of shit? Herman Cain or Eric Holder?

Who is the bigger piece of shit?

  • Cain

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Holder

    Votes: 37 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Better than nothing, I always say, especially when negligence leads to death.

yea, i know....but it's still a comment that's nothing to do with what i said though :eusa_eh:
"Negligent homicide".

But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
about your babbling, of course.

No babbling to it.. ALL EVIDENCE at yesterday's hearing on the Hill.. then again you mindnumb Zombie leftists never educate yourselves.. you just sing your Obamabot, MmmmMmmmMMmmm Barack Hussein Obama MmmmMmmMMMmm...

you have evidence re: all the disparaging comments you said about me, personally, in your hysterical post?

I'd love to see what passes for evidence in your hysterical eyes.

You don't want evidence. You want to stew in your tightie-whities- in your squirrely little world of liberal make believe. You don't want truth.. You're a token Zombie, nothing more. Plenty of evidence now, including that LOWLIFE Holder yesterday admitting he lied but then coming back and stating "LYING IS A STATE OF MIND." Ok there BUBBA.. You leftists are a NATIONAL DISGRACE, a fucking joke at best and you're about to be put back under your rocks come 2012. Go ooze until then.
Well, we expect Holder to be a piece of shit because he is part of the hippie crowd of free sex, rock and roll and fuck the law, but we don't expect the same from a guy that runs in the party of family, hard work and respecting the law. So I will say that HERMAN CAIN IS THE BIGGER PIECE OF SHIT!

Translation: Holder is the bigger pos, but i'm such a partisan faggot that i can't admit it, so i'll post the gayest example of sarcasm ever to deflect it.... :thup:

Update: You're in the 6% minority, what are you a republican scientist?......
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yea, i know....but it's still a comment that's nothing to do with what i said though :eusa_eh:
"Negligent homicide".

But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - I am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for (well, a type of manslaughter). Someone is dead not from natural causes, and someone is accountable.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.
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No babbling to it.. ALL EVIDENCE at yesterday's hearing on the Hill.. then again you mindnumb Zombie leftists never educate yourselves.. you just sing your Obamabot, MmmmMmmmMMmmm Barack Hussein Obama MmmmMmmMMMmm...

you have evidence re: all the disparaging comments you said about me, personally, in your hysterical post?

I'd love to see what passes for evidence in your hysterical eyes.

You don't want evidence. You want to stew in your tightie-whities- in your squirrely little world of liberal make believe. You don't want truth.. You're a token Zombie, nothing more. Plenty of evidence now, including that LOWLIFE Holder yesterday admitting he lied but then coming back and stating "LYING IS A STATE OF MIND." Ok there BUBBA.. You leftists are a NATIONAL DISGRACE, a fucking joke at best and you're about to be put back under your rocks come 2012. Go ooze until then.

I haven't worn tighty whities since I was three. I'm eleven and a half times too sexy for that.

This post is more hysteria of who you've dreamt me to be, with no more evidence than Hoffa being buried under Giants Stadium. Strong work in the analytical field.
"Negligent homicide".

But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

Just playing devil's advocate for a second to see how you'd answer: Do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

But coming off of that, I don't disagree that Holder is way in the wrong. But I'm a sicko commie etc. etc. per ladygunslinger's hysterics. wusshagunnado though, ya know? :dunno:
But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

Just playing devil's advocate for a second to see how you'd answer: Do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

But coming off of that, I don't disagree that Holder is way in the wrong. But I'm a sicko commie etc. etc. per ladygunslinger's hysterics. wusshagunnado though, ya know? :dunno:
People kill people. And, if I were to buy a gun for a known violent psycho, and he killed someone, I am sure I would be charged with some serious shit.

You're not a sicko commie at all. :)
Holder didn't accidentally put those guns in the hands of killers. He intentionally did it. That's not negligence.

Issa isn't going to let this go..
....'Cause it's.....

I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

Just playing devil's advocate for a second to see how you'd answer: Do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

But coming off of that, I don't disagree that Holder is way in the wrong. But I'm a sicko commie etc. etc. per ladygunslinger's hysterics. wusshagunnado though, ya know? :dunno:
People kill people. And, if I were to buy a gun for a known violent psycho, and he killed someone, I am sure I would be charged with some serious shit.

You're not a sicko commie at all. :)

i agree - people kill people.

anyhoo----have a good day!! contractions are around 8 mins now.....might be a 1st time daddy by day's end, gotta dip!!
"Negligent homicide".

But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - I am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for (well, a type of manslaughter). Someone is dead not from natural causes, and someone is accountable.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

That's not the way it works. If you leave your gun laying around (negligence) and someone finds it and kills someome you are guilty of negligent homocide as an accomplice. If you intentionally give that gun to a criminal that you know is likely to use tht gun to kill someone, you are guilty of first degree murder as an accomplice.

Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter because there was no intent to kill anyone.
But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

Just playing devil's advocate for a second to see how you'd answer: Do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

But coming off of that, I don't disagree that Holder is way in the wrong. But I'm a sicko commie etc. etc. per ladygunslinger's hysterics. wusshagunnado though, ya know? :dunno:
Oh please.. stop your whining. It's embarrassing. No one made you make the STUPID comments in this thread - YOU MADE THOSE. We all listened to the hearing yesterday but YOU. You're a blind ideologue.. I don't give a damn what you think to be quite honest.
Who is the bigger toilet bowl floater? That's one of the easiest questions that have appeared here.

Let's see. Cain is a self-made man who attended Morehouse College, despite his growing up in the Jim Crow south. Cain worked his way up to CEO of a large corporation. IF, and I say IF he has sexually harrassed OR had an affair with another woman, I would say that is a significant personal failure, but it certainly does not rise to the level of Eric Holder's professional incompetence and possible outright illegal behavior.

We have the Mark Rich affair during Clinton's presidency, all of which was vetted by Eric Holder. Then as Attorney General, Eric has been personally responsible for letting the New Black Panthers stand at a polling place with clubs, threatening potential voters. Lawyers at the Justice Department have quit over this and have called it the single biggest miscarriage of justice they have ever heard of. Someone on this thread has discounted the act. Course, if it was Tea Party members standing around a polling place, then we would be searching for the lumber and nails to build a gallows down by the courthouse.

Fast and Furious. The cockroaches are still scrambling from that one. One dead law enforcement officer. Holder refuses to apologize to the family. I hope that the House Committee investigating this thing puts as much light on it as possible.

We have the belief that terrorists committing acts of war against the United States on a foreign battlefield should be read the Miranda Warning. The failed attempt to try foreign combatants in New York. The Gibson guitar fiasco. The Ft. Hood terrorist incident, the Arkansas recruiting station shootings, and other terrorist incidents being down played as a simple "criminal act." The underwear bomber fiasco, just to name a few.

Eric Holder should be impeached by the Congress and removed from office, then he should be tried for his crimes. Then when he is convicted, he can have the cell next to the underwear bomber and they can discuss how horrible they've been treated for the next twenty years.
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But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - I am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for (well, a type of manslaughter). Someone is dead not from natural causes, and someone is accountable.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

That's not the way it works. If you leave your gun laying around (negligence) and someone finds it and kills someome you are guilty of negligent homocide as an accomplice. If you intentionally give that gun to a criminal that you know is likely to use tht gun to kill someone, you are guilty of first degree murder as an accomplice.

Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter because there was no intent to kill anyone.
Thanks for clarifying. So, at least negligent homicide certainly does apply to Holder. :thup:
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which were the stupid comments...lemme know.


Oh wow.. Even more pathetic. LOL
But it was involuntary manslaughter.......

and two, you tried to take a quip at me by saying that he wishes I was on his jury - when - you have absolutely no insight as to wether or not I agreed with the verdict. That's what I mean - it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.....tbh
I saw you saying negligence and murder are not the same. While true - you are right, they are not the same - I am pointing out that a TYPE of murder (homicide) is negligent homicide. That's what Jackson's 'physician' went down for (well, a type of manslaughter). Someone is dead not from natural causes, and someone is accountable.

That's what corporation heads get charged with sometimes. The same applies to Holder, especially since his program engaged in illegal activities (the negligence) which led to the death (the homicide) of the federal agent. It doesn't get much more solid than that.

That's not the way it works. If you leave your gun laying around (negligence) and someone finds it and kills someome you are guilty of negligent homocide as an accomplice. If you intentionally give that gun to a criminal that you know is likely to use tht gun to kill someone, you are guilty of first degree murder as an accomplice.

Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter because there was no intent to kill anyone.

In what state?
Just playing devil's advocate for a second to see how you'd answer: Do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

But coming off of that, I don't disagree that Holder is way in the wrong. But I'm a sicko commie etc. etc. per ladygunslinger's hysterics. wusshagunnado though, ya know? :dunno:
People kill people. And, if I were to buy a gun for a known violent psycho, and he killed someone, I am sure I would be charged with some serious shit.

You're not a sicko commie at all. :)
i agree - people kill people.

anyhoo----have a good day!! contractions are around 8 mins now.....might be a 1st time daddy by day's end, gotta dip!!
Wow!!!!! Gonna start a thread.

Congrats, GT!!!!

Fingers are crossed that all goes well.
Hi, you have received -113 reputation points from G.T..
Reputation was given for this post.

which were the stupid comments...lemme know.


Oh wow.. Even more pathetic. LOL
Grrrrrrrr. I HATE neg whines!

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