Who is the bigger piece of shit? Herman Cain or Eric Holder?

Who is the bigger piece of shit?

  • Cain

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Holder

    Votes: 37 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I watched Herman last night on Hannity.. He's going to be suing the bejesus out of these women. NONE have any evidence.. ZERO.. Not one flirty text, hotel receipts, gifts, letters.. NOTHING.. Isn't that strange? A 13 year affair with NOTHING to show for it???

On the other hand we have ample evidence of just how sleazy Eric Holder is to the tune of being responsible for an American being dead.. he testified yesterday that more deaths were to come because of his incompetence. President Dumbo strikes again.

He even admitted to help Ginger White financially, your partisan brain is going to deny his words? I guess if your husband had a friendship with a woman for 13 years that you didn't know about you'd be ok with it.....
I would be.

That wouldn't surprise me, that you would do it. Anything new?
Before Swallow can come and regurgitate the rotten egg in his mouth.. here's the EVIDENCE from our own CIA that there were not only weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, but those very weapons sickened and have ultimately caused the deaths of thousands who served in the Persian Gulf war..

CIA failed to warn U.S. troops about Iraqi chemical dump - CNN
Sources Describe Tug of War In CIA on Poison Gas Secrets
Khamisiyah Investigation: Operation Bury The Truth | Scoop News
Mortality in US Army Gulf War Veterans Exposed to 1991 Khamisiyah Chemical Munitions Destruction
CIA Knew of Chemical Weapons in Iraq Bunker - Los Angeles Times
The question is silly. Nothing Herman Cain did caused the deaths of anyone. Eric Holder murdered at least one border patrol agent.
He even admitted to help Ginger White financially, your partisan brain is going to deny his words? I guess if your husband had a friendship with a woman for 13 years that you didn't know about you'd be ok with it.....
I would be.

That wouldn't surprise me, that you would do it. Anything new?
Why wouldn't it surprise you?

I don't equate helping out friends with money to mean they are making bumps in the bedsheets. I would have pathological issues with jealousy if I did.

I'm not the jealous type. Others, obviously are - seriously are.
I watched Herman last night on Hannity.. He's going to be suing the bejesus out of these women. NONE have any evidence.. ZERO.. Not one flirty text, hotel receipts, gifts, letters.. NOTHING.. Isn't that strange? A 13 year affair with NOTHING to show for it???

On the other hand we have ample evidence of just how sleazy Eric Holder is to the tune of being responsible for an American being dead.. he testified yesterday that more deaths were to come because of his incompetence. President Dumbo strikes again.


is he going to use sarah palin's lawyer or is he saving up for orly titz?

As usual you make a completely asinine comment that has NOTHING to do with your boy Holder being a literal piece of cow dung. E P I C F A I L That's a big L- for loser Dodo bird.


keep telling yourself that, sugartits :thup:
He even admitted to help Ginger White financially, your partisan brain is going to deny his words? I guess if your husband had a friendship with a woman for 13 years that you didn't know about you'd be ok with it.....

Here is the new MORONIC liberal standard of EVIDENCE of an affair- Giving someone money. Let's hear it for these assclowns known as liberals and their half cocked brains. Well now, let's go find out if President Dumbo has ever given any money to any woman.. which will mean by default he's had an affair.. your logic, STOOPID.

His wife didn't even know about Ginger White, do you think thats fucking standard procedure in a non adulterous "platonic" friendship? Or is that the Republican way?
Did Hillary know about Monica? Your dimwit hero is worse.
Here is the new MORONIC liberal standard of EVIDENCE of an affair- Giving someone money. Let's hear it for these assclowns known as liberals and their half cocked brains. Well now, let's go find out if President Dumbo has ever given any money to any woman.. which will mean by default he's had an affair.. your logic, STOOPID.

His wife didn't even know about Ginger White, do you think thats fucking standard procedure in a non adulterous "platonic" friendship? Or is that the Republican way?
Did Hillary know about Monica? Your dimwit hero is worse.

Hilly knew about them all.. she was too busy playing carpet munching 101 to care.
I have to think that Holder was snickering the entire time he was taking his oath.

Disgusting POS.
Before Swallow can come and regurgitate the rotten egg in his mouth.. here's the EVIDENCE from our own CIA that there were not only weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, but those very weapons sickened and have ultimately caused the deaths of thousands who served in the Persian Gulf war..

CIA failed to warn U.S. troops about Iraqi chemical dump - CNN
Sources Describe Tug of War In CIA on Poison Gas Secrets
Khamisiyah Investigation: Operation Bury The Truth | Scoop News
Mortality in US Army Gulf War Veterans Exposed to 1991 Khamisiyah Chemical Munitions Destruction
CIA Knew of Chemical Weapons in Iraq Bunker - Los Angeles Times
The truth scared swallow away. He is looking for more lies he can try.
Holder murdered no one.

Oh yes he did and he even testified yesterday that because of his FUCKING incompetence, more Americans WILL DIE. Smoke on that you dirtbag.

Negligence and Murder are two different terms though, don't be a hysteric.

I believe we prosecute ASSHOLES for the death of a person due to negligence such as in the cases of Death by vehicular homicide.. etc.. it all comes out the same in the wash.. an American is dead because of that creep Holder and more to come. You leftists can pat yourselves on the backs.. your Zombie worship of your dictators have allowed them to run around and do just about whatever the hell they want.. BUT NO LONGER.. A new day is here.. buckle up.
Before Swallow can come and regurgitate the rotten egg in his mouth.. here's the EVIDENCE from our own CIA that there were not only weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, but those very weapons sickened and have ultimately caused the deaths of thousands who served in the Persian Gulf war..

CIA failed to warn U.S. troops about Iraqi chemical dump - CNN
Sources Describe Tug of War In CIA on Poison Gas Secrets
Khamisiyah Investigation: Operation Bury The Truth | Scoop News
Mortality in US Army Gulf War Veterans Exposed to 1991 Khamisiyah Chemical Munitions Destruction
CIA Knew of Chemical Weapons in Iraq Bunker - Los Angeles Times
The truth scared swallow away. He is looking for more lies he can try.

I know.. pathetic. I've rarely known a liberal to tell the truth. Has anyone? Their ideology is nothing more than a house of cards.
Holder didn't accidentally put those guns in the hands of killers. He intentionally did it. That's not negligence.
Before Swallow can come and regurgitate the rotten egg in his mouth.. here's the EVIDENCE from our own CIA that there were not only weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, but those very weapons sickened and have ultimately caused the deaths of thousands who served in the Persian Gulf war..

CIA failed to warn U.S. troops about Iraqi chemical dump - CNN
Sources Describe Tug of War In CIA on Poison Gas Secrets
Khamisiyah Investigation: Operation Bury The Truth | Scoop News
Mortality in US Army Gulf War Veterans Exposed to 1991 Khamisiyah Chemical Munitions Destruction
CIA Knew of Chemical Weapons in Iraq Bunker - Los Angeles Times
The truth scared swallow away. He is looking for more lies he can try.

I know.. pathetic. I've rarely known a liberal to tell the truth. Has anyone? Their ideology is nothing more than a house of cards.
We could also include all of the foreign intel reports saying the same thing.

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