Who is the lesser of two evils, Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren?

I've see a ton of burnies when I lived in Russia... just an old communist party boss that thinks he deserves 2 cows while the comrade peasants deserve 1. But you know exactly what you get with that misguided fuckwit.

Much more dangerous is Screeching Cheeks due to her congenital lying. That's a soulless fuck that really doesn't deserve to breathe our American air. I'd much rather see that installed on the streets of Caracas (I've spent a lot of time there too). Thinking about that squaw feeding on carcasses and rat droppings and enjoying all the other benefits of marxism warms my heart. The perfect ending to that story.
What happened to America's crazy uncle? Biden is polling better than Sanders and Warren among the estimated thousand or so radical democrats who care about the election.

Biden is holding on to the old union folks who were trained to vote democrat, voted democrat all their lives, and know no other way to vote but democrat. Even though Biden and the democrats haven't done shit for the union workers in decades and Trump is bringing back union jobs and shaking loose good energy sector construction jobs. Many of the younger union guys (and minorities) like Trump, they see the improvement in jobs.
You Trump supporters are a special kind of stupid. Obama did not take us to war. Bush started this middle east conflict. Under Obama, Iran had been complying with the nuclear deal and Iran did not launch any rocket attacks on U.S. interests after the deal took effect. Trump will throw America under the bus to save his sorry life. He is a low life thug and criminal pervert, etc.
You Trump supporters are a special kind of stupid. Obama did not take us to war. Bush started this middle east conflict. Under Obama, Iran had been complying with the nuclear deal and Iran did not launch any rocket attacks on U.S. interests after the deal took effect. Trump will throw America under the bus to save his sorry life. He is a low life thug and criminal pervert, etc.

The United States continued to be at war for all 8 years of Obama's Presidency
Obama authorized launching airstrikes or conducting military raids in SEVEN different countries while in office.
While he decreased troop levels in warzones by 14K, he significantly expanded the use of drones and cyber warfare.

ex-President O'Nimrod was just another warhawk tool like the one that came before him and the one that's in the Oval Orifice now.

Partisan lemmings are all the same, against war as long as it's someone from the other tribe that's leading it.
You Trump supporters are a special kind of stupid. Obama did not take us to war. Bush started this middle east conflict. Under Obama, Iran had been complying with the nuclear deal and Iran did not launch any rocket attacks on U.S. interests after the deal took effect. Trump will throw America under the bus to save his sorry life. He is a low life thug and criminal pervert, etc.

Obama did much worse than take us to war, he gave the "head of the snake" about $150b in cash and sanctions relief to fund their terrorist network and develop their nukes and ICBMs. Not only that, Obama enabled ISIS to expand their Caliphate to its maximum size, Trump had to kill ISIS. Trump is trying to keep a lid on the ME AND defeat terrorism.
Here's Obama's record, ISIS all over the ME
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
Asking which one is more preferable, Sanders of Warren, is like asking which poison you would prefer taking, arsenic or strychnine.
All Democrats are pretty damn evil. To suggest that some are less evil than others is amusing.

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