Who is "The Liberal Media"??

For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black
That's racist...
you're stupid but we already knew that ...
I am way smarter than you....
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left lefty liberal ...so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...

Debate me, punkinpuss......discuss whatever you like as it pertains to leftardism. I will knock the ever lovin' cyber shit out of you. Tell me how the pseudo liberal/Fabian socialist party is not marxism....give me something to work with. I am no fan of the neocon but POS like your kind make me drool like one of Pavlov's dogs when the dinner bell rings......bring it,
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Unfortunately there are problem with your essay, bill718 .

First is the grammar and syntax.

"Media" is a plural word.

"Medium" is the singular form of the word.

So while newspapers are a medium of communications, all forms of news are media.

"Who ARE the liberal media?" -- that's really the correct question.

The liberal media ARE all media that ... -- from this point on you have problems of evidence, logic, data, and conclusions.

We all know already that Fox IS A MEDIUM that is very slanted to the far right. They even predicted that Romney won the last presidential election, that's how far right they are.

It is safe to say that all the other media ARE to the left -- more liberal in their views -- than is Fox.

So from this analysis ALL MEDIA ARE liberal compared with Fox, because Fox IS a conservative MEDIUM.


... as it pertains to leftardism. I will knock the ever lovin' cyber shit out of you. Tell me how the pseudo liberal/Fabian socialist party is not marxism....give me something to work with. I am no fan of the neocon but POS like your kind make me drool like one of Pavlov's dogs when the dinner bell rings......bring it,
Lef-tard-ism and Righ-turd-ism -- will you guys ever meet in the middle somewhere in the land of NON PARTISAN SHIP ???
... as it pertains to leftardism. I will knock the ever lovin' cyber shit out of you. Tell me how the pseudo liberal/Fabian socialist party is not marxism....give me something to work with. I am no fan of the neocon but POS like your kind make me drool like one of Pavlov's dogs when the dinner bell rings......bring it,
Lef-tard-ism and Righ-turd-ism -- will you guys ever meet in the middle somewhere in the land of NON PARTISAN SHIP ???
You mean where you fantasize you are? On the fence with a fence post up your ass, blowing in the wind?
Tommy, I know more than you...infinitely more...and you know why that is? Because I have made it my BUSINESS to know the things I do. I bet you think that 9/11/01 went down just like it was reported...even when the BBC reported that Building 7 collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did with the BBC reporter standing behind it. Debate me or STFU and learn something....it would be a totally new experience for ya. I respect your opinion but how about giving me the benefit of the doubt? I don't post for anything other than to try and get people to wake up. I am SOOO past personal vendettas or posting for personal gratification. I got props for posting on behalf of the Bush crime family and all I did was show my ass and stupidity for a decade. One thing about me is that I do not like being played for a chump which is why I have dedicated myself and have worked my ass off seeking the truth. I am trying to give people the benefit of things that I have researched and vetted due to the heavy lifting of others that care about us "common folk".
Wow !!

This sounds like The Donald himself.

I know we are not supposed to guess who is who here and/or out them, but this really sounds like Trump.
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black

It is a really sad case the conserve-hate-ives have to try to make on this topic. For the most part, education is nonpartisan. Science is what it is. You eat a lot of fats, carbohydrates, and do not exercise, you gain weight. You do not displace enough water, you sink. History (at it’s base) is nonpartisan. Civilizations follow water. Civilizations thrive where they can grow food. Indigenous persons/groups/organizations are always exploited by those with greater abilities. Sports is the ultimate meritocracy.

Where it is left to interpretation (or supposedly left), Cons have staked out positions that defy the most rudimentary tests of logic. Some of them will tell you the earth is 6,000 y/o even though we have fossils dating back millions of years. They stand on the opposite side of stem cell research as if the discoveries will somehow upset the Gods. Opposing contraceptives for the indigent means that more kids will grow up in poverty which is a very short walk to more crime.

Its about as close to a syndrome as one can get.
... as it pertains to leftardism. I will knock the ever lovin' cyber shit out of you. Tell me how the pseudo liberal/Fabian socialist party is not marxism....give me something to work with. I am no fan of the neocon but POS like your kind make me drool like one of Pavlov's dogs when the dinner bell rings......bring it,
Lef-tard-ism and Righ-turd-ism -- will you guys ever meet in the middle somewhere in the land of NON PARTISAN SHIP ???
That ship has sailed.
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Unfortunately there are problem with your essay, bill718 .

First is the grammar and syntax.

"Media" is a plural word.

"Medium" is the singular form of the word.

So while newspapers are a medium of communications, all forms of news are media.

"Who ARE the liberal media?" -- that's really the correct question.

The liberal media ARE all media that ... -- from this point on you have problems of evidence, logic, data, and conclusions.

We all know already that Fox IS A MEDIUM that is very slanted to the far right. They even predicted that Romney won the last presidential election, that's how far right they are.

It is safe to say that all the other media ARE to the left -- more liberal in their views -- than is Fox.

So from this analysis ALL MEDIA ARE liberal compared with Fox, because Fox IS a conservative MEDIUM.



FOX, CNN, MSNBC,, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, etc....all owned by six conglomerates whose heads clink their champagne glasses together at private meetings. Stupid little fucks like you believe that YOUR side is the purveyor of truth......holy shit....(smh). When I read stupid shit like what you posted simply makes me wish that a global killing asteroid was hurtling towards this earth at break neck speed because it becomes obvious tom me that this earth needs to shake off humanity like a pesky little parasitic entity....congrats.
If Donald Trump is monitoring this thread then YOU'RE GONNA FLAME OUT SUCKA !!!

Your mouth wrote so many bad checks that now your body can't pay them all back.


All that money you spent hijacking the GOP -- YO' MONEY IS GONE NOW SUCKA !!!

You're just another arrogant Steve Forbes or Ross Perot -- a big dummy with a lot of cash but no real brains nor morals.

FOX, CNN, MSNBC,, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, etc....all owned by six conglomerates whose heads clink their champagne glasses together at private meetings. Stupid little fucks like you believe that YOUR side is the purveyor of truth......holy shit....(smh). When I read stupid shit like what you posted simply makes me wish that a global killing asteroid was hurtling towards this earth at break neck speed because it becomes obvious tom me that this earth needs to shake off humanity like a pesky little parasitic entity....congrats.
Yah yah yah Donald ... I know ... you're the only smart one here ... I know ... sure.

For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black

It is a really sad case the conserve-hate-ives have to try to make on this topic. For the most part, education is nonpartisan. Science is what it is. You eat a lot of fats, carbohydrates, and do not exercise, you gain weight. You do not displace enough water, you sink. History (at it’s base) is nonpartisan. Civilizations follow water. Civilizations thrive where they can grow food. Indigenous persons/groups/organizations are always exploited by those with greater abilities. Sports is the ultimate meritocracy.

Where it is left to interpretation (or supposedly left), Cons have staked out positions that defy the most rudimentary tests of logic. Some of them will tell you the earth is 6,000 y/o even though we have fossils dating back millions of years. They stand on the opposite side of stem cell research as if the discoveries will somehow upset the Gods. Opposing contraceptives for the indigent means that more kids will grow up in poverty which is a very short walk to more crime.

Its about as close to a syndrome as one can get.

Once again, you lose.......education is non-partisan? Prove it...because I can prove that it is AND prove the ones that funded it......put up or shut-up. I look forward to giving you a cyber-kick in the ass. Ready....set....GO! (snicker)
So, bill718 , now the salient question is WHY DO ALL of the media hate Trump?

Because he is a flaming azzhole.

He is out of his fokking mind.

That's why.

It is rare that the left and the right ever agree on anything, but now they all agree that Hillary is clearly the best choice in spite of her own foibles.

Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid
FOX, CNN, MSNBC,, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, etc....all owned by six conglomerates whose heads clink their champagne glasses together at private meetings. Stupid little fucks like you believe that YOUR side is the purveyor of truth......holy shit....(smh). When I read stupid shit like what you posted simply makes me wish that a global killing asteroid was hurtling towards this earth at break neck speed because it becomes obvious tom me that this earth needs to shake off humanity like a pesky little parasitic entity....congrats.
Yah yah yah Donald ... I know ... you're the only smart one here ... I know ... sure.


I am certainly more informed than you are...which is why you never try and debate me. You cast lame aspersions by swinging your little cyber purse because you know that you would bail like all the others if you had to actually debate and prove a point. I can prove mine and I can do it all fucking day.......you? Not so much.
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you talk about this debt as if you have some sort of Idea how we arrived at it ... so with all your brilliance tell us what bills did obama pass into law that caused this country that 22 trillion dollars of debt .././when ever the republicans have said we have cut more taxes under Obama then any president to date ... like I said ... tell us where all this debt came from serious I like to know ....
There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you talk about this debt as if you have some sort of Idea how we arrived at it ... so with all your brilliance tell us what bills did obama pass into law that caused this country that 22 trillion dollars of debt .././when ever the republicans have said we have cut more taxes under Obama then any president to date ... like I said ... tell us where all this debt came from serious I like to know ....
Your stupid is funny....:lol:
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It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left l;lefty liberal so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
We know where you stand too...
good to know ... I didn't want you to misunderstand what I believe and what I stand for and its not greedy leaders like you stand for
Greedy? Like a quarter million for a 20 minute speech to the banksters?
you mean like the 100 billion of dollars the Koch brothers gave to the republicans ... it amazes me when a person charges 250,000 dollare for them to perform form them its ok ... but to give a speech, the kind of money every politician gets when they are giving a speech, now its a bad thing in your opinion ...hows that a bad thing ??? the people listening could have said no that's too costly and sent them packing ...but they wanted to hear what they had to say ...you get to charge what you want ... after all last I checked this is a capitalist country, Right ??? so how is that a bad thing that people are willing to pay you to give them a speech ... and you seem to think that's greedy for a person making a living??? do you really want to go there ???
There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid

I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....

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