Who is "The Liberal Media"??

It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid

I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....
actually i don't buy stocks or bonds . I do what is called covered calls ... what my money manager does he buy a call where it held for 3 to 4 months then the call is up ... either I sell it because it went through the roof ... or keep it and watch it slowly go up ... it has kept me in money for many, mamy many years .. i have my manager give me 2500 dollars a month it goes right to my checking along with social security ... so I could care less where the market goes ...I'm never in a call more then 3 months but thanks for your concern

When the banks collapse, all that funny money collapses with it....good luck trying to pull any fiat currency out of the ATM., Due to fractional banking, 97 percent of all "funny money" is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. Even as we speak, ATMs are struggling to keep up with the demand for real paper. If you attempt to pull out too much in any given time, the DHS/gestapo places you on notice.....learn, grow, evolve.
The typical rightwinger considers any media to the left of Rush Limbaugh to be liberal.
The typical leftwinger uses strawman arguments whenever possible.

Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you talk about this debt as if you have some sort of Idea how we arrived at it ... so with all your brilliance tell us what bills did obama pass into law that caused this country that 22 trillion dollars of debt .././when ever the republicans have said we have cut more taxes under Obama then any president to date ... like I said ... tell us where all this debt came from serious I like to know ....
Your stupid is funny....:lol:
answer you have no Idea where the debt came from ... we get it ... you can't fix stupid
No child...I am laughing at your complete and total ignorance....congratulations for achieving such a lofty democrat goal in life....:lol:
still waiting for your brilliance that you claim you have and yet you can't tell us where the 22 trillion dollar debt came from... here's 2 bills that caused part of it ... the 1999 banking bill written by Phil graham in the house and passed the house and senate then sign by bill Clinton ...that was the beginning ... then the worst bill passed by the republicans the one in 2003 that passed by all the republicans and some democrats for it it was called "the american dream downpayment" that cause the housing market to crash and the banking market to fail ... then the passing of over the counter derivatives ... another Bill that phil Graham pushed to the republicans as a house member and as a lobbyist ... but you have no Idea what I talking about here do you ... that cerebral cortex of yours is just over whelmed with all your lernin'
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid

I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....
actually i don't buy stocks or bonds . I do what is called covered calls ... what my money manager does he buy a call where it held for 3 to 4 months then the call is up ... either I sell it because it went through the roof ... or keep it and watch it slowly go up ... it has kept me in money for many, mamy many years .. i have my manager give me 2500 dollars a month it goes right to my checking along with social security ... so I could care less where the market goes ...I'm never in a call more then 3 months but thanks for your concern

When the banks collapse, all that funny money collapses with it....good luck trying to pull any fiat currency out of the ATM., Due to fractional banking, 97 percent of all "funny money" is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. Even as we speak, ATMs are struggling to keep up with the demand for real paper. If you attempt to pull out too much in any given time, the DHS/gestapo places you on notice.....learn, grow, evolve.
first of all I've no clue what you're talking about ... I don't use a atm at all ... I couldn't tell you my atm number .. its obvious you don't know what a cover call is or how they work ...
The typical leftwinger uses strawman arguments whenever possible.

Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
thats Iceweene love to embarrass him self every chance he gets
The typical leftwinger uses strawman arguments whenever possible.

Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
You can't even understand your own posts, let alone others!
The typical leftwinger uses strawman arguments whenever possible.

Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
This is a really good question.

I am not sure I can get up to 5 though.

BBC and PBS and NPR for sure.

That's probably it.

Everyone else has historically chosen sides.

Right now they have all chosen to be on the side against Donald Duck Trump.
No, they are not unbiased. At all.
thats because you believe in the liberal press is the cause of the republican parties failure ... tell us how many times did you hear hillary call these people and rag about what they just said ... that would be none... how many times did you hear any republican other then trump call in to any media and rag about what was said about them ... that would be none ... seems like always you don't know what you're talking about
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid

I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....
actually i don't buy stocks or bonds . I do what is called covered calls ... what my money manager does he buy a call where it held for 3 to 4 months then the call is up ... either I sell it because it went through the roof ... or keep it and watch it slowly go up ... it has kept me in money for many, mamy many years .. i have my manager give me 2500 dollars a month it goes right to my checking along with social security ... so I could care less where the market goes ...I'm never in a call more then 3 months but thanks for your concern

When the banks collapse, all that funny money collapses with it....good luck trying to pull any fiat currency out of the ATM., Due to fractional banking, 97 percent of all "funny money" is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. Even as we speak, ATMs are struggling to keep up with the demand for real paper. If you attempt to pull out too much in any given time, the DHS/gestapo places you on notice.....learn, grow, evolve.
first of all I've no clue what you're talking about ... I don't use a atm at all ... I couldn't tell you my atm number .. its obvious you don't know what a cover call is or how they work ...

So your "wealth " is in a hard currency like gold or silver? Because anything other than that isn't going to do shit for you.....but you can learn that the hard way....no sweat off of my ass. I bought lots of silver when it was really low. Let me know how that paper works out for ya when the feces hits the oscillating blades.
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

Ninety percent of our lamestream media is owned by 6 major corporations and the heads of those six conglomerates have seats on the Council On Foreign Relations and the owners are members of the "Committee Of 300". Why does our media have such a liberal slant? Because the goal of the global elites is to erase the boundaries of all countries, demonize those that support the organic constitution. The sheeple say "why would the uber rich want a totalitarian, technocratic communist like system since it would cut into their profit margins?" Easy, if you already own the wealth and sitting atop of the pyramid, communism works really good because you have only two classes...the elites and the serfs that they control with no pesky middle class to threaten the power structure. Communism in China, the USSR and parts of Asia were funded by the banking oligarchs and that is a fact that has indisputable proof. Hope this helps......I always look forward to any chance I get to enlighten the clueless.
What you describe is more akin to feudalism than communism and is antithetical to liberalism.
There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left lefty liberal ...so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
Far left lefty liberal is a progressive you loon. You're not even close to what a true liberal is

sorry sweetie they are 2 different things
favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, asopposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially inpolitical matters:
a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocatingmore enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.:
a progressive community.
characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to any of the Progressive parties inpolitics.
going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of aseries to the next; proceeding step by step.
noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increaseswith certain increases in taxable income.
of or relating to progressive education :

  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
    seems ya lost that one huh
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left lefty liberal ...so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
Far left lefty liberal is a progressive you loon. You're not even close to what a true liberal is

sorry sweetie they are 2 different things
favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, asopposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially inpolitical matters:
a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocatingmore enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.:
a progressive community.
characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to any of the Progressive parties inpolitics.
going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of aseries to the next; proceeding step by step.
noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increaseswith certain increases in taxable income.
of or relating to progressive education :

  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
    seems ya lost that one huh

You're making my point old man and save your condescending bulllshit for someone else.
Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
thats Iceweene love to embarrass him self every chance he gets
I love how he owns you like the cheap rented democrat mule you are...:lol:
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left lefty liberal ...so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
Far left lefty liberal is a progressive you loon. You're not even close to what a true liberal is

sorry sweetie they are 2 different things
favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, asopposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially inpolitical matters:
a progressive mayor.
making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocatingmore enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.:
a progressive community.
characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to any of the Progressive parties inpolitics.
going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of aseries to the next; proceeding step by step.
noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increaseswith certain increases in taxable income.
of or relating to progressive education :

  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
  1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging · broad-based · general
  3. (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact:
    "they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation"
    synonyms: flexible · broad · loose · rough · free · general · nonliteral ·
    abundant · copious · ample · plentiful · generous ·
    seems ya lost that one huh

Nothing that you wish to accomplish can be done using a central bank that extends credit from nothing.....even an idiot like you should have that figured out......or did they not teach you that in "leftard school"??? Tis a pity.....
you mean like fox news does ???? that kind of press !!!! lest see who makes the unemployment numbers ??? oh thats right a non-biased government agency called the Bureau of Labor Statistics... come on ownership at a low ??? now thats real funny ... in my state, run by us Dems/liberals can't build homes fast enough ... hell the stock market is up higher then its ever been, I personally am making money hand over fist in the market and you're trying to tell us how bad it is ... now thats funny
the problem that I have is how can you be so ignorant when it comes to how the government works ... it is you who lives it the world of stupid

I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....
actually i don't buy stocks or bonds . I do what is called covered calls ... what my money manager does he buy a call where it held for 3 to 4 months then the call is up ... either I sell it because it went through the roof ... or keep it and watch it slowly go up ... it has kept me in money for many, mamy many years .. i have my manager give me 2500 dollars a month it goes right to my checking along with social security ... so I could care less where the market goes ...I'm never in a call more then 3 months but thanks for your concern

When the banks collapse, all that funny money collapses with it....good luck trying to pull any fiat currency out of the ATM., Due to fractional banking, 97 percent of all "funny money" is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. Even as we speak, ATMs are struggling to keep up with the demand for real paper. If you attempt to pull out too much in any given time, the DHS/gestapo places you on notice.....learn, grow, evolve.
first of all I've no clue what you're talking about ... I don't use a atm at all ... I couldn't tell you my atm number .. its obvious you don't know what a cover call is or how they work ...

So your "wealth " is in a hard currency like gold or silver? Because anything other than that isn't going to do shit for you.....but you can learn that the hard way....no sweat off of my ass. I bought lots of silver when it was really low. Let me know how that paper works out for ya when the feces hits the oscillating blades.
no thats not what I'm saying .. yesI have money ... but I used it wisely ... my house was paid for years ago ... I'm now paying taxes on a half million dollar home .. but again thats not what I paid for it ... thats it value right now ... I own several classic cars ... right now I rebuilding a 57 chevy in may garage its all because of my money manager not because Of anything I did ... everything I own is payed for ...when I need a certain amount of money I call my money mgr. and tell him how much he does his magic. up to a year it might take but thats what I do get the money first then spend it ... isn't that the we liberals do ??? we tax then spend it... I haven't work a job for the past 35 to 40 years because of my money MGR. brilliance not mine..
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

Ninety percent of our lamestream media is owned by 6 major corporations and the heads of those six conglomerates have seats on the Council On Foreign Relations and the owners are members of the "Committee Of 300". Why does our media have such a liberal slant? Because the goal of the global elites is to erase the boundaries of all countries, demonize those that support the organic constitution. The sheeple say "why would the uber rich want a totalitarian, technocratic communist like system since it would cut into their profit margins?" Easy, if you already own the wealth and sitting atop of the pyramid, communism works really good because you have only two classes...the elites and the serfs that they control with no pesky middle class to threaten the power structure. Communism in China, the USSR and parts of Asia were funded by the banking oligarchs and that is a fact that has indisputable proof. Hope this helps......I always look forward to any chance I get to enlighten the clueless.
What you describe is more akin to feudalism than communism and is antithetical to liberalism.

Indeed...and that is what the Bush and Clinton crime families wish to accomplish.....congrats...you are partly "awake"...
Prove me wrong.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
You can't even understand your own posts, let alone others!

Substanceless lame attempts at insult are your specialty. We get it.
LOL, read your post, dumbshit.

Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
You can't even understand your own posts, let alone others!

Substanceless lame attempts at insult are your specialty. We get it.
You don't get anything. You started out trying to make it about Rush then didn't understand it was a strawman argument then thought I said some outlets are unbiased when I said the exact opposite.

You are incredibly stupid and dishonest, we get it.
I hope that you have that alleged wealth in something more than worthless paper because we are going to go through a crash that will make 2008 seem like a mother's kiss by comparison. Let me know how much food that worthless paper buys you. USA.INC is up to it's neck in shit with a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value. You strike me as one of the idiots that refused to get into one of those yucky life boats on the Titanic after it was taking on water because the lights stayed on and the band played on.......of course as you sit on the curb when the electricity is off and you have no food? You will sit on the curb with your little head in your hands hoping that your beloved corporate "gubermint" is going to come to your rescue.....(snicker). Good luck with all that.....
actually i don't buy stocks or bonds . I do what is called covered calls ... what my money manager does he buy a call where it held for 3 to 4 months then the call is up ... either I sell it because it went through the roof ... or keep it and watch it slowly go up ... it has kept me in money for many, mamy many years .. i have my manager give me 2500 dollars a month it goes right to my checking along with social security ... so I could care less where the market goes ...I'm never in a call more then 3 months but thanks for your concern

When the banks collapse, all that funny money collapses with it....good luck trying to pull any fiat currency out of the ATM., Due to fractional banking, 97 percent of all "funny money" is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. Even as we speak, ATMs are struggling to keep up with the demand for real paper. If you attempt to pull out too much in any given time, the DHS/gestapo places you on notice.....learn, grow, evolve.
first of all I've no clue what you're talking about ... I don't use a atm at all ... I couldn't tell you my atm number .. its obvious you don't know what a cover call is or how they work ...

So your "wealth " is in a hard currency like gold or silver? Because anything other than that isn't going to do shit for you.....but you can learn that the hard way....no sweat off of my ass. I bought lots of silver when it was really low. Let me know how that paper works out for ya when the feces hits the oscillating blades.
no thats not what I'm saying .. yesI have money ... but I used it wisely ... my house was paid for years ago I'm now paying taxes on a half million dollar home but again thats not what I [paid fore it thats it value right now I own sever classic cars ... right now I rebuilding a 57 chevy in may garage because of my money manager not because Of anything I did ... everything I own is payed for ...when I need a certain amount of money I call my money mgr. and tell him how much he does his magic. up to a year it might take but thats what I do get the money first then so=pend it isn't that the we liberals do we tax then spend lets just say here I have work a job for the past 35 to 40 years because of my money MGR. brilliance not mine..

Your home isn't even yours......you have no allodial rights as that was lost with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Look at the title...it doesn't say "Owner"...it says "Tenet".....
Name 5 media outlets you consider objective.
Zero of them are. Why not read the posts before you respond to them?

You said I made a strawman argument. Now you admit you can't name any unbiased news outlets.
You can't even understand your own posts, let alone others!

Substanceless lame attempts at insult are your specialty. We get it.
You don't get anything. You started out trying to make it about Rush then didn't understand it was a strawman argument then thought I said some outlets are unbiased when I said the exact opposite.

You are incredibly stupid and dishonest, we get it.

So you think no media is objective. So why don't you complain about the media that is biased to the Right?

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