Who is "The Liberal Media"??

Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
The absurdity is that Americans haven't a clue who controls them. It's the liberals :laugh2:
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Where have I said that ?
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Where have I said that ?

Apparently one of the voices in his head is a talented Tommy impersonator.
The current MSM goes beyond yellow journalism. They are activity making up lies and actively suppressing truth. Probably the only non-MSM program is Hannity. Is the MSM "liberal?" Not really sure what "liberal" means. But Butthurt Barry and Crooked Hillary are NOT "liberal" if we define that as supporting truth and individual liberty, and those two corrupt, democrat douchebag politicians are unfit for any government job yet are fully supported by the MSM.
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Where have I said that ?
BBC is not media?
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Where have I said that ?
BBC is not media?
Its not print media. Read what I said, not what you want me to say.
The BBC is the nearest we have to unbiased. They tend to upset all sides which tells me they tend to be in the right place overall. In my dealings with them I found them conservative with a small "C" but far more thorough than other organisations. They wanted to understand what you were saying and seemed to have more time to get it right than the press.
Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Now Tommy claims the BBC is a private neutral organization.
Where have I said that ?
BBC is not media?
Its not print media. Read what I said, not what you want me to say.
The BBC is the nearest we have to unbiased. They tend to upset all sides which tells me they tend to be in the right place overall. In my dealings with them I found them conservative with a small "C" but far more thorough than other organisations. They wanted to understand what you were saying and seemed to have more time to get it right than the press.

Yanno.................I really like the BBC. I like what they post on the 'net and I also like what they broadcast on PBS late at night.

I also like to balance those news items with what I hear on MSNBC, as well as what I hear on Yahoo.

Ya gotta check out all the sources, because some of them might lie to you.

It's why I stopped listening to CNN and FOX.
Are American right wingers prevented from setting up their own media outlets ?

Excellent point. I've tried that one on them myself. Usually the response is either stunned silence or an irrelevant rant.
Don't miss their real objective here. They want unilateral withdrawal by the so-called liberal media so their own rightwing propaganda machine, led by Foxnews,

can operate unmolested and uncontested.
It seems absurd , in the land of free speech, that "commies" control your media.
It is just the opposite in the UK. Most of the print media is owned by tax avoiding right wing trash like Murdoch.
Um....Murdoch is a LWNJ.....
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

So would you put your money where your mouth is?

Explain to me how the When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS did the following:
Bias with their pocketbook...
In 2008 there were 1,160 or 85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Bias with the news stories
This study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press. The study, published in the authoritative journal Big Data Society, also tested the campaign themes the media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican Romney.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans. Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors,
Their conclusion: "The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

What most Americans believe
"These are discouraging results for those of us who have spent our careers in journalism"
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased

News personalities pronounced bias
Minutes later on ABC, anchor George Stephanopoulos gushed over First Lady Michelle Obama: “Polished, passionate and personal,”
while on MSNBC, Joy Reid called the First Lady’s speech “magnificent, exquisite...[and] splendid.
Hardball host Chris Matthews loved all of it: “I just thought the whole night was a slugger’s row of wonderful sentiments.”
As the week wore on, none of the major Democrats earned a bad review.
On Tuesday night, CBS’s Gayle King found Bill Clinton’s speech on behalf of Hillary “heartwarming.”
The next night, correspondents for NBC, CBS and ABC praised vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine for his “suburban dad” personality, whose “extraordinary” Spanish-speaking skills made for “a Spanish lesson down here.”
And, of course, President Obama sent thrills up journalists’ legs. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a President, save Lincoln, who is as great a speechwriter as this man,”
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell oozed. “It was magnificent,” MSNBC’s Matthews tingled, “a wonderful farewell address.
Condemning Republicans, Cheering Democrats: The Media’s Biased 2016 Convention Coverage

Remember folks... these are suppose to be the objective, hard nosed, bash the president, news people that here is a quote from Evan Thomas that exemplifies this extreme bias:
The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush. He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??
But when it came to Obama? This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist"- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

Finally an ADMISSION by the BIASED MSM!
By Ellen Ratner 7/24/2016 on LIBERAL & PROUD
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner shares eye-opening observation about RNC coverage
"Everyone knows I am a liberal. That is why this column is called “Liberal & Proud.”
Even though I am a liberal, I don’t like it when the news media go out on a limb and try to influence the news rather than just report it.
There are several examples just this week alone, and all have been examples of media bias.
There is always competition to get a story, which can lead to media bias in place of good, old-fashioned reporting.
Even this liberal sees media bias at GOP convention
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

Liberal media my ass.

Donald Trump Keeps Saying Things That Would Destroy Any Other Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post

Much of the coverage from the evening centered on the way in which it was moderated ― heavy, as it appeared to be, on the grilling of Clinton’s adherence to email protocol and light on the fact-checking of Trump.
The only reason that they demonize the media is because of what they are doing.

If you make those who report what you are doing as bad, you can claim to be in the right.

Yeah....................demonize the media, they are the ones telling the truth.

"Operation Mockingbird"..........look into it.
Trump once more lied about his position on the Iraq War, claiming that he opposed the invasion when he clearly supported it at the time. Obfuscation and dissembling are fairly common for a politician. But outright mistruths like these usually carry a price. This time, however, Trump didn’t face so much as a gentle fact-check or follow-up question from Lauer.
The only reason that they demonize the media is because of what they are doing.

If you make those who report what you are doing as bad, you can claim to be in the right.

Yeah....................demonize the media, they are the ones telling the truth.

"Operation Mockingbird"..........look into it.
Trump once more lied about his position on the Iraq War, claiming that he opposed the invasion when he clearly supported it at the time. Obfuscation and dissembling are fairly common for a politician. But outright mistruths like these usually carry a price. This time, however, Trump didn’t face so much as a gentle fact-check or follow-up question from Lauer.
he's a liar ... they can't accept that trump is a liar, its that simple ... they have been train by their handles to not accept anything hillary ... so they intern accept trumps lying ... when Hillary talked about colin Powell telling her how to handle her emails she did it they way he told her to get a private server ... in the press he said he never talked to her ... come to find out Elijah Cummings has found email after email from Colin Powell telling her how to handle her emails just like she told us he did ... seems she didn't Lie

Powell email advising Clinton on personal email released
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

So would you put your money where your mouth is?

Explain to me how the When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS did the following:
Bias with their pocketbook...
In 2008 there were 1,160 or 85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Bias with the news stories
This study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press. The study, published in the authoritative journal Big Data Society, also tested the campaign themes the media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican Romney.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans. Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors,
Their conclusion: "The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

What most Americans believe
"These are discouraging results for those of us who have spent our careers in journalism"
Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased

News personalities pronounced bias
Minutes later on ABC, anchor George Stephanopoulos gushed over First Lady Michelle Obama: “Polished, passionate and personal,”
while on MSNBC, Joy Reid called the First Lady’s speech “magnificent, exquisite...[and] splendid.
Hardball host Chris Matthews loved all of it: “I just thought the whole night was a slugger’s row of wonderful sentiments.”
As the week wore on, none of the major Democrats earned a bad review.
On Tuesday night, CBS’s Gayle King found Bill Clinton’s speech on behalf of Hillary “heartwarming.”
The next night, correspondents for NBC, CBS and ABC praised vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine for his “suburban dad” personality, whose “extraordinary” Spanish-speaking skills made for “a Spanish lesson down here.”
And, of course, President Obama sent thrills up journalists’ legs. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a President, save Lincoln, who is as great a speechwriter as this man,”
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell oozed. “It was magnificent,” MSNBC’s Matthews tingled, “a wonderful farewell address.
Condemning Republicans, Cheering Democrats: The Media’s Biased 2016 Convention Coverage

Remember folks... these are suppose to be the objective, hard nosed, bash the president, news people that here is a quote from Evan Thomas that exemplifies this extreme bias:
The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush. He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??
But when it came to Obama? This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist"- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

Finally an ADMISSION by the BIASED MSM!
By Ellen Ratner 7/24/2016 on LIBERAL & PROUD
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner shares eye-opening observation about RNC coverage
"Everyone knows I am a liberal. That is why this column is called “Liberal & Proud.”
Even though I am a liberal, I don’t like it when the news media go out on a limb and try to influence the news rather than just report it.
There are several examples just this week alone, and all have been examples of media bias.
There is always competition to get a story, which can lead to media bias in place of good, old-fashioned reporting.
Even this liberal sees media bias at GOP convention
when you use a source like daily caller, Whilrynut daily, newsman,and so on and so on as your source of information I would expect a one side post just like this one is ... these news companies CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS are known for correcting any untruth that is discovered by anyone the research it and it it is wrong they correct sort .... I have never heard Bretbart, newsman, whirlynutdaily, or the daily caller ever correct and untruth that they made .. they will stand by their lie to the end ....your source here is nothing more the right wing propaganda
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