Who is "The Liberal Media"??

For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become because education has a way of uncovering nuances that help you understand and not paint with a broad brush. A lot of conservatives have laid their marker down on education being the enemy of “simple solutions”. And sometimes a simple solution is better. However, more often than not, the world is made up of shades of gray.

The ban on Muslims is the best example. A stunningly low percentage of Muslims are radicalized. Yet Trump’s ban would be (or at least was at one point), total. We all know that he has a way of changing things without telling us.

The question is whether they are biased. The answer is that in some cases yes and in some cases no.
The only reason that they demonize the media is because of what they are doing.

If you make those who report what you are doing as bad, you can claim to be in the right.

Yeah....................demonize the media, they are the ones telling the truth.

"Operation Mockingbird"..........look into it.

Yeah good point, there was a book written about 'To Kill A Mockingbird' a while back. Look into that. Boo will likely interest you.
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
The only reason that they demonize the media is because of what they are doing.

If you make those who report what you are doing as bad, you can claim to be in the right.

Yeah....................demonize the media, they are the ones telling the truth.

"Operation Mockingbird"..........look into it.

Yeah good point, there was a book written about 'To Kill A Mockingbird' a while back. Look into that. Boo will likely interest you.

Learn, grow...evolve........

For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
this is a real easy answer who is the liberal media ... its media thats exposes their mistakes ... their greediness ....their being totally for corporation to pay as little taxes as the can so they that they can get campaign money ... their racist remarks exposing them to their state or the country ... anything like that in the press well its the liberal press now cause it made them look,bad ...
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become because education has a way of uncovering nuances that help you understand and not paint with a broad brush. A lot of conservatives have laid their marker down on education being the enemy of “simple solutions”. And sometimes a simple solution is better. However, more often than not, the world is made up of shades of gray.

The ban on Muslims is the best example. A stunningly low percentage of Muslims are radicalized. Yet Trump’s ban would be (or at least was at one point), total. We all know that he has a way of changing things without telling us.

The question is whether they are biased. The answer is that in some cases yes and in some cases no.
Education is not synonymous with intelligence. There are some highly educated people that don't understand how the world really works. Black and white does exist and sometimes must be confronted. Many living in the shades of gray only see gray.

Take your example, a small percentage of Muslims are radicalized,true, however it only takes one to cause untold damage. How many must die before we stop being politically sensitive? A temporary ban on those coming from hot spots sounds like a good idea until we can find a good way to screen them. There is no law that says we must allow anyone to immigrate.
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left lefty liberal ...so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left l;lefty liberal so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
We know where you stand too...
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black
That's racist...
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become because education has a way of uncovering nuances that help you understand and not paint with a broad brush. A lot of conservatives have laid their marker down on education being the enemy of “simple solutions”. And sometimes a simple solution is better. However, more often than not, the world is made up of shades of gray.

The ban on Muslims is the best example. A stunningly low percentage of Muslims are radicalized. Yet Trump’s ban would be (or at least was at one point), total. We all know that he has a way of changing things without telling us.

The question is whether they are biased. The answer is that in some cases yes and in some cases no.

Indoctrination doesn't equal "educated". Garbage in will always equal "garbage out". We are having this fake and phony war on terrorism but yet stupid fucks like you believe that we should just welcome every single muslim refugee over here without proper vetting. If I was a muslim and I had my country blown to shit by USA.INC and I lost family and friends and THEN I was given a free pass to come over and lay down some justice and revenge? Fuck yeah.....let me at them". There are times that I wonder if the leftard clown posse has even a modicum of common sense. Seriously, stupid fucks like you that ride the "intellectual short bus" worry me greatly.
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There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left l;lefty liberal so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
We know where you stand too...
good to know ... I didn't want you to misunderstand what I believe and what I stand for and its not greedy leaders like you stand for
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!

I don’t think the liberal media is a fallacy. The truth is that when you’re more educated, the more politically liberal you become .

It isn't education it's indoctrination and you are a perfect example of it
look at you calling the kettle black
That's racist...
you're stupid but we already knew that ...:rofl:
For 20+ years I've been listening to Republicans cry like little girls about "The Liberal Media" After looking into this for awhile, I finally found out just "The Liberal Media" is: The Liberal Media is any media outlet that tells Republicans something they don't want to hear. Cases In Point:

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about the situation in Benghazi, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Mrs. Trump plagiarizing Mrs. Obama's speech they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS covered countless hours of Hillary Clinton being grilled about her emails , Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught Donald Trump showing his ignorance about the Russia -Ukraine situation they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS grilled Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as well as the hours of impeachment proceedings Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught G.W. Bush or his people lying about those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they became "The Liberal Media"

* When CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, and CBS spent countless hours questioning John Kerry about his military service, Republicans seemed fine with this, but when these same media outlets caught The Reagan administration illegally funneling money in the Iran-Contra mess they became "The Liberal Media"

...and the list goes on. Republicans have complained about "Liberal Bias" for so long, it's now been accepted as fact. The reality is media outlets are after stories that boost their ratings, and don't care who they exploit to do so. Republicans...you can keep crying about "The Liberal Media" if you want, but it just ain't so!
Journalists are educated people. So of course the majority of them are liberal.

There are very few real "liberals" any more...what has taken it's place are Fabian socialists that are nothing but useful idiots working on behalf of the very elites that they claim to be so against. There isn't a single pseudo liberal journalist that could go "toe to toe" with me in a debate and it's not like I haven't tried.... either by commenting on one of their stupid articles or on twitter...they bail like the chickenshit cowards that they are with no convictions behind the pile of dung they put out there for the masses to consume..... but others see how I challenged him/her and I get the kudos due me from others that see through their bullshit. I know that they seethe with anger because they "block" me...imagine that? Questioning a leftard establishment type with a coherent argument that they cannot refute and their only weapon is to try and keep a counter-argument from seeing the light of day....that is the way of the modern day leftard. Still, my voice is heard and I reach a huge audience every single time I wish to address issues that are important. Leftards are all about "free speech" but only if it is the type of speech that they agree with. (snicker)
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.
Actually its what you conservative call it the liberal press ... during in the 1960 election when Nixon was getting bad press it was Nixon who coined the phrase the liberal press not us liberals ...
besides theres no such thing as the liberal press .... there is however, a such of a thing as press that you don't like
Wrong as always Beeelly. When a so called media outlet does everything it can to destroy one presidential candidate and polish another then it's ideology that runs the show, not reporting. Reporters report the news, journalists make the news. And that's what we have now, they are all journalists. Yes, even FOX, one of the few right leaning ones, but at least they give libs a voice, unlike the opposite for their counterparts.

For example, when a Republican is in office, 5% unemployment is unacceptable. 8 trillion in debt is unacceptable. Home ownership, gas prices and on and on.

When a Democrat is on offe we suddenly see a completely differnt measuring stick. 5% unemployment is a good thing, even when the numbers are phony as hell. 1 to 2% growth is OK too, for how many decades I don't know, I guess we could find out. Home ownership is at historic lows, I see nothing about it on the msm.

No mention of the 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 22 trillion. No daily military body counts like we had with Bush, even though more have died during obama's term. It's a complete blackout for negative news against Democrats.

You see no problem with that because you are a liberal. You live in a bubble. A hate filled bubble at that.
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Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left l;lefty liberal so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
We know where you stand too...
good to know ... I didn't want you to misunderstand what I believe and what I stand for and its not greedy leaders like you stand for
Liberal Fascists unite....:lol:
View attachment 84566
Then why are we called liberals by conservatives?
It's what liberals call themselves so that's the term we use. They are anything but liberal but when we communicate we must use a common language. One thing liberals do is manipulate meanings because he who controls the language, controls the culture.

These loons are not even near being true liberals, they are progressives...or better...progtards
I consider myself a far left l;lefty liberal so I believe you are wrong in that analogy ... but what do you expect from a repub-lie-tard like you ...
We know where you stand too...
good to know ... I didn't want you to misunderstand what I believe and what I stand for and its not greedy leaders like you stand for
Greedy? Like a quarter million for a 20 minute speech to the banksters?

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