Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know?

You are a classic example of someone with an external locus of control.

No, I'm just some guy who can make an argument you can't refute.
No. Your argument is absurd. The people in the swing states rejected the policies of the past 8 years which were the policies of the left.

Free trade agreements are not a policy of the left. They are a Republican policy that some centrist Democrats have gone along with.

1992 - Bush vs Clinton vs Perot

Who were the anti-NAFTA players in that race?

There was only one. Ross Perot. Both Bush and Clinton supported NAFTA.

2012 - Obama vs. Romney - who were anti-NAFTA or other trade deal candidates? None.

2012 - Ohio - Obama wins the union vote by 23 points.
2016 - Ohio - TRUMP wins the union vote by 12 points.

Why? Because he took the left's position of protectionism. The Bernie Sanders position.

Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton is a Democrat he is on the left and it was his policy no matter how you spin it.

Silly far left drone!

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Perot got 20% of the vote running against NAFTA.

Clinton was with the Republicans on NAFTA, as he was on welfare reform and some other issues.

You don't know enough about the politics of the nineties, or politics in general, to understand any of this.
Again, you are ignoring reality. They voted for a change from the people who have been in power for the last 8 years. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

I understand the guy ranting, but he is way off base. For one, when the press gives Trump nearly three billion in free air time, it's very difficult to underestimate how that affects the election.

Being retired, I watched hours of this every day on all the news channels. Trump would land, go to a rally and give a speech. It would be televised in it's entirety on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and it's multiple channels. When they mentioned Hillary, it was ALWAYS with at least one "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable". They would play a 30 second clip of Hillary and then say she can't seem to get her message out. Trump was ratings, Clinton was not.
And she had very robust policy plans on education, the economy, and foreign policy. But no one discussed it. Not while competing with "grab her pu$$y". And what were Trump's policies? Vague promises of bringing back jobs lost through automation? Build a wall? Kill the families of suicide bombers (assuming he means women and children and babies). Replace Obamacare with "something terrific"? Who believes such nonsense? Oh, excuse me.

So she gets paid for speeches. So what? Trump owes millions to those same companies. She owes nothing. He is in debt. So she is bad and he is good.

I think it's amazing that a women who has been attacked by the GOP for over 30 years, had endless congressional investigations against her costing many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, and has been investigated again and again by the FBI and CIA and no one can find anything illegal, is the most vetted candidate in US History or even the history of the world. And Trump has court dates.

And Bernie? He's not a Democrat. Doesn't raise money for Democrats. Doesn't support Democratic candidates. And certainly doesn't support the Democratic Party. But we were supposed to vote for him? Why?
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

I understand the guy ranting, but he is way off base. For one, when the press gives Trump nearly three billion in free air time, it's very difficult to underestimate how that affects the election.

Being retired, I watched hours of this every day on all the news channels. Trump would land, go to a rally and give a speech. It would be televised in it's entirety on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and it's multiple channels. When they mentioned Hillary, it was ALWAYS with at least one "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable". They would play a 30 second clip of Hillary and then say she can't seem to get her message out. Trump was ratings, Clinton was not.
And she had very robust policy plans on education, the economy, and foreign policy. But no one discussed it. Not while competing with "grab her pu$$y". And what were Trump's policies? Vague promises of bringing back jobs lost through automation? Build a wall? Kill the families of suicide bombers (assuming he means women and children and babies). Replace Obamacare with "something terrific"? Who believes such nonsense? Oh, excuse me.

So she gets paid for speeches. So what? Trump owes millions to those same companies. She owes nothing. He is in debt. So she is bad and he is good.

I think it's amazing that a women who has been attacked by the GOP for over 30 years, had endless congressional investigations against her costing many tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, and has been investigated again and again by the FBI and CIA and no one can find anything illegal, is the most vetted candidate in US History or even the history of the world. And Trump has court dates.

And Bernie? He's not a Democrat. Doesn't raise money for Democrats. Doesn't support Democratic candidates. And certainly doesn't support the Democratic Party. But we were supposed to vote for him? Why?

Wow... you still are not getting it. The Democrats lost because America has rejected their policies. If you don't believe me, just wait and see what happens if Democrats move further to the left.
Being retired, I watched hours of this every day on all the news channels. Trump would land, go to a rally and give a speech. It would be televised in it's entirety on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and it's multiple channels. When they mentioned Hillary, it was ALWAYS with at least one "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable". They would play a 30 second clip of Hillary and then say she can't seem to get her message out. Trump was ratings, Clinton was not.

Blame shifting again?

Trump did twice as many rallies and traveled twice as many miles as Hillary. Since the nominees were picked, Trump often appeared on the Bill O'Reilly show. Bill publicly and privately invited Hillary to appear on his number one cable show multiple times, but she never even acknowledged the invite yet alone respond to it.

And when did Hillary ever set up a press conference? She didn't want them asking her the tough questions.

Don't blame the media or Trump. Put the blame where it belongs right back in Hillary's lap. She had all the opportunity for more exposure, but either didn't have the strength for it or assumed this race was all in the bag for her.
They can't stop being bitter and miserable, even when they win and election.

How wretched an existence that must be.

Yeah, they are protesting, damaging businesses, fighting with the police, knocking out power boxes with bats.........oh wait, those aren't Trump supporters..........my mistake.
They can't stop being bitter and miserable, even when they win and election.

How wretched an existence that must be.

Yeah, they are protesting, damaging businesses, fighting with the police, knocking out power boxes with bats.........oh wait, those aren't Trump supporters..........my mistake.

It's just a mini version of the civil war you RWnuts promised if Hillary was elected.
I think in the end it was just that change was happening too fast for people to acclimate to. The road for the public to get over 50% approval for gay marriage took a long time. And then in a flash it was coded into law by the Supreme Court, a conservative Supreme Court by the way, and the country saw the rainbow colored lights on the White House. I remember thinking when that was on the news "there are a lot of people that just aren't ready for that, not the whole nine yards. They are coming around but it's too much too quick."

There were other lesser but important factors but I think that was the moment that the comfort level for enough people reached the limit. Again even as the population has been steadily moving towards accepting gay people as what they are, people, it sprung on them like a pouncing leopard the last couple years.

And now we have a piece of shit and his mail order prostitute.

America, I can understand the angst but wtf, you go from one extreme to 'let's put the democracy in mortal danger'.

Let's put it this way.

Eighty-one percent of Evangelicals came out for Donald Trump. That's the largest ever proportion of Evangelical voters to vote in favor of one presidential candidate or another in history. Want to know why that happened? They were tired of having their religious beliefs sidelined for the sake of so-called "tolerance and acceptance", in exchange for lack of the same. They weren't allowed to come around to it on their own, they were forced to with no considerations for their religious beliefs whatsoever. Some faced ruination because they chose to stand up for them.

And that makes people angry. That made US angry, you see, because I'm an Evangelical voter too. People weren't allowed to acclimate to the norms of society in their own way, at their own pace, they were forced to. And if they didn't acclimate soon enough or the right way, they were destroyed, mainly in businesses or college campuses. Our government and academia has become increasingly intolerant to Christians over the past eight years. Trump will now be our defender.

When you piss off a large group of the electorate enough, they will turn out in numbers never before seen against you. We don't like having another culture dictate our values to us. Your culture didn't like it, neither does ours.

Yes, Evangelicals must be sooo proud to have helped elect a morally bankrupt man-baby. This Sunday as they worship their false God - they can roll on the floor and grab them by the pussy.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.
True... when the economy picks up, for a vast many reasons of things Trump proposes to do, people are NOT going to vote dem and go back to the horrendous obama agenda. When people have jobs, when they have affordable health care of their choice, when the economy is booming, illegals are no longer a problem, our military has been rebuilt and our respect has been restored world wide, people have more money in their pockets, small businesses are springing up all over, basically, TIMES ARE GOOD, we'll see 8 years of Trump without a doubt. The only way the left gets another foothold in Washington is hope another generation of ignorant voters come of age to vote and doesn't remember how bad it was under obama. Unfortunately that does happen, but still, they're going to have to put a damper on the insults and name calling and rioting. So long as they continue going with that, they're going to continue to see their party diminished, maybe right out of existence.

The only thing I would caution you on with that belief, 007 is what the response by the Left will be to this defeat. The mainstream media is still heavily tilted to the left and they will continue to filter the news as they have in the past. Our education system is also heavily tilted to the left and they will continue to indoctrinate young people. Civil servants are heavily tilted to the left and they will protect their "turf" at all costs.

Trump faces stiff opposition from people who's lives will be ruined if the average American's life is improved.
That's what we have now, and look what has happened. Thankfully more and more people are able cut through the leftist propaganda because there are more ways to get the news and be informed than just the leftist alphabet propaganda machine. We see them faltering as well. The NYT is on the verge of bankruptcy and this morning has apologized for it's election coverage. Granted, I'm sure that's a non sincere attempt to try and stay afloat, and as soon as they saw a little gain would be right back to their dirty leftist hack tricks. However, obama has stacked the system with thousands of his radical leftist agenda supporters while president. Trump will do the same only with conservatives and people that will defend law and order. It's a push back, and it's long overdue. Look at the NFL, viewership is way down and they're bleeding money like a sieve, and like the left not being able to say ISLAMIC TERRORISM, the NFL is refusing to admit that their viewership dive is because of the sanctimonious, over paid, spoiled players kneeling and whatnot disrespecting our national anthem and flag. So I do disagree to a point. If the left just keeps on with business as usual and being and acting as they have been, then I see their decline to continue, to the point where they could simply become irrelevant. People are rebelling against them, and that can spill right down into the schools too.

Is NFL viewership down because of players disrespecting the flag...(which I think is ridiculous by the way!) or because the NFL gives us games like the Browns and Ravens on a Thursday night game? I wouldn't watch THAT if the players ran up and down the field holding an American flag in each hand because it's just plain bad football!

As conservatives we own a bit of the blame for what's happened to our culture. We basically allowed the far left to take over big government, the education system and the main stream media while we concentrated on economics. We abdicated our role in those things and liberals happily used them to push their message. I think you're right that it's time to push back but I think it will be a much tougher battle than you make it out to be. There is an ingrained culture in government, media and education now and it's not one that encourages conservative principles.
You don't know enough about the politics of the nineties, or politics in general, to understand any of this.

Too bad we live in 2016 now, where Trump is now the next president all as a result of the political atmosphere liberals like you put in place over the past eight years. Our "understanding of politics" is irrelevant.

That is something you need to understand.
Trump won with votes that Republics have not been getting in the past.

And that somehow surprises you?

I meant to say Republicans of course but, no I'm not surprised now that I've analyzed it.

Trump won because he did what the Republican Party never does,

he made a legitimate appeal to labor, Big Labor, small labor, and all the labor in between. That is the biggest move to the left by a major Republican candidate we've seen in memory.
It's just a mini version of the civil war you RWnuts promised if Hillary was elected.

We didn't promise anything, we just know how childish and petulant leftists are. It was a prediction, not a promise, and like always, we were right.

Oh so you deny that all the talk about armed rebellion by the RW'ers on this board ever happened.
People like this guy made Trump President:

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.

This is only you trying to comfort yourself. If you've heard any of the positions he took as a candidate, one could argue he took the GOP further to the right.

Unlike you, I cared enough to get the facts.

You want to argue that Trump won Ohio by moving further to the right than Romney?

You want to have a real debate on that? Then you go first, with some substance.

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