Who is voting for Kerry - and why?

i agree bush did not do a good job in his handling of discrectionary spending in the budget(which i downloaded and read).i agree we need to get out of nafta and gatt forming individual trade agreements with individual countries that have our interests first and have some protectionism for american industries and tarriffs to generate revenue to pay down the debt and lower taxes.
careful there cptp you're getting mighty close to protectionism. The low tech jobs leave letting the workforce become more hightech. this allows us to become a non-manufacturing country and a tech country. This will only happen if all low tech jobs leave and the tech industry replaces those workers. Now more than ever a college degree is needed to sucseed. there are exceptions but this is generally the rule.
Been going other places asking the question still havent recieved a reason to vote for Kerry other than he isnt Bush. although someone did say that he wouldnt be as bad as Bush with the deficit (which of course is a he isnt Bush argument). I mean forget that the man wants to expand programs. How is he going to get money to fix the deficit? raise taxes, which of course kills the economic recovery and creates more deficit because we will have less revenue. Brilliant.
raytheon where i work has shipped jobs to mexico most notably the wire harnessing jobs(these are not low paying jobs but they can get people to do it in mexico for low wages).boeing has shipped jobs to china and even white collar jobs have left to india.what about the steel industry?not all jobs(somewhere above 2.2 million of them since bush has been in office and i don't know the number from clintons administration)have been low paying jobs.here is the question-whats to stop american business owners from simply moving there operations or just buying there products from overseas when they can get it for a fraction of the cost of an american made product?whats to stop those high paying jobs from being set up overseas by american business men so they can increase there profit margin by taking advantage of cheap labor,low environmental standards and corrupt governments?
and there in lies the negative of free trade. You can only fix it by tariffs and taxes. that hurts america more. Losses jobs overseas sucks but you can't do anything about it.
Originally posted by winston churchi
Am I beating a dead horse with this one?

I am looking to read some logical points as to why Kerry should be elected. Based on his past - what he intends to do with this country.

No Bush bashing. This is intended to promote Kerry - if you cannot think of anything postitive to write about the man than do not resort to Bush bashing - it degrades you further.

So think of logical reasons why this man should take office and share. Thus far, on this website or any other place I have not heard one. This is the truth - Not one reason from anyone. Instead I am told Bush this and Bush that - but we are talking about Bush - we are talking about Kerry - So take the stand -

I will vote for numbnuts cause I am constipated and was told it was George W. Bush's fault.:eek:
Originally posted by shergald
Sorry but the implication is there. If your candidate goes to Jim Jones for support, it is racist support. In Bush's case, it allowed him to beat the only decent Republican in the 2000 race, McCain. It is not just the South either. Here in Michigan, Engler served three terms by running against the Detroit Black community. It runs deep. We had Democrats for Reagan and Democrats for Engler as well, all residing in white suburban communities. It may be too subtle to recognize, but it is there. The Republican party would not be what it is today without it. Nothing personal, but take a hard look.

But you don't have a problem with someone that has Ted Kennedy standing behind him every step of the way?

I find it difficult to believe you were a Republican that suddenly decided to become a Democrat based on the reasons you give.
Originally posted by Jimmyeatworld
But you don't have a problem with someone that has Ted Kennedy standing behind him every step of the way?

I find it difficult to believe you were a Republican that suddenly decided to become a Democrat based on the reasons you give.

ME TOO?!?!
I still can't figure this out. What is the argument for Kerry?

I don't care about partisan politics, other than the sport of it. I am concerned with values, courage of conviction, vision, in short, leadership.

What does John Kerry stand for? What is his grand vision for America?

It is important to vote FOR something. That is why I am sure Bush will win. Republicans made the mistake of focusing on beating Clinton and not putting forth a candidate who stood strongly for The Right Thing To Do.

Kerry has yet to explain just exactly what his is going to do. I don't want to hear how bad Bush is. I want to know why Kerry is better.

If you cannot explain this, perhaps you should rethink your reasoning before you put a man in control of the free world who doesn't have a plan.
popefumanchu said:
I still can't figure this out. What is the argument for Kerry?

I don't care about partisan politics, other than the sport of it. I am concerned with values, courage of conviction, vision, in short, leadership.

What does John Kerry stand for? What is his grand vision for America?

It is important to vote FOR something. That is why I am sure Bush will win. Republicans made the mistake of focusing on beating Clinton and not putting forth a candidate who stood strongly for The Right Thing To Do.

Kerry has yet to explain just exactly what his is going to do. I don't want to hear how bad Bush is. I want to know why Kerry is better.

If you cannot explain this, perhaps you should rethink your reasoning before you put a man in control of the free world who doesn't have a plan.

As far as I can discern, it's 'anyone to get rid of GWB'.
spillmind said:
i'm voting for kerry.

big suprise?

because things can only get WORSE with the genius chimp in office. sad, isnt' it?

Just because you think it can get worse with bush remaining in office does not equate to it getting better with Kerry in office. kerry differs from bush very little in most of the big issues of the day. And in the few where he disagrees it is mainly because he disagrees with a republican having a certain power or making a certain decision but if he had the power or had to make the decision he would enjoy the power and make the same decision.

Badnarik is a man that truly would make things better.
tpahl said:
Bush increased the dept of educations budget by 60% in the last three years. Badnarik would elliminate the department and because it is unconstitutional.


I heard recently that there is some $2 billion not yet allocated to schools. We increase spending, the schools don't use it all and waste millions of it. Of course, we should spend more money on education. It only makes sense.
popefumanchu said:
I heard recently that there is some $2 billion not yet allocated to schools. We increase spending, the schools don't use it all and waste millions of it. Of course, we should spend more money on education. It only makes sense.

I do not agree with you. We spend far more than necessary on education. Here is what Badnarik (the LP presidential candidate has to say on the issue. I think it really puts the spending in perspective...

The Department of Health Education and Welfare was created in 1953 at a time when American students placed number one in math and science worldwide. Now, after fifty
years of government control of schools, we spend ten times as much per student, and American students now finish twenty-first in math and science compared to other countries. Even if the Department of Education was Constitutional (which it is not), the department should be eliminated due to incompetence.
source: http://www.purepolitics.com/MichaelBadnarik.htm
winston churchi said:
Am I beating a dead horse with this one?

I am looking to read some logical points as to why Kerry should be elected. Based on his past - what he intends to do with this country.

No Bush bashing. This is intended to promote Kerry - if you cannot think of anything postitive to write about the man than do not resort to Bush bashing - it degrades you further.

So think of logical reasons why this man should take office and share. Thus far, on this website or any other place I have not heard one. This is the truth - Not one reason from anyone. Instead I am told Bush this and Bush that - but we are talking about Bush - we are talking about Kerry - So take the stand -

Aaaaaaaah..... I'm like 18, aaaaaaaa, and like, I'm a democrat, aaaaa, I think, oh yeah, I am, heh, aaaaaaa, and like, I'm going to vote for that john guy, 'cause like I heard I think I'm supposed to on MTV... aaaaaaaaa, but I don't know why. Like, aaaaaaaa, you'll have to tell me why again.... heh heh. I'm doing good right..... aaaaaaa, like, I know what I'm talking about.... :scratch:
Kind of funny that after almost five months there has only been one reason stated to vote FOR John Kerry, and that was after a bunch of babbling about racism. There's been just as many reasons to vote for Michael Badnarik.

I can say that I've come up with a few more reasons NOT to vote for Kerry.
shergald said:
These responses are all in some small way correct, because they cite exceptions. But are they somehow supposed to prove the general truth wrong? Sorry. History is what it is. I did not make this stuff up. The Democrats were once the most racist party there was. There are racist Democrats today. But that does not contradict that fact that the Republican party took over Jim Crow after the Johnson civil rights law enactment. The south went overnight practically from being Democratic to being Republican. The north moved more slowly. Maybe many on this tread are too young to have experienced this shift. If you support a man who went to Jim Jones University in order to get the segregationist vote, you...etc...etc. It is not for small reason that most Black and Hispanic persons are Democrats. It may be difficult to face, but the racism of the Republican party is obvious. Now for the populist issue, rich versus poor, if you do not know this much about the Republican party, that it is the party of the rich, I don't know what you're doing in it. And if you don't know that the Republican agenda is to enhance the wealth of the rich, you are apparently an immigrant who just arrived in the country. Want to be a Republican: learn about your party and how it came to be what it is today. Likewise, quoting history about what the Democratic party was in the last century will not give you any insight into what it is today, or appreciate what Kerry is all about. Kennedy was also rich, but he was not part of the greedy rich. Nor apparently is Kerry.

Wow. I've never seen anyone able to maintain this level of stupidity over so many posts. I'll give you this - what you lack in brains, you make up in stamina.

Let me see if I can put myself into a Democratic frame of mind to come up with some reasons why the kool-aid crowd will vote for dipshit:

1. He's not George Bush
2. He's a "war hero"
3. He has lots of hair
4. He's not George Bush
5. Bush stole the election
6. Kerry has three Purple Hearts
7. Kerry is pro-military
8. Kerry is anti-military
9. Kerry is for abortion
10. Kerry is anti-abortion
11. Kerry is tough on terrorists
12. Kerry will ask the UN for cooperation before taking action
13. He's not George Bush
14. He served in Viet Nam
15. Bush stole the election
16. Bush is stupid
17. Bush lied to get us into a war
18. Kennedy supports Kerry
19. Kerry served in Viet Nam
20. He's not George Bush

Kerry is the poster child for cheap, sleazy politics. I am continually amazed at the crap that floats to the top in that cesspool which is the Democrap party today.

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