Who killed Seth Rich?

Where are recordings from police bodycams?



That's one of the reasons why DNC denied FBI request to check their servers for claimed Russian hacking in favor of private security firm. If FBI got hands on that server, they would probably find that leaks were inside job and whole "Russian hacking our election" claim would become baseless.
Watergate was about the alleged coverup of a 3rd rate burglary during the Nixon administration but all the investigative reporters had retired by the time Bill Clinton was elected. Strange deaths occurred during the Clinton years and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM seemed more concerned about circling the wagons around the Clintons than investigating. Vince Foster was the most notorious unexplained death. Foster was a close confidant of Hillary and he was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in an obscure Civil War park outside of D.C.. The problem was that Foster's car keys weren't in his car or on his body, crime scene photos were lost or destroyed and the former bar bouncer that nobody could remember hiring as chief of White House security simply disappeared. Navy Admiral Borda was found dead of a gunshot wound and the MSM attributed the alleged suicide to depression over an argument about one of his Service ribbons. Anybody surprised that the MSM was in a hurry to chalk Seth Rich's death up as a mugging although cash was found in his wallet?
Watergate was about the alleged coverup of a 3rd rate burglary during the Nixon administration but all the investigative reporters had retired by the time Bill Clinton was elected. Strange deaths occurred during the Clinton years and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM seemed more concerned about circling the wagons around the Clintons than investigating. Vince Foster was the most notorious unexplained death. Foster was a close confidant of Hillary and he was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in an obscure Civil War park outside of D.C.. The problem was that Foster's car keys weren't in his car or on his body, crime scene photos were lost or destroyed and the former bar bouncer that nobody could remember hiring as chief of White House security simply disappeared. Navy Admiral Borda was found dead of a gunshot wound and the MSM attributed the alleged suicide to depression over an argument about one of his Service ribbons. Anybody surprised that the MSM was in a hurry to chalk Seth Rich's death up as a mugging although cash was found in his wallet?

Here is some reading material...

It was always Seth Rich, RIP

I was never Russia.

Everybody knows that by now.

And those who still doubt......what planet are you living in? time to wake up!
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

And if you believe the Clintons are angels you are worse. :dunno:
Kim Dotcom says

If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I'll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source.

Kim Dotcom on Twitter

Yes, if it is proven he was in communication with Wikileaks, it would be a shocking turn of events in this story. Keep in mind, Wikileaks has said all along that it wasn't the Russians who provided the DNC info. And Wikileaks doesn't have a history of lying. Many may hate it, but it does only present truth and fact. So i'm taking Wikileaks at its word.
I think there’s a very special place in hell for people that would use the memory of a murder victim in order to pursue a political agenda.- (spokesperson for Seth Rich’s family) Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station
they didn't say that so much when the day after the shooting hillary was out using the incident to push gun control
Hardly the point, is it? Deflect much? We keep getting told nothing was stolen, so it wasn't a robbery, when any decent conspiracy would have made sure it looked that way. The whole thing screams "botched robbery" and the family is tired of people using his killing as a political football.
im not the deflecting

your the dumb fuck

that cast -there’s a very special place in hell for people that would use the memory of a murder victim in order to pursue a political agenda

i merely pointed out that hillary did exactly what you said the very next day

and i didnt see you bitching then
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich’s laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Now, questions have been raised on why D.C. police, the lead agency on this murder investigation for the past ten months, have insisted this was a robbery gone bad when there appears to be no evidence to suggest that.

Wheeler, a former D.C. police homicide detective, is running a parallel investigation into Rich’s murder. Wheeler said he believes there is a cover-up and the police department has been told to back down from the investigation.

“The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming,” said Wheeler. “They haven’t been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both.”

When we asked Wheeler if his sources have told him there is information that links Rich to Wikileaks, he said, “Absolutely. Yeah. That’s confirmed.”

Wheeler also told us, “I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor’s office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

The family has DENIED hiring Wheeler or that he speaks for them. And Washington Police confirmed this week that the investigation is active and ongoing with a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

The FOX reporter apparently lied in this report and the family is threatening to sue.

who cares if the family denied it

now there is another coming forward that claims he was involved with seth rich passing info onto

Kim Dotcom says

If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I'll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source.

Kim Dotcom on Twitter

Yes, if it is proven he was in communication with Wikileaks, it would be a shocking turn of events in this story. Keep in mind, Wikileaks has said all along that it wasn't the Russians who provided the DNC info. And Wikileaks doesn't have a history of lying. Many may hate it, but it does only present truth and fact. So i'm taking Wikileaks at its word.
after the shooting they hinted that he may have been the leaker
Surgeon at Seth Rich’s hospital says his wounds were not fatal

Posted on May 19, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn

Wednesday, on the Internet chat forum 4chan, an individual who goes by the alias of Anonymous (ID: rhotYJAg) claimed to be a surgery resident at Washington Hospital Center who had attended to Seth Rich — the 27-year-0ld Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer who leaked thousands of damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

Rich was shot in the early morning hours (around 4 a.m.) on Sunday, July 10, in a residential area of Washington, D.C. Although police say Rich was the victim of a “random burglary,” his killer(s) left behind Rich’s wallet, watch and cell phone.

Unless Anonymous comes forth to reveal his/her identity, there is no way for us to know if Anonymous is who he/she claims to be. However, as you will read for yourself, I find Anonymous to be credible because of the display of medical knowledge and use of medical shorthand terminology.

This is what Anonymous said:

  • Seth Rich was shot twice in the back.
  • He sustained a “small injury” to his liver and “several small bowel injuries” — none of which was fatal.
  • He was taken to the operating room, where his injuries were treated.
  • He was then moved to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he received blood transfusion. He was stable, his blood pressure normal.
  • 8 hours after Rich arrived at the hospital, the place “swarmed” with law enforcement officers. Everyone, except the attending physician and a few nurses, was kicked out of the ICU. There were no visiting hours, which is abnormal for ICU.
  • That morning, Anonymous and the other doctors were instructed not to make rounds (visits) on “the VIP that came in last night” (Seth Rich).
  • When Rich died, no one other than the attending physician was allowed to see him. There was no code alert or call for a cardiopulmonary resuscitation team. Although Anonymous was with a patient in the next room, he/she was blocked from attending to Rich.
  • At the time, Anonymous couldn’t understand why the patient Rich was treated that way and thought the whole thing to be “fishy”. Later, when he found out that the patient was Seth Rich, Anonymous “was terrified

Anonymous sources again. Is that all these so called journalists use anymore? So much for their journalistic ethics of reliable, named sources.
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Julian Assange , announced he was offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the Rich case. He hinted darkly that the slain man had been a source in his organization's recent publication of 30,000 internal DNC emails. The fallout from that embarrassment had led to the firing of several top Democratic Party officials.

Police Chief Cathy Lanier, during a crime-scene press conference on August 5, said, “Right now, we have more questions than answers.” No suspects have been arrested, despite the MPD’s $25,000 reward for information.


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