Who killed Seth Rich?

There is evidence that former DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Can't ask him because he was murdered and his killer hasn't been identified.
Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources
How is the weather there in the alt-right bubble? Obviously, the oxygen is almost nonexistent.
I know you are but what am I.
jUST TO POINT out that this is about the third Demo killed the last one was supposed to be suicide.
It is suspicious in nature in as he was blowing the whistle on the DNC so as to who pulled the trigger is unk, as to might have ordered the hit is someone in the DNC.
The Trump-snowflakes are pulling out all the stops to deflect from Trump. They're resurrecting every conspiracy theory they ever created about anyone.

Projecting huh? With Trump you've got NOTHING. Say it for your family's sake, WITH TRUMP YOU'VE GOT NOTHING. As for the OP, that's called tangible.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding his death, but to suggest the hospital was in on it, is ridiculous.
So you're just going to be a partisan hack and refuse to believe this even if it's true?

Rule of thumb -- If it comes from a conservative, you always assume it's fraudulent, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

That's why most conservatives will burn in hell, because they always lie. We've tried to save them, but they refuse our help. It's a tragedy to see any soul lost to Satan, and we're seeing Trump and the Republicans hand him millions of souls.

It's ironic your avatar is a cat. See, Republicans prefer dogs. Simple, honest, devoted, practical & righteous. As for cats, they stink, they make people sick, they torture their prey, they're selfish & self-righteous, and oh shit, I just described a liberal.
Surgeon at Seth Rich’s hospital says his wounds were not fatal

Posted on May 19, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn

Wednesday, on the Internet chat forum 4chan, an individual who goes by the alias of Anonymous (ID: rhotYJAg) claimed to be a surgery resident at Washington Hospital Center who had attended to Seth Rich — the 27-year-0ld Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer who leaked thousands of damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

Rich was shot in the early morning hours (around 4 a.m.) on Sunday, July 10, in a residential area of Washington, D.C. Although police say Rich was the victim of a “random burglary,” his killer(s) left behind Rich’s wallet, watch and cell phone.

Unless Anonymous comes forth to reveal his/her identity, there is no way for us to know if Anonymous is who he/she claims to be. However, as you will read for yourself, I find Anonymous to be credible because of the display of medical knowledge and use of medical shorthand terminology.

This is what Anonymous said:

  • Seth Rich was shot twice in the back.
  • He sustained a “small injury” to his liver and “several small bowel injuries” — none of which was fatal.
  • He was taken to the operating room, where his injuries were treated.
  • He was then moved to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he received blood transfusion. He was stable, his blood pressure normal.
  • 8 hours after Rich arrived at the hospital, the place “swarmed” with law enforcement officers. Everyone, except the attending physician and a few nurses, was kicked out of the ICU. There were no visiting hours, which is abnormal for ICU.
  • That morning, Anonymous and the other doctors were instructed not to make rounds (visits) on “the VIP that came in last night” (Seth Rich).
  • When Rich died, no one other than the attending physician was allowed to see him. There was no code alert or call for a cardiopulmonary resuscitation team. Although Anonymous was with a patient in the next room, he/she was blocked from attending to Rich.
  • At the time, Anonymous couldn’t understand why the patient Rich was treated that way and thought the whole thing to be “fishy”. Later, when he found out that the patient was Seth Rich, Anonymous “was terrified


The disclosure of medical information is a HIPPA violation , a crime
Wednesday, on the Internet chat forum 4chan, an individual who goes by the alias of Anonymous (ID: rhotYJAg) claimed to be a surgery resident at Washington Hospital Center who had attended to Seth Rich — the 27-year-0ld Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer who leaked thousands of damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks.


Why would WikiLeaks offer a reward?
We don’t really know.

In a statement to the Washington Post, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange made a reference to not confirming or denying “alleged sources who were deceased,” but he also insisted that the reward should not be seen as implying that Rich was a source.

“We hope our efforts will contribute to the family’s calls for information and to the separate reward issued by police,” Assange said. “We have a history of obtaining information that has significantly contributed to many legal proceedings, including successful prosecutions.”

However, in an interview with a Dutch TV station Tuesday, Assange implied Rich could be the source of the 20,000 DNC emails that Wikileaks released on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in July.

"Whistle-blowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks," Assange said. "As a 27-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.”

He dismissed the suggestion that the killing was an attempted robbery and repeated, “Our sources take risks.”
Julian Assange , announced he was offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the Rich case. He hinted darkly that the slain man had been a source in his organization's recent publication of 30,000 internal DNC emails. The fallout from that embarrassment had led to the firing of several top Democratic Party officials.

Poster in Washington D.C.

Comey to testify into Trump administration's ties to Seth Rich.

Was he their point man in the DNC?
Total BS! The Family of this kid are PO'd and wish FNC and conservative media would stop trying to politicize his death! Republicans are so classless; nothing's sacrosanct with these animals! Everything's fair game; a family member, a kid, or someone dead! "Just keep slithering the sewer! Sooner or later people will smarten up & smell the $#!t! :bang3: :boohoo: :clap2:
Total BS! The Family of this kid are PO'd and wish FNC and conservative media would stop trying to politicize his death! Republicans are so classless; nothing's sacrosanct with these animals! Everything's fair game; a family member, a kid, or someone dead! "Just keep slithering the sewer! Sooner or later people will smarten up & smell the coffee! :bang3: :boohoo: :clap2:

Has Podesta threatened the family?

Why is the DNC paying for Brad Bauman , the family "counselor"?

You can run but you can't hide. Thou shall pay dearly for this bullshit.


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