Who let 4 men die?

What questions would you want to have answered about Benghazi?

  • Who saw the live video of the attack and who did not?

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Who received phone calls asking for help and did nothing?

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Who received updates from the CIA for 7-hrs and did nothing?

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Who refused to let Delta Force rescue the ambassador?

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Who fired general Ham for wanting to rescue the Ambassador?

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Who fired admiral Gouette for wanting to rescue the ambassador?

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Why didn't Petraeus send forces to rescue the ambassador?

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Who told the CIA to "stand-down" and NOT help the ambassador?

    Votes: 10 76.9%

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters
These nutters really believe that President Obama was watching the attack go down on his IPhone and let it happen. Then, after it was over, realized that it was a bad idea and decided his best move was to claim that it didn't happen.

I'm not getting the McCain and Lindsay Graham line of questioning about the Benghazi attack.

Lets take a poll on what the real issues are, or should be:

Who let 4 men die?

More importantly, who let over 3000 people die?
cheap shot, not the same thing and you know it, no one not even clinton was watching the run up to 9-11 in real time.

I was watching it real time.....Bush was reading My Pet Goat

If you read the "9/11 Commission Report" you'd see who let the terrorists into the US on student visas, and then who refused to look into Moussoui's laptop because of civil liberties, and what the MSM was focused on, and who did not have his admin appointments approved? Please remember that Tenet was a Clinton holdover. Remember that agencies had to deal with Gorelick's wall and couldn't track terrorists? Who couldn't understand the Phoenix memo, etc??

The Benghazi attack was not only predictable (an attack on 9/11) but the non-response was treasonous. I want to know who made the call to let those men die.

You're blaming the attack 9/11/2001 on who??? CLINTON?? :eek:

Also there was CIA in Benghazi, CIA in Tripoli, in Washington. Where is the CIA's outrage on this matter? Where are all the hard facts where they were screaming their people were in danger?
This inane and contrived controversy was originally a desperate attempt by the right to deny the president a second term; it now continues as a desperate attempt to bring this president down.

It will fail now as it did before the election.
I'm not getting the McCain and Lindsay Graham line of questioning about the Benghazi attack.

Lets take a poll on what the real issues are, or should be:

who let thousands die in NYC on 9/11/01?

How about hundreds of thousands in Iraq?

Libya mess - It looks to me like the only one who really broke the law was is the FBI jerk who illegally tapped into emails at the request of his girlfriend. He should be fired for that, no pension. He can go to work for loser Alan West = birds of a feather and all that.
This inane and contrived controversy was originally a desperate attempt by the right to deny the president a second term; it now continues as a desperate attempt to bring this president down.

It will fail now as it did before the election.
The president brings himself down faster than anyone else, C_Clayton_Jones. And for the record, I am not enjoying the watch.
This inane and contrived controversy was originally a desperate attempt by the right to deny the president a second term; it now continues as a desperate attempt to bring this president down.

It will fail now as it did before the election.
The president brings himself down faster than anyone else, C_Clayton_Jones. And for the record, I am not enjoying the watch.

Everything by the GOP playbook

Try to sabotage the first term, when that fails drum up baseless charges to run a hopeless impeachment proceeding
This inane and contrived controversy was originally a desperate attempt by the right to deny the president a second term; it now continues as a desperate attempt to bring this president down.

It will fail now as it did before the election.
The president brings himself down faster than anyone else, C_Clayton_Jones. And for the record, I am not enjoying the watch.

Everything by the GOP playbook

Try to sabotage the first term, when that fails drum up baseless charges to run a hopeless impeachment proceeding

How did they try to sabotage the first term? (play along, it will get more fun as we go)
Where was Reagan when the Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut was attacked?
Obama took it upon himself to lead from behind and destabilize Libya without Congressional approval. The ambassador in Libya sent cable after cable to Washington telling of increased islamic terrorist activity, even to the point of having islamic flags normally flown by terrorists flying over government buildings. He asked multiple times for more security and instead the security team he had was sent back to Washington. The Obama administration ignored warning after warning and when the attack occurred seemed unable to react. After the attack, in order to preserve the idea that Al Qaeda was on the run and hide the fact that the consulate requests for security had been denied, lied about the apparent events until after the election so that Obama wouldn't lose votes. He didn't want people to recognize his incompetence until it was too late.
Did Bush allow 3000 Americans to die? Why didn't he send help?

People were screaming for help, why didn't Bush help them?

How many died helping? Huh moron? You have gone beyond pathetic.

Bush didnt do that....what? Do you think he is a Navy SEAL?

Where was Bush?

He was reading My Pet Goat

You've been low life before, but you've really outdone yourself on this. You can try the lame equivocation if you like, but it doesn't work. If you'd like to do that, then we can take it all the way back to the Clinton Whitehouse where barriers were erected prohibiting departments from sharing information.
In this case, either Hillary or Obama had multiple warnings that things were not safe in Benghazi. And instead of staying in Washington to try to get answers on what had happened, Obama takes a jaunt to Vegas, while the bodies are hardly cold.
I'm not getting the McCain and Lindsay Graham line of questioning about the Benghazi attack.

Lets take a poll on what the real issues are, or should be:

What strikes me about this whole situation is how well it exposes the Liberal Bias in the Media, and the Rampant Liberal Hypocrisy on this board.

Just Imagine if Obama was a Republican President how differently the Main stream press would be handling this. They would be all over it, Screaming for heads at the top of the Admin.

And we all know how the Liberals on this board would be acting about it. Obama would have been guilty with blood on his hands from day one, and anyone who suggests other wise would be a racist, science hating, Islamaphobic asshole.

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