Who Let The Dogs Out?

your ignorance is amazing. From where do you get your information, whilst sipping tea in the parlor of
an emir who announced to you "ISLAM HAS THE
MOST TOLERATION" ???.......... or from the encyclopedia Britannica? do you enjoy comic books?

I love comic books.

But the point is, for centuries, all these religious minorities lived in the Islamic World, while the Christian world had various sects murdering each other over whether or not Jesus was made of Bread or not.

"Jimmy Carter, the Jew-hater who cried racist
...the former president hates Jews. I try not to use the term Anti-Semite often. But I know of no other term (except maybe buffoon) to describe the peanut president.

First of all, I doubt you are old enough to have any real memory of Mr. Carter. Judging by your picture, and realizing Asian chicks don't age that quick, you are in your late 30's, early 40's, top.

Jimmy Carter made a lot of mistakes, but frankly, he was as in the thrall of the Zionists as any other American Politician. Pat Buchanan had it right when he said Washington is Zionist Occupied Territory.

Second, Dershawitz (the guy who thought OJ and Claus von Bulow were innocent) is one of these guys who claimed to be a civil libertarian, but man, he was endorsing freaking torture after 9/11.

georgie ----how many people who have a FAMILY LEGACY of living as non muslims under islamic rule do
you know WELL?. It ain't just jews. It happens that I am married to a jew who was born into a community that had lived in a particular land ---for more than 2500 years that BECAME afflicted with islamic rule over 1200 years ago. In the course of my life----I have known many christians who-----are from communities in lands that predate islam and THEN became people under islamic rule. Ever meet a ZOROASTRIAN? ---I have. Try not to comment on that about which you know nothing. Have you ever heard of the famous ELIA KAZAN?-----he was a greek/turkish christian-----if you watch his famous movie "AMERIKA, AMERIKA"----you will not understand it because you are SO IGNORANT
georgie ----how many people who have a FAMILY LEGACY of living as non muslims under islamic rule do
you know WELL?. It ain't just jews. It happens that I am married to a jew who was born into a community that had lived in a particular land ---for more than 2500 years that BECAME afflicted with islamic rule over 1200 years ago. In the course of my life----I have known many christians who-----are from communities in lands that predate islam and THEN became people under islamic rule. Ever meet a ZOROASTRIAN? ---I have. Try not to comment on that about which you know nothing. Have you ever heard of the famous ELIA KAZAN?-----he was a greek/turkish christian-----if you watch his famous movie "AMERIKA, AMERIKA"----you will not understand it because you are SO IGNORANT

I've met a Zoroastrian.... worked with him for two years, and he liked to call himself "Persian".

Point is, all these religious minorities COULD live in Islamic lands for centuries. They didn't have a Spanish Inquisition or the like.
georgie ----how many people who have a FAMILY LEGACY of living as non muslims under islamic rule do
you know WELL?. It ain't just jews. It happens that I am married to a jew who was born into a community that had lived in a particular land ---for more than 2500 years that BECAME afflicted with islamic rule over 1200 years ago. In the course of my life----I have known many christians who-----are from communities in lands that predate islam and THEN became people under islamic rule. Ever meet a ZOROASTRIAN? ---I have. Try not to comment on that about which you know nothing. Have you ever heard of the famous ELIA KAZAN?-----he was a greek/turkish christian-----if you watch his famous movie "AMERIKA, AMERIKA"----you will not understand it because you are SO IGNORANT

I've met a Zoroastrian.... worked with him for two years, and he liked to call himself "Persian".

Point is, all these religious minorities COULD live in Islamic lands for centuries. They didn't have a Spanish Inquisition or the like.

Zoroastrians are called PARSIS---by--they, themselves. That your colleague called himself
PERSIAN----is a kinda Parsi nationalism. No----they did very poorly in IRAN and are still persecuted. Chances are that your colleague came from MUMBAI---bombay-----to where the surviving Parsis got away---by boat Bombay is a port city of India (now called
Mumbai) ----they did and do ok there along with the jews who fled Iraq-----centuries ago for the same reasons that the zoroastrians fled Iran. It is possible that he did not want to discuss these issues with you.
Bombay (mumbai) is very diverse because, historically,
it has been a refuge. Hindus, Parsis, and Jews and
Christians get along very well-------the few muslims are not delighted and even muslims from outside India have comitted terrorist acts there. How long have
you been living under a rock?
Chances are that your colleague came from MUMBAI---bombay-----to where the surviving Parsis got away---by boat Bombay is a port city of India (now called
Mumbai) ----

Um, no, he was born in Iran.

Now, look, I've kind of tolerated your brain drippings for a few posts, but can you please keep on topic.

You made the statement that Muslims are more religously intolerant than Christians... but history and the fact there are so many religious minorities in the Islamic World says otherwise.
Chances are that your colleague came from MUMBAI---bombay-----to where the surviving Parsis got away---by boat Bombay is a port city of India (now called
Mumbai) ----

Um, no, he was born in Iran.

Now, look, I've kind of tolerated your brain drippings for a few posts, but can you please keep on topic.

You made the statement that Muslims are more religously intolerant than Christians... but history and the fact there are so many religious minorities in the Islamic World says otherwise.

you don't know the history of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and even Sikhs in muslim lands. We have lots of "negroes" in the USA---which PROVES (by your criterion), that there is no racism against "negroes" in the USA. My very own hubby was born in a shariah shit-hole. Of the more than 2500 year history of his community in that country (ie they precede muhummad)---THERE AIN'T NONE LEFT. The original PERSIANS are the Zoroastrians---they are, now, a tiny minority in Iran. The once large Jewish community----more than 2500 years in Iran is down to
about 15000 old guys. ------what happened to the hindus of BANGLA DESH? you forgot?----originally a hindu land. -----the hindus and Buddhists of AFGHANISTAN? (sorry to add-----the jewish community there also goes back millennia-----they say one person is left-----maybe)
you don't know the history of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and even Sikhs in muslim lands.

You're babbling, sweetie... I've really tried to be patient with you, but frankly, you sound like a racist trying to rationalize her racism. "Those people are like that"... It's tiresome.
you don't know the history of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and even Sikhs in muslim lands.

You're babbling, sweetie... I've really tried to be patient with you, but frankly, you sound like a racist trying to rationalize her racism. "Those people are like that"... It's tiresome.

you are STUMPED-----it's ok-----did you pass high school plane geometry?
you are STUMPED-----it's ok-----did you pass high school plane geometry?

Okay, no, you just ranted a bunch of typical Islamophobic nonsense.. which isn't really true. The Muslims didn't burn people at the stake or torture heretics or drive all the Jews and Muslims out of Spain. That's what CHRISTIANS do, because JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!
you are STUMPED-----it's ok-----did you pass high school plane geometry?

Okay, no, you just ranted a bunch of typical Islamophobic nonsense.. which isn't really true. The Muslims didn't burn people at the stake or torture heretics or drive all the Jews and Muslims out of Spain. That's what CHRISTIANS do, because JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!

joe has gone off the deep end----again. Typical idiot ---just farts out "YOU LIE" ----but unable to say what the "LIE" is. Anyone out there know what "typical islamophobic nonsense" is? I do-----I read the koran, and propaganda literature, attended a few mosques a few times and interacted with people educated in muslim lands for the past, in excess of, 55 years. My own hubby was born in a classically shariah adherent shit hole. Joe seems to be disappointed in Jesus too. -------a disillusioned and utterly ignorant kid---
something like the ketamine charged, molotov cocktail flingers in the gutters of lots of USA cities today. When I was a kid I was horrified when my brother told me that the "pilgrims" and the Indians were not actually good friends at about age nine
joe has gone off the deep end----again. Typical idiot ---just farts out "YOU LIE" ----but unable to say what the "LIE" is. Anyone out there know what "typical islamophobic nonsense" is?

You know, that your SKY PIXIE is better than THEIR SKY PIXIE.

It's the same SKY PIXIE, and there are no SKY PIXIES.
joe has gone off the deep end----again. Typical idiot ---just farts out "YOU LIE" ----but unable to say what the "LIE" is. Anyone out there know what "typical islamophobic nonsense" is?

You know, that your SKY PIXIE is better than THEIR SKY PIXIE.

It's the same SKY PIXIE, and there are no SKY PIXIES.


Actually, it's directly on topic. These silly arguments about theology, and how their Sky Pixie (who again, is your Sky pixie with different prophets) is exactly what we are talking about.

Our problem with the middle east isn't their religion, it's our policies.

Actually, it's directly on topic. These silly arguments about theology, and how their Sky Pixie (who again, is your Sky pixie with different prophets) is exactly what we are talking about.

Our problem with the middle east isn't their religion, it's our policies.

you are clueless-----violence in the middle east HAPPENED long before Thomas Jefferson wrote the
Declaration of Independence------including MASSIVE
GENOCIDES (also preceded Columbus)
you are clueless-----violence in the middle east HAPPENED long before Thomas Jefferson wrote the
Declaration of Independence------including MASSIVE
GENOCIDES (also preceded Columbus)

What massive genocides? Oh, never mind, I don't give a shit.

At that time, the Christian world was just as bad or worse...
you are clueless-----violence in the middle east HAPPENED long before Thomas Jefferson wrote the
Declaration of Independence------including MASSIVE
GENOCIDES (also preceded Columbus)

What massive genocides? Oh, never mind, I don't give a shit.

At that time, the Christian world was just as bad or worse...

yes AT THAT TIME, the christian world was just
as bad. In fact AT THAT TIME the global issue
included a struggle between the "HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE" and the "CALIPHATE" and both sides
were equally bloody. The lesser nations were trampled in the fray. You mentioned zoroastrians----they were virtually genocided out of existence in Iran---survivors
FLED, mostly to India in the 10th century AD. Jews from the related caliphates also fled to India at that
time. Did you miss the terrorist action in Mumbai
in 2008? Against whom do you IMAGINE that weird
little, and actually, SYMBOLIC action was directed?
yes AT THAT TIME, the christian world was just
as bad. In fact AT THAT TIME the global issue
included a struggle between the "HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE" and the "CALIPHATE" and both sides
were equally bloody.

Um, no, the Christians were much worse. If you want an example, compare the fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders in 1099 to Saladin retaking it in 1183. It's a great contrast.

The Christians went in and pretty much slaughtered everyone.

Saladin not only allowed captured knights to be ransomed (the common custom in those days) but released the poorer Christian inhabitants for free.
yes AT THAT TIME, the christian world was just
as bad. In fact AT THAT TIME the global issue
included a struggle between the "HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE" and the "CALIPHATE" and both sides
were equally bloody.

Um, no, the Christians were much worse. If you want an example, compare the fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders in 1099 to Saladin retaking it in 1183. It's a great contrast.

The Christians went in and pretty much slaughtered everyone.

Saladin not only allowed captured knights to be ransomed (the common custom in those days) but released the poorer Christian inhabitants for free.

You bring up an interesting point of history PROFESSOR. Saladin has such a GOOD REP.
with jews because he also declined to impose the
vigors of Shariah shit on them-----AND--most important, his PERSONAL PHYSICIAN was ----
<drumroll> Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon----a situation
which happened because the Rabbi fled the MUSLIM POGROMS in his city of birth, Cordoba----
thence to FEZ Morocco where he was FORCED to
convert to islam with a sword at his throat and FINALLY found refuge with SALADIN ---(the good guy) who was not really an arab muslim----he was a BERBER---you can read that as KURD (the not so hostile muslims), You might know Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon as MAIMONIDES ---physician of the middle ages. More good news----Saladin was such a good
guy that he let the jews carry the corpse of Maimonides to "palestine"----where he is buried----uhm I forgot where----they couldn't get him into Jerusalem. SEE?--you CHERRY PICKED
-he was a BERBER---you can read that as KURD

Uh, no, Berbers and Kurds are two separate groups... Correcting your ignorance would be a full time job.

try again-----lots of berbers merged up with kurds and------those who stayed UP IN THE HILLS ----have a very similar culture -----from Turkey---thru Syria---thru Iraq and on to Iran-----berbers is more east----like
Morocco----like Saladin. They speak various dialects of the same language group and do what Kurds do----
try to stay away -----however over time---some jews and christians JOINED up with them in the hills but remained in separate communities. In any case----
SALADIN was not an arab muslim and like other
natives of the lands invaded by arabs were not all that
enthusiastic about islamic law. Saddam would have been glad to shoot him
try again-----lots of berbers merged up with kurds and-

No, no, sweetie.

Berbers, or Amazighs, (Berber languages: ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵏ, ⵎⵣⵗⵏ, romanized: Imaziɣen; singular: Amaziɣ, ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⵎⵣⵗ) are an ethnicity of several nations mostly indigenous to North Africa and some northern parts of West Africa.

Berbers mostly live in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, northern Mali, northern Niger, and a small part of western Egypt.

Berber nations are distributed over an area stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Siwa Oasis in Egypt and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Niger River in West Africa.[30] Historically, Berber nations spoke the Berber languages, which is a branch of the Afroasiatic language family.

Kurds (Kurdish: کورد ,Kurd‎) or Kurdish people are an Iranic[29][30][31] ethnic group native to a mountainous region of Western Asia known as Kurdistan, which spans southeastern Turkey, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria.[32][33] There are exclaves of Kurds in Central Anatolia, Khorasan, and the Caucasus, as well as significant Kurdish diaspora communities in the cities of western Turkey (in particular Istanbul) and Western Europe (primarily in Germany). The Kurdish population is estimated to be between 30 and 45 million.[2][34]

Kurds speak the Kurdish languages and the Zaza–Gorani languages, which belong to the Western Iranian branch of the Iranian languages in the Indo-European language family.[35][36][37] A majority of Kurds belong to the Shafi‘i school of Sunni Islam, but significant numbers practise Shia Islam and Alevism, while some are adherents of Yarsanism, Yazidism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity.

Again, correcting your ignorance would be a full time job... and I doubt it pays well.

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