Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

They use the word "fungible" and stand there like a toddler next to the toilet who made his first poo poo admiring their handy work...lol its kind of pathetic...

Seems you'd like to refute the point made, i.e., that every dollar given to Planned Parenthood can be used for abortions.....
...but you are left with nothing by juvenile pap and an attempt to change the subject.

With apologies to Brendan Behan, watching you attempt to counter my post is like watching a Eunuch in a Harem. You want to, but just can’t.

Seems you'd like to refute the point made, i.e., that every dollar given to Planned Parenthood can be used for abortions.....

You said you support the Hyde Ammendment but then say this. You obviously don't understand how it works.

Her 'reasoning' if you can call it that would mean that if a federal employee used her paycheck to pay for an abortion,

then that violated the Hyde Amendment.

Not just a lie....an absurd lie.
PP gets federal funding, there is no way to tell how they use that money. Since their major activity is performing abortions, it is very likely that federal funding has and is paying for abortions. At a minimum there should be an audit and if federal money has been used for abortions, PP should be prosecuted and totally defunded.

There is. It's called accounting.

Explained for you in post #122.

Not explained. Suggested.

How do you imagine that any organization is required to show compliance with the Hyde amendment?

Either no abortions, or no federal funds.

Simple enough for you?

That is not what the Hyde Amendment requires. The Hyde Amendment covers only federal funds. PP does not use federal funds for abortion.

Of course they do, as shown numerous times in this thread.

You should see if there is a medication for either your perseveration or your prevarication.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health
If there are over 13,000 health care centers providing comprehensive women's health care, PP is a duplicate service and can be eliminated altogether. The US has to find duplicate services in all types of services and cut their funding. Fund only when there is a need.

One too many "ifs" in that post.

The answer is, they're not up and running but even if they were, its not reasonable to say other sources of health care should be closed.

By your logic, all but one hospital should be closed in major cities.
Fine. Then eliminate the "if" and the sentence is still true.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health
If there are over 13,000 health care centers providing comprehensive women's health care, PP is a duplicate service and can be eliminated altogether. The US has to find duplicate services in all types of services and cut their funding. Fund only when there is a need.

Makes no sense

If PP is doing what the others are doing, why should they be singled out?

Because others aren't receiving federal funds to kill innocent human being.

I suggest that a more accurate avi for you would be, as per your post, "NoSense."

PP gets most of its money from sources from other than federal taxpayers. All abortion costs to PP are paid for out of that other non-federal money.

By your reasoning any hospital, or hospital chain, or healthcare corporation anywhere in America where even a single abortion is ever performed should lose all of its Medicaid funding.

Is that really what you believe?

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health
If there are over 13,000 health care centers providing comprehensive women's health care, PP is a duplicate service and can be eliminated altogether. The US has to find duplicate services in all types of services and cut their funding. Fund only when there is a need.

PP would not exist if there weren't a need for their services.

By 'services,' you must mean the $6 million that they have contributed to the Democrats.
Apparently people with no self control. Gotta love the name though... Planned Parenthood... your go-to place for abortion on demand when you had an unplanned pregnancy.
PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

PP gets federal funding, there is no way to tell how they use that money. Since their major activity is performing abortions, it is very likely that federal funding has and is paying for abortions. At a minimum there should be an audit and if federal money has been used for abortions, PP should be prosecuted and totally defunded.

There is. It's called accounting.

Explained for you in post #122.

Not explained. Suggested.

How do you imagine that any organization is required to show compliance with the Hyde amendment?

Either no abortions, or no federal funds.

Simple enough for you?

A bit too simple I'm afraid.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health
If there are over 13,000 health care centers providing comprehensive women's health care, PP is a duplicate service and can be eliminated altogether. The US has to find duplicate services in all types of services and cut their funding. Fund only when there is a need.

Makes no sense

If PP is doing what the others are doing, why should they be singled out?

Because others aren't receiving federal funds to kill innocent human being.

I suggest that a more accurate avi for you would be, as per your post, "NoSense."

PP gets most of its money from sources from other than federal taxpayers. All abortion costs to PP are paid for out of that other non-federal money.

By your reasoning any hospital, or hospital chain, or healthcare corporation anywhere in America where even a single abortion is ever performed should lose all of its Medicaid funding.

Is that really what you believe?

Let's fight one battle at a time.
That's all??????

'Potential' means 'could be.'

So....tell me, what are the other possible outcomes for the unborn?
What happens to most, they never survived the process...

Any significant difference between that to which you acquiesce, and this:

"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A baby was found dead outside a building in the Bronx Monday afternoon, apparently after being dropped out of a window.

As CBS2’s Valerie Castro reported, it was a heartbreaking scene as the newborn infant was brought out of the building and placed into a New York City Medical Examiner’s office van.

Around 2:20 p.m., the newborn baby girl was found by the superintendent’s wife in the rear of the building at 130 W. 183rd St., in the University Heights section of the Bronx, police sources told CBS2.

Sources said the umbilical cord was still attached. The girl was born inside the apartment, sources said."
Police: Baby Found Dead After Being Thrown From Window In The Bronx
Someone who should have aborted, obviously...
I can understand your attempt to change the direction of the thread, as your position is untenable.

To remind all......the question is whether or not federal funding should go to this savage institution, Planned Parenthood.

I vote no.

About 60% of Americans vote 'yes'. You lose the referendum if you want to play that game.

"Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health carewithout using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States."
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

Looks like the Conservative witch hunt against Planned Parenthood is not working

How come you always root for the evil side?

It's who the modern day leftist is... the champions of infanticide, perverted marriage and all other things unnatural... they are the American Taliban.
No one does.
Well....no one needs government funded slaughter of the unborn.

1. ...it may provide a level of comfort so very important to those without morality, principles, or the proper upbringing....
....what is the element that it provides?
.....The ability to carry on an 'if it feels good, do it' life style with no thought to who is hurt.

2. So...what the motivation for denying it government funding?
The law.

a. "Passed by Congress in 1976, the Hyde Amendment excludes abortion from the comprehensive health care services provided to low-income people by the federal government through Medicaid. "
Public Funding for Abortion

b. "Congress has made some exceptions to the funding ban, which have varied over the years. At present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered..."

3. Let's deal with the so very overused idea of "cases of rape or incest."
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/psrh/full/3711005.pdf

4. Well....how about when a pregnant woman's life is endangered? In just 12% of the cases were there 'concerns' for the mother’s health, according to reports. (Ibid.)

The problem here is that there is no objective criterion for "the mother's health." Anyone who can prevail on her doctor to write a note including the word "health" can get in under that clause.
I'm bettin' that the 12% figure is rally more like that of rape or incest.

5. So......what is the reason for extinguishing the life of the incipient human baby in the vast.....vast.....majority of cases?

It is the very element that forms the pillar of Planned Parenthood's raison d'être...convenience.

Liberal governance is all about making it easy to do what one "feels like"....even to the extent of killing an about-to-be human baby.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The Declaration of Independence

Based on the above, from America's founding document, every patriotic American, every conservative, is pro-life.

PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

If the government defunded PP they would have to spend the money donated to them for abortions and most of the other services they offer would suffer. Or they could spend the money donated to them to provide the services and not offer abortions.
Apparently people with no self control. Gotta love the name though... Planned Parenthood... your go-to place for abortion on demand when you had an unplanned pregnancy.

They also provide educational services and birth control

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than all the Republican attempts to ban it

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health
If there are over 13,000 health care centers providing comprehensive women's health care, PP is a duplicate service and can be eliminated altogether. The US has to find duplicate services in all types of services and cut their funding. Fund only when there is a need.

PP would not exist if there weren't a need for their services.

By 'services,' you must mean the $6 million that they have contributed to the Democrats.

Apparently people with no self control. Gotta love the name though... Planned Parenthood... your go-to place for abortion on demand when you had an unplanned pregnancy.

Seems some think a baby is a 'punishment'....so, kill it.

President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby'

About 60% of Americans vote 'yes'. You lose the referendum if you want to play that game.

"Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health carewithout using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States."
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health

Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported

Looks like the Conservative witch hunt against Planned Parenthood is not working

How come you always root for the evil side?

It's who the modern day leftist is... the champions of infanticide, perverted marriage and all other things unnatural... they are the American Taliban.
The Taliban, real and American, opposes equality for gays and legal abortion. Now you know.
Apparently people with no self control. Gotta love the name though... Planned Parenthood... your go-to place for abortion on demand when you had an unplanned pregnancy.

Seems some think a baby is a 'punishment'....so, kill it.

President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby'
A fetus is not a baby. That's why they have different names. they are different things, very.

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