Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

FYI: Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives

"A study published in Guttmacher's International Family Planning Perspectives in 1998 said risk to a woman's health was the main reason for 2.8% of U.S. abortions in 1987-88."

That's very true.

Sometimes a pregnancy can bring on the sudden onset of type 1 diabetes. Cancer would be another reason for terminating a pregnancy. This is why exceptions to abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest have to be given. Because this same woman could easily have two young kids at home that she has to raise, who's life is threatened by another pregnancy. In rape instances, there may be a husband and other family members opposed to her carrying a rape baby to full term. Incest victims are often very young--and they should not have to put their lives at risk to deliver a baby.


They are the no exceptions, under any circumstance group. 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. Right wing politicians that don't give exceptions to abortion can't win national elections because of this. In my state of Colorado they can't even win a state-wide election for U.S. Senator if they're too extreme on an abortion stance.

Women are the majority voting block in this country today at 54%, and they believe their lives are worth saving.

However, I don't believe anyone is jumping for joy over "abortion on demand." Everyone including pro-choice would much more prefer that condoms and birth contraceptives are used to prevent the pregnancy.

Personally, with Obamacare--I do not understand why we need 700 Planned Parenthood offices in this country, when poor women are covered under Obamacare and can go to any doctor's office that specializes in women's health care? So why do we need to subsidize Planned Parenthood with Obamacare in effect? Someone explain that.
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Under the Hyde Amendment, no U.S. Tax Payer Dollars can be used to fund abortions.

Videos used are heavily edited for content and suspect. An edited tape presupposes the existence of the original and absent the original such tapes are inadmissible.

There is no legal proof to support what is at best conjecture, contention and supposition.

Keep lying to yourself, it is all you know how to do.

Taxpayer funds, once given to PP, can be used for any purpose.


Attempts to prosecute or penalize PP will be stopped by Liberals/Democrats.

Stop pretending to be ignorant.

as opposed to you being actually ignorant?

Have you noticed that I've been able to correct every one of your posts.

I'm sure others have.

actually, I've noticed that you claim you have. but you're wrong about everything in this thread, so your self-professed corrections only impress your fellow rightwingnut hacks.

me? I know how limited you are and how ostentatiously self-serving.



Did you see this in post #394....
"There are a number of clear biological facts, and all sorts of legal precedents, that easily refute the claim that the embryo or fetus is simply part of the mother's body."

Which did you care to correct?

Oh....none of the ten.

So....what have we learned?
a. You don't understand the law
b. You have no clue about science
c. Your are not able to recognize the difference, morally, between right and wrong.

Gads...you are a sorry case.

Must be a Liberal, huh?
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

He is correct, and nailed you.

Pretty much what I said earlier.
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?
There is no right to life, period.
I know you feel that murdering sick infants [yes he really said that] is okay but those of us who are not depraved monsters disagree.
One of us can deal with reality and one of us, you, deals in dogma.
Your dogma is that murdering sick infants is okay.

Yes, he really said that.
Killing what is sick, deformed, and suffering is okay. Now you know.

Does that cover mental infirmity?

If so....best be on your guard.
No one does.
Well....no one needs government funded slaughter of the unborn.

1. ...it may provide a level of comfort so very important to those without morality, principles, or the proper upbringing....
....what is the element that it provides?
.....The ability to carry on an 'if it feels good, do it' life style with no thought to who is hurt.

2. So...what the motivation for denying it government funding?
The law.

a. "Passed by Congress in 1976, the Hyde Amendment excludes abortion from the comprehensive health care services provided to low-income people by the federal government through Medicaid. "
Public Funding for Abortion

b. "Congress has made some exceptions to the funding ban, which have varied over the years. At present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered..."

3. Let's deal with the so very overused idea of "cases of rape or incest."
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/psrh/full/3711005.pdf

4. Well....how about when a pregnant woman's life is endangered? In just 12% of the cases were there 'concerns' for the mother’s health, according to reports. (Ibid.)

The problem here is that there is no objective criterion for "the mother's health." Anyone who can prevail on her doctor to write a note including the word "health" can get in under that clause.
I'm bettin' that the 12% figure is rally more like that of rape or incest.

5. So......what is the reason for extinguishing the life of the incipient human baby in the vast.....vast.....majority of cases?

It is the very element that forms the pillar of Planned Parenthood's raison d'être...convenience.

Liberal governance is all about making it easy to do what one "feels like"....even to the extent of killing an about-to-be human baby.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The Declaration of Independence

Based on the above, from America's founding document, every patriotic American, every conservative, is pro-life.

PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

And herein we have the sort of lie that you've become famous for.
(Ooops! Ended the sentence with a preposition!!)

The taxpayer money given to Planned Parenthood is fungible....able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.

It can be used for any purpose....including abortions.

And it is used for exactly that.

PP gets more funding from non governmental sources than it does from the federal government. It is not possible for PP to need to tap into federal funds to cover abortion costs.

Great----then it will be no problem for the government to withdraw their funding.
FYI: Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives

"A study published in Guttmacher's International Family Planning Perspectives in 1998 said risk to a woman's health was the main reason for 2.8% of U.S. abortions in 1987-88."

That's very true.

Sometimes a pregnancy can bring on the sudden onset of type 1 diabetes. Cancer would be another reason for terminating a pregnancy. This is why exceptions to abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest have to be given. Because this same woman could easily have two young kids at home that she has to raise, who's life is threatened by another pregnancy. In rape instances, there may be a husband and other family members opposed to her carrying a rape baby to full term. Incest victims are often very young--and they should not have to put their lives at risk to deliver a baby.


They are the no exceptions, under any circumstance group. 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. Right wing politicians that don't give exceptions to abortion can't win national elections because of this. In my state of Colorado they can't even win a state-wide election for U.S. Senator if they're too extreme on an abortion stance.

Women are the majority voting block in this country today at 54%, and they believe their lives are worth saving.

However, I don't believe anyone is jumping for joy over "abortion on demand." Everyone including pro-choice would much more prefer that condoms and birth contraceptives are used to prevent the pregnancy.

Personally, with Obamacare--I do not understand why we need 700 Planned Parenthood offices in this country, when poor women are covered under Obamacare and can go to any doctor's office that specializes in women's health care? So why do we need to subsidize Planned Parenthood with Obamacare in effect? Someone explain that.

" 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. Right wing politicians that don't give exceptions to abortion can't win national elections because of this. In my state of Colorado they can't even win a state-wide election for U.S. Senator if they're too extreme on an abortion stance."

Rape, incest, and health of the mother cover less than 3% of the abortions in this country.

The rest involve killing a human being for convenience.

Such is the Liberal perspective on the sanctity of human life.
Looks like the liberal push to destroy millions of black children is working.

Abortion is an individual choice that is left up to the mother

1. Why?

Why should she have the right to take a human life?

2. Barack Obama goes so far as to endorse the killing up to a month after the child is born.

Agree with that too?

If we passed laws that made abortion murder and put women away for life for getting an abortion,

wouldn't that fix the problem you think we have?

Here's a plan: obey the proscriptions of the Hyde amendment and not worry about rest of your attempts to obfuscate.

Don't you think most folks who have read the thread and have seen you offer this bit of misdirection numerous times caught on to the fact that you have no answer to 'obey the proscriptions of the Hyde amendment .'

Or, do you imagine that most are of your level?

You keep mentioning the Hyde amendment and asserting that PP is in violation, yet you never say how or why.
How does PP receive federal funds?
What part of federal funds are used for abortion in your mind?

Actually, I've state exactly why a dozen times.

Pay more attention.
Under the Hyde Amendment, no U.S. Tax Payer Dollars can be used to fund abortions.

Videos used are heavily edited for content and suspect. An edited tape presupposes the existence of the original and absent the original such tapes are inadmissible.

There is no legal proof to support what is at best conjecture, contention and supposition.

Keep lying to yourself, it is all you know how to do.

Taxpayer funds, once given to PP, can be used for any purpose.


Attempts to prosecute or penalize PP will be stopped by Liberals/Democrats.

Stop pretending to be ignorant.

as opposed to you being actually ignorant?

Have you noticed that I've been able to correct every one of your posts.

I'm sure others have.

actually, I've noticed that you claim you have. but you're wrong about everything in this thread, so your self-professed corrections only impress your fellow rightwingnut hacks.

me? I know how limited you are and how ostentatiously self-serving.



Did you see this in post #394....
"There are a number of clear biological facts, and all sorts of legal precedents, that easily refute the claim that the embryo or fetus is simply part of the mother's body."

Which did you care to correct?

Oh....none of the ten.

So....what have we learned?
a. You don't understand the law
b. You have no clue about science
c. Your are not able to recognize the difference, morally, between right and wrong.

Gads...you are a sorry case.

Must be a Liberal, huh?

poor dear. use rightwingnut non-science as if it's science.

again, don't have an abortion if it goes against your RELIGIOUS beliefs.

I'll rely on reality.

the fact that all you do is spew rightwingnut dogma speaks to one thing...

that you're a wacky rightwingnut.

again, your typical cut and pastes prove nothing. try actual thought sometimes.
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

He is correct, and nailed you.

Pretty much what I said earlier.

so a rightwingnut supports another rightwingnut's delusions.

lmao... i know, dear. your feelings are hurt because i know you aren;t as bright as you like to think you are.

Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.
Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill

poor muddy. delusional as always.

spew by loons does not equal reality.

but you haven't figured that out yet, i know.


p.s. life news is not a source. wackadoodle.
anyone hear today how much that nasty woman Richards salary is? 600, 000 dollars. Their money for travels, 14, 000 a DAY. now what do they do THEY need to travel daily? and they want US taxpayers TO PAY FOR IT

Why is her salary in any way relevant?

How do taxpayers "pay for it"?

Taxpayers gave $528 million to the organization.

According to yesterday's hearing, it made over $100 million in profit last year.
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.

Stop lying.

Due to Liberals/Democrats, there is no check on how the organization uses the $500 million thrown into the scam.

Seems I have to teach you English as well as the rest of the topics.....look up "fungible."
Democrats have been claiming for years that PP has been providing mammograms to women......but according to testimony in Congress yesterday, no PP facility has a mammogram machine.

So why did they lie about this?
Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill

poor muddy. delusional as always.

spew by loons does not equal reality.

but you haven't figured that out yet, i know.


p.s. life news is not a source. wackadoodle.

Care to show how anything is his post is incorrect?


It appears he is totally accurate.
Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill

poor muddy. delusional as always.

spew by loons does not equal reality.

but you haven't figured that out yet, i know.


p.s. life news is not a source. wackadoodle.
Neither is the Daily Show.
The fact remains that PP is a private organization free to support those political organizations that support them just as every other corporation or lobbying group does. No federal money is used for that purpose.

"No federal money is used for that purpose."


Research the term 'fungible.'

Prove fungible first

The whole premise is retarded. She believes that if all of the money were in one pot and you pulled out a twenty to buy something, there is no way to know if that twenty came from the Fed or a donation so therefore, since it can't be seperated then federal money is likely spent on abortion.
The views of a lifelong simpleton.

The anti-abortionists have had 30 years to make this Hyde Amendment charge against PP stick in court.

Why haven't they?
It seems it would be a lot more effective if they proved that Planned Parenthood is using federal funds for abortions than making bogus horror videos......but they can't

So Planned Parenthood gets the Breitbart treatment

Did you see the hearing yesterday?

Seems the videos aren't "bogus horror videos."

But Liberals like you either lie about 'em or greet them with a shrug.

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