Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

There is no talk of the Rich White Conservative Women who still be able to get abortions.

Heavens To Betsy No. Rich White Conservative Women will still be able to receive their abortions.
You seem to think killing off your children is some kind of reward or privilege.

No, I was wounded in 'Nam, thanks to the Army I was castrated by a grenade.
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You have no problem killing Muslim Children do you?
Actually I am very much opposed to the endless, pointless Mideast wars and occupations.

As am I. But a great many of the s-called "Right To Life" people had no problem when the U.S. Invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and killed thousands of unborn children.

For them, life only counts if it is White, American and Conservative.
English please. Are you complaining that the black and hispanic populations in the US aren't growing fast enough,
Actually the native African American population is not growing very fast because of the high abortion rate. That's why racists love the abortion industry.

or are you accusing PP of abducting black and Hispanic women and giving them abortions against their will?
Economic pressure and lies push many women into getting abortions.

Misinformation and Manipulation at Planned Parenthood - Live Action
The anti-abortion movement is solely based on irrational emotion. There is no rational argument against providing women a safe, legal window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.
Ridiculous arrogance. It is perfectly rational to want to protect unborn babies.


We protect animals from being mistreated. We protect children from being beaten. Why not offer unborn babies the basic right to life?

Check out: Bill Nye Gets Science Wrong on Abortion | National Review Online
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The anti-abortion movement is solely based on irrational emotion. There is no rational argument against providing women a safe, legal window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.
Ridiculous arrogance. It is perfectly rational to want to protect unborn babies.


We protect animals from being mistreated. We protect children from being beaten. Why not offer unborn babies the basic right to life?
There is no right to life, period.
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Planned Parenthood has every right to exist, but since they make an enormous profit each year, they do not need tax payer money to function.
Planned Parenthood has every right to exist, but since they make an enormous profit each year, they do not need tax payer money to function. The left argues that it's there for poor people, but Obamacare covers all the things they need except abortion. PP charges for abortions and no tax payer money is supposed to be spent on that, so they do not need our money. Let people use their free Obamacare to get pap smears, cancer screenings and other things that PP says they offer at tax payer expense. How do we know that PP doesn't use tax money for abortions and why else would they need it since all other clinics offer the other services they claim to offer? We also know they find millions to donate to Dem campaigns, which means they want tax payer money to ensure they have extra to spend on these things. I resent even a penny of my money going to support Hillary or Sanders and it's wrong for organizations who get huge checks from government to turn around and give it to politicians.
PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

So that makes it right?

I really believe the day will come that abortion will be as simple as taking a pill...

Oh wait we do have the Morning After pill don't we...

Sad so very sad, I wonder if your mother had taken the pill or coat hanger or clinical abortion, oh that's right you're hear defending abortion, got it...

There are so many better alternatives, the true irony in the Pro Choice culture is most are Liberals.
'Slaughter of the unborn'.

That's the kind of rhetoric you hear from guys who shoot abortion doctors.

Yes... Those who defend innocent life by justifiably killing those who commit those murders, do seem to have a clear understanding of the facts, Gilligan.
There is no right to life, period.
I know you feel that murdering sick infants [yes he really said that] is okay but those of us who are not depraved monsters disagree.
One of us can deal with reality and one of us, you, deals in dogma.
Your dogma is that murdering sick infants is okay.

Yes, he really said that.
Killing what is sick, deformed, and suffering is okay. Now you know.

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