Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

The fact remains that PP is a private organization free to support those political organizations that support them just as every other corporation or lobbying group does. No federal money is used for that purpose.

Why would Planned Parenthood contribute to the party that is trying to ban them?

Nobody's trying to ban them.... just end taxpayer funding of an organization engaging in infanticide and primarily of minorities... not to mention the director alone makes over $600,000 annually.
Abortion is legal in the U.S. So are women's health services
There is no reason to stop providing funding for women's health services.
What justification do you have? Conservatives don't like them?

Federal funding of abortion is not legal.
There is no credible proof, evidence that on it's face that proves PP is using Government Funds for abortion, all the Republicans have is empty noise and edited tapes.

PP provided Health Care for Women, Primary Health Care for Women. Pap Smears, Breast Exams and Reproductive Services that would be otherwise not be available to many Women is rural America.

All the lies be spread by Republicans are exactly that....LIES.

No abortions are performed, the Hyde Amendment Expressly Forbids It.

No crap about fungible money, which mean you have no proof at all. Lacking proof all you are doing is lying.

Of course they are.
Below is an example of the totally twisted logic of the left:

Late Monday night, liberal actress and comedian Margaret Cho took to Twitter in a rage against the call to defund Planned Parenthood. After she shared a picture of herself wearing Planned Parenthood apparel, she insisted that “God created abortion” and demanded that a “child” was really just a “bunch of cells.”

Her tweets continued through Tuesday morning, when Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards testified before the House Oversight Committee in regards to the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted baby parts.

- See more at: Margaret Cho Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘God Created Abortion’
Prove fungible first

The whole premise is retarded. She believes that if all of the money were in one pot and you pulled out a twenty to buy something, there is no way to know if that twenty came from the Fed or a donation so therefore, since it can't be seperated then federal money is likely spent on abortion.
The views of a lifelong simpleton.

The anti-abortionists have had 30 years to make this Hyde Amendment charge against PP stick in court.

Why haven't they?
It seems it would be a lot more effective if they proved that Planned Parenthood is using federal funds for abortions than making bogus horror videos......but they can't

So Planned Parenthood gets the Breitbart treatment

The anti-abortion movement is solely based on irrational emotion. There is no rational argument against providing women a safe, legal window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.

There is no talk of the Rich White Conservative Women who still be able to get abortions.

Heavens To Betsy No. Rich White Conservative Women will still be able to receive their abortions.

How about you Liberals put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, and actually reach into your wallet and directly pay for the abortions....that would be legal.
Below is an example of the totally twisted logic of the left:

Late Monday night, liberal actress and comedian Margaret Cho took to Twitter in a rage against the call to defund Planned Parenthood. After she shared a picture of herself wearing Planned Parenthood apparel, she insisted that “God created abortion” and demanded that a “child” was really just a “bunch of cells.”

Her tweets continued through Tuesday morning, when Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards testified before the House Oversight Committee in regards to the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted baby parts.

- See more at: Margaret Cho Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘God Created Abortion’

It's so embarrassing....she's one of my peeps.
The anti-abortion movement is solely based on irrational emotion. There is no rational argument against providing women a safe, legal window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.
Ridiculous arrogance. It is perfectly rational to want to protect unborn babies.


We protect animals from being mistreated. We protect children from being beaten. Why not offer unborn babies the basic right to life?
There is no right to life, period.

Were you an America, you might think differently...

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thomas Jefferson
PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

So that makes it right?

I really believe the day will come that abortion will be as simple as taking a pill...

Oh wait we do have the Morning After pill don't we...

Sad so very sad, I wonder if your mother had taken the pill or coat hanger or clinical abortion, oh that's right you're hear defending abortion, got it...

There are so many better alternatives, the true irony in the Pro Choice culture is most are Liberals.

Then support the alternative people like PoliticalChic support -

make abortion murder and put away women for life if they're caught having abortions.
Below is an example of the totally twisted logic of the left:

Late Monday night, liberal actress and comedian Margaret Cho took to Twitter in a rage against the call to defund Planned Parenthood. After she shared a picture of herself wearing Planned Parenthood apparel, she insisted that “God created abortion” and demanded that a “child” was really just a “bunch of cells.”

Her tweets continued through Tuesday morning, when Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards testified before the House Oversight Committee in regards to the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted baby parts.

- See more at: Margaret Cho Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘God Created Abortion’

It's so embarrassing....she's one of my peeps.

An unfunny airhead. Yes definitely one of your people.
Planned Parenthood has every right to exist, but since they make an enormous profit each year, they do not need tax payer money to function.

Exist yes...

Promote the murder of the pre-born? Uh... there is no such right.
FYI: Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives

"A study published in Guttmacher's International Family Planning Perspectives in 1998 said risk to a woman's health was the main reason for 2.8% of U.S. abortions in 1987-88."

That's very true.

Sometimes a pregnancy can bring on the sudden onset of type 1 diabetes. Cancer would be another reason for terminating a pregnancy. This is why exceptions to abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest have to be given. Because this same woman could easily have two young kids at home that she has to raise, who's life is threatened by another pregnancy. In rape instances, there may be a husband and other family members opposed to her carrying a rape baby to full term. Incest victims are often very young--and they should not have to put their lives at risk to deliver a baby.


They are the no exceptions, under any circumstance group. 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. Right wing politicians that don't give exceptions to abortion can't win national elections because of this. In my state of Colorado they can't even win a state-wide election for U.S. Senator if they're too extreme on an abortion stance.

Women are the majority voting block in this country today at 54%, and they believe their lives are worth saving.

However, I don't believe anyone is jumping for joy over "abortion on demand." Everyone including pro-choice would much more prefer that condoms and birth contraceptives are used to prevent the pregnancy.

Personally, with Obamacare--I do not understand why we need 700 Planned Parenthood offices in this country, when poor women are covered under Obamacare and can go to any doctor's office that specializes in women's health care? So why do we need to subsidize Planned Parenthood with Obamacare in effect? Someone explain that.

" 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. Right wing politicians that don't give exceptions to abortion can't win national elections because of this. In my state of Colorado they can't even win a state-wide election for U.S. Senator if they're too extreme on an abortion stance."

Rape, incest, and health of the mother cover less than 3% of the abortions in this country.

The rest involve killing a human being for convenience.

Such is the Liberal perspective on the sanctity of human life.

So what? Yes, it's 'convenient' if a girl in her teens, still in school, has safe, legal access to an abortion in the event of an unintended pregnancy. Yes it's 'convenient' if a married couple with 3 kids already decide to terminate the wife's accidental pregnancy, safely and legally, as a practical sensible family planning measure.

It's called civilized society. Get used to it.
Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill

poor muddy. delusional as always.

spew by loons does not equal reality.

but you haven't figured that out yet, i know.


p.s. life news is not a source. wackadoodle.
Neither is the Daily Show.

Note how Mud inadvertently concedes his link wasn't a legitimate source.
anyone hear today how much that nasty woman Richards salary is? 600, 000 dollars. Their money for travels, 14, 000 a DAY. now what do they do THEY need to travel daily? and they want US taxpayers TO PAY FOR IT

Why is her salary in any way relevant?

How do taxpayers "pay for it"?

Taxpayers gave $528 million to the organization.

According to yesterday's hearing, it made over $100 million in profit last year.

Hundreds maybe thousands of profitable companies in the healthcare industry get millions of federal tax dollars. Do you think Medicare and Medicaid patients all go to non-profits?
if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

beyond that, it's none of your business.

Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.

Stop lying.

Due to Liberals/Democrats, there is no check on how the organization uses the $500 million thrown into the scam.

Seems I have to teach you English as well as the rest of the topics.....look up "fungible."

Fungible doesn't apply. Look up segregated funds.
Planned Parenthood is nothing but an arm of the Democratic Party.

They were killing blacks in the South after the Civil War and now Planned Parenthood is doing the same thing for them for money, selling body parts for piles of cash, then turning around and giving cash to Democrats.

Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill

poor muddy. delusional as always.

spew by loons does not equal reality.

but you haven't figured that out yet, i know.


p.s. life news is not a source. wackadoodle.
Neither is the Daily Show.

Note how Mud inadvertently concedes his link wasn't a legitimate source.

Nope.......I was just stating a fact that most of the left-wing sources aren't legit.....not that mine wasn't.

And as was clearly stated, if the information is genuine, it doesn't matter who the source was.
Fact :

  1. Planned Parenthood had been killing the unborn for decades
  2. They have killed roughly 330,000 babies annually
  3. Most of them are from single mom's or poor families
  4. Most of them are black or Latinos
  5. They have made millions if not billions from selling body parts
  6. Planned Parenthood supports Democrats almost exclusively
  7. Democrats make money off of killing the unborn
  8. Democrats use taxpayer money to support Planned Parenthood
  9. Planned Parenthood uses some of that money for abortions
  10. The abortion issue is all about money for Democrats
Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.

Stop lying.

Due to Liberals/Democrats, there is no check on how the organization uses the $500 million thrown into the scam.

Seems I have to teach you English as well as the rest of the topics.....look up "fungible."

Fungible doesn't apply. Look up segregated funds.
Yeah.....Planned Parenthood lied about doing mammograms for decades.....they would never lie about how they use their federal funding.

Yep.....you're a gullible little shit, aren't you?
Ah yes, "if you don't want to murder your husband, don't do it."

You should take an introductory law class at the local community college. I'm serious, basic exposure to legal reasoning would completely change the way you post.

murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.

Stop lying.

Due to Liberals/Democrats, there is no check on how the organization uses the $500 million thrown into the scam.

Seems I have to teach you English as well as the rest of the topics.....look up "fungible."

Fungible doesn't apply. Look up segregated funds.

PC thinks she's smarter than she is.
murder is a particular act as defined by statute.

abortion is not murder. and it is constitutionally protected.

you're welcome.

It cannot be federally funded.

See if you can understand the Hyde Amendment.....so far, you haven't.

Slow learner, huh?

and abortion isn't federally funded.

so again, you clearly don't understand the law. i know, much to your chagrin. but here's a hint. you don't learn law from rightwngnut blogs or by sitting at the piano or cutting and pasting all day long.

but it's funny to watch you stamping your feet when you're called on your ignorance.

Stop lying.

Due to Liberals/Democrats, there is no check on how the organization uses the $500 million thrown into the scam.

Seems I have to teach you English as well as the rest of the topics.....look up "fungible."

Fungible doesn't apply. Look up segregated funds.

PC thinks she's smarter than she is.

Look....when I compare your posts with mine....how could I not believe I'm a genius????
PP doesn't get federal funds for performing abortions.

So that makes it right?

I really believe the day will come that abortion will be as simple as taking a pill...

Oh wait we do have the Morning After pill don't we...

Sad so very sad, I wonder if your mother had taken the pill or coat hanger or clinical abortion, oh that's right you're hear defending abortion, got it...

There are so many better alternatives, the true irony in the Pro Choice culture is most are Liberals.

Then support the alternative people like PoliticalChic support -

make abortion murder and put away women for life if they're caught having abortions.

My aim is simply to federally-defund Planned Parenthood.

Why do you continue to lie about same?

Oh....because that's what you do, NYLiar.
Below is an example of the totally twisted logic of the left:

Late Monday night, liberal actress and comedian Margaret Cho took to Twitter in a rage against the call to defund Planned Parenthood. After she shared a picture of herself wearing Planned Parenthood apparel, she insisted that “God created abortion” and demanded that a “child” was really just a “bunch of cells.”

Her tweets continued through Tuesday morning, when Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards testified before the House Oversight Committee in regards to the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted baby parts.

- See more at: Margaret Cho Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘God Created Abortion’

It's so embarrassing....she's one of my peeps.

An unfunny airhead. Yes definitely one of your people.

Ever notice that you only tell the truth when you agree with me?

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