Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

If 75% of Federal Money given to planned parenthood comes from the federal gvt reimbursing PP for medical services received by Medicaid patients at the Planned Parenthood clinics and associated diagnostic services, why would the Republicans want to cut this money out? There is no way paying for Medicaid services is paying for the abortion part of planned parenthood....the funds are simply paying the bills of Medicaid patients that are medical services not related to PP's abortions? They pay for the medicaid patient services at all other health clinics, or hospitals or in doctor's offices?


And exactly WHAT are these "diagnostic" services?

Planned Parenthood does two things; abortion and prescription of birth control.

They do not do mammograms.
They do not do cervical cancer screening.
They do not do uterine cancer screening.
They do not do provide prenatal care.

Anything OTHER than abortion, is nothing but a referral to a legitimate medical facility.
yes, they direct and pay for, their patients to go and get necessary services at associated diagnostic centers or doctor's offices.... if they didn't then Medicaid would have no pp bills to pay....

it's how pp gets money, through health services okay-ed by medicaid.... they are not thrown 75% of federal gvt funding from medicaid for nothing or to do as they please with it for goodness sakes, they are reimbursed like everyone else for medicaid services by medicaid patients...no????

If 75% of Federal Money given to planned parenthood comes from the federal gvt reimbursing PP for medical services received by Medicaid patients at the Planned Parenthood clinics and associated diagnostic services, why would the Republicans want to cut this money out? There is no way paying for Medicaid services is paying for the abortion part of planned parenthood....the funds are simply paying the bills of Medicaid patients that are medical services not related to PP's abortions? They pay for the medicaid patient services at all other health clinics, or hospitals or in doctor's offices?


And exactly WHAT are these "diagnostic" services?

Planned Parenthood does two things; abortion and prescription of birth control.

They do not do mammograms.
They do not do cervical cancer screening.
They do not do uterine cancer screening.
They do not do provide prenatal care.

Anything OTHER than abortion, is nothing but a referral to a legitimate medical facility.
yes, they direct and pay for, their patients to go and get necessary services at associated diagnostic centers or doctor's offices.... if they didn't then Medicaid would have no pp bills to pay....

it's how pp gets money, through health services okay-ed by medicaid.... they are not thrown 75% of federal gvt funding from medicaid for nothing or to do as they please with it for goodness sakes, they are reimbursed like everyone else for medicaid services by medicaid patients...no????

1. "Planned Parenthood’s business model is centered on abortion.
Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson has written that she was given an abortion quota, and was even told by her superiors to “double the number of abortions” in order to bring in more revenue.[vii]

Abortion patients constitute 12 percent of Planned Parenthood clients -- 332,000 of 3 million unduplicated clients in its most current report.37 percent of all Planned Parenthood clinic income revenue is from abortion procedures, according to conservative estimates.

Planned Parenthood has issued a directive instructing that all affiliates must have at least one clinic that performs abortion by 2013
.[viii]According to an NBC news report from December 2012, our of the “74 regional affiliates” a handful of those affiliates chose to leave the organization, rather than comply with the policy."
Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood Now | SBA-List
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But never....never.....pretend that you and I agree on any subject.

BUT BUT you agree that water is wet, so you MUST agree that abortion on demand is the greatest good.

I honestly suspect that he is mentally retarded. I've never heard anyone here suggest that a woman who has an abortion is a murderer. Of all the stupid straw men, his takes the cake.

No....he has an eternal itch that he must scratch.....posting.

Toward that end, he never has to rely on truth.

Out of kindness, I allow him to do so....it's like dropping a few cents into the bums Styrofoam cup on the subway.
yes, they direct and pay for, their patients to go and get necessary services at associated diagnostic centers or doctor's offices.... if they didn't then Medicaid would have no pp bills to pay....

it's how pp gets money, through health services okay-ed by medicaid.... they are not thrown 75% of federal gvt funding from medicaid for nothing or to do as they please with it for goodness sakes, they are reimbursed like everyone else for medicaid services by medicaid patients...no????

They "direct and pay for?" Bullshit - they allocate taxpayer money to legitimate medical facilities, they don't pay for a fucking thing, in fact they skim the funds DEEPLY as they pass through their greedy maw.

Planned Parenthood does one thing - abortion.
No....he has an eternal itch that he must scratch.....posting.

Toward that end, he never has to rely on truth.

Out of kindness, I allow him to do so....it's like dropping a few cents into the bums Styrofoam cup on the subway.

I don't know, I still think he spends his days screaming obscenities at lamp posts.

My diagnosis of the dope includes him suffering from perseveration and prevarication.
The best part is that he has no desire to be cured, so we will have him to kick around ad infinitum.
The majority is Americans that rate PP more popular than...well, just about everything in the news these days.

Planned Parenthood Is More Popular Than Any Presidential Candidate

  1. ... the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

Ah, so you support cutting off funding to Israel, got it...

Changing the subject?

So I win, huh?

No, I'm asking a counter question. Do you support stopping aid to Israel?
"no. it's part of the woman's body."
No, it isn't.
Since it dies the same time that she does, that matters very little, if at all.

How often is that the case?

And....it matters a great deal, since the death rate for abortion is very near 100%.

Then why don't you support sending women to prison for having abortions?

Here's the plan:

  1. ...the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

And for over 30 years Planned Parenthood has complied with that law and continues to do so. Nothing has changed.


I guess I will never tire of Progs braying about "THE LAW!".

These being the people who are presently and quite publicly calling for the murder of Police Officers... who promote the distribution of pornography to minors and who further promote the adult pursuit of children, for sexual gratification.
The majority is Americans that rate PP more popular than...well, just about everything in the news these days.

Planned Parenthood Is More Popular Than Any Presidential Candidate

  1. ... the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

Ah, so you support cutting off funding to Israel, got it...

Changing the subject?

So I win, huh?

No, I'm asking a counter question. Do you support stopping aid to Israel?

Someone drag you here?

If you voluntarily signed on to the thread, one would imagine you would be conversant with the topic.....this topic: Planned Parenthood funding.

Then since all of those other services are covered by Obozocare, and are readily available from other providers (unless you are ready to admit Obozocare is a failure), the federal government doesn't need to finance PP...

Thanks for playing...

always funny when really, really stupid people who don't even know their own president's name try to play

p.s. there is no insurance plan called "obamacare". there is the Affordable Care Act which allowed millions of people to obtain affordable insurance. there are still many people who aren't insured or who are underinsured.

but it's good to know that you hate women so much that you think that the millions of cancer screenings, etc, that planned parenthood does every year, which forms the vast majority of that planned parenthood does, should be terminated because you "disapprove" of a legal act which isn't funded by your tax dollars.

good thing is no one cares what you approve of.
So you're saying Obozocare isn't working...

Please continue...

no, i'm saying there is no such thing as "obozocare" and that you don't understand the Affordable Care Act.


So....how come you haven't provided the percentages of folks who disapprove of it?

It's about the same 60% you quoted earlier.

Sometimes percentages don't count, huh?

So you're willing to accept poll numbers as the arbiters of these issues?

How about the 2 to 1 support for continuing to fund PP? Will you concede to that?

How about the 2 to 1 opposition to repealing Roe v Wade? Will you concede to that?

wingers never vote for civil liberties....that's why it took armed force to integrate southern schools.
Since it dies the same time that she does, that matters very little, if at all.

How often is that the case?

And....it matters a great deal, since the death rate for abortion is very near 100%.

Then why don't you support sending women to prison for having abortions?

Here's the plan:

  1. ...the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

And for over 30 years Planned Parenthood has complied with that law and continues to do so. Nothing has changed.


I guess I will never tire of Progs braying about "THE LAW!".

These being the people who are presently and quite publicly calling for the murder of Police Officers... who promote the distribution of pornography to minors and who further promote the adult pursuit of children, for sexual gratification.

you butters have been corrected on this subject before. no one is "calling for the murder of police officers", ignoramus.
The majority is Americans that rate PP more popular than...well, just about everything in the news these days.

Planned Parenthood Is More Popular Than Any Presidential Candidate

  1. ... the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

Ah, so you support cutting off funding to Israel, got it...

Changing the subject?

So I win, huh?

No, I'm asking a counter question. Do you support stopping aid to Israel?

Someone drag you here?

If you voluntarily signed on to the thread, one would imagine you would be conversant with the topic.....this topic: Planned Parenthood funding.

I see you're avoiding the question. I understand why. You DO support aid to Israel, making you a hypocrite.

  1. ... the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
    Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment

Ah, so you support cutting off funding to Israel, got it...

Changing the subject?

So I win, huh?

No, I'm asking a counter question. Do you support stopping aid to Israel?

Someone drag you here?

If you voluntarily signed on to the thread, one would imagine you would be conversant with the topic.....this topic: Planned Parenthood funding.

I see you're avoiding the question. I understand why. You DO support aid to Israel, making you a hypocrite.

You can run but you can't hide.

Let's see if I can get you back on track:
...if you demand the right to destroy a human being...one that you voluntarily created.....the least you could do is pay for it yourself.


So let's stop giving that abortion mill federal funds.

Ah, so you support cutting off funding to Israel, got it...

Changing the subject?

So I win, huh?

No, I'm asking a counter question. Do you support stopping aid to Israel?

Someone drag you here?

If you voluntarily signed on to the thread, one would imagine you would be conversant with the topic.....this topic: Planned Parenthood funding.

I see you're avoiding the question. I understand why. You DO support aid to Israel, making you a hypocrite.

You can run but you can't hide.

Let's see if I can get you back on track:
...if you demand the right to destroy a human being...one that you voluntarily created.....the least you could do is pay for it yourself.


So let's stop giving that abortion mill federal funds.

I'm not running or hiding...but you're dodging the uncomfortable question about Isreal. I wonder why that could be? :lol: No, I'm really not wondering. I know why you're ducking and dodging it...it makes you out to be a raving hypocrite.

Federal funds don't pay for abortions.

Do you know HOW PP get's it's federal money?
Damn it libs----------------answer my question.

What is the difference between killing a baby as it leaves its mother (partial birth abortion) and killing it at the age of 1 year?


Huge difference, one that begins by understanding how the term "partial birth abortion" is misused and seperating spin from fact: 'Partial-Birth Abortion:' Separating Fact from Spin

"...And contrary to the claims of some abortion opponents, most such abortions do not take place in the third trimester of pregnancy, or after fetal "viability."

The fetus is typically far too undeveloped to survive, it's not yet born ("...emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother...) and alternative measures are more dangerous for the mother. Infanticide is killing a child after birth, murdering an infant.

And from the source:
Activists on both sides of the issues see the constitutionality of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act as pivotal to the larger debate. Abortion-rights backers say the ban is a first step toward trying to outlaw all abortions. Even some supporters of the ban say that if it is upheld, they could then move on to try to outlaw the far more common D&E procedure, whose description is nearly as unpleasant as that of the D&X.

The court could also use the law to address the "health" exception currently required for all abortion restrictions. Abortion foes say the current health exception upheld by the court is so broad — encompassing mental health problems as well as physical ones — that just about any abortion-procedure ban would have to be invalidated. But abortion-rights supporters say that without a health exception, women could be forced to carry to term fetuses with no chance at life, but whose birth could leave the pregnant women unable to carry a later pregnancy, or could exacerbate serious ailments such as diabetes.

total BS. premature babies survive every day. But like all libs, you dodged the question. If its ok to kill a "viable" baby before birth why is it not also ok to kill a "viable" baby 1 year after birth?

Second question. If a pregnant woman is killed (no matter how far along in the pregnancy) the killer is charged with two counts of murder. If a fetus is not a human being, why does our law call for two counts of murder?
Under the law of the God of the Bible ( for all you 'Christian nation' types)

aren't women who have abortions murderers?

Forget the various laws of the land, and think only in terms of Christian principles...

...aren't women who have abortions murderers?

the doctor is the murderer, the woman is an accessory to murder.

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