Who Said We Need More Gun Laws?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
....when the existing ones actually work. Color me surprised.

DOJ: Gun Prosecutions Up Nearly 23 Percent

"The DOJ said 2,637 people were charged with illegal gun possession between April 1, 2017, and June 30, 2017. That's 488 more charges than the 2,149 between April 1, 2016, and June 30, 2016—an increase of 22.7 percent. The department said the increased enforcement of current federal gun laws is a direct result of President Trump's executive order on crime reduction and Attorney General Sessions's memo on targeting gun crimes..."


....when the existing ones actually work. Color me surprised.

DOJ: Gun Prosecutions Up Nearly 23 Percent

"The DOJ said 2,637 people were charged with illegal gun possession between April 1, 2017, and June 30, 2017. That's 488 more charges than the 2,149 between April 1, 2016, and June 30, 2016—an increase of 22.7 percent. The department said the increased enforcement of current federal gun laws is a direct result of President Trump's executive order on crime reduction and Attorney General Sessions's memo on targeting gun crimes..."

there is only one gun law in this country.

i thought obama was going to test this one, being the constitutional expert that he is.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
If people would simply take notice every person has the right to a gun. Nowhere is every government agency have that same right.
....when the existing ones actually work. Color me surprised.

DOJ: Gun Prosecutions Up Nearly 23 Percent

"The DOJ said 2,637 people were charged with illegal gun possession between April 1, 2017, and June 30, 2017. That's 488 more charges than the 2,149 between April 1, 2016, and June 30, 2016—an increase of 22.7 percent. The department said the increased enforcement of current federal gun laws is a direct result of President Trump's executive order on crime reduction and Attorney General Sessions's memo on targeting gun crimes..."


So what are you trying to say, that targeting criminals instead of making more regulations for all gun owners had an impact? Who would have thought? :alcoholic:
I give Trump credit for honoring his campaign promise to "Make this country safe again", and for instilling confidence in the American law-enforcement community. Their hands have virtually been tied for the last 8 years, thanks to Obama's hateful attitude towards the police.
We have plenty of gun laws, to many in fact. the hand has been over played, guns are not toys, gun people respect & know how to be safe with guns, its the idiots who don't bother to learn about guns & there proper use.& take military grade guns to lunch who have made the situation scary for the non gun useing part of the population.
We have plenty of gun laws, to many in fact. the hand has been over played, guns are not toys, gun people respect & know how to be safe with guns, its the idiots who don't bother to learn about guns & there proper use.& take military grade guns to lunch who have made the situation scary for the non gun useing part of the population.
...and firearm purchases should be a 100% tax write off.
We have plenty of gun laws, to many in fact. the hand has been over played, guns are not toys, gun people respect & know how to be safe with guns, its the idiots who don't bother to learn about guns & there proper use.& take military grade guns to lunch who have made the situation scary for the non gun useing part of the population.

Liberals wrote the Second Amendment. For centuries.

You can debate whether the founding fathers were liberals or conservatives, but the modern liberal in no way resembles the people whi penned the constitution.

The people who seek to roll back our first amendment constitutional right such as the ACLU, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and the Brady Campaign are not liberals. They are Statists: They believe in a political system in which an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful state should have substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Statism pretty much defines the current state of liberalism in this country.
We have plenty of gun laws, to many in fact. the hand has been over played, guns are not toys, gun people respect & know how to be safe with guns, its the idiots who don't bother to learn about guns & there proper use.& take military grade guns to lunch who have made the situation scary for the non gun useing part of the population.
...and firearm purchases should be a 100% tax write off.

Or better yet, be like Switzerland and issue every trained law-abiding citizen a nice rifle. Except for the disturbing lack of canned kipper snacks and Hostess Twinkies, I'd love to look in my cupboard and find one of these...

You can debate whether the founding fathers were liberals or conservatives, but the modern liberal in no way resembles the people whi penned the constitution.

There's no need for debate. It's been established for well over two hundred years. There is no "modern Liberal". There is only a gaggle of Winston Smiths who insist on deliberately misusing the term.

The people who seek to roll back our first amendment constitutional right such as the ACLU, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and the Brady Campaign are not liberals.

Depending on who you mean, that may well be true.
So ------------- don't refer to them as such. Duh?

If I have a banana in my hand I know it's not a sausage. Therefore I don't call it a "sausage". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery.

They believe in a political system in which an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful state should have substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Statism pretty much defines the current state of liberalism in this country.

Actually what you just described is Authoritarianism. That's the opposite of Liberalism. You can't use a term to mean the opposite of itself.
It has been established by the Supreme Court that the government can regulate the kind of guns a citizen can own. Yes, you can own a Thompson .45 that is full auto. If you can jump through the hoops for a license for that gun. So, we don't have many people killed by Thompson .45's. Whereas we have a lot of people being killed by the military grade semi-auto's that can fire a 30 shot clip in under 10 seconds. They are very good for clearing out grade school classrooms, crowded malls, and theaters. You should be required to have the same license for the military grade semi-auto as the Thompson.
It has been established by the Supreme Court that the government can regulate the kind of guns a citizen can own. Yes, you can own a Thompson .45 that is full auto. If you can jump through the hoops for a license for that gun. So, we don't have many people killed by Thompson .45's. Whereas we have a lot of people being killed by the military grade semi-auto's that can fire a 30 shot clip in under 10 seconds. They are very good for clearing out grade school classrooms, crowded malls, and theaters. You should be required to have the same license for the military grade semi-auto as the Thompson.

Untrue. The majority of gun murders in this county are being with committed pistols, most of which were either taken from a family member, stolen from someone, or bought from a another criminal. Most of them only have at the most, a 15-round capacity.

And if you can unload a 30-round magazine in under 10 seconds, I'd like to see that.
It has been established by the Supreme Court that the government can regulate the kind of guns a citizen can own. Yes, you can own a Thompson .45 that is full auto. If you can jump through the hoops for a license for that gun. So, we don't have many people killed by Thompson .45's. Whereas we have a lot of people being killed by the military grade semi-auto's that can fire a 30 shot clip in under 10 seconds. They are very good for clearing out grade school classrooms, crowded malls, and theaters. You should be required to have the same license for the military grade semi-auto as the Thompson.
Shit for brains, an ffl is not hard to get at all, but should be easier. More people die from falling out of bed than from so called "assault weapons". BTW its called a magazine not a "clip" jerk off. You have no idea what "military grade" is you pussy whipped bitch. Lol
The Second Amendment is all that is needed you fucking pussy... :fu:

2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
I read an article saying 40% of gun owners have no formal training.

Pretty amazing these numbskulls don't have more "accidental" shootings than they do.

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