WHO Says No Need For Masks

The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.
I'm sick of it too....but what are you going to do?....I have friends that are acting like this virus doesn't exist...they are taking one hell of a risk.....a healthy 60 year old man climbed into an ambulance under his own power and waved goodbye to his quarantined wife...she called the next morning and was told her husband was in a coma...she can't even go see him....you can be sick of this all you want...but its the doubters that will get this and give it to others....

99.5% of us will survive if we ALL get it. It's better if we all get it. When it mutates it will be worse.
People are dying from this virus and its easier to catch than the flu....to allow it to run its course will kill hundreds of thousands of people.....
Not necessarily. We really have no idea how deeply this virus has already penetrated the country. I personally believe it's been here long before March.
There is no solid evidence that its been around for longer than presumed....but if that shows to be correct so what?...what does that change?...that its not as deadly?...so what?...I still don't want to catch it...it is bad...it fills your lungs so fast a ventilator is barely able to keep up....you in a sense drown in your own mucus with a 105 degree fever...no thanks.....
No. There isnt. just a hunch. That's why we need testing. And it DOES matter if it has been circulating thru the population for months. We are destroying the country based on GUESSES by people I really dont believe have the country's best interest at heart
People are dying from this virus and its easier to catch than the flu....to allow it to run its course will kill hundreds of thousands of people.....

That's the thing.

IT'S GOING TO RUN IT'S COURSE. There isn't a fucking thing Trump, the government, media, or a collectivist agenda is going to do to stop NATURE!!!!.

It's GOING TO KILL WHATEVER PEOPLE ARE SUSCEPTIBLE. To even pretend that wearing masks, spreading bleach and Lysol over everything is going to make a lick of difference is RETARDED.

BTW It's NOT GOING TO KILL hundreds of thousands of people in America that would not have died if this year's flu was H1N4, Cow Fart Virus, or Mushroom Snot.



Where was the hysteria over THAT????

The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.
Elected officials are urging the public to take normal precautions against illness, but not to let fears concerning coronavirus stop them from participating in the event.

Get your head out of the sand POGO....
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.

WTF are you talking about you tard.

I posted the link that the WHO said today you didn't need to wear a mask.

I posted the link to the WHO showing where they tweeted claim there was NO human to human transfer.

You are one daft fool.
I'm sick of it too....but what are you going to do?....I have friends that are acting like this virus doesn't exist...they are taking one hell of a risk.....a healthy 60 year old man climbed into an ambulance under his own power and waved goodbye to his quarantined wife...she called the next morning and was told her husband was in a coma...she can't even go see him....you can be sick of this all you want...but its the doubters that will get this and give it to others....

99.5% of us will survive if we ALL get it. It's better if we all get it. When it mutates it will be worse.
People are dying from this virus and its easier to catch than the flu....to allow it to run its course will kill hundreds of thousands of people.....
Not necessarily. We really have no idea how deeply this virus has already penetrated the country. I personally believe it's been here long before March.
There is no solid evidence that its been around for longer than presumed....but if that shows to be correct so what?...what does that change?...that its not as deadly?...so what?...I still don't want to catch it...it is bad...it fills your lungs so fast a ventilator is barely able to keep up....you in a sense drown in your own mucus with a 105 degree fever...no thanks.....
No. There isnt. just a hunch. That's why we need testing. And it DOES matter if it has been circulating thru the population for months. We are destroying the country based on GUESSES by people I really dont believe have the country's best interest at heart
We are destroying the economy because of the effects from the virus on the public...do you think if we discovered its been around longer than we thought that that would change anything?....the facts remain the same...its deadly and its easy to catch....
People are dying from this virus and its easier to catch than the flu....to allow it to run its course will kill hundreds of thousands of people.....

That's the thing.

IT'S GOING TO RUN IT'S COURSE. There isn't a fucking thing Trump, the government, media, or a collectivist agenda is going to do to stop NATURE!!!!.

It's GOING TO KILL WHATEVER PEOPLE ARE SUSCEPTIBLE. To even pretend that wearing masks, spreading bleach and Lysol over everything is going to make a lick of difference is RETARDED.

BTW It's NOT GOING TO KILL hundreds of thousands of people in America that would not have died if this year's flu was H1N4, Cow Fart Virus, or Mushroom Snot.



Where was the hysteria over THAT????

I disagree...this is not the flu....is the media over hyping it?...yes...so what?.....I can't do anything about the media....they are going to do what they do....they hate Trump and covered up for Obama's pandemic...I can't control that...but I'll be dammed if I'm going to drop my guard because of the one sided media....
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.

WTF are you talking about you tard.

I posted the link that the WHO said today you didn't need to wear a mask.

I posted the link to the WHO showing where they tweeted claim there was NO human to human transfer.

You are one daft fool.

And I posted it back to you and when I did I made the originator of that statement REAL BIG so even a fucking moron like you could find it. As I said a million times, learn how the fuck to READ.
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.

WTF are you talking about you tard.

I posted the link that the WHO said today you didn't need to wear a mask.

I posted the link to the WHO showing where they tweeted claim there was NO human to human transfer.

You are one daft fool.

And I posted it back to you and when I did I made the originator of that statement REAL BIG so even a fucking moron like you could find it. As I said a million times, learn how the fuck to READ.

You're a fucking idiot and the point is WHO is a water packing, card carrying Communist organization. THEY passed the propaganda on to cover for China when they knew fucking well the virus was contagious.

And your attempt to cover for them was called out. So you're refusal to acknowledge it is just a big fat libtardo lie.
The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

This is at least the second time I've read this. The first time I asked for a link, and got crickets.
How 'bout chew? Starting another myth are we?
Do we need to post the links for you again?......

I already HAD the link even before I posted the question. That's why I did it -- I KNEW you couldn't answer without lying. And I was right, again. I sat here and let you post the link that proved it. You did that yourself.

WTF are you talking about you tard.

I posted the link that the WHO said today you didn't need to wear a mask.

I posted the link to the WHO showing where they tweeted claim there was NO human to human transfer.

You are one daft fool.

And I posted it back to you and when I did I made the originator of that statement REAL BIG so even a fucking moron like you could find it. As I said a million times, learn how the fuck to READ.

You're a fucking idiot and the point is WHO is a water packing, card carrying Communist organization. THEY passed the propaganda on to cover for China when they knew fucking well the virus was contagious.

And your attempt to cover for them was called out. So you're refusal to acknowledge it is just a big fat libtardo lie.
The head of the WHO was put in place by China...for some reason there seems to be a massive global effort to pump up China and slam down the USA....it has infected the entire UN.....don't bother with Pogo stick...he is an idiot....
What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.

Wife says a tea towel folded double.

What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.

Wife says a tea towel folded double.

The idiots are at it again.

These are the same tards packing water for China telling us if you're healthy you don't need to wear a mask. The same idiots that told us there was no human to human transfer of Kung Flu. The same idiots that said there's no problems.

So when our own CDC says it's time to wear a mask the people responsible for this mess say you don't need to.

Time to take over that organization, time to hold China accountable, and time to quit listening to these Communists.

Theres absolutely NO need or purpose to wearing anything less than an N95 mask because anything less is as useless as tits on a boar hog. That is unless you're taling about someone that's already infected and is sneezing and coughing. Then a regular surgical mask does a little good by limiting the range of aresols from the infected person. Of course the obvious thing is that no sick person has any business out in public whatsoever, mask or no mask.
What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.

Wife says a tea towel folded double.

What pisses me off about the whole mask thing is that they said that you can use cloth or a bandanna to keep yourself safe.

That is patently false. The other day, a doctor got on the news and said a bandanna will help keep the people around you safe, but it will do nothing to protect you from others with the virus, because the fabric is too porous and won't filter anything as small as a virus. Inside Edition did a segment on it yesterday and said that if you can see light through the fabric, it's not a good filter. They then said that you can better protect yourself by putting papertowels behind the cloth to filter better.

Incidentally, the N95 masks filter down to about 0.3 microns. I did the research, and guess what? Paper towels filter down to the same level. Kleenex filters down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus) as well as holds a static charge which will stop the virus at the kleenex. Me? I fold a paper towel like a surgical mask, then line it with Kleenex and use that for a couple of times. When I come home, I put the mask in the microwave for about 2 min on high to disinfect it. The masks I make are good for 3-4 time uses.

Wife says a tea towel folded double.

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Interestingly enough, a paper towel will filter all the way down to 0.3 microns, which is the same filtration given by a mask. Throw in some Kleenex as an additional filter under the paper towel, and the filtration goes down to 0.1, the same size as the virus.

BTW Missourian, not for nothing, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron or bigger. Paper towels are more effective. If you use a tea towel folded, my recommendation would be to sandwich a layer of paper towels or two. I noticed in your graph, paper towels were not included.

Paddy used a Met One particle counter to test how well a single and double layer of paper towel filtered out particles down to 0.3 microns. Paddy ran the Met One for one minute, measuring the total number of particles passing through the paper towel versus the same setup with no filter.
Japanese Deputy Prime Minister dubs WHO as 'Chinese Health Organization' as he slams ‘cover-up’

The World Health Organization needs a name change STAT, according to Japan’s deputy prime minister.

Since the Chinese Communist Party is pulling its strings, the WHO should actually be called the China Health Organization, Taro Aso implied during a speech in his country’s parliament, where he referenced China’s failure to contain the virus when it first emerged in Wuhan.

Said Aso, “People think the World Health Organization should change its name. It shouldn’t be called the WHO. It should be renamed the CHO. Early on, if the WHO had not insisted to the world that China had no pneumonia epidemic, then everybody would have taken precautions.”

Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
I don't believe that.....this virus is arousal like...the 3m particulate mask will keep you from breathing it in...it also reminds you to not touch your face until you have sanitized your hands....I would rather have one on in a room with a sick person than not.....and you don't know who is infected and who isn't....its a safeguard...why deny that?....
Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
I don't believe that.....this virus is arousal like...the 3m particulate mask will keep you from breathing it in...it also reminds you to not touch your face until you have sanitized your hands....I would rather have one on in a room with a sick person than not.....and you don't know who is infected and who isn't....its a safeguard...why deny that?....

3M masks are only good down to 0.3 microns, same as paper towels. The virus is 0.1 micron, but you can stop it if you have a Kleenex layer under the mask, as Kleenex goes all the way down to 0.1 microns, and Kleenex also has a static charge in it that stops the virus by attracting it.

Me? I make disposable paper towel masks with a Kleenex filter under it.
Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
I don't believe that.....this virus is arousal like...the 3m particulate mask will keep you from breathing it in...it also reminds you to not touch your face until you have sanitized your hands....I would rather have one on in a room with a sick person than not.....and you don't know who is infected and who isn't....its a safeguard...why deny that?....

3M masks are only good down to 0.3 microns, same as paper towels. The virus is 0.1 micron, but you can stop it if you have a Kleenex layer under the mask, as Kleenex goes all the way down to 0.1 microns, and Kleenex also has a static charge in it that stops the virus by attracting it.

Me? I make disposable paper towel masks with a Kleenex filter under it.
The 3m mask I'm referring to is a surgical mask...you have bad information as usual.....
Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
I don't believe that.....this virus is arousal like...the 3m particulate mask will keep you from breathing it in...it also reminds you to not touch your face until you have sanitized your hands....I would rather have one on in a room with a sick person than not.....and you don't know who is infected and who isn't....its a safeguard...why deny that?....

It's not a safeguard against YOU getting the virus, it's a safeguard for OTHERS if you are infected.

It's well known and all over the internet:

Surgeon general agrees:

At first the CDC said don't bother wearing a mask, it won't help you. Then they discovered that so many people were asymptomatic yet positive they recommend everyone wear a face covering not for themselves but incase they are positive they won't infect others.

You can get covid19 through your eyes as well if the virus touches your eye from the air.
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Well I really don't care what the CDC says...I'm wearing a mask when I go to the store and gloves and I keep sanitizer in my truck.....I know the CDC is worried about a false sense of security but I don't care...I'm responsible for me....and its not about dying.....its about not wanting to get sick...this virus is a buttkicker in the right people....if you catch it you will wish you were dead...cover your face and wear gloves....

You do know that the masks do NOTHING to stop YOU from getting sick, right? And if mishandled (most of them are) can actually HELP you get sick by making sure that a surface that could be contaminated is pressed to your face at all times?
I don't believe that.....this virus is arousal like...the 3m particulate mask will keep you from breathing it in...it also reminds you to not touch your face until you have sanitized your hands....I would rather have one on in a room with a sick person than not.....and you don't know who is infected and who isn't....its a safeguard...why deny that?....

It's not a safeguard against YOU getting the virus, it's a safeguard for OTHERS if you are infected.

It's well known and all over the internet:

Surgeon general agrees:

At first the CDC said don't bother wearing a mask, it won't help you. Then they discovered that so many people were asymptomatic yet positive they recommend everyone wear a face covering not for themselves but incase they are positive they won't infect others.

You can get covid19 through your eyes as well if the virus touches your eye from the air.
Covering your face during a pandemic can not be a bad idea.....I don't understand the argument against it.....

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