Who Should NOT Be Allowed to Vote?

Who Should NOT be Allowed to Vote?

  • felons

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • welfare recipients

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • anyne on the dole (to include entitlements like social security)

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • People with IQ's under 80

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • the clinically insane

    Votes: 20 76.9%
  • non-citizens

    Votes: 23 88.5%
  • those who cannot speak Anglish

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • those who will not take a loyalty oath to the Republic

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • those who cannot pay a fee to vote

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • those who do not own property

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • blacks

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • whites

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • men

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • women

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • no one should be able to vote

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh, I see you want an Amendment, that will open up the door for countless Amendments, wanna scrap the Constitution altogether? Do not answer too quickly, be honest.

IMO we need a BUNCH of amendments to force balancing the budget, term limits, drop anchor babies from citizenship, restore freedom of religious speech for government people and on government/public grounds, and a bunch of others.

Specifying who can and cannot vote categorically would be only one of those amendments.

You’re entitled to your opinion, however wrong, ignorant, and inane.

Fortunately what you advocate will never come to pass.

But your contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law are duly noted.

And your contempt for keeping the Constitution updated by deliberate amendment instead of random judges making inane goofball decisions is also duly noted, you fucking retard.

And what about a Constitutional Convention or more amendments is contemptuous of the rule of law? Do you ever stop and actually think about the bullshit you post? No, I didn't think you did.
The last six years has proven that universal voting rights do not work. Eventually the crooks promise enough to the stupid that the crooks run things and drive a nation into disaster.

We have the right to limit the vote if we so choose to protect our Republic, and we already do. No one as of yet anyway, is demanding that children be allowed to vote, but I would bet some leftwing jack ass is advocating just that sort of thing.

And the Oligarchs use judges to overturn freely approved laws anyway for any hair-brained idea that they have anyway; a vote of one over-riding the votes of millions.

So if we could change the Constitution, who should NOT be allowed to vote?

You left out dead people.
The last six years has proven that universal voting rights do not work. Eventually the crooks promise enough to the stupid that the crooks run things and drive a nation into disaster.

We have the right to limit the vote if we so choose to protect our Republic, and we already do. No one as of yet anyway, is demanding that children be allowed to vote, but I would bet some leftwing jack ass is advocating just that sort of thing.

And the Oligarchs use judges to overturn freely approved laws anyway for any hair-brained idea that they have anyway; a vote of one over-riding the votes of millions.

So if we could change the Constitution, who should NOT be allowed to vote?

I haven't even read your comment yet. I want to see if I am right about you based on your list of choices. You didn't put CORPORATIONS on that list. Don't you think that should have been an option? Only a right wing tool would leave that one out. Am I right just based on the fact you left that choice out? Just curious. I hope I'm wrong.

OK, so now I read your post and yes you are a right wing idiot. So now I'd like to add to my post.

1. Show me the facts that "in the last 6 years universal voting rights do not work. Where do you get that? What are you talking about?

2. Limit the vote to what? Who gets to vote that you don't like? You have to be a US Citizen, no? Can Canadians living in the US vote? Do illegal immigrants get to vote and I don't know about it?

3. We don't live in a majority rule's society. If a state passes a racist or discriminatory law the Federal Government can deem the law unconstitutional. Constitutional Amendments that prohibit things never stand up to the constitutional test. You want to prevent gay people from having the same rights and benefits straight couples do. Can't do that. Sorry. And you will never overturn Roe V Wade. Why would you want to anyways? We are way too overpopulated as is.
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Republicans are just trying to discourage the poor masses from voting. Long lines, have to bring ID. Why? There has never been a state election that was stolen due to voter fraud. That's like saying peeing in the ocean is bad for the ocean. AND Republicans scream and cry about voter fraud when they are literally committing election fraud. And all this legal shaddy shit they are doing is just so obvious. What I love is it's backfiring. We liberals will help people register, show up and even help them get id's so they can vote. Yea, like someone is going to show up to my precinct and say, "Yes I'm Sealybobo and I'm here to vote"

And even if they did it, do you think it would change the results? Do you think hundreds of blacks in Detroit are showing up multiple times for their neighbors and family members who can't or won't vote? Hey that is a good idea. Who black is going to complain? Just like how Jeb and Katherine Harris stole Florida in 2000 or Ken Blackwell stole Ohio in 2004.

But oh well, the masses only show up every 4 years to vote. Us liberals will get creamed again this November if the masses don't wake the fuck up.
anyone who infringes on another's right to vote
there are a few here the op for one.

So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.
anyone who infringes on another's right to vote
there are a few here the op for one.

So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.
ass always jim blowme assumes wrongly !
Does anyone else find it disturbing that Conservatives claim to value the constitution and American ideals, yet they march against the rights of American citizens for political purposes?
Does anyone else find it disturbing that Conservatives claim to value the constitution and American ideals, yet they march against the rights of American citizens for political purposes?
disturbing yes ,surprising no...
most people claiming to be conservative today are the fringe of the fringe right.
Does anyone else find it disturbing that Conservatives claim to value the constitution and American ideals, yet they march against the rights of American citizens for political purposes?
disturbing yes ,surprising no...
most people claiming to be conservative today are the fringe of the fringe right.
Ah! The Republicans! The party with the fringe on the top!
anyone who infringes on another's right to vote
there are a few here the op for one.

So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about
anyone who infringes on another's right to vote
there are a few here the op for one.

So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about
YOU'RE right it's about voter suppression and good ole fashioned bigotry...
Does anyone else find it disturbing that Conservatives claim to value the constitution and American ideals, yet they march against the rights of American citizens for political purposes?

Not really.

Like most bible thumpers..they really don't have a clue what's in the United States Constitution.

Or the bible for that matter.
anyone who infringes on another's right to vote
there are a few here the op for one.

So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about

But according to Conservatives?

All those folks have a "right" to a shootin' Iron!
So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about

But according to Conservatives?

All those folks have a "right" to a shootin' Iron!
according to Conservatives it's shooting irons for all...damn the collateral damage...
So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about
YOU'RE right it's about voter suppression and good ole fashioned bigotry...

Asking would should be deprived of a Constitutional right. Treating voting as a privilege, and eager to deprive others of constitutional rights. Sad.
Does anyone else find it disturbing that Conservatives claim to value the constitution and American ideals, yet they march against the rights of American citizens for political purposes?

If they get their way, we will be a serfdom where only property owners can vote.
So you think felons, the insane, the dead (lol, you are a Dimbocrap), illegal immigrants, 5 year olds, and noncitizens should all be allowed to vote in our elections?

That is about your stupid ass style.

felons already don't vote, non-citizens don't vote and 5 year olds don't vote.

but that isn't what the o/p is about

But according to Conservatives?

All those folks have a "right" to a shootin' Iron!

Felons should have voting restored, at the end of their sentence(.) And the "illegals" are not going in droves to any building with LE guarding them, as Florida has. Fewer precincts, tougher "stop the vote" laws, and lots of LE to ward off.....too many voters.

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