Who should own and control the means of production?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...Schwatzenfarten has been governor of California for nearly 10 years but the republicans want to blame his failures on the democrats.

This is like the time they blamed Barney Frank, a minority member of the House, for the mortgage meltdown...
The worker's should own the means of production, not the government. But that's not allowed under socialism or communism, only under capitalism, and if you want to go radically further only under a system with no government, guilds or corporations.
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The worker's should own the means of production, not the government. But that's not allowed under socialism or communism, only under capitalism, and if you want to go further only under a system with no government, guilds or corporations.

I too think Companies fare best when the worker's have a vested interest in it.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...Schwatzenfarten has been governor of California for nearly 10 years but the republicans want to blame his failures on the democrats.

This is like the time they blamed Barney Frank, a minority member of the House, for the mortgage meltdown...

A minority Leader of the House, as of 1/1/2011? Could you stick your head any farther up your ass, and say hi to Barney for me, should you run into him there. ;)
The worker's should own the means of production, not the government. But that's not allowed under socialism or communism, only under capitalism, and if you want to go further only under a system with no government, guilds or corporations.

I too think Companies fare best when the worker's have a vested interest in it.
Not all companies have to massive, often small businesses are more efficient and productive as if they don't remain focused and vigilant they will be eliminated by their competitors.
No one would ever claim the goal of capitalism is equality. It most certainly is not.

Goal? No, the inequality of capitalism is not a goal, it is an inherent trait. So how does one reconcile democracy, which is based on equality, with capitalism which is based on inequality?

People seem to have bazaar notions about equality as if it is something that is suppossed to be created for you.

Maybe it has something to do with the preamble of the Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How does one achieve such lofty goals if there is no equality? Conversely, how does capitalism work if everyone is absolutely equal?

The answer is we must regulate capitalism. We must define acceptable and more importantly UNACCEPTABLE behaviors of capitalism. Failure to do so leads to such economic calamities as the Great Depression, the S&L Debacle or the Mortgage Meltdown.

Only fools like Bush Jr or Greenspan believe that the "free market" means an unregulated market.
Yeah, right. But if something goes wrong, and it certainly will, the private entrepreneurs will be blamed.

Wrong? You mean like what happened in the 1980s with the S&Ls or the what happened in the 2000s with the mortgage meltdown?

You mean wrong as in republican deregulation?

But you're wrong, at least I don't blame the capitalists for being capitalists, I blame the morons who vote for and elect republican politicians...
We're calling for sociopolitical parity and a decent standard of living, you idiot.

That's all most of us have ever called for.

But that doesn't fit into the right wing paradyne. Either you're with their nonsense or your a commie rat bastard.
We're calling for sociopolitical parity and a decent standard of living, you idiot.

That's all most of us have ever called for.

But that doesn't fit into the right wing paradyne. Either you're with their nonsense or your a commie rat bastard.

There is that third catagory in which you would fall in to, and that being a full blown idiot.
A minority Leader of the House, as of 1/1/2011?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...Bush Jr's mortgage meltdown had already come and gone by 2011...

You'd better tune up your Delorean...it's Flux Capacitor is on the fritz.
It is interesting how cons always talk this way, it is always the greedy money angle for them. Never the want for a better world, better health, better anything really. There are millions of disallusioned imbeciles running around America today who are broke on their ass, and they thought they same way he does.:eusa_angel: One could only hope Beck might tell them to insert gun in mouth and pull the trigger.

My man I share your pain.

Why can't these stupid motherfuckers understand that it is their responsibility to keep you healthy, that they owe you a living.

Long Live the Vaterland.

Heil Hitler.


Your hearing must be going dude, because I never asked anyone for anything I didn't earn. Contrary, you are looking pretty ignorant right now muff-mouth, and no you can't suck my cock even though you asked. So take your Hitler & shove him up your ass where he will be close to your gerbil ranch, puke.


So why are you a liberal?

Here is the theme song for the GOP!

We're calling for sociopolitical parity and a decent standard of living, you idiot.

That's all most of us have ever called for.

You are clearly the idiot. You're 'calling' for a decent standard of living? You are proving my point. It isn't anyone elses job to provide for you standard of living. IT's YOUR JOB. It's your job to figure out what skills you are going to need to earn the money needed to provide for your standard of living. How well do you think that society would work where everyone thinks it's everyone elses job to provide their standard of living?

I have bad news for the likes of you JB. Your standard of living will likely NEVER improve. know why? Because you no accountability having ass wipes refuse to acknowledge the one factor playing the largest role in what you SoL is.....YOU.

Sol is the name of our sun.

Also, 'elses' is not a word.

Thirdly: go to the library and ask for a history of the American labour movement.

Avoid much?

Every time you make an excuse for why your SoL is what it is that does not involve you, you prove my point.
Of the points that I made which, if any, do you actually doubt to be true? Everything I said in that post seemed self evident.

Obviously not. The very same reason socialism fails is the reason one effect of capitalism is wealth disparity. Because invariably you are not going to get everyone in the system to take responsibility for themselves. In socialism it results in the collapse of the system. In capitalism it creates wealth disparity among those who set and reach the goal of attaining wealth and those that don't have that goal.

I don't understand why you class warfare types don't get it. How is it that you expect people to have a certain SoL or level of wealth of those same people don't make that a goal?

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