Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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If you served...good!!!...we served too on daily basis by going to work and paying taxes. Your service didn't teach how to make wise choices apparently since you voted in an idiot.

Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.

Traitors? Who did McCain betray?

The American people, as usual.
No, asshole, you and your GOP have betrayed the American people. You supported the treasonous old orange clown, and you wish to harm other American Citizens.

Oh I see, so now military veterans like myself and all those that voted for the GOP and Trump have "betrayed the country". I guess McStain is more special than the rest of us, because he votes with Dems.
Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.

Traitors? Who did McCain betray?

The American people, as usual.
No, asshole, you and your GOP have betrayed the American people. You supported the treasonous old orange clown, and you wish to harm other American Citizens.

Oh I see, so now military veterans like myself and all those that voted for the GOP and Trump have "betrayed the country". I guess McStain is more special than the rest of us, because he votes with Dems.

Paybacks are hell. Thank you, Senator John "Maverick" McCain. Now Trump will really be trying to fuck Obamacare.


Seven years of promises, and zilch to show for it.

Obamacare Repeal Flames Out In The Republican Senate
You blame everyone who voted "No" silly.
Mitch McConnell did the lecture for him, you blame everyone who voted no to wanting to fix the system that majority never wanted in the first place.
That's 48 Dems and 4 Dem planted claimed Republicans. *L*

According to the Dems sky is falling rants, the dems vote of no will kill hundreds of thousands of people and cause millions to be uninsured - and reality while insurers will leave states as they are now, health services will be higher due to tanking health stocks thus higher debt costs in leveraging.
So much trickle affect that Dems have not considered but they want the you know what to hit the fan because they will displace all blame on the party in charge.
You Dems are like the party guest who destroys the house their in, because they don't like the person or are jealous of the person throwing the party, knowing full well they will get all the blame.
But the house you are trashing is our country and you too live here and suffer your choices against your own best interest.

Me, I had no coverage before as will be after, nothing changes for me, and it's hard for me to care since you guys cared squat about me, so listen closely to my miniture violin playing you a sad song especially for you when you realize your party and you are celebrating higher premiums and deductables for less coverage and fleeing choices.
And this includes all insurance not just healthcare. Look at your car insurance premiums this time around and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The Dems are throwing the poor under the bus by making Healthcare and mandatory car insurance unaffordable.
Ban from terrorist countries? Lol
The guy was dancing with the Saudis, wake up fool!!!

Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.
Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.
Ban from terrorist countries? Lol
The guy was dancing with the Saudis, wake up fool!!!

Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.
Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.

So you want to add more countries like Saudi Arabia? I agree with you.
...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.
Uhhh Schumer how can millions have been hurt by the bill before the vote, he said the word 'WERE hurting' which is a blatant admission Obama care is hurting millions.
I hope someone is saving his random use of numbers as well, because you can run any remaining Ramones Brother against him in NY and beat him just using sound bites of his Random shpiel of numbers to sound alarmist.
He sold you lies. He told you he will be very tough with Saudi Arabia correct?
What did he do he paid them a visit, they bribed him, they danced together and became best friends lol. Wake up fool, he will add Alabama to the banned list before the country where the 15 hijackers came from.
Ban from terrorist countries? Lol
The guy was dancing with the Saudis, wake up fool!!!

Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.

STFU Old Cucks, his military service has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You morons called Bush a traitor for years.

Bush was an idiot, but he got stuff done. What has the obese cheeto done besides start childish twitter wars?

He got an awesome SCOTUS appointment, pulled us out of TPP, Paris, put a stop to tranny BS in the military, enforces border immigration laws, put a temporary ban from terrorist countries. Just imagine what he could do if the GOP joined him.

So you want to add more countries like Saudi Arabia? I agree with you.
Right now, given the chaos in the Whitehouse, I think that the GOP will not be able to pass any of their ideas concerning health care or tax breaks for the rich.
Right now, given the chaos in the Whitehouse, I think that the GOP will not be able to pass any of their ideas concerning health care or tax breaks for the rich.
They're waiting for the right time to dump Trump. They know he is just getting in the way of their agenda.
Trump should blame the American people,

for hating his plan. Or McConnell's plan. Or Ryan's plan. Or whoever's.

Face it. The American people are haters!
...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.

You do realize the Gov't has 2 major parties not one, and since 48 dems could not pass the bill vs 4 members then you are saying Dems are over 10x more incompetent.

Furthermore they did pass the healthcare bill a few times, but it was Obama who refused to sign it, so you inadvertantly called Obama
"a useless sacks of garbage".
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"It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class."

It’s the idiocy of neo-Social Darwinism practiced by most on the reprehensible right.
...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.

You do realize the Gov't has 2 major parties not one, and since 48 dems could not pass the bill you are saying Dems are over 10x more incompetent.
Well that's just stupid. Obviously democrats wouldn't vote for that atrocious bill. The point is republicans have a majority and are more than legally capable of passing their own agenda.
"Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?"

He should blame himself.

Of course, Trump lacks the courage and integrity to accept responsibility, further confirmation that he is unfit to be president.
...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.

You do realize the Gov't has 2 major parties not one, and since 48 dems could not pass the bill you are saying Dems are over 10x more incompetent.
Well that's just stupid. Obviously democrats wouldn't vote for that atrocious bill. The point is republicans have a majority and are more than legally capable of passing their own agenda.
So tell me, you can all decide on one restaurant during a gathering of groups of your family members let alone try to do it with aprox 52 people? Didn't think so.
IF ONE GROUP COMPROMISES and you adjust to fulfill the spoiled part of your group's demand then there will be new issues with another group that did not exist till you changed to accomadate. I dare you to pick a restaurant with some that require vegan while others refuse fish or Thai, then accomadate gluten free with keeping religious food laws...* good luck*
All while having Schumer kicking and screaming and crying that he hates sushi and it will kill him if he eats a blow fish, then Schumer makes his side of the family all denounce any
restaurant you choose no matter what it is, because he'd rather be home eating hamburgers off the floor with
David Hasselhoff in his Bay Watch uniform.
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...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.

You do realize the Gov't has 2 major parties not one, and since 48 dems could not pass the bill you are saying Dems are over 10x more incompetent.
Well that's just stupid. Obviously democrats wouldn't vote for that atrocious bill. The point is republicans have a majority and are more than legally capable of passing their own agenda.
So tell me, you can all decide on one restaurant during a gathering of groups of your family members let alone try to do it with aprox 52 people? Didn't think so.
IF ONE GROUP COMPROMISES and you adjust to fulfill the spoiled part of your group's demand then there will be new issues with another group that did not exist till you changed to accomadate. I dare you to pick a restaurant with some that require vegan while others refuse fish or Thai, then accomadate gluten free with keeping religious food laws...* good luck*
All while having Schumer kicking and screaming and crying that he hates sushi and it will kill him if he eats a blow fish, then Schumer makes his side of the family all denounce any
restaurant you choose no matter what it is, because he'd rather be home eating hamburgers off the floor with
David Hasselhoff in his Bay Watch uniform.
Ok well here's the obvious comparison you are conveniently ignoring that i pointed out in my thread. The democrat majority in Obama's first two years passed multiple pieces of major legislation. Some of them occurred in the first 6 months of Obama's presidency.

Are you catching on yet?
This has been a slow motion train wreck, with no signs of ending soon. Even worse than I feared.

The GOP lied to us for eight years - "we have a better plan" - and now they've been caught in that lie.

And the Democrats are complicit - they made themselves so repulsive that a guy like this could get in.
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