Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans? They can't even pass major legislation while being in control of congress and the White House. They are useless sacks of garbage.

It bewilders me that ANYONE would think they ever gave a shit about the poor and middle class. How many legislative examples do people need? It's funny to me when republican voters say "the poor shouldn't get handouts!" yet they vote for corrupt assholes who give plenty of handouts to corporations and top 1% earners. God you people are stupid.

Sure democrats prior to 2010 could have been a lot more effective, but at least they still passed major healthcare and financial reform regardless of what one thought of those policies.

You do realize the Gov't has 2 major parties not one, and since 48 dems could not pass the bill you are saying Dems are over 10x more incompetent.
Well that's just stupid. Obviously democrats wouldn't vote for that atrocious bill. The point is republicans have a majority and are more than legally capable of passing their own agenda.
So tell me, you can all decide on one restaurant during a gathering of groups of your family members let alone try to do it with aprox 52 people? Didn't think so.
IF ONE GROUP COMPROMISES and you adjust to fulfill the spoiled part of your group's demand then there will be new issues with another group that did not exist till you changed to accomadate. I dare you to pick a restaurant with some that require vegan while others refuse fish or Thai, then accomadate gluten free with keeping religious food laws...* good luck*
All while having Schumer kicking and screaming and crying that he hates sushi and it will kill him if he eats a blow fish, then Schumer makes his side of the family all denounce any
restaurant you choose no matter what it is, because he'd rather be home eating hamburgers off the floor with
David Hasselhoff in his Bay Watch uniform.
Ok well here's the obvious comparison you are conveniently ignoring that i pointed out in my thread. The democrat majority in Obama's first two years passed multiple pieces of major legislation. Some of them occurred in the first 6 months of Obama's presidency.

Are you catching on yet?

Yes they did and we see how well that worked out when people voted affiliation and not what the people wanted.
They accomadated their president even when they knew he was wrong, they did the same for Bill Clinton even when they didn't want to and his budget caused all kinds of problems.
I see so many Dem Senators revealing they have no clue whatcs in the bill they voted down, because one said it would be good for provisions to make sure people don't just jump in and out upon needs and that is already in the bill.
Why One party or the other can't share
ideas is due to affiliations, whereby they don't want to help the other, & or risk the other takes credit by stealing those ideas, therefore our best interest is sacrificed by this insane 2 party system where everyone worrys about party over country.
I blame Dems more for this problem, because they control the MSM bias and prevent
third and more parties equal rights.
Now back to recent news:
why can Pakistan just now rid corrupt
politicians, but we let them run for
president and payoff corrupt Pakistanis to keep quiet?
Why exactly, should they shoehorn in a bad plan, like Obama did? We know how that ends... when people say "we have to read the bill to find out what's in it".

Thanks, but no thanks. That being said, the party is lacking in people who aren't corporate shills... people like Trump. 2018 will be a chance to make America even greater...
Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.

Traitors? Who did McCain betray?

The American people, as usual.
No, asshole, you and your GOP have betrayed the American people. You supported the treasonous old orange clown, and you wish to harm other American Citizens.
BARF! Obamacare is harming the American people. Anyone who conspires to preserve it is a traitor.
Traitors like McStain. Pretty obviously really who voted against it.
Hey cocksuck, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown never served a day in out military. He was too good to do that. McCain served and suffered for his service in a way that most of us cannot even imagine. That you call him a traitor reveals you to be an asshole of the lowest degree. Move to Russia, your kind of traitor is not needed here.
Hey you worthless piece of shit, if you want McCain, you can have him. Being a POW doesn't mean you get a "get out of jail free" card for the rest of your life. McCain has been stabbing his party and his voters in the back for 30 years.
If the OP understood the 3 branches of our govt and their roles/responsibilities he could have saved himself the trouble of creating this thread...
...can voters stop being morons and voting for republicans?
And vote for WHO? The whiny-ass criminals who have pushed hate, broken any law they deem necessary, and who have attempted to destroy the govt / this nation ever since their criminal candidate lost just so they could regain power?

Ummmm, no thank you.
Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge Trump.

Right now, given the chaos in the Whitehouse, I think that the GOP will not be able to pass any of their ideas concerning health care or tax breaks for the rich.
They're waiting for the right time to dump Trump. They know he is just getting in the way of their agenda.
The healthcare "loss" is not Trump's fault. It is the fault of a Congress that over the years has decided that the party with the majority, however slim, gets to "rule" instead of working together with the other side. Maybe the Founders knew folks would try this shit (I'm sure this isn't the first time) and that's why it's a 60 vote minimum to pass legislation. You have to have consensus in order to pass legislation, because that means consensus across the nation.
McCain sent a big "F-U" to Congress last night for the way it's playing the game. There are plenty of moderate minded members of Congress that would like to agree but probably don't dare.
It's not Trump's fault the healthcare bill couldn't pass. It's the Congress's fault for building over time a toxic environment where the opposing sides won't work together on compromises. Both parties have done it. Maybe as important as putting the brakes on Trump, it is important that the brakes get put on a Congress that wants to lead by majority only. Maybe they learned their lesson last night.
We'll see.
The only disagreement I might have with your comment, OL, is your insinuation that the GOP wants to LEAD in any capacity.

IMO Ryan and McConnell would be content for the remainder of their careers to be in the minority where they can not be blamed for anything while continuing to 'rally' idiot sheep constituents and collect their donations while complaining about all the things they could have changed.

They said they needed the House.
They got it.

They said they needed the Senate.
They got it.

They said they needed the WH.
They got it.

What they need is Intellectual honesty, integrity, a spine, and new leaders.
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

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After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.
Where are all the McCain lovers today..........what a great speech right.......words just words...............peope be damned,
I'll embrace Obamacare the same day liberals embrace Donald Trump.
Amazing that the Muslim who calls himself "rightwinger" isn't aware that "Obamacare" has ALL BUT FAILED on it's own.

The ONLY reason Obamacare may not go away is that many so called "Republicans" are anything BUT....."RightWinger".....

The legal system of this nation had to be perverted and circumvented for this to even exist. It is against the US Constitution to force Americans to pay for a government mandated illegal act.

But then, you radicals just LOVE when the US Constitution gets trampled on don't you "RightWinger"?

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