Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act has brought health care to an estimated 20 million more Americans and has expanded services — including access to drugs and preventive screening — for many more. A good number of Americans, including Republicans and the president himself, say they like elements of the law. It’s not a coincidence that the Trump administration’s first proposed health care regulation was aimed at stabilizing the insurance markets.Still, Republicans are using the Affordable Care Act’s so-called collapse as an argument for a much stingier law, one that would leave states responsible for paying many health care costs. Some conservatives are using the assault on the A.C.A. not to assail its novel insurance provisions — which many people like — but rather to grind an old ax against the entire Medicaid program, which was enacted in 1965 to help the poor.

In 2015, Trump promised not to cut Medicaid - CNN Video
The Affordable Care Act, like any major statute, surely could use adjustments. For example, the insurance subsidies were probably set too low initially. The Obama administration’s decision to allow more people to stay on their old plans than originally expected may also have narrowed the new pool of insurance customers in ways that contributed to premium hikes. The Republican-controlled House never provided any additional implementation money after the initial appropriation set forth in the Affordable Care Act itself, forcing the Department of Health and Human Services to scrounge for needed funds.

A caretaking Congress would have fixed what wasn’t working. Instead, opponents did everything possible to shut off all the A.C.A.’s financing — starvation intended to wreak havoc in the insurance markets and to make it falsely appear that the A.C.A.was collapsing because it was just bad policy.

The irony is that the A.C.A. was vulnerable to this strategy because the Democrats had tried to compromise with the Republicans in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to build bipartisan support for the law. If the Democrats had instead enacted a single-payer policy — such as Medicare for all — the entire health care system would have been in the hands of the federal government, instead of dependent on the states and private insurers.

You can keep repeating the same false assumptions and lies all you want.

Obamacare sucks and will be going away soon.
How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act has brought health care to an estimated 20 million more Americans and has expanded services — including access to drugs and preventive screening — for many more. A good number of Americans, including Republicans and the president himself, say they like elements of the law. It’s not a coincidence that the Trump administration’s first proposed health care regulation was aimed at stabilizing the insurance markets.Still, Republicans are using the Affordable Care Act’s so-called collapse as an argument for a much stingier law, one that would leave states responsible for paying many health care costs. Some conservatives are using the assault on the A.C.A. not to assail its novel insurance provisions — which many people like — but rather to grind an old ax against the entire Medicaid program, which was enacted in 1965 to help the poor.

In 2015, Trump promised not to cut Medicaid - CNN Video

BTW: It was democrats that had to be convinced to sign on. You didn't need the G.O.P.

Remember the Cornhusker Kickback. That wasn't to convince a republican to sign on.
Trump is a blunt instrument for us, I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.” - Steve Bannon

Republican Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist famously declared, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."

The GOP plot to drown Medicaid in the bathtub
How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act has brought health care to an estimated 20 million more Americans and has expanded services — including access to drugs and preventive screening — for many more. A good number of Americans, including Republicans and the president himself, say they like elements of the law. It’s not a coincidence that the Trump administration’s first proposed health care regulation was aimed at stabilizing the insurance markets.Still, Republicans are using the Affordable Care Act’s so-called collapse as an argument for a much stingier law, one that would leave states responsible for paying many health care costs. Some conservatives are using the assault on the A.C.A. not to assail its novel insurance provisions — which many people like — but rather to grind an old ax against the entire Medicaid program, which was enacted in 1965 to help the poor.

In 2015, Trump promised not to cut Medicaid - CNN Video

And your issue with getting rid of a stupid program like Medicaid is.....?
ACA - disparagingly known as "Obamacare" - was never intended to "succeed," as a normal person would define that term. Obamacare was intended to fail so spectacularly that the American public would eventually demand Single Payer - in effect, everyone goes on Medicare or Medicaid.

Consider: The economics of ACA were a blatant lie. Theoretically, the law would force young, healthy people who generally do not want or need insurance, to purchase insurance, so that sick and old people could be covered at a tenable cost. At the same time, the whole concept of "insurance" was turned on its head by legislative demands.

"Insurance" is a contract whereby a client is protected from catastrophic economic loss by paying a small amount into a pool of thousands doing the same thing. The insurer aggregates the funds collected (premiums), and ensures its own solvency by carefully calculating the losses that will be experienced by the entire client pool. Losses by the individual client are easily paid by the insurer, because they have been statistically predicted.

Obamacare demanded that (a) many routine expenses be included in the coverage, (b) people with EXISTING, COSTLY MEDICAL conditions be included - with no increase in premiums for those people, and (c) there could be no lifetime cap on payouts to an individual. The three of these in combination remove the whole program from what was previously known as "insurance," and made insurance company failures (or pull-outs) inevitable. It is near impossible for any insurer to get ahead of the curve, and set rates sufficient to remain solvent in the face of these UNPREDICTABLE and NEAR INFINITE financial obligations. Hence, the unavoidable end result of Obamacare is a dwindling number of insurers, and a commensurate geometric rise in health "insurance" premiums, such that people will eventually DEMAND GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION! The only rational government intervention at that point is some form of socialized medicine.

But the Democrats ("If you like your doctor you can keep him; if you like your policy, you can keep it") left a few Land Mines in Obamacare, ensuring that it COULD NEVER BE REPEALED. The land mines are the able-bodied, working people who were brought under Medicaid (an "insurance" program for people on welfare) and, to a lesser extent, the young healthy people who were compelled to purchase insurance. Because of these figurative Land Mines, any attempt to repeal Obamacare would be met with an explosive campaign by the Democrats and the MSM, shrieking that TENS OF MILLIONS WILL LOSE THEIR COVERAGE, AND DIE!!!!!

So, like it or not, there is really no "fix" for Obamacare, because it is working exactly as planned. Rates are skyrocketing, deductibles and co-pays are increasing, insurance companies are bailing out, and millions of people - mainly self-employed people - are becoming desperate. Democrats have no intention of changing anything significant, because this is exactly what they wanted. The road to Single Payer.
wake up America, this legislation is not about individual politicians, and calling the law "obama care" is FAKE NEWS

all the gilded charlatan really wants is to tweak it and change the name to TRUMP CARE so he can take credit.

The GOP’s Obamacare sabotage continues

The GOP’s Obamacare sabotage continues

the REAL name of the law is THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT :eusa_clap:

One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same

One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same
1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions
2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay
3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance
4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

These are nice "Socialist" gimmies.....I agree.

But as anyone can see....they didn't work in reality since all but one or two insurance companies have pulled out. The remaining are close behind. Then what?

Oh...SINGLE PAYER to the rescue I suppose??? Total government control over health care.
The government can STEAL that power....but it is illegal according to the US Constitution and the more powers the government steals and bestows upon itself, the further away from freedom you get.

So what's the REAL solution? An impossible dream.....
Remove INSURANCE from health care like it was 100 years ago.

Insurance is the middle man establishment that has profited wildly from health care since it was implemented. Insurance is always about making a few rich at the burden of everyone else.
And it only serves to rise costs astronomically.

And if you think countries like Canada and other Socialist countries have working socialists health care systems you would be dead wrong. They suck and they ONLY WORK because for the last 50 years they've been able to hide behind Americas military might and the US taxpayer's money and have not had to spend enormous amounts to defend their own nations. When the US stops protecting Canada and the rest of the West, their socialized medicine systems will fall quickly in ruins.
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America's TRUE snowflakes are afraid of affordable health care legislation :eusa_clap:
wake up America, this legislation is not about individual politicians, and calling the law "obama care" is FAKE NEWS

all the gilded charlatan really wants is to tweak it and change the name to TRUMP CARE so he can take credit.

The GOP’s Obamacare sabotage continues

The GOP’s Obamacare sabotage continues

the REAL name of the law is THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT :eusa_clap:

One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same

One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same

I like the term Obamacare

It honors one of his greatest achievements and should be used for generations
1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions
2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay
3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance
4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

These are nice "Socialist" gimmies.....I agree.

But as anyone can see....they didn't work in reality since all but one or two insurance companies have pulled out. The remaining are close behind. Then what?

Oh...SINGLE PAYER to the rescue I suppose??? Total government control over health care.
The government can STEAL that power....but it is illegal according to the US Constitution and the more powers the government steals and bestows upon itself, the further away from freedom you get.

So what's the REAL solution? An impossible dream.....
Remove INSURANCE from health care like it was 100 years ago.

Insurance is the middle man establishment that has profited wildly from health care since it was implemented. Insurance is always about making a few rich at the burden of everyone else.
And it only serves to rise costs astronomically.

And if you think countries like Canada and other Socialist countries have working socialists health care systems you would be dead wrong. They suck and they ONLY WORK because for the last 50 years they've been able to hide behind Americas military might and the US taxpayer's money and have not had to spend enormous amounts to defend their own nations. When the US stops protecting Canada and the rest of the West, their socialized medicine systems will fall quickly in ruins.

Let em die?
ACA - disparagingly known as "Obamacare" - was never intended to "succeed," as a normal person would define that term. Obamacare was intended to fail so spectacularly that the American public would eventually demand Single Payer - in effect, everyone goes on Medicare or Medicaid.

Consider: The economics of ACA were a blatant lie. Theoretically, the law would force young, healthy people who generally do not want or need insurance, to purchase insurance, so that sick and old people could be covered at a tenable cost. At the same time, the whole concept of "insurance" was turned on its head by legislative demands.

"Insurance" is a contract whereby a client is protected from catastrophic economic loss by paying a small amount into a pool of thousands doing the same thing. The insurer aggregates the funds collected (premiums), and ensures its own solvency by carefully calculating the losses that will be experienced by the entire client pool. Losses by the individual client are easily paid by the insurer, because they have been statistically predicted.

Obamacare demanded that (a) many routine expenses be included in the coverage, (b) people with EXISTING, COSTLY MEDICAL conditions be included - with no increase in premiums for those people, and (c) there could be no lifetime cap on payouts to an individual. The three of these in combination remove the whole program from what was previously known as "insurance," and made insurance company failures (or pull-outs) inevitable. It is near impossible for any insurer to get ahead of the curve, and set rates sufficient to remain solvent in the face of these UNPREDICTABLE and NEAR INFINITE financial obligations. Hence, the unavoidable end result of Obamacare is a dwindling number of insurers, and a commensurate geometric rise in health "insurance" premiums, such that people will eventually DEMAND GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION! The only rational government intervention at that point is some form of socialized medicine.

But the Democrats ("If you like your doctor you can keep him; if you like your policy, you can keep it") left a few Land Mines in Obamacare, ensuring that it COULD NEVER BE REPEALED. The land mines are the able-bodied, working people who were brought under Medicaid (an "insurance" program for people on welfare) and, to a lesser extent, the young healthy people who were compelled to purchase insurance. Because of these figurative Land Mines, any attempt to repeal Obamacare would be met with an explosive campaign by the Democrats and the MSM, shrieking that TENS OF MILLIONS WILL LOSE THEIR COVERAGE, AND DIE!!!!!

So, like it or not, there is really no "fix" for Obamacare, because it is working exactly as planned. Rates are skyrocketing, deductibles and co-pays are increasing, insurance companies are bailing out, and millions of people - mainly self-employed people - are becoming desperate. Democrats have no intention of changing anything significant, because this is exactly what they wanted. The road to Single Payer.

Obamacare demanded that (a) many routine expenses be included in the coverage, (b) people with EXISTING, COSTLY MEDICAL conditions be included - with no increase in premiums for those people, and (c) there could be no lifetime cap on payouts to an individual.

What is wrong with health insurance doing that?
America's TRUE snowflakes are afraid of ACA


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ripped Senate Republicans on Monday evening for writing their healthcare bill behind closed doors.

"So I say to the Republican leadership: What are you afraid of? Bring that bill out," Sanders, who is also a member of Democratic leadership, said from the Senate floor.

Sanders added that GOP senators "should be embarrassed" by the secretive process to hash out ObamaCare repeal-and-replace legislation, and lawmakers need to have a "series of hearings."

"It should tell you something that major, major legislation is being written at this moment and most Republicans don't have a clue what's in that legislation," he said.

"I find it amazing that those same Republicans seem to think it's OK for legislation to be written behind closed doors and not have one single committee hearing," Sanders said.

"I would hope that we would come forward, as a nation, and join every other country on Earth ... and say that healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege," he added from the Senate floor.

Sanders to GOP on healthcare bill: 'What are you afraid of?'

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