Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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Why would anyone "embrace" legislation that is failing miserably?

What you liberals don't seem to grasp is that the GOP's failure to fix ObamaCare doesn't mean it's now going to work! It isn't. It's in it's death spiral now and it's only going to get worse as we go forward! Yes, Republicans will take blame for not fixing it but the bottom line still remains...THIS WAS A PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL BILL PASSED BY DEMOCRATS WITHOUT ANY GOP VOTES...THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE AND ALWAYS DESTINED TO IMPLODE!

Sorry, kiddies...but you still OWN the ACA!
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.

1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions
2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay
3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance
4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured
Why would anyone "embrace" legislation that is failing miserably?

What you liberals don't seem to grasp is that the GOP's failure to fix ObamaCare doesn't mean it's now going to work! It isn't. It's in it's death spiral now and it's only going to get worse as we go forward! Yes, Republicans will take blame for not fixing it but the bottom line still remains...THIS WAS A PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL BILL PASSED BY DEMOCRATS WITHOUT ANY GOP VOTES...THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE AND ALWAYS DESTINED TO IMPLODE!

Sorry, kiddies...but you still OWN the ACA!

Because it is what we have and it is what people are depending on to provide for their healthcare

We tried the Republican plan of giving us something better and they couldn't do it
Why would anyone "embrace" legislation that is failing miserably?

What you liberals don't seem to grasp is that the GOP's failure to fix ObamaCare doesn't mean it's now going to work! It isn't. It's in it's death spiral now and it's only going to get worse as we go forward! Yes, Republicans will take blame for not fixing it but the bottom line still remains...THIS WAS A PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL BILL PASSED BY DEMOCRATS WITHOUT ANY GOP VOTES...THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE AND ALWAYS DESTINED TO IMPLODE!

Sorry, kiddies...but you still OWN the ACA!

Because it is what we have and it is what people are depending on to provide for their healthcare

We tried the Republican plan of giving us something better and they couldn't do it

It's what we have...because you liberals lied about what it was and what it would cost to get it passed in the first place, Winger!

The Middle Class was begging for relief from out of control healthcare costs. You liberals gave them the ACA...which didn't lower their costs at all but instead raised them to pay for subsidies for the poor. That's the reality of ObamaCare and you still own what it's doing to the Middle Class.
The cartoon on the New Yorker after that final vote fails to repeal Obamacare by the Republicans will be Trump roped to the back of a white whale with the Republicans also roped to it in their little whaling boats. All dead from the battle.

And the irony will be epic.
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses


Or just repeal Obamacare with the knowledge Nixon\Kennedy will be the new version...
The cartoon on the New Yorker after that final vote fails to repeal Obamacare by the Republicans will be Trump roped to the back of a white whale with the Republicans also roped to it in their little whaling boats. All dead from the battle.

And the irony will be epic.
The cartoon on the New Yorker after that final vote fails to repeal Obamacare by the Republicans will be Trump roped to the back of a white whale with the Republicans also roped to it in their little whaling boats. All dead from the battle.

And the irony will be epic.

Yeah the range of ironic humor on this is off the charts. That cartoon captures it just as well. Look at the elephants eyes!
Why would anyone "embrace" legislation that is failing miserably?

What you liberals don't seem to grasp is that the GOP's failure to fix ObamaCare doesn't mean it's now going to work! It isn't. It's in it's death spiral now and it's only going to get worse as we go forward! Yes, Republicans will take blame for not fixing it but the bottom line still remains...THIS WAS A PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL BILL PASSED BY DEMOCRATS WITHOUT ANY GOP VOTES...THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE AND ALWAYS DESTINED TO IMPLODE!

Sorry, kiddies...but you still OWN the ACA!

Because it is what we have and it is what people are depending on to provide for their healthcare

We tried the Republican plan of giving us something better and they couldn't do it

It's what we have...because you liberals lied about what it was and what it would cost to get it passed in the first place, Winger!

The Middle Class was begging for relief from out of control healthcare costs. You liberals gave them the ACA...which didn't lower their costs at all but instead raised them to pay for subsidies for the poor. That's the reality of ObamaCare and you still own what it's doing to the Middle Class.
Obamacare was much more open than Trumpcare and allowed for public comment and open debate

It is the law. It is depended on by 20 million Americans

Republicans said they could do better but they can't
Obamacare is not “collapsing under its own weight,” as Republicans are so fond of saying. It was sabotaged from the day it was enacted. And now the Republican Party should be held accountable not only for any potential replacement of the law, but also for having tried to starve it to death.

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts.

How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare
The A.C.A.’s opponents brought a lawsuit against its requirement that people buy insurance — a Republican idea — the very day the statute was signed into law. The Supreme Court rejected that claim. But the court gave opponents a major victory on another front, ruling that Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid was optional for states. Yet another lawsuit seized on some sloppy language in the law to make the implausible argument that Congress did not provide for the insurance subsidies on which the law depends. The Supreme Court also rejected that challenge.

But if the Republicans lost those cases, they succeeded in sowing the insurance markets with doubt and forcing states to slow down implementation while awaiting the court’s decisions. That in turn may have reduced sign-ups, further destabilizing the insurance market. The second case challenging the subsidies was not decided until 2015, more than a year after the statute’s critical 2014 deadline for implementation.

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Even worse, these lawsuits helped make the A.C.A. the salient partisan issue of the Obama administration, turning the law into the ultimate Republican litmus test: Implementing a state insurance exchange or expanding Medicaid, even when it seemed in a state’s interest, became treasonous for the party. Nevertheless, about a dozen principled Republican governors bucked their party and expanded their programs.

In 2014, the House brought a lawsuit, arguing that a critical piece of A.C.A. funding — the cost-sharing subsidies that pay insurers to lower premiums — had not been properly appropriated. For insurers, not knowing whether that money could be cut off — President Trump is still threatening not to pay them — has caused anxiety about whether to remain in the A.C.A. markets. More than 100 other suits have been filed, including challenges to contraception provisions and the requirement that employers provide insurance.

On the political front, the Republicans targeted provisions of the law that provided crucial transitional financing to steady the insurance markets early in the program. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, calling the money an insurance “bailout,” sponsored a measure that prevented appropriation of some of those funds. The courts have issued mixed rulings on whether the federal government must pay, adding yet more instability to the insurance markets.

The Affordable Care Act, like any major statute, surely could use adjustments. For example, the insurance subsidies were probably set too low initially. The Obama administration’s decision to allow more people to stay on their old plans than originally expected may also have narrowed the new pool of insurance customers in ways that contributed to premium hikes. The Republican-controlled House never provided any additional implementation money after the initial appropriation set forth in the Affordable Care Act itself, forcing the Department of Health and Human Services to scrounge for needed funds.

A caretaking Congress would have fixed what wasn’t working. Instead, opponents did everything possible to shut off all the A.C.A.’s financing — starvation intended to wreak havoc in the insurance markets and to make it falsely appear that the A.C.A.was collapsing because it was just bad policy.

The irony is that the A.C.A. was vulnerable to this strategy because the Democrats had tried to compromise with the Republicans in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to build bipartisan support for the law. If the Democrats had instead enacted a single-payer policy — such as Medicare for all — the entire health care system would have been in the hands of the federal government, instead of dependent on the states and private insurers.
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses


That isn't Obamacare.

Obamacare is:

1. Let's screw the young.
2. Let's create stupidly expensive insurance that people can't use because the deductibles are so high.
3. Let's outlaw inexpensive catastrophic insurance.
4. Let's NOT do anything to control costs.

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