Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.

1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions

Covering pre-existing conditions is not insurance, but charity. While this may not be a bad thing to do for people, at least be honest and call it what it is.

2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay

This was not a problem of insurance industry, but a problem within the medical industry ie: rising fees/costs.

3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance

So prior to Obamacare, no one self-employed had insurance? Tell me another one.

4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

Where was the problem? Everyone was treated, by law.

By the way, you used 37 words.

Now, in 25 words or less, convince me that what Obamacare has accomplished is "better".
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

I never expected Obamacare to actually work, but the Dems won 60 seats fair and square and advanced the issue of having the fed govt be given a duty of making sure all americans have affordable quality care. Imo Barrasso and Enzi honorably tried to comply with that decision, but given the House Bill being basically a repeal the tax hikes on the rich and cut care for everyone else ... it was doomed. You're right. The debate is over. It should take 60 gopers to undue the dems voter mandate. They'll never get it.

I think Medicare actually made care MORE expensive without a corresponding increase in quality. But it ain't going away. Let's hope we do better. I'm confident Americans will support good faith efforts.
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.

1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions

Covering pre-existing conditions is not insurance, but charity. While this may not be a bad thing to do for people, at least be honest and call it what it is.

2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay

This was not a problem of insurance industry, but a problem within the medical industry ie: rising fees/costs.

3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance

So prior to Obamacare, no one self-employed had insurance? Tell me another one.

4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

Where was the problem? Everyone was treated, by law.

By the way, you used 37 words.

Now, in 25 words or less, convince me that what Obamacare has accomplished is "better".
That's all you got?

Rightwing moaning about...We don't want that

Obamacare delivered. 30 million more insured, no pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, fewer people need rely on emergency room care...they actually have insurance

When Republicans come up with a better plan...I will listen to them
Let obamacare fail. Republicans should just not get their hands dirty while it crashes.

Is that really your best plan now?

Who gets hurt when Obamacare begins to collapse?
Will it be Obama or the American people who begin to lose their insurance?
After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.

1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions

Covering pre-existing conditions is not insurance, but charity. While this may not be a bad thing to do for people, at least be honest and call it what it is.

2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay

This was not a problem of insurance industry, but a problem within the medical industry ie: rising fees/costs.

3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance

So prior to Obamacare, no one self-employed had insurance? Tell me another one.

4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

Where was the problem? Everyone was treated, by law.

By the way, you used 37 words.

Now, in 25 words or less, convince me that what Obamacare has accomplished is "better".
That's all you got?

Rightwing moaning about...We don't want that

Obamacare delivered. 30 million more insured, no pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, fewer people need rely on emergency room care...they actually have insurance

When Republicans come up with a better plan...I will listen to them

Billy's not entirely off base. Calling taking care of sick people charity is bizarre since he advocates taking care of the not so sick and that not being charity. BUT, perhaps we should not take care of the really sick in the same insurance pools the rest of us are in. In the greater scheme of things, the actual cost of an individual's HC tends to mostly come at the end of their lives. Now it does take some of us about a decade to finally succumb to whatever kills us, and before 1965, we died a lot quicker. But I'd rather go through several bouts of cancer, or have a heart attack and live another 5 years than die right off.
Trump? Obama? McConnell, McCain, Collins and Murkowsky? The media? Democrats? Russia?

I'm not going argue the merits of ObamaCare or any of the GOP Bills that could not get passed through the Senate. Nor even the process that looks pretty dysfunctional right now, with Trump and the GOP looking like crap with egg all over themselves. Might be worth a reminder though that the Dems had a lot of trouble getting the ACA done too, took them a whole year and a filibuster proof Senate. Nevertheless, here we are now with a healthcare system that by all accounts SUCKS, relative to the money that goes into it. Some on the Left might say it's still better than what we had before, but others might question that. Or at least suggest that the improvement has not matched the increase in spending on healthcare, both public and private.

Still, that is the drawback of a democratic republic; it ain't easy to arrive at good, common sense solutions, especially in the politically divided climate that we have these days. I dunno if this President and Congress can do a tax reform bill or much of anything else that'll be of much significance. No telling how this will all shake out in next year's election, but I would expect some GOP senators and House members to face tough questions in their primaries, although at least the House has at least done SOMETHING. How well it will play out remains to be seen, maybe one or more Chambers may flip Blue. Don't know that it'll make much difference.

Final point - in a democratic republic such as this it can take awhile to do the really hard stuff, and the right answer to health care in this country is hard stuff. Very few other issues can personally touch more people, and it's a big deal. I think we've gotta do better than what we have now with the ACA, with it's mandates it has proven to be ineffective and fixing it is not the answer. The simple truth is that the ACA required too many young and healthies to pay for insurance that they do not want, and there's something antithetical about forcing people to but something they don't want. The Dems won't admit it, but it is too flawed; we're going to need something else. I expect many on the Left will push for Single Payer and lie like hell about the cost. The GOP can't seem to agree on anything, in my view they'd be better off creating a bi-partisan commission to arrive at solutions to improve healthcare and put whatever they come up with to an immediate vote. Maybe we go that route, maybe not but it looks like it'll be awhile (years) before a better answer is implemented. That's just the way it goes in a country like ours.
Technically you have to blame Obama, without him this idiotic bill would have never existed to fail in the first place. The ACA is more popular than whatever the fuck the GOP shat out at lunch time yesterday. Obama has bested the Republicans and he's not even in office.

However I voted McConnell because he's the one who shut out Democrats, did it all behind closed doors attempting to repeal a bill in record time that took over a year to pass in the first place. He did everything and more that he blamed Democrats did when passing the ACA. Big fucking fail for the turtle.
Ultimately this all falls on Trump and his lack of leadership

At a time he should have been selling his bill to the American public, he was tweeting about Mika, playing golf and threatening Sessions

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