Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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Can you find a quote that in 2017 Democrats do not want any changes to the ACA?
Too late. The plans people liked they couldn't keep even though Obamacare's namesake promised they could, 19 times or so. They were cancelled.

Sorry, you made a claim, it was this:

/----/ Dems say Obozocare is perfectly fine the way it is.

And now I'm asking you to back up the claim. In 2017, what Democrats were not open to changes in the ACA?
WTF are you talking about? The only claim I made is that millions who thought they could keep their health care plan because Obama said so, couldn't. He lied.

Oh, my apologies, you aren't the doofus my post was replying to. So, not sure why you replied to my question by not answering it.
husband and wife jump to their deaths in Manhattan

over the high cost of "Affordable Care"

Parents jump to their deaths after spiralling finacial woes: Chiropractor and and wife in their fifties leap from 17-story Manhattan office building leaving their children behind
  • Chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife Patricia, ages 53 and 50, have been identified as the couple who jumped to their deaths from a Manhattan office building early Friday morning
  • In suicide notes, the couple said that they had found themselves in a 'financial spiral' and asked that their children be cared for
  • The suicide letter was titled 'We had a wonderful life'

The couple left behind suicide notes in a ziploc bag, that also included their IDs. Police have not released their names yet, but a photo obtained by the New York Post shows part of the letter, and it identifies the woman as Patricia. The note was titled 'We had a wonderful life'.

A law enforcement source who spoke with the Post said the woman's note said: 'Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them'.

The man left one behind too, which read: 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online

Stop the bullshit. anyone who lives in Manhattan is not jumping because of costs.

that is the note they left so fuck you

Do you have any idea how much ling in Manhattan costs?? healthcare is peanuts by comparison what real estate sucks up. They were suicidal, that's why they jumped - this anecdote has zero policy implication.

But even if we go along with the premise ACA would HELP, not hurt, aging people in financial straights with pre-existing conditions.

stop kidding yourself

Do you have any idea how much living in Manhattan costs??

of course i do so the fuck what the cost of health care added to the expense retard

the husbands note stated 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

Read more: New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online
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After eight years of pouting and posturing over repealing Obamacare.....you lost
We always knew you had no intentions of replacing it
You had complete control over the government and still could not repeal it

Time to just accept the inevitable, Obamacare is not going away
Republicans need to work with Democrats to make Obamacare a better program and they can still get some of the portions they want expanded
More competition between states, tort reform, expanding HSAs, tax cuts for health related expenses

In 25 words or less, give your opinion as to what was wrong with the health care system prior to Obamacare.

1. No requirement for insurers to cover pre-existing conditions

Covering pre-existing conditions is not insurance, but charity. While this may not be a bad thing to do for people, at least be honest and call it what it is.

2. Insurers using lifetime caps on what you can pay

This was not a problem of insurance industry, but a problem within the medical industry ie: rising fees/costs.

3. No marketplace for the self employed to obtain insurance

So prior to Obamacare, no one self-employed had insurance? Tell me another one.

4. Overreliance on emergency rooms for the uninsured

Where was the problem? Everyone was treated, by law.

By the way, you used 37 words.

Now, in 25 words or less, convince me that what Obamacare has accomplished is "better".
That's all you got?

Rightwing moaning about...We don't want that

Obamacare delivered.

It was bad pizza.
Okay, I know this loss is very new and the disappointment is still raw, but I'm only giving you the weekend to accept facts and stop pointing fingers.
Pointing fingers is NOT going to fix healthcare. This is serious stuff. Tell your reps, no matter which stripe, to get cracking. ALL of them.

Get government out of it....period

Simple (and woefully inadequate) solutions for the simple minds.

Can you name one place in the world were no-government-involvement made for good healthcare? Because I can tell you about countries with excellent healthcare at a fraction of what we spend, they all have pretty heavy government participation.

husband and wife jump to their deaths in Manhattan

over the high cost of "Affordable Care"

Parents jump to their deaths after spiralling finacial woes: Chiropractor and and wife in their fifties leap from 17-story Manhattan office building leaving their children behind
  • Chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife Patricia, ages 53 and 50, have been identified as the couple who jumped to their deaths from a Manhattan office building early Friday morning
  • In suicide notes, the couple said that they had found themselves in a 'financial spiral' and asked that their children be cared for
  • The suicide letter was titled 'We had a wonderful life'

The couple left behind suicide notes in a ziploc bag, that also included their IDs. Police have not released their names yet, but a photo obtained by the New York Post shows part of the letter, and it identifies the woman as Patricia. The note was titled 'We had a wonderful life'.

A law enforcement source who spoke with the Post said the woman's note said: 'Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them'.

The man left one behind too, which read: 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online

Stop the bullshit. anyone who lives in Manhattan is not jumping because of costs.

that is the note they left so fuck you

Do you have any idea how much ling in Manhattan costs?? healthcare is peanuts by comparison what real estate sucks up. They were suicidal, that's why they jumped - this anecdote has zero policy implication.

But even if we go along with the premise ACA would HELP, not hurt, aging people in financial straights with pre-existing conditions.

stop kidding yourself

Do you have any idea how much living in Manhattan costs??

of course i do so the fuck what the cost of health care added to the expense retard

the husbands note stated 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

Read more: New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online
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Jumping makes ZERO sense to people who still want to live given so many other options.

They probably had debt up the wazzo, were about to go bankrupt, in poor health and mental state - so they chose to end it, probably with a nice life insurance to hand off to their kids. To blame ACA for this messy anecdote is total horseshit.
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husband and wife jump to their deaths in Manhattan

over the high cost of "Affordable Care"

Parents jump to their deaths after spiralling finacial woes: Chiropractor and and wife in their fifties leap from 17-story Manhattan office building leaving their children behind
  • Chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife Patricia, ages 53 and 50, have been identified as the couple who jumped to their deaths from a Manhattan office building early Friday morning
  • In suicide notes, the couple said that they had found themselves in a 'financial spiral' and asked that their children be cared for
  • The suicide letter was titled 'We had a wonderful life'

The couple left behind suicide notes in a ziploc bag, that also included their IDs. Police have not released their names yet, but a photo obtained by the New York Post shows part of the letter, and it identifies the woman as Patricia. The note was titled 'We had a wonderful life'.

A law enforcement source who spoke with the Post said the woman's note said: 'Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them'.

The man left one behind too, which read: 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online

Bullshit, anyone who lives in Manhattan is not jumping from building because of costs....jumping to suburbs because of costs is more like it.
There you have it. The letter written in black and white saying they killed themselves over high insurance costs,
and this "person" says it's not so. That right there folks is what is the matter with democrats. No matter what truth assails them,if they don't want to hear it, then it ain't true. lmao.

why trump won.jpg
i had healthcare insurance after i started working and it was just a benefit . Before that my parents had insurance or paid out of pocket , i don't know . Things sure are fecked up and i still have excellent insurance that is not 'obamacare' . --- just a comment .
As Obamacare really starts to destroy people we will burn the Democratic party to the ground for passing it then refusing to fix it. :eusa_dance:
First and foremost the blame of Obamacare, IMO rest on Obama's shoulders. Why?
Because he withdrew himself. He was only involved as a spokesperson. He handed the reigns over to Pelosi and Reed and the rest of the vipers within the houses.
And we got legislature that, for the most part, robbed the pockets of the middle earners to finance coverage for the poor. No matter how you swing it, a "plan" with a $7000 deductible is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE.
It is catastrophic care with a full coverage plan price ticket. If you apply those standards then overwhelmingly more people lost "coverage" than got it. Period. Small businesses dropped out of the market and a LOT of people lost their employer-based plans (I am one of them).

Along with doing nothing to address the real problems in our system. Obamacare is a failure.
So, the question rightwinger should have asked - Whose fault is it that the failed plan wasn't replaced?

So, whose fault is it that the 'failed' plan wasn't replaced?

The point is, this question is considerably less important than "why do we have such a failed plan - AND STILL HAVE IT 7 YEARS LATER"?
The answer is everyone in Washington. Both sides.
While we all sit around with watermelon for brains and fight about whose fault it is - we should be asking why the hell after 7 years of the entire thing spiraling downward nobody has done a damn thing to fix it.
It isn't like only now there is a problem. The first 5 years the Democrats in all branches buried their heads in the sand and refused to aknowledge there was a problem in the first place! Only now once they are no longer in control do they even BEGIN to admit there is a problem.
You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

This is in 2014 and obviously, TRUMP was nowhere near President so until you Trump haters stop trying to PIN IT ALL on Trump/ Republicans consider yourselves American's problem to all these issues you seem to hate but instead BLAME IT ALL ON TRUMP.


Obamacare Premiums Are Going To “Skyrocket”? Forget About It. | THCB
You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


He is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.
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First and foremost the blame of Obamacare, IMO rest on Obama's shoulders. Why?
Because he withdrew himself. He was only involved as a spokesperson. He handed the reigns over to Pelosi and Reed and the rest of the vipers within the houses.
And we got legislature that, for the most part, robbed the pockets of the middle earners to finance coverage for the poor. No matter how you swing it, a "plan" with a $7000 deductible is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE.
It is catastrophic care with a full coverage plan price ticket. If you apply those standards then overwhelmingly more people lost "coverage" than got it. Period. Small businesses dropped out of the market and a LOT of people lost their employer-based plans (I am one of them).

Along with doing nothing to address the real problems in our system. Obamacare is a failure.
So, the question rightwinger should have asked - Whose fault is it that the failed plan wasn't replaced?

So, whose fault is it that the 'failed' plan wasn't replaced?

The point is, this question is considerably less important than "why do we have such a failed plan - AND STILL HAVE IT 7 YEARS LATER"?
The answer is everyone in Washington. Both sides.
While we all sit around with watermelon for brains and fight about whose fault it is - we should be asking why the hell after 7 years of the entire thing spiraling downward nobody has done a damn thing to fix it.
It isn't like only now there is a problem. The first 5 years the Democrats in all branches buried their heads in the sand and refused to aknowledge there was a problem in the first place! Only now once they are no longer in control do they even BEGIN to admit there is a problem.

It's still a relatively new law and many of the tweaks have to wind their way through a very contentious Congress, that being said, there have been many tweaks.

70 Changes to ObamaCare… — So Far

But it's now governed by the Republicans and if they fail, they get the blame. Don't like Obamacare? Fine, then try actually having a plan which it should be more than obvious by now they don't.
You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


he is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.

Fact check you might as well go to SNOPES

The assholes are those who don't understand the political game and who Voted for Obama and then the attempt on Clinton who was selling you the same bs lies.
You fkrs are the assholes because you can't see what is right in front of you easily lead like sheep .
You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


he is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.

Fact check you might as well go to SNOPES

The assholes are those who don't understand the political game and who Voted for Obama and then the attempt on Clinton who was selling you the same bs lies.
You fkrs are the assholes because you can't see what is right in front of you easily lead like sheep .

Actually Obama delivered a serious, comprehensive, state tested, Romney-care based comprehensive healthcare reform he promised (minus public option, plus mandate).

He also didn't play golf at his resorts every 5th day while he was plugging away at it.
You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


He is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.

And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him and keep him from doing and then you have these ASSHOLES
Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill
The Health Care Freedom Act failed 49-51. Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted against the bill. Sens. McCain and Murkowski pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.

Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill - Breitbart

Who aren't really Rep. they are RHINOS who are really Democrats but have the Republican title.
Can you find a quote that in 2017 Democrats do not want any changes to the ACA?
Too late. The plans people liked they couldn't keep even though Obamacare's namesake promised they could, 19 times or so. They were cancelled.

Sorry, you made a claim, it was this:

/----/ Dems say Obozocare is perfectly fine the way it is.

And now I'm asking you to back up the claim. In 2017, what Democrats were not open to changes in the ACA?
WTF are you talking about? The only claim I made is that millions who thought they could keep their health care plan because Obama said so, couldn't. He lied.

Oh, my apologies, you aren't the doofus my post was replying to. So, not sure why you replied to my question by not answering it.
I am one of those unusual people who expects others to walk and chew gum simultaneously; not a liberal you see,

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