Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


He is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.

And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him and keep him from doing and then you have these ASSHOLES
Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill
The Health Care Freedom Act failed 49-51. Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted against the bill. Sens. McCain and Murkowski pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.

Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill - Breitbart

Who aren't really Rep. they are RHINOS who are really Democrats but have the Republican title.

You Trump blamers are so fkn far of the facts it is sickening. So mislead by bs lies it is sickening. No wonder Hillary Clinton said Democrats are so stupid and easily lead around by the nose.

We blame Trump for being a clueless asshole politico blowhard who doesn't know shit about actual policy.

During campaign this was Trump:

"We have a wonderful plan"

"We will cover everyone"

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.

He shamelessly sold fantasies and is now upset reality doesn't work on magical thoughts.


He is an empty suit that doesn't belong in that office.

And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him and keep him from doing and then you have these ASSHOLES
Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill
The Health Care Freedom Act failed 49-51. Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted against the bill. Sens. McCain and Murkowski pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.

Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill - Breitbart

Who aren't really Rep. they are RHINOS who are really Democrats but have the Republican title.

Yet all 3 of them voted inline with their constituents.
Can you find a quote that in 2017 Democrats do not want any changes to the ACA?
Too late. The plans people liked they couldn't keep even though Obamacare's namesake promised they could, 19 times or so. They were cancelled.

Sorry, you made a claim, it was this:

/----/ Dems say Obozocare is perfectly fine the way it is.

And now I'm asking you to back up the claim. In 2017, what Democrats were not open to changes in the ACA?
WTF are you talking about? The only claim I made is that millions who thought they could keep their health care plan because Obama said so, couldn't. He lied.

Oh, my apologies, you aren't the doofus my post was replying to. So, not sure why you replied to my question by not answering it.
I am one of those unusual people who expects others to walk and chew gum simultaneously; not a liberal you see,

How so?
And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him

What "wonderful plan" did Trump actually propose?

What serious policy ideas did his admin submit for consideration? What stance did he take?

He had ZERO ideas on healthcare and would sign WHATEVERTHEFCUK landed on his desk so he could claim a win and get back to golfing.

All he did was sell empty promises not worth a shit, just like degrees from his fabulous Trump University.

Trump? Obama? McConnell, McCain, Collins and Murkowsky? The media? Democrats? Russia?

The entire Republican side. Starting with running and electing moderates like McShame, Collins, Murkowski, etc.... Continuing on to lying to voters sbout a straight REPEAL bill and then trying to replace instead. The authors of the horrible bills. Those who voted against Repeal alone. The whole group.
It's still a relatively new law and many of the tweaks have to wind their way through a very contentious Congress, that being said, there have been many tweaks.

70 Changes to ObamaCare… — So Far

But it's now governed by the Republicans and if they fail, they get the blame. Don't like Obamacare? Fine, then try actually having a plan which it should be more than obvious by now they don't.

So to be clear, your saying that a really bad plan passed in a rush by the Democrats with not one republican vote, that when Obvious problems arose were absolutely denied by Democrats and the media for several years...who have only passed a very small number (70 changes...Happy that is miserable) of token changes while ignoring the 900 lb. gorilla in the room, the real problems.... that now this plan is in a financial tailspin and WILL collapse...now that the Republicans have been in charge for 6 months...the whole thing is their fault.

Got it.
Trump? Obama? McConnell, McCain, Collins and Murkowsky? The media? Democrats? Russia?
Those who ran on the "repeal/replace" platform, knowing damn well they didn't have a replacement.

I'll give credit to one group, though - those who just wanted to repeal it and tell everyone "tough shit, you're on your own". They don't give a shit if others suffer, they don't give a shit if we all have to pay for those people anyway, but at least they were honest about it.

Anyone who claimed they wanted a replacement plan, anyone who claimed to like the crap the GOP tried to pass, were lying.
And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him

What "wonderful plan" did Trump actually propose?

What serious policy ideas did his admin submit for consideration? What stance did he take?

He had ZERO ideas on healthcare and would sign WHATEVERTHEFCUK landed on his desk so he could claim a win and get back to golfing.

All he did was sell empty promises not worth a shit, just like degrees from his fabulous Trump University.



And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him

What "wonderful plan" did Trump actually propose?

What serious policy ideas did his admin submit for consideration? What stance did he take?

He had ZERO ideas on healthcare and would sign WHATEVERTHEFCUK landed on his desk so he could claim a win and get back to golfing.

All he did was sell empty promises not worth a shit, just like degrees from his fabulous Trump University.



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And it is NOT TRUMP ASSHOLE because everything he tries to do CONGRESS etc go against him

What "wonderful plan" did Trump actually propose?

What serious policy ideas did his admin submit for consideration? What stance did he take?

He had ZERO ideas on healthcare and would sign WHATEVERTHEFCUK landed on his desk so he could claim a win and get back to golfing.

All he did was sell empty promises not worth a shit, just like degrees from his fabulous Trump University.



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Dumbass, middle class has been better, not worse since 2009 when ACA passed, please stop posting crazy nonsense while claiming something about having a handle on reality.


the (R) governors who refused expanded medicaid & marco rubio for cutting off the cash promised to the ins. cos to take on the sickest people.
You guys have been promising that for eight years
What is taking so long?

Uh...you guys WHO?

REAL right-wingers don't promise Socialist programs and mandates that go against the Constitution.....

But thanks for playing

Until YOU figure out that your real enemy is not right-wingers on this forum, but THE Establishment which still controls everything you're going to continue saying naturally stupid things.

But alas, I'm afraid your IQ and racism will never allow you such enlightenment.
It's still a relatively new law and many of the tweaks have to wind their way through a very contentious Congress, that being said, there have been many tweaks.

70 Changes to ObamaCare… — So Far

But it's now governed by the Republicans and if they fail, they get the blame. Don't like Obamacare? Fine, then try actually having a plan which it should be more than obvious by now they don't.

So to be clear, your saying that a really bad plan passed in a rush by the Democrats with not one republican vote, that when Obvious problems arose were absolutely denied by Democrats and the media for several years...who have only passed a very small number (70 changes...Happy that is miserable) of token changes while ignoring the 900 lb. gorilla in the room, the real problems.... that now this plan is in a financial tailspin and WILL collapse...now that the Republicans have been in charge for 6 months...the whole thing is their fault.

Got it.

Nope, not what I'm saying at all.
Because Obamacare IS THEIR PLAN! It's Romneycare but what was the Republican Party was to stupid to claim their own plan, so President Obama made it his and millions of Americans who never had health insurance now do.

Now the ReTrumplicans have been pretending that they have a plan but as we saw yesterday, all they had were lies. " I won't cut Medicare" "everyone will be covered" "it will be so easy".

Trump's Chumps believed it all, but no one else did.
Too many people trying to find an acceptable political solution that benefits their career and their party rather than an acceptable real world solution. And truth be told too many differences of opinion about what constitutes an acceptable real world solution. No winners here, only losers.
What a stupid reply, but not a surprise coming from a Trump Chump
how does this help solve issues?
it doesn't
how does this help people understand opposing views?
it doesn't
how does this help stop the stupid divide in this country over mythical barriers?
it doesn't

the only purpose a post like this has is to be a dick and prance around going LOOK I WAS A DICK.

if you have a better purpose for this post, enlighten me but all i see is you being a dick and mocking things you don't like in a dicklike manner.

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