Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

I imagine they'll giggle like little girls and skip away bragging about taking it deep for the President.
Guess what? We don't want a replacement! We want shit stain care dead okay?
You really should have read post #6, retard, so you wouldn't have just made a damned ass of yourself.

How the FUCK did you manage to scroll past that giant graphic and not see it? :uhh:
I have never seen ANYONE who needs to hear himself talk so much as g. Sad really, just a broken record.
Look, you're just not my type. Following me around and flattering me isn't going to change that. Sorry. I'm trying to let you down easy, kid.
Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
See? You will just sit there and take it. Trump hoaxed you, but you will never admit it to yourselves.

It wasn't really that fantastic a prediction that I said you would. I wish I could take credit for being psychic, but that wouldn't be honest.
Now you can see why it has become necessary to state the obvious, folks.
TRUMP said he has a plan . He did not . That was a lie . So he figured he'd just tag onto some GOP plan . But, those actually don't exist !
Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
See? You will just sit there and take it. Trump hoaxed you, but you will never admit it to yourselves.

It wasn't really that fantastic a prediction that I said you would. I wish I could take credit for being psychic, but that wouldn't be honest.

Keep telling yourself that, fagboy. You idiots claimed he would be impeached. Now a days the most you fags can gloat about is John McCain.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
The GOP sold us all down the river to UHC decades ago.

The rubes haven't caught on. Probably never will.
I'm glad how the vote went last night, but .....
Isn't it that the Republicans have TOO MANY plans to replace Obamacare? They couldn't agree on which one?
What alternative do you think would be better than UHC? Not politically, but practically?
Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
See? You will just sit there and take it. Trump hoaxed you, but you will never admit it to yourselves.

It wasn't really that fantastic a prediction that I said you would. I wish I could take credit for being psychic, but that wouldn't be honest.

Keep telling yourself that, fagboy. You idiots claimed he would be impeached. Now a days the most you fags can gloat about is John McCain.

You have me mixed up with someone else, desperation boy. I've never said Trump will be impeached. In fact, I said it would be very bad for the country.

Gotten to you, have I?


Trump lied to you.

Hillary won't be locked up, Trump won't be impeached, and the Beatles will not be getting back together.
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Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.

Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
See? You will just sit there and take it. Trump hoaxed you, but you will never admit it to yourselves.

It wasn't really that fantastic a prediction that I said you would. I wish I could take credit for being psychic, but that wouldn't be honest.

Keep telling yourself that, fagboy. You idiots claimed he would be impeached. Now a days the most you fags can gloat about is John McCain.

^ triggered
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
Strike 1.

I think you miscounted. It's Strike 67 or 68. I'm not sure, I lost count.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
The GOP sold us all down the river to UHC decades ago.

The rubes haven't caught on. Probably never will.
I'm glad how the vote went last night, but .....
Isn't it that the Republicans have TOO MANY plans to replace Obamacare? They couldn't agree on which one?
What alternative do you think would be better than UHC? Not politically, but practically?
Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill repealed ObamaCare, much less replaced it. Both bills were mostly repeals of taxes in ObamaCare.

ObamaCare itself lived on in those bills. The ObamaCare exchanges, the ObamaCare subsidies, and so forth.

That was another hoax by Trump and the Republicans. Those bills would have kept ObamaCare around.

Trump lied when he called the House bill which passed a "repeal and replacement". He lied bigly.


“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

And then he danced a little jig and crowed, "I'm the President, can you bleev it?"

Because he knew the only reason he was elected is because he promised his Chumps he would repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Trump lied to their fat faces. This abortion isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare, much less a replacement.

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.

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