Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement.

It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the power apple cart on that one. He pantsed the Republican Party, bigly.

But Trump doesn't have a replacement, either.

He lied.

When Trump said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
Who cares. The government has no business selling insurance.
The day is coming when Trump's Chumps are going to turn on a dime and praise UHC.

About 38 milliseconds after Trump calls for UHC to be the law of the land.

I wish I could say I know this because I am psychic, but...
Almost everyone I know is a professional and gainfully employed.
I know very few on the ACA and they say the rates are skyrocketing.
Oh, ObamaCare was a giant bait-and-switch con. You will see I have been calling it that since the beginning.

That does not take away from the fact rates have been skyrocketing for decades. Trump's Chumps convieniently suffer amnesia when it comes to this, again, very obvious fact.

See post #6.
I remember GW starting the big screw.
We are on the inevitable path to Universal Health Care now.

You can thank Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and several decades of Republicans who did nothing about skyrocketing health care costs.

Trump's always been for UHC. He's never made that a secret.

He wants ObamaCare to blow up so the people will cry out for single payer health care.

I'm not spilling any beans here, folks. Just stating the obvious. You've been hoaxed.
Not so if our economy rebounds.
Gee, according to the Chumps, our economy is blazing now, all hail Trump!

How is our economy going to rebound when our debt is still going up?

Yeah, yeah, same old Repugnican talking nonsense.
How can the economy get better when the same economic policies are in effect?
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement.

It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the power apple cart on that one. He pantsed the Republican Party, bigly.

But Trump doesn't have a replacement, either.

He lied.

When Trump said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
Who cares. The government has no business selling insurance.
The day is coming when Trump's Chumps are going to turn on a dime and praise UHC.

About 38 milliseconds after Trump calls for UHC to be the law of the land.

I wish I could say I know this because I am psychic, but...
Almost everyone I know is a professional and gainfully employed.
I know very few on the ACA and they say the rates are skyrocketing.
Oh, ObamaCare was a giant bait-and-switch con. You will see I have been calling it that since the beginning.

That does not take away from the fact rates have been skyrocketing for decades. Trump's Chumps convieniently suffer amnesia when it comes to this, again, very obvious fact.

See post #6.
I remember GW starting the big screw.
No, it started way before Dubya. But he certainly exacerbated it. His Medicare Part D has added more to the debt than ObamaCare has.
Not so if our economy rebounds.
Gee, according to the Chumps, our economy is blazing now, all hail Trump!

How is our economy going to rebound when our debt is still going up?

Yeah, yeah, same old Repugnican talking nonsense.
How can the economy get better when the same economic policies are in effect?
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.

There you go again, your premise that ALL monies belong to Government is patently stupid.
Poor Doc. His innumeracy has always been a terrible handicap, and he thinks other people's money belongs to him.
Not so if our economy rebounds.
Gee, according to the Chumps, our economy is blazing now, all hail Trump!

How is our economy going to rebound when our debt is still going up?

Yeah, yeah, same old Repugnican talking nonsense.
How can the economy get better when the same economic policies are in effect?
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
I'm not a globalist.
Gee, according to the Chumps, our economy is blazing now, all hail Trump!

How is our economy going to rebound when our debt is still going up?

Yeah, yeah, same old Repugnican talking nonsense.
How can the economy get better when the same economic policies are in effect?
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
I'm not a globalist.

Not sure why that is relevant...
Yeah, yeah, same old Repugnican talking nonsense.
How can the economy get better when the same economic policies are in effect?
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
I'm not a globalist.

Not sure why that is relevant...
It wasn't disasterous off-shoring and inundating us with BVs but somehow reversing that is disasterous?
Please explain.
I have offered a whole list of what needs to be done to get the economy and our government back on track. Many times.
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
I'm not a globalist.

Not sure why that is relevant...
It wasn't disasterous off-shoring and inundating us with BVs but somehow reversing that is disasterous?
Please explain.
You are treating the symptoms, not the disease.

Off-shoring was incentivized by our high tax rates, which in turn are caused by massive tax expenditures.

Get rid of tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates, and business will come back.

Please see the first two posts in this topic: Lowering Corporate Tax Rates The Coward’s Way

And post #5.
Yea, I so wish I had voted for Hillary now.

You should have voted for one of the REAL Republican conservatives in the primaries.

Now you just sit there and take it like a good little rube.

Why? Trump hasn't let us down, the GOP has. Voting another GOP dunce like John Mc-shit-Stain would had guaranteed a Hillary victory.
See? You will just sit there and take it. Trump hoaxed you, but you will never admit it to yourselves.

It wasn't really that fantastic a prediction that I said you would. I wish I could take credit for being psychic, but that wouldn't be honest.

Keep telling yourself that, fagboy. You idiots claimed he would be impeached. Now a days the most you fags can gloat about is John McCain.

You have me mixed up with someone else, desperation boy. I've never said Trump will be impeached. In fact, I said it would be very bad for the country.

Gotten to you, have I?


Trump lied to you.

Hillary won't be locked up, Trump won't be impeached, and the Beatles will not be getting back together.

Actually the living members of the Beatles are getting back together.

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr are working together again!
I've got two and they're both from Bernie Sanders...
Tax the shit out of any US originated Corporation that moved offshore and cut off the Business Visas.
Both are very self-destructive.

We need to ban all tax expenditures, and simultaneously lower tax rates on everyone. Then we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward. Then we need to make buying health insurance exactly the same as buying home, auto, and life insurance.
I'm not a globalist.

Not sure why that is relevant...
It wasn't disasterous off-shoring and inundating us with BVs but somehow reversing that is disasterous?
Please explain.
You are treating the symptoms, not the disease.

Off-shoring was incentivized by our high tax rates, which in turn are caused by massive tax expenditures.

Get rid of tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates, and business will come back.

Please see the first two posts in this topic: Lowering Corporate Tax Rates The Coward’s Way

And post #5.
Give me a break...I know tons of people who made a fortune before that POS Reagan started the Global bullshit.
The bottom line is that America has become a giant gambling casino and everyone wants to make the easiest buck possible by maligning their fellow non-Asians.
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

send the guy with the chocolate.

I hate to say this but Trump himself shares much of the blame. He didn't sell the plan, he didn't have his staff sell the plan. Maybe there was no plan to sell but that is on the president as well. If the plan was worthy and salable to the American people McCain and the other two bitches would not have found it so easy to give it a thumbs down.
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

send the guy with the chocolate.


You send out the PLAN -- And I'll deliver a 2 story high dark chocolate fondue tower...
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

send the guy with the chocolate.


You send out the PLAN -- And I'll deliver a 2 story high dark chocolate fondue tower...

Just give me a Unicorn that poops rainbow sherbet and I'll be fine.
I hate to say this but Trump himself shares much of the blame. He didn't sell the plan, he didn't have his staff sell the plan. Maybe there was no plan to sell but that is on the president as well. If the plan was worthy and salable to the American people McCain and the other two bitches would not have found it so easy to give it a thumbs down.
Nobody even knew what the plan was

Republicans did nothing to convince anyone why their plan was better than Obamacare
Nobody even knew what the plan was

Republicans did nothing to convince anyone why their plan was better than Obamacare
This is one time we may agree, the plan from the beginning was not a healthcare plan, it was a make Trump look bad and feckless plan. McConnell and McCain played their parts well. They should receive an Oscar.

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