Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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This is one time we may agree, the plan from the beginning was not a healthcare plan, it was a make Trump look bad and feckless plan. McConnell and McCain played their parts well. They should receive an Oscar.

What happened to Trumps wonderful terrific healthcare that would cover more people at a tiny fraction of the cost?

7 years down the drain.
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

send the guy with the chocolate.


You send out the PLAN -- And I'll deliver a 2 story high dark chocolate fondue tower...


sit back and watch Republicans destroy themselves.

now, send Coyote, he has the key.
This is one time we may agree, the plan from the beginning was not a healthcare plan, it was a make Trump look bad and feckless plan. McConnell and McCain played their parts well. They should receive an Oscar.

What happened to Trumps wonderful terrific healthcare that would cover more people at a tiny fraction of the cost?

7 years down the drain.

Trump is just a windbag. His negotiation skills suck. His attention to details suck.
"As long as there is breath in my body, I will fight for the working men & women in this country that are being hurt by Obamacare" - Lyin Ted

well your "fighting" is clearly not helping...
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

send the guy with the chocolate.


You send out the PLAN -- And I'll deliver a 2 story high dark chocolate fondue tower...


sit back and watch Republicans destroy themselves.

now, send Coyote, he has the key.

Here's the deal. Both your parties are fucked over this. Your party LIED their asses off about "keeping your plans" and how much money the AFFORDABLE Care Act would save. Then they sat back -- NEVER FULLY IMPLEMENTED the plan and just watched it move to Intensive Care and die.

The OTHER Brand Name party sat on their fat pompous asses for 7 years and DID NO ZERO NADA preparation to replace it with something less intrusive and more effective.

So this is GREAT for Indies and 3rd Parties. Because with this much "WINNING" going on for both your inept, corrupt, ineffective tribes -- the ONLY WAY to save this country will be voting for folks who aren't running "JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN WIN"..

So much "winning" going on -- y'all look like to Charlie Sheen to the MAJORITY of voters.. And your collusive hold on power is coming close to the end. .


Yep Charlies -- that's EXACTLY what I'm telling you...
Listen up.. Things are gonna be confusing for a couple hours. I just merged SEVEN threads having to do with the failure of O-Care and failures to fix it. I'm putting y'all in the same room with ONE BAG of Tostitos and keg of beer -- and NO ONE is leaving until this is resolved. :badgrin:

You did a nice job on consolidating these threads - including the poll at top. Thank you.
The swamp is powerful. Obviously It will take a few elections to wipe them out.
I just hope the nation will survive until that time. Hopefully the first swamp creature to retire and go away will be McCain.
Naming individuals who caused this massive failure is difficult, there are too many fathers who created the massive embarrassment to the Right Wing to repeal Obamacare Who will be seen as the losers and blamed is easy:
  • McConnell for sure
  • Trump for sure
  • Ryan for sure
  • The Republican Party, for sure
Now, watch how the axis of incompetence ^^^ blame The Democrats.
There are too many fathers who created the massive failure of the effort to repeal of Obamacare to name specific individuals. Who will be seen as the losers and blamed is easy:
  • McConnell for sure
  • Trump for sure
  • Ryan for sure
  • The Republican Party, for sure
Now, watch how the axis of incompetence ^^^ blame The Democrats.

Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic.
Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.
There are too many fathers who created the massive failure of the effort to repeal of Obamacare to name specific individuals. Who will be seen as the losers and blamed is easy:
  • McConnell for sure
  • Trump for sure
  • Ryan for sure
  • The Republican Party, for sure
Now, watch how the axis of incompetence ^^^ blame The Democrats.

Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic.

Today, I didn't. McConnell's statements are always made in an empty, or near empty chamber. There is nothing informative in his speeches, it's all about him and his party, punctuated by lies and assassinating the character of President Obama.
Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.

What are you talking about? Democrats and Republican women asked to be a part of working on the new bill. Bernie Sanders asked several times why they were building the bill without having hearings on it and allowing motions for amendments... the Republicans simply thought they had enough people that they could tell everyone else to fuck off and they would pass whatever they came up with. That didn't happen and then they complained no one wanted to work with them... they caused their own fiasco.
Barry Hussein and Hillary Clinton managed to blame the killing of the U.S. Ambassador and his bodyguards at Benghazi on an obscure you tube video. How does that stack up to the "Obamacare repeal failure" when the President still has another 3 1/2 years to get it passed?
What are you talking about? Democrats and Republican women asked to be a part of working on the new bill. Bernie Sanders asked several times why they were building the bill without having hearings on it and allowing motions for amendments... the Republicans simply thought they had enough people that they could tell everyone else to fuck off and they would pass whatever they came up with. That didn't happen and then they complained no one wanted to work with them... they caused their own fiasco.
We are not talking about a working healthcare plan in Obamacare. Obamacare has failed. People are going without treatment, people can't afford their own coverage. This is not made up, I see it in my own circle of family and friends. So one would think that at least ONE DEMOCRAT would want to fix that as soon as possible...wouldn't you?
Barry Hussein and Hillary Clinton managed to blame the killing of the U.S. Ambassador and his bodyguards at Benghazi on an obscure you tube video. How does that stack up to the "Obamacare repeal failure" when the President still has another 3 1/2 years to get it passed?
Still lying about Benghazi after 13 investigations that prove you wrong.
Now, watch how the axis of incompetence ^^^ blame The Democrats

Well they did fuck it up in the first place.

How? The ACA is not perfect, but it's no quagmire like Iraq II or the Great Recession.

You've done the same thing the axis of incompetence will and has done. Failure to take responsibility for what has gone so very wrong; something real leaders do. Trump won't, Ryan won''t, McConnell won't and many (most?) Trump voters will never admit how fucked up Trump is. Those who studied history might recognize Caligula in our current President.
What are you talking about? Democrats and Republican women asked to be a part of working on the new bill. Bernie Sanders asked several times why they were building the bill without having hearings on it and allowing motions for amendments... the Republicans simply thought they had enough people that they could tell everyone else to fuck off and they would pass whatever they came up with. That didn't happen and then they complained no one wanted to work with them... they caused their own fiasco.
We are not talking about a working healthcare plan in Obamacare. Obamacare has failed. People are going without treatment, people can't afford their own coverage. This is not made up, I see it in my own circle of family and friends. So one would think that at least ONE DEMOCRAT would want to fix that as soon as possible...wouldn't you?

They weren't allowed to take part. What part of that do you not understand? The Republicans wouldn't even allow FEMALE REPUBLICANS to take part in the private group who built the new plan.

Schumer even said out in the open they knew Obamacare wasn't perfect and it would need worked on... but it can only be improved if both sides work together and the Republicans wouldn't.

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