Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.

Apparently you don't listen too well. Chuck Schumer has stated a clear willingness to work with Republicans to fix the glitches in Obamacare - but not to repeal it.
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.

That's because every single democrat was FROZEN OUT of the bill writing. They were never allowed to see it. The republicans refused to even work with the other 33 republican senators, or let them see the bill. McConnell and his gang of 18 senators wrote it.
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.

That's because every single democrat was FROZEN OUT of the bill writing. They were never allowed to see it. The republicans refused to even work with the other 33 republican senators, or let them see the bill. McConnell and his gang of 18 senators wrote it.

And without any help from even one female Senator.
How? The ACA is not perfect,
People can not afford it and doctors are leaving the profession. Some states it sucks less than other states but it still sucks. We pay big for the operation of the nation and we are not getting our moneys worth.
Did you listen to McConnell's "concession" speech early this morning after repeal failure? What a pathetic hypocrite. He accused Democrats of everything he did to President Obama for EIGHT years. Pathetic
Yes that is pathetic but I saw not one single democrat offer to help. Not one cared enough to say hey! we need to work together. Not one.

You need to open your eyes and ears. No D. wanted the ACA to be repealed, but most D's understand that their are problems which need to be fixed. Had McConnell opened his door to the D's, and discussed fixing what was broken, and not decided it was a political winner to continue to blame Obama for a few mischance statements and damn the entire health care bill. McConnell fucked up royally, his promise to shit can the ACA worked out well for him, Trump gave his wife a plum job in the swamp.

The F-35 was billed as a fighter jet that could do almost everything the U.S. military desired but has turned out to be one of the greatest boondoggles in recent military purchasing history. Why are the conservative republicans so concerned with the debt silent on this issue, and all hysterical on the cost of the ACA?
That's because every single democrat was FROZEN OUT of the bill writing. They were never allowed to see it. The republicans refused to even work with the other 33 republican senators, or let them see the bill. McConnell and his gang of 18 senators wrote it
They asked for democrats to participate but the dems red line was unacceptable and ridiculous on purpose.
Schumer even said out in the open they knew Obamacare wasn't perfect and it would need worked on... but it can only be improved if both sides work together and the Republicans wouldn't.

Chuck Schumer has stated a clear willingness to work with Republicans to fix the glitches in Obamacare - but not to repeal it.

In short, democrats would not participate in the republican attempt to murder the ACA, but were more than willing to work with republicans to save the ACA.
You need to open your eyes and ears. No D. wanted the ACA to be repealed, but most D's understand that their are problems which need to be fixed.
It must be repealed in order to fix it properly. Most of the plan was put in place after Obama care passed. It was passed incomplete on purpose.
How? The ACA is not perfect,
People can not afford it and doctors are leaving the profession. Some states it sucks less than other states but it still sucks. We pay big for the operation of the nation and we are not getting our moneys worth.

Wrong ^^^, nothing more substantive than an echo of a meme. Some people can not afford it because some people are scofflaws and the rates rise with a smaller pool.
That's because every single democrat was FROZEN OUT of the bill writing. They were never allowed to see it. The republicans refused to even work with the other 33 republican senators, or let them see the bill. McConnell and his gang of 18 senators wrote it
They asked for democrats to participate but the dems red line was unacceptable and ridiculous on purpose.

What did the other 33 republican senators do that was unacceptable and ridiculous on purpose.
You need to open your eyes and ears. No D. wanted the ACA to be repealed, but most D's understand that their are problems which need to be fixed.
It must be repealed in order to fix it properly. Most of the plan was put in place after Obama care passed. It was passed incomplete on purpose.

If you build a car and the radio, the brakes, and the air conditioner doesn't work, you don't take the whole car apart and rebuild it to make it run perfectly.
You need to open your eyes and ears. No D. wanted the ACA to be repealed, but most D's understand that their are problems which need to be fixed.
It must be repealed in order to fix it properly. Most of the plan was put in place after Obama care passed. It was passed incomplete on purpose.

You make statements sans examples and evidence, kinda like Trump.
If you build a car and the radio, the brakes, and the air conditioner doesn't work, you don't take the whole car apart and rebuild it to make it run perfectly.
It's not a car...it's life and death, it's pain and suffering, it's bankruptcy and top ramen. Obama care needs to be fixed and now it won't be. At least not before it caves completely and we end up with less choice and care than Americans have had in generations. How sad no dems wanted to help and a butt hurt vengeful old man killed any chance of a fix.
It must be repealed in order to fix it properly. Most of the plan was put in place after Obama care passed. It was passed incomplete on purpose.

If you build a car and the radio, the brakes, and the air conditioner doesn't work, you don't take the whole car apart and rebuild it to make it run perfectly.

Actually he's saying that you have to scrap the car, put it into a car crusher and turn it into a cube. Melt it down, and use that steel, aluminum and plastic, to build a car that works.
If you build a car and the radio, the brakes, and the air conditioner doesn't work, you don't take the whole car apart and rebuild it to make it run perfectly.
It's not a car...it's life and death, it's pain and suffering, it's bankruptcy and top ramen. Obama care needs to be fixed and now it won't be. At least not before it caves completely and we end up with less choice and care than Americans have had in generations. How sad no dems wanted to help and a butt hurt vengeful old man killed any chance of a fix.

Wait.. it's suddenly life and death to you as a Trump supporter? Why then before it was "If Obamacare is repealed no one is going to be dying in the streets!"

If people can't afford their insurance they can still go to any ER and won't be turned away for non-treatment.

Obamacare will only be fixed if the Republicans will work with the Democrats.
Actually he's saying that you have to scrap the car, put it into a car crusher and turn it into a cube. Melt it down, and use that steel, aluminum and plastic, to build a car that works
Another careless heartless car comparison? How telling.

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