Who should Trump blame for Obamacare repeal failure?

Who is to blame for the failure to repeal Obamacare

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Why would anyone "embrace" legislation that is failing miserably?

What you liberals don't seem to grasp is that the GOP's failure to fix ObamaCare doesn't mean it's now going to work! It isn't. It's in it's death spiral now and it's only going to get worse as we go forward! Yes, Republicans will take blame for not fixing it but the bottom line still remains...THIS WAS A PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL BILL PASSED BY DEMOCRATS WITHOUT ANY GOP VOTES...THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE AND ALWAYS DESTINED TO IMPLODE!

Sorry, kiddies...but you still OWN the ACA!

Because it is what we have and it is what people are depending on to provide for their healthcare

We tried the Republican plan of giving us something better and they couldn't do it

It's what we have...because you liberals lied about what it was and what it would cost to get it passed in the first place, Winger!

The Middle Class was begging for relief from out of control healthcare costs. You liberals gave them the ACA...which didn't lower their costs at all but instead raised them to pay for subsidies for the poor. That's the reality of ObamaCare and you still own what it's doing to the Middle Class.
Obamacare was much more open than Trumpcare and allowed for public comment and open debate

It is the law. It is depended on by 20 million Americans

Republicans said they could do better but they can't

"Open"? Seriously? Nancy Pelosi told us we needed to vote for it before we'd know what was in it! Jonathon Gruber admitted that the architects of the ACA deliberately lied to the American people about what was in it because they didn't think we were smart enough to figure out we were being lied to!

You liberals gave something to one segment of society...forced another part of society to pay for it...all the while lying to them about what it would cost! Now you're blaming the GOP for not being able to "fix" what you deliberately set up to break!
husband and wife jump to their deaths in Manhattan

over the high cost of "Affordable Care"

Parents jump to their deaths after spiralling finacial woes: Chiropractor and and wife in their fifties leap from 17-story Manhattan office building leaving their children behind
  • Chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife Patricia, ages 53 and 50, have been identified as the couple who jumped to their deaths from a Manhattan office building early Friday morning
  • In suicide notes, the couple said that they had found themselves in a 'financial spiral' and asked that their children be cared for
  • The suicide letter was titled 'We had a wonderful life'

The couple left behind suicide notes in a ziploc bag, that also included their IDs. Police have not released their names yet, but a photo obtained by the New York Post shows part of the letter, and it identifies the woman as Patricia. The note was titled 'We had a wonderful life'.

A law enforcement source who spoke with the Post said the woman's note said: 'Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them'.

The man left one behind too, which read: 'We both have medical issues, we just can't afford the health care.'

New York couple commit suicide 'over health care costs' | Daily Mail Online

Bullshit, anyone who lives in Manhattan is not jumping from building because of costs....jumping to suburbs because of costs is more like it.
There you have it. The letter written in black and white saying they killed themselves over high insurance costs,
and this "person" says it's not so. That right there folks is what is the matter with democrats. No matter what truth assails them,if they don't want to hear it, then it ain't true. lmao.

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Did you mean the lies the RussianWing Echo Chamber uses?

"A law enforcement source at the scene told The Post that authorities at first believed that the couple struggled with health care costs. But an NYPD spokesman said later that there was no mention of medical-cost struggles in the notes."


I'll bet this story continues to make the usually rounds Que'd up for the rubes to salivate over.
Too late. The plans people liked they couldn't keep even though Obamacare's namesake promised they could, 19 times or so. They were cancelled.

Sorry, you made a claim, it was this:

/----/ Dems say Obozocare is perfectly fine the way it is.

And now I'm asking you to back up the claim. In 2017, what Democrats were not open to changes in the ACA?
WTF are you talking about? The only claim I made is that millions who thought they could keep their health care plan because Obama said so, couldn't. He lied.

Oh, my apologies, you aren't the doofus my post was replying to. So, not sure why you replied to my question by not answering it.
I am one of those unusual people who expects others to walk and chew gum simultaneously; not a liberal you see,

How so?
See, you chew gum and walk at the same time. It may seem difficult for you at first but if you concentrate, you'll master it in time.
Obamacare is not “collapsing under its own weight,” as Republicans are so fond of saying. It was sabotaged from the day it was enacted. And now the Republican Party should be held accountable not only for any potential replacement of the law, but also for having tried to starve it to death.

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts.

How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

It was "sabotaged" from the day it was written, Valerie but not by the GOP! It was designed to fail by the people who wrote the legislation in the first place.
Right now, given the chaos in the Whitehouse, I think that the GOP will not be able to pass any of their ideas concerning health care or tax breaks for the rich.
They're waiting for the right time to dump Trump. They know he is just getting in the way of their agenda.
The healthcare "loss" is not Trump's fault. It is the fault of a Congress that over the years has decided that the party with the majority, however slim, gets to "rule" instead of working together with the other side. Maybe the Founders knew folks would try this shit (I'm sure this isn't the first time) and that's why it's a 60 vote minimum to pass legislation. You have to have consensus in order to pass legislation, because that means consensus across the nation.
McCain sent a big "F-U" to Congress last night for the way it's playing the game. There are plenty of moderate minded members of Congress that would like to agree but probably don't dare.
It's not Trump's fault the healthcare bill couldn't pass. It's the Congress's fault for building over time a toxic environment where the opposing sides won't work together on compromises. Both parties have done it. Maybe as important as putting the brakes on Trump, it is important that the brakes get put on a Congress that wants to lead by majority only. Maybe they learned their lesson last night.
We'll see.
I don't blame Trump for it. I blame it on the GOP's overall ineffectiveness.
The problem is if if you are intellectually opposed to big government it's unlikely that you will be any good at running a big government.

Unless it's funding a massive, bloated military or dictating what women can do with their own bodies obviously.
Obamacare is not “collapsing under its own weight,” as Republicans are so fond of saying. It was sabotaged from the day it was enacted. And now the Republican Party should be held accountable not only for any potential replacement of the law, but also for having tried to starve it to death.

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts.

How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

It was "sabotaged" from the day it was written, Valerie but not by the GOP! It was designed to fail by the people who wrote the legislation in the first place.
Possibly. I've thought that too. Krugman's conscience of a liberal set forth the formula for taxing the 1% to pay each citizen enough to enroll in Medicare or buy private insurance. The premise was Medicare is more efficient so people will see they get more stuff by going single payer. The dems chickened out raising the taxes enough when they had their suprermajoity, and that only happens once in a generation, because they thought the recession was too hard on rich folks. Rich folks can take care of themselves. They have the Kochs and Norquist ... and McConnell and Ryan.

BUT we do see some workers staying in the 133% of poverty rate to stay in Medicaid rather than get an Obamacare subsidy.

NEVERTHELESS, as much as Mitch the Turtle cries with his hurt feelings (I never knew he had any) about not gonna help bail out insurance, the little reptile better wake up and see the interest, because single payer is going to be the result unless the private insurance markets find a way to pay providers what services ACTUALLY Cost.
Sorry, you made a claim, it was this:

/----/ Dems say Obozocare is perfectly fine the way it is.

And now I'm asking you to back up the claim. In 2017, what Democrats were not open to changes in the ACA?
WTF are you talking about? The only claim I made is that millions who thought they could keep their health care plan because Obama said so, couldn't. He lied.

Oh, my apologies, you aren't the doofus my post was replying to. So, not sure why you replied to my question by not answering it.
I am one of those unusual people who expects others to walk and chew gum simultaneously; not a liberal you see,

How so?
See, you chew gum and walk at the same time. It may seem difficult for you at first but if you concentrate, you'll master it in time.

Quoting my question to another poster and then not answering it has nothing to do with chewing gum, walking or performing each concurrently or even consecutively for that matter. It's all just about you wasting my time.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement.

It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the power apple cart on that one. He pantsed the Republican Party, bigly.

But Trump doesn't have a replacement, either.

He lied.

When Trump said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
There doesn't need to be a plan, just repeal the steaming pile of shit called Obamacare.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
The GOP sold us all down the river to UHC decades ago.

The rubes haven't caught on. Probably never will.
It has become necessary to state the incredibly obvious, unfortunately. Since Trump's Chumps are being distracted by non-stop red herrings and a lot of smoke by their masters, it has become necessary.

It is a sad state of affairs that we have arrived at the point where you have to state the obvious to those who were hoaxed.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. It does not exist.

In seven years, the GOP never wrote one. To be honest, they thought Hillary was going to be President and they would repeal ObamaCare another 60 times safe in the knowledge the hag would veto it. They never expected to actually have to come up with a replacement.

Trump really upset the fucking power apple cart on that one.

But Trump doesn't have one, either. He lied. When he said he had a replacement plan that would lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost", he was lying. He was lying. He was lying.

Believe me, folks. He was lying.

So what are Trump's supporters going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.


They are going to sit there and take it. They are going to parrot what they are told to parrot. They are going to bleev what they are told to bleev.

And Trump will golf. At taxpayer expense.
In what fantasy world did an Independent or Democrat think that Republicans gave a shit about Universal Health Care?
Strike 1.
There doesn't need to be a plan, just repeal the steaming pile of shit called Obamacare.
This is why I call you amnesiac morons "goldfish".


Our 2001 study in 5 states found that medical problems contributed to at least 46.2% of all bankruptcies. Since then, health costs and the numbers of un- and underinsured have increased, and bankruptcy laws have tightened.

We surveyed a random national sample of 2314 bankruptcy filers in 2007, abstracted their court records, and interviewed 1032 of them. We designated bankruptcies as “medical” based on debtors' stated reasons for filing, income loss due to illness, and the magnitude of their medical debts.

Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001.

Illness and medical bills contribute to a large and increasing share of US bankruptcies.

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What ? You mean the plan that keeps all the great things about Obamacare , but without the pesky stuff that pays for it, doesn't exist ? But it was supposed to be cheaper ! You could buy across state lines! STATE LINES !!!! That alone would drop premiums from $600month to $4.35 plus a free travel pillow !

Lol. These suckers believe anything .
Trump lied to you.

He lied.

Now just sit there and take it like a good little cuckholded Chump.
When your medical bills come in the mail, remember Trump lied to you.

When your health insurance bill comes in the mail or out of your paycheck, remember.

Trump lied to you.

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