Who sold us out to China? Don't look to media.

Nixon opened up China to US to get the ball rolling. Reagan & Bush pushed for offshoring, New World Order Globalism so Clinton played along to keep congress happy. Then Bush2 sent all our jobs & technology to China.

I noticed you disliked my post......

Then I read yours.......

I think you are more accurate on this to be honest. You're right, it's been both sides.
That said, it seems as of recent Democrats are more prone to coddle China.

Can't argue with you on the New World Order and Globalism.
I voted Ross Perot in 1992 to prevent "That Giant Sucking Sound" of all our manufacturing & jobs leaving the USA. It was the best vote I ever cast, but changed nothing. All other elections are choosing the lesser evil.
I voted Ross Perot in 1992 to prevent "That Giant Sucking Sound" of all our manufacturing & jobs leaving the USA. It was the best vote I ever cast, but changed nothing. All other elections are choosing the lesser evil.
I agree, had he ran against Bush as Trump did, he would have had the primary and then challenged Clinton on his own. It would have been a landslide like Trump's. He was the beginning of Trump.
you are defending nothing...TRUMP is doing a hell of a job
At being responsible for the spread of Covid-19, the economy in the tank and race riots, yes I agree he's doing a heckuva good job.
thats not what fauci says ..you should stop with your stupid shit. spread of covid=chinatown...you remember the vile scum, botox evil wench celebrating stupid shit for another country instead of AMERICA..economy is nowhere near what BARRAG left, so much better, you must live in a closed down scum hole where the demonrats roam
Nixon opened up China to US to get the ball rolling. Reagan & Bush pushed for offshoring, New World Order Globalism so Clinton played along to keep congress happy. Then Bush2 sent all our jobs & technology to China.

Most of the outsourcing of jobs happened in the 00s under Bush.
Yes Bush was the WORST PRESIDENT in HISTORY!!!
It took many years to create the China monster. The only way we slay the monster is with a global coalition of countries willing to take the economic hit and pull their manufacturing out. I'm not holding my breath.
We don’t need the world.
We could crush China ourselves by pulling industry back here, and where is makes better sense to our source, use friendly nations like Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, India, Mexico, etc.

Problem is we have dem and repub politicians getting rich off this policy, and many big companies pocket huge profits with this and finance public propaganda to fight against this.

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