Who sold us out to China? Don't look to media.

Nixon opened up China to US to get the ball rolling. Reagan & Bush pushed for offshoring, New World Order Globalism so Clinton played along to keep congress happy. Then Bush2 sent all our jobs & technology to China.

Most of the outsourcing of jobs happened in the 00s under Bush.
Yes Bush was the WORST PRESIDENT in HISTORY!!!
who did the trade deal with China?
Today in America information is being tightly controlled and a statement allegedly made by ideological writers after the Russian revolution in 1917 comes to mind: The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them. That is one variation; there are others. What is the gist of the statement? It is umbilically connected to another quote: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

If corruption is taking place in a free society it has to be exposed by a free press, but the press needs to operate independently of the status quo it operates in. Much of what we call the fourth Estate in America no longer ranges free to investigate corruption because it has become corrupted itself by a status quo that controls and finances it through politics, policy, and ideology.

If China has purchased our political infrastructure with bribes and graft that should be a huge story for any newspaper especially in an age where globalist forces are at work to undermine national sovereignty by weakening localized control of manufacturing crucial to the survival of a nation. But the US press is increasingly joined at the hip with a centralized government and functions to be the public face of government, not to investigate it. That makes it distinguishable from true communism only in name not in substance. So, the rope statement make sense today.

When Donald Trump burst on the scene he exposed the rope, and the government went to corrupt extremes to destroy his presidency. It actually perverted intelligence agencies to annihilate his administration with fabricated propaganda. The rope quote really makes sense now.

Now it has been reported by an actual free rogue newspaper, the New York Post, that the government candidate, Joe Biden was engaging in corruption with a foreign power using his son as an agent. The FBI has been hiding this evidence and the majority of the US press is trying to give the bombshell exposé a good leaving alone, an obvious propaganda mechanism.

High tech social media manipulators are blocking the information much like the former Soviet Union and exactly like contemporary China. The damning irrefutable proof against government candidate Biden should disqualify him from even running for president but that rope is being used to tie up the process of reporting until after the election when government corruption can bury it.

It is incredible that the people cannot see this.

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