Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?

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so then they did see molten metal flowing down the channel rails..they did see molten metal flowing like lava...dripping from beams...metal beams cherry red....and the NIST spokesmen is lying..it is one or the other...never mind your double think...
its hard to say what they saw
it could have been a number of things
but you guys try to make it into something it isnt
In other words you have no proof.

Thanks for the confirmation.

yeah we already know you have no proof in your arguments other than that tent argument.No need to tell us what we already know.see unlike you,I am mature enough to admit it when i have been proven wrong.EVERYTHING else you have said is plain B.S and insane ramblings like the dis in fo agent you truely are.
Why would I admit being wrong when I wasn't?

If I did, if would be a sign of stupidity not maturity.

In your case, however, it was maturity.

And now I give my thanks for your willingness to realize certain facts.

Because other than the blue tent thing,your full of crap and you know it.thats the ONLY thing you have made a point of that that wasnt a bunch of stupid insane ramblings with no facts to back them up on.No if you did,you would be showing a sign of maturity.thats all you been doing this whole time on this thread other than the point about the blue tent is showing stupidity like that retard divecon.:cuckoo: see unlike you and divecon,I am mature enough to admit it when i am wrong.you however CANT realise certain facts.
What facts are these?
anyone that can listen to these scripted story's and not see something is wrong..is deaf.. dumb and blind
yeah, it amazes me how you can listen to Alex Jones

so response is basically to ignore all conflicting testomony and ignore the scripted witnesses that surfaced on 9/11...and attempt to distract with a non-related statement toward Alex Jones....which as usual addresses nothing and avoids the facts
anyone that can listen to these scripted story's and not see something is wrong..is deaf.. dumb and blind
yeah, it amazes me how you can listen to Alex Jones

so response is basically to ignore all conflicting testomony and ignore the scripted witnesses that surfaced on 9/11...and attempt to distract with a non-related statement toward Alex Jones....which as usual addresses nothing and avoids the facts
you dont have conflicting testimony, you have twisted crap

“ The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth

“ The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth
and the troofer moron does it again, just keeps making shit UP
this is why NO ONE believe you assholes

“ The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them....To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth
and the troofer moron does it again, just keeps making shit UP
this is why NO ONE believe you assholes

Hi DiveCon Man:

its hard to say what they saw
it could have been a number of things
but you guys try to make it into something it isnt

Listen here Con Man: You come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Forum every day with no evidentiary support for anything at all. You whine and cry like a baby when someone else presents 'their' Conspiracy Theory, but then you stand with Senor Bushie and Karl Rove and Dickless Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld pretending that these Inside-job attacks were carried out by a bunch of people like this:


This is the DiveCon Man's compiracy theory right here in a nutshell, but then he comes out here to pretend he has no explanation for these 9/11 attacks 'and' only people like Terral and 9/11 Inside Job are the "Conspiracy Theorists" around here. No! DiveCon Man stands with the Department of Defense in full support of everything that comes out of the mouth of Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all of their little 9/11 Inside-Job Helpers running diversion for the Official Government Cover Stories!



DiveCon Man is here to sell you the Loyal Bushie LIE that this little empty hole equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner (my thread).


A man can stand atop the undamaged green SUV and reach up to the elevation of the still-intact second-story concrete slab, but the DiveCon Man expects you to believe the Official Gov't Cover Story that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed here going 530 miles per hour!


The DiveCon Man is certainly allowed to is Loyal Bushie Inside-job opinion, but where is 'his' evidence that a real 100-ton Jetliner passed 'over' the tops of these giant cable spools 'and' through the 18-feet 3-inch second story hole 'and' without breaking a single window on the third floor (damage schematic); when the massive tail section stands almost 50 feet tall off the tarmac on the cotton-picking runway (my "What Really Happened" thread)! All of these military/aviation experts say no 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon . . .


. . . but the DiveCon Man stands with Senor Bushie and Donald Rumsfeld trying to convince you otherwise. Funny how the military/aviation experts in this little video all agree with me. :0)

The DiveCon Man has no pictures of anything to present in the majority of his little baby three-liner posts that only serve to throw dust into the air and derail the real 911Truth Debate. This guy right does nothing but throw eggs and anybody coming out here to present 'the' 911Truth told by the evidence, when in reality he is here to try and convince you that building fires and debris took down a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper in 6.6 seconds like this:


Look around to find the DiveCon Man's "WTC-7 Was Brought Down By Building Fires/Debris" theory supported by one shred of evidence, because this cartoon character (pic = DUPE in the middle :cuckoo:) could not write a thesis paper on ANY of these 9/11 cases (my WTC-7 CD paper) to save his Loyal Bushie soul. Those of you led astray by this Loyal Bushie LIAR are not even paying attention.


This single video explains WHY no steel-framed skyscraper has ever burned down in the history of this planet 'and' NEVER WILL. Only Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic) could even begin to believe that nonsense 'and' we have plenty of those running around here. :0)


Hi C-101, DiveCon Man and Elvis:

What facts are these?
you dont have conflicting testimony, you have twisted crap
I still say eots is better than pee wee.


I see the Loyal Bush-Monkeys are still running out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Forums Board to try and convince everyone that “no conspiracy exists.” :0)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2THs3oNooM"]Loyal Bush-Monkeys! :0)[/ame]

Now the 9/11 Cover Stories told by these cartoon characters are really funny . . .


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terral, you fucking moron
i dont whine nor cry about anything you morons post
i just tell you its fucking moronic
you are the one that does the C&P whine all the fucking time

"oh boo hoo, they dont believe our bullshit"
grow the fuck up and stop doing the C&P bullshit
Hi DiveCon Man:

Do you kiss ya momma with that mouth? :0)

terral, you fucking moron
i dont whine nor cry about anything you morons post
i just tell you its fucking moronic
you are the one that does the C&P whine all the fucking time

"oh boo hoo, they dont believe our bullshit"
grow the fuck up and stop doing the C&P bullshit




Hi DiveCon Man:

Do you kiss ya momma with that mouth? :0)

terral, you fucking moron
i dont whine nor cry about anything you morons post
i just tell you its fucking moronic
you are the one that does the C&P whine all the fucking time

"oh boo hoo, they dont believe our bullshit"
grow the fuck up and stop doing the C&P bullshit





I cannot comment on most of the events of 9/11 but being a pilot and a machinist I can without reservation state that the pentagon did not get hit by the plane they say was involved. The hole in the second pentagon picture of your thread opening is about twelve feet in diameter. The fusalage would leave a much larger hole because of the wings and engines. The hole should be about 75 feet across. The engines of that plane are roughly the size of the hole shown. They are made of titanium mostly..the problem is the rpms. In excess of ten thousand rpms ...possibly 20,000 rpms. As the engines destruct the vanes violently blow out sideways and each blade would tear out large sections of the wall. There are dozens of these titanium vanes in each motor. Also there are no recognisable pieces of an airplane and even "IF" the plane could have been flown into that location much of the aluminum and titanium would not be burned.

I don't know what hit the pentagon. It was not a "heavy" jet airliner.
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