Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?

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Hi DiveCon Man:

Do you kiss ya momma with that mouth? :0)

terral, you fucking moron
i dont whine nor cry about anything you morons post
i just tell you its fucking moronic
you are the one that does the C&P whine all the fucking time

"oh boo hoo, they dont believe our bullshit"
grow the fuck up and stop doing the C&P bullshit





I cannot comment on most of the events of 9/11 but being a pilot and a machinist I can without reservation state that the pentagon did not get hit by the plane they say was involved. The hole in the second pentagon picture of your thread opening is about twelve feet in diameter. The fusalage would leave a much larger hole because of the wings and engines. The hole should be about 75 feet across. The engines of that plane are roughly the size of the hole shown. They are made of titanium mostly..the problem is the rpms. In excess of ten thousand rpms ...possibly 20,000 rpms. As the engines destruct the vanes violently blow out sideways and each blade would tear out large sections of the wall. There are dozens of these titanium vanes in each motor. Also there are no recognisable pieces of an airplane and even "IF" the plane could have been flown into that location much of the aluminum and titanium would not be burned.

I don't know what hit the pentagon. It was not a "heavy" jet airliner.

you'll find out here huggy that the Bush dupes here are so much devoted to the official conspiracy theory and that the 9/11 commission report is the ultimate truth,that they wont even bother to read what you posted,that they only see what they want to see and hear only what they want to hear.
Hi DiveCon Man:

Do you kiss ya momma with that mouth? :0)





I cannot comment on most of the events of 9/11 but being a pilot and a machinist I can without reservation state that the pentagon did not get hit by the plane they say was involved. The hole in the second pentagon picture of your thread opening is about twelve feet in diameter. The fusalage would leave a much larger hole because of the wings and engines. The hole should be about 75 feet across. The engines of that plane are roughly the size of the hole shown. They are made of titanium mostly..the problem is the rpms. In excess of ten thousand rpms ...possibly 20,000 rpms. As the engines destruct the vanes violently blow out sideways and each blade would tear out large sections of the wall. There are dozens of these titanium vanes in each motor. Also there are no recognisable pieces of an airplane and even "IF" the plane could have been flown into that location much of the aluminum and titanium would not be burned.

I don't know what hit the pentagon. It was not a "heavy" jet airliner.

you'll find out here huggy that the Bush dupes here are so much devoted to the official conspiracy theory and that the 9/11 commission report is the ultimate truth,that they wont even bother to read what you posted,that they only see what they want to see and hear only what they want to hear.

Most people think of the pentagon as some huge indestructable monolith with ten foot thick granite walls. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don't think anyone seriously looking at the picture of the "hole" and the contstruction of the wall of the building could visualise an airplane crash.

I wish I knew what it is about the average human brain that disengages it from reality when the input becomes too much to take. Shock is quite the mystery. I never had that problem. Anyway...the hole speaks for itself. Not an airliner?... what caused the hole? Not a clue....there are no parts laying around that hole suggesting anything I can put together. Maybe a bomb was dropped? That would explain the semitry of the hole. A cruise missle...? I don't know what it was ..I just know what it wasn't
Hi Huggy:

I cannot comment on most of the events of 9/11 but being a pilot and a machinist I can without reservation state that the pentagon did not get hit by the plane they say was involved.

We agree 100 percent.


The pictures of the standing E-ring wall say no 100-ton Jetliner crashed here. Period. The fact that so many USMB members side with the Official Cover Story says much about how Americans and the world have been DUPED by Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and their band of inside-job bad guys . . .

The hole in the second pentagon picture of your thread opening is about twelve feet in diameter.

Actually the C-ring explosion hole here . . .


. . . is about 9-feet high and about 12-feet wide (an oval). The E-ring Wall you see in the distance is exactly 220 feet away (diagram) and obviously contains no 155-feet long 100-ton Jetliner.

The fuselage would leave a much larger hole because of the wings and engines. The hole should be about 75 feet across.

We disagree. A similar set of circumstances appears at the North Tower (pic) and we can see the wingtips very clearly indeed. A Boeing 757-200 Jetliner is about 125 feet across 'and' the Official Cover Story says AA77 struck this E-ring wall on a 45-degree angle like this:


That means your 125-feet wingspan increases to about 177 feet, which means the port-side wingtip should have extended over to the Column Line (CL) 5 location.

Picture Too Big << Click

However, the damage schematic shows Column #9 and #10 still standing 'and' Column #9 was blown back in 'our direction' by explosions taking place 'inside' the Pentagon. April Gallop (my thread) was sitting just inside the CL-6 location 'and' walked away from this attack, which means the events of the Official Cover Story never happened.

The engines of that plane are roughly the size of the hole shown.

We agree (pic and pic).

They are made of titanium mostly..the problem is the rpms. In excess of ten thousand rpms ...possibly 20,000 rpms. As the engines destruct the vanes violently blow out sideways and each blade would tear out large sections of the wall.

We agree. The Official Cover Story has our 'two' 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines covering the distance (330 feet) between these two masonry walls in about .39 seconds going a whopping 530 miles per hour, but . . .


. . . all we have for C-ring damage evidence is this single little explosion hole. :0) I explain how this hole was created in my letter to Bill Veale (April Gallop's attorney) here.

There are dozens of these titanium vanes in each motor. Also there are no recognizable pieces of an airplane and even "IF" the plane could have been flown into that location much of the aluminum and titanium would not be burned.

We agree. Your Pentagon testimony agrees with that of the military and aviation experts in this short 6-minute video:


I do believe that Huggy agrees with everything said by all of these witnesses.

I don't know what hit the pentagon. It was not a "heavy" jet airliner.

I know exactly what hit the Pentagon 'and' when each of the attacks took place (What Really Happened) from years of dedicated research of all the evidence that nobody here can refute in a kabillion years. If anybody here wants to bump that "What Really Happened" thread, then I am happy to answer your Pentagon questions with another 911Truth presentation.

Thanks for your valuable input,


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Hi Huggy:

I cannot comment on most of the events of 9/11 but being a pilot and a machinist I can without reservation state that the pentagon did not get hit by the plane they say was involved.

We agree 100 percent.


The pictures of the standing E-ring wall say no 100-ton Jetliner crashed here. Period. The fact that so many USMB members side with the Official Cover Story says much about how Americans and the world have been DUPED by Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and their band of inside-job bad guys . . .

The hole in the second pentagon picture of your thread opening is about twelve feet in diameter.

Actually the C-ring explosion hole here . . .


. . . is about 9-feet high and about 12-feet wide (an oval). The E-ring Wall you see in the distance is exactly 220 feet away (diagram) and obviously contains no 155-feet long 100-ton Jetliner.

We disagree. A similar set of circumstances appears at the North Tower (pic) and we can see the wingtips very clearly indeed. A Boeing 757-200 Jetliner is about 125 feet across 'and' the Official Cover Story says AA77 struck this E-ring wall on a 45-degree angle like this:


That means your 125-feet wingspan increases to about 177 feet, which means the port-side wingtip should have extended over to the Column Line (CL) 5 location.

Picture Too Big << Click

However, the damage schematic shows Column #9 and #10 still standing 'and' Column #9 was blown back in 'our direction' by explosions taking place 'inside' the Pentagon. April Gallop (my thread) was sitting just inside the CL-6 location 'and' walked away from this attack, which means the events of the Official Cover Story never happened.

We agree (pic and pic).

We agree. The Official Cover Story has our 'two' 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines covering the distance (330 feet) between these two masonry walls in about .39 seconds going a whopping 530 miles per hour, but . . .


. . . all we have for C-ring damage evidence is this single little explosion hole. :0) I explain how this hole was created in my letter to Bill Veale (April Gallop's attorney) here.

There are dozens of these titanium vanes in each motor. Also there are no recognizable pieces of an airplane and even "IF" the plane could have been flown into that location much of the aluminum and titanium would not be burned.

We agree. Your Pentagon testimony agrees with that of the military and aviation experts in this short 6-minute video:


I do believe that Huggy agrees with everything said by all of these witnesses.

I don't know what hit the pentagon. It was not a "heavy" jet airliner.

I know exactly what hit the Pentagon 'and' when each of the attacks took place (What Really Happened) from years of dedicated research of all the evidence that nobody here can refute in a kabillion years. If anybody here wants to bump that "What Really Happened" thread, then I am happy to answer your Pentagon questions with another 911Truth presentation.

Thanks for your valuable input,



I can't co-sign your witnesses. I didn't open up any of your boxes. My input is based on my own experience.

In the picture of the hole it has a parking sign next to it. It is easy to calculate the size of it.

The scope and ramifications of what really happened on 9/11 make the Kennedy assasination look like a minor parking violation.

How did it happen? It was too big to fail.
Hi Huggy:

Most people think of the pentagon as some huge indestructible monolith with ten foot thick granite walls. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don't think anyone seriously looking at the picture of the "hole" and the construction of the wall of the building could visualize an airplane crash.

The problem is that a vast majority of the Sheeple sit back like little baby birds (pic) waiting for whatever Senor Bushie and his gang drop into their waiting bellies without regard for even looking at any pictures of the standing E-Ring wall.


This is one of the clearest and most concise pictures taken of the standing E-ring wall that shows the 18-feet 3-inch second story hole and unbroken windows where the fantasy 100-ton Jetliner supposedly crashed.


The Raytheon Missile (nose entering right-hand frame) was moving at supersonic speeds to tear a gaping gash through the generator fence and strike the Column Line (CL) 14 location on a 45-degree angle from your right, which means some of the giant cable spools were tipped back in our direction from the massive explosion.

I wish I knew what it is about the average human brain that disengages it from reality when the input becomes too much to take. Shock is quite the mystery. I never had that problem.

Me neither; at least with regard to these 9/11 inside-job attacks. This Pentagon evidence is nothing in comparison to the 'cut and dry' case of . . .


. . . the EMPTY HOLE for the Shanksville/Flight 93 case (my thread). I mean, the Sheeple are delusional beyond our abilities to fathom when this little empty hole . . .


. . . (click on the video clip) is confused for a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Then I show them the same empty hole in the same empty field in US Geological Survey picture (here) taken on April 20, 1994 and they still run like lemmings (pic) over the cliff after Loyal Bushie LIES. Then I show them the little short video of "The Flight 93 FRAUD" . . .


. . . and Loyal Bushie LIES remain very much on the menu . . .

Anyway...the hole speaks for itself.

No. Take a good look at the poll stats. :0)

Not an airliner?... what caused the hole? Not a clue....there are no parts laying around that hole suggesting anything I can put together.


There are lots of Military Jet parts from the retrofitted DoD Flying BOMB explained in my "What Happened" OP. Jon Carlson explains which Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM here.

Maybe a bomb was dropped? That would explain the semitry of the hole. A cruise missle...? I don't know what it was ..I just know what it wasn't

The evidence says that the Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon AGM-154A Joint Standoff Weapon (link), using a series of bomblet accessories (pic) that created the damage along this 45-degree path of destruction (pic and pic and pic).

Thank you again for your valuable input that might help some of the Sheeple to wake the hell up already. :0)


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Hi Huggy:

Most people think of the pentagon as some huge indestructible monolith with ten foot thick granite walls. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don't think anyone seriously looking at the picture of the "hole" and the construction of the wall of the building could visualize an airplane crash.

The problem is that a vast majority of the Sheeple sit back like little baby birds (pic) waiting for whatever Senor Bushie and his gang drop into their waiting bellies without regard for even looking at any pictures of the standing E-Ring wall.


This is one of the clearest and most concise pictures taken of the standing E-ring wall that shows the 18-feet 3-inch second story hole and unbroken windows where the fantasy 100-ton Jetliner supposedly crashed.


The Raytheon Missile (nose entering right-hand frame) was moving at supersonic speeds to tear a gaping gash through the generator fence and strike the Column Line (CL) 14 location on a 45-degree angle from your right, which means some of the giant cable spools were tipped back in our direction from the massive explosion.

I wish I knew what it is about the average human brain that disengages it from reality when the input becomes too much to take. Shock is quite the mystery. I never had that problem.

Me neither; at least with regard to these 9/11 inside-job attacks. This Pentagon evidence is nothing in comparison to the 'cut and dry' case of . . .


. . . the EMPTY HOLE for the Shanksville/Flight 93 case (my thread). I mean, the Sheeple are delusional beyond our abilities to fathom when this little empty hole . . .


. . . (click on the video clip) is confused for a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Then I show them the same empty hole in the same empty field in US Geological Survey picture (here) taken on April 20, 1994 and they still run like lemmings (pic) over the cliff after Loyal Bushie LIES. Then I show them the little short video of "The Flight 93 FRAUD" . . .


. . . and Loyal Bushie LIES remain very much on the menu . . .

No. Take a good look at the poll stats. :0)

Not an airliner?... what caused the hole? Not a clue....there are no parts laying around that hole suggesting anything I can put together.


There are lots of Military Jet parts from the retrofitted DoD Flying BOMB explained in my "What Happened" OP. Jon Carlson explains which Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM here.

Maybe a bomb was dropped? That would explain the semitry of the hole. A cruise missle...? I don't know what it was ..I just know what it wasn't

The evidence says that the Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon AGM-154A Joint Standoff Weapon (link), using a series of bomblet accessories (pic) that created the damage along this 45-degree path of destruction (pic and pic and pic).

Thank you again for your valuable input that might help some of the Sheeple to wake the hell up already. :0)



They're starting to figure out the truth about torture, lying us into war, etc.

And now actual tv hosts are starting to suggest that Cheney wants America to get hit by another terrorist attack so that it helps the GOP politically.

Once people understand that yes the GOP is that evil, then it won't be that much of a stretch to assume they knew 9-11 was coming.

It already looks that way. Now we just need to put all the evidence together.

Soon tv news programs will start talking about PNAC.

I can't wait. Un conspiracy theorists will be able to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!

And hopefully Cheney goes to jail and we can take the fortune that he has made from Haloburton. And we can take Bush's money too.
Hi Huggy:

Most people think of the pentagon as some huge indestructible monolith with ten foot thick granite walls. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don't think anyone seriously looking at the picture of the "hole" and the construction of the wall of the building could visualize an airplane crash.

The problem is that a vast majority of the Sheeple sit back like little baby birds (pic) waiting for whatever Senor Bushie and his gang drop into their waiting bellies without regard for even looking at any pictures of the standing E-Ring wall.


This is one of the clearest and most concise pictures taken of the standing E-ring wall that shows the 18-feet 3-inch second story hole and unbroken windows where the fantasy 100-ton Jetliner supposedly crashed.


The Raytheon Missile (nose entering right-hand frame) was moving at supersonic speeds to tear a gaping gash through the generator fence and strike the Column Line (CL) 14 location on a 45-degree angle from your right, which means some of the giant cable spools were tipped back in our direction from the massive explosion.

Me neither; at least with regard to these 9/11 inside-job attacks. This Pentagon evidence is nothing in comparison to the 'cut and dry' case of . . .


. . . the EMPTY HOLE for the Shanksville/Flight 93 case (my thread). I mean, the Sheeple are delusional beyond our abilities to fathom when this little empty hole . . .


. . . (click on the video clip) is confused for a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Then I show them the same empty hole in the same empty field in US Geological Survey picture (here) taken on April 20, 1994 and they still run like lemmings (pic) over the cliff after Loyal Bushie LIES. Then I show them the little short video of "The Flight 93 FRAUD" . . .


. . . and Loyal Bushie LIES remain very much on the menu . . .

No. Take a good look at the poll stats. :0)


There are lots of Military Jet parts from the retrofitted DoD Flying BOMB explained in my "What Happened" OP. Jon Carlson explains which Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM here.

Maybe a bomb was dropped? That would explain the semitry of the hole. A cruise missle...? I don't know what it was ..I just know what it wasn't

The evidence says that the Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon AGM-154A Joint Standoff Weapon (link), using a series of bomblet accessories (pic) that created the damage along this 45-degree path of destruction (pic and pic and pic).

Thank you again for your valuable input that might help some of the Sheeple to wake the hell up already. :0)



They're starting to figure out the truth about torture, lying us into war, etc.

And now actual tv hosts are starting to suggest that Cheney wants America to get hit by another terrorist attack so that it helps the GOP politically.

Once people understand that yes the GOP is that evil, then it won't be that much of a stretch to assume they knew 9-11 was coming.

It already looks that way. Now we just need to put all the evidence together.

Soon tv news programs will start talking about PNAC.

I can't wait. Un conspiracy theorists will be able to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!

And hopefully Cheney goes to jail and we can take the fortune that he has made from Haloburton. And we can take Bush's money too.
what a fascist you are
Hi Huggy:

The problem is that a vast majority of the Sheeple sit back like little baby birds (pic) waiting for whatever Senor Bushie and his gang drop into their waiting bellies without regard for even looking at any pictures of the standing E-Ring wall.


This is one of the clearest and most concise pictures taken of the standing E-ring wall that shows the 18-feet 3-inch second story hole and unbroken windows where the fantasy 100-ton Jetliner supposedly crashed.


The Raytheon Missile (nose entering right-hand frame) was moving at supersonic speeds to tear a gaping gash through the generator fence and strike the Column Line (CL) 14 location on a 45-degree angle from your right, which means some of the giant cable spools were tipped back in our direction from the massive explosion.

Me neither; at least with regard to these 9/11 inside-job attacks. This Pentagon evidence is nothing in comparison to the 'cut and dry' case of . . .


. . . the EMPTY HOLE for the Shanksville/Flight 93 case (my thread). I mean, the Sheeple are delusional beyond our abilities to fathom when this little empty hole . . .


. . . (click on the video clip) is confused for a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Then I show them the same empty hole in the same empty field in US Geological Survey picture (here) taken on April 20, 1994 and they still run like lemmings (pic) over the cliff after Loyal Bushie LIES. Then I show them the little short video of "The Flight 93 FRAUD" . . .


. . . and Loyal Bushie LIES remain very much on the menu . . .

No. Take a good look at the poll stats. :0)


There are lots of Military Jet parts from the retrofitted DoD Flying BOMB explained in my "What Happened" OP. Jon Carlson explains which Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM here.

The evidence says that the Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon AGM-154A Joint Standoff Weapon (link), using a series of bomblet accessories (pic) that created the damage along this 45-degree path of destruction (pic and pic and pic).

Thank you again for your valuable input that might help some of the Sheeple to wake the hell up already. :0)



They're starting to figure out the truth about torture, lying us into war, etc.

And now actual tv hosts are starting to suggest that Cheney wants America to get hit by another terrorist attack so that it helps the GOP politically.

Once people understand that yes the GOP is that evil, then it won't be that much of a stretch to assume they knew 9-11 was coming.

It already looks that way. Now we just need to put all the evidence together.

Soon tv news programs will start talking about PNAC.

I can't wait. Un conspiracy theorists will be able to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!

And hopefully Cheney goes to jail and we can take the fortune that he has made from Haloburton. And we can take Bush's money too.
what a fascist you are

You don't even know the meaning of the word. If you did, you would know you were just projecting.
They're starting to figure out the truth about torture, lying us into war, etc.

And now actual tv hosts are starting to suggest that Cheney wants America to get hit by another terrorist attack so that it helps the GOP politically.

Once people understand that yes the GOP is that evil, then it won't be that much of a stretch to assume they knew 9-11 was coming.

It already looks that way. Now we just need to put all the evidence together.

Soon tv news programs will start talking about PNAC.

I can't wait. Un conspiracy theorists will be able to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!

And hopefully Cheney goes to jail and we can take the fortune that he has made from Haloburton. And we can take Bush's money too.
what a fascist you are

You don't even know the meaning of the word. If you did, you would know you were just projecting.
you say you want to take things from people you dont like without a shred of due process and you call me a fascist?

fuck off asshole
just like your hero divecon..its alright

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Thank you again for your valuable input that might help some of the Sheeple to wake the hell up already. :0)

Yes Huggie Thank you for coming on here and sharing your valuable imput with us.Like he said,maybe the sheep on here will take what an airline pilot such as yourself has to say seriously and will wake them up.Since you are an airliner pilot,please explain to the loyal Bush dupes here how its also impossible for an airliner to have hit the pentagan there because of the fact that it would have hit and damaged several cars on the streets across from it coming in at that low altitude and what expert pilots have said in VIDEOS that the Bush dupes always ignore and never watch when people such as myself show it to them,that it would also be impossible for the airliner to make the 270 degree turn they said it did to come into the pentagan and hit the building and also that it would have torched the grounds there with firemarks and that the grass would not remain green like they do in the photos.

And also that it would be pretty much impossible to do without people in the traffic towers to tell them the headings and everything having to see through the clouds and all would be impossible to do without air traffic support.Please explain that to them for me if you dont mind. They always ignore these little facts also that a controller was quoted saying she thought for sure it was a military jet fighter because an airliner could not perform those kinds of incredible manuvers they did.

Funny that you mentioned the kennedy assassination because till 9/11 came along,that was what i always devoted all my time to when I wasnt working or sleeping was reading and researching the kennedy assassination all these years.the movie JFK woke me up and I have never looked at the united states of america the same way I used to.I have met several witnesses that were there that day and read over 100 books on the event.The evidence for that is overwhelming it was the CIA/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX that Eisenhower warned the american people about in his farewell address to be aware of.The evidence is even MORE overwhelming that 9/11 was an inside job since NOW we have the internet and technology we didnt have back then to look at.The thing is,their both tied into each other and both are connected.
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its not my fault you believe fascist liars..over first responders and patriots[/QUOTE]

exactly.and afraid of the truth about government conspiracy such as the kennedy assassination as well.
you can fuck off too asshole

its not my fault you believe fascist liars..over first responders and patriots
thus showing what a fucking liar you are

well make up your mind ..do you believe the official Bush story or do you believe the testomony of first responders ?...and don't give me your twist their word lie to squirm out of it ...there is no twisting ..just their testomony in their words..and the only way you can deal with that fact is ....diveconthink and denial
its not my fault you believe fascist liars..over first responders and patriots
thus showing what a fucking liar you are

well make up your mind ..do you believe the official Bush story or do you believe the testomony of first responders ?...and don't give me your twist their word lie to squirm out of it ...there is no twisting ..just their testomony in their words..and the only way you can deal with that fact is ....diveconthink and denial
the thing is
there is no "official bush story"
thats whats so fucked up by you assholes
there is only a SMALL minority of morons in this country that believe what you do, and the people you use and twist their words hate you guys
what a fascist you are

You don't even know the meaning of the word. If you did, you would know you were just projecting.
you say you want to take things from people you dont like without a shred of due process and you call me a fascist?

fuck off asshole

We got tons of evidence. Any one piece of evidence is damning, so just wait till we put it all together.

Something the "liberal media" couldn't seem to do for 8 fucking years. Thanks Rupert Murdoc and people like you who now own and control the media and the message.

And you guys didn't want to listen to us in 2003 when we said, "hey guys, it looks like the things the GOP are doing are really dangerous, cheney's letting energy companies gouge us, it looks like they might be spreading our troops thin so they can call in Cheney's Haloburton/KBR/Blackwater and it looks like Bush's oil buddies are taking advantage of Iraq oil, etc.

We couldn't prove anything because the US Prosecutors were all loyal Bush lapdogs. And the GOP Congress wouldn't do anything.

You guys said we should just shut up because Bush was fighting a war and we were being unpatriotic. Remember that you fucking moron or were you too young to remember that?
thus showing what a fucking liar you are

well make up your mind ..do you believe the official Bush story or do you believe the testomony of first responders ?...and don't give me your twist their word lie to squirm out of it ...there is no twisting ..just their testomony in their words..and the only way you can deal with that fact is ....diveconthink and denial
the thing is
there is no "official bush story"
thats whats so fucked up by you assholes
there is only a SMALL minority of morons in this country that believe what you do, and the people you use and twist their words hate you guys

You are wrong. The numbers told Obama that the public does want to know.

Remember you guys were trying to sell us on "putting the past behind us".

Well most Americans believe you can not turn the page without first reading it.

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