Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Why do you guys waste time with a delusional paranoid? He needs medication and therapy.
mocking them is fun

careful, dive. rosie might sit on you.

shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old
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mocking them is fun

careful, dive. rosie might sit on you.

shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old

yeah that's what it is, dipshit. has nothing to do with the fact I don't want to waste my time educating some brainwashed moron who, no matter how much evidence contradicts his view, will keep clinging to the same horseshit. so lighten up, Rosie.
I like how divecon thinks just saying i.. yes it is....or no it isnt ...is some form of intelligent debate or discussion...but fine ok.....YES YOU DID..ok now you say..no i didn't....
please show me any post where i have praised either of those reports?

you claim to know the facts of 911 and that the events happened as presented and that came directly from the 911 commission report and the NIST report
you are again lying
i have never supported the 9/11 commission and have constantly stated i think it was a waste of tax payer money and nothing but a political CYA

and you pointed out things the NIST said that i have completely disagreed with
so, you are LYING
Why do you guys waste time with a delusional paranoid? He needs medication and therapy.

why do you constantly try to project you mental illness and weakness on to me ...why would i need poisons medications and therapy..to improve my excellent relationships.. to increase my already happy abundant life...medication and therapy are for people that struggle with relationships dark moods unhappiness..unemployable etc and none of this is or ever will be me...so get over it already fuck wad
well, he's right
you DO need therapy
you clearly need SOMETHING
Why do you guys waste time with a delusional paranoid? He needs medication and therapy.

why do you constantly try to project you mental illness and weakness on to me ...why would i need poisons medications and therapy..to improve my excellent relationships.. to increase my already happy abundant life...medication and therapy are for people that struggle with relationships dark moods unhappiness..unemployable etc and none of this is or ever will be me...so get over it already fuck wad
well, he's right
you DO need therapy
you clearly need SOMETHING

ya you agree with the certified mental patient..why is that not a surprise..this shit has no place in this discussion and the real irony is its a man who suffers from delusions and paranoia that keeps inapropriatly injecting it in to the discussion
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why do you constantly try to project you mental illness and weakness on to me ...why would i need poisons medications and therapy..to improve my excellent relationships.. to increase my already happy abundant life...medication and therapy are for people that struggle with relationships dark moods unhappiness..unemployable etc and none of this is or ever will be me...so get over it already fuck wad
well, he's right
you DO need therapy
you clearly need SOMETHING

ya you agree with the certified mental patient..why is that not a surprise..this shit has no place in this discussion and the real irony is its a man who suffers from delusions and paranoia that keeps inapropriatly injecting it in to the discussion
i didnt agree with you

please show me any post where i have praised either of those reports?

you claim to know the facts of 911 and that the events happened as presented and that came directly from the 911 commission report and the NIST report
you are again lying
i have never supported the 9/11 commission and have constantly stated i think it was a waste of tax payer money and nothing but a political CYA

and you pointed out things the NIST said that i have completely disagreed with
so, you are LYING

oh so your one of those diveconspiracist...you have your very own theory a kind of pm magazine.. fema..nisty kinda hybrid thing ..depending on what day it is I suppose please tellus more of the diveconspiracy
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well, he's right
you DO need therapy
you clearly need SOMETHING

ya you agree with the certified mental patient..why is that not a surprise..this shit has no place in this discussion and the real irony is its a man who suffers from delusions and paranoia that keeps inapropriatly injecting it in to the discussion
i didnt agree with you


no you jumped on RGS bandwagon of projecting his mental illness on to others ......lol
so what kind of psych-drug or antidepressant are you on divecon...lol
ya you agree with the certified mental patient..why is that not a surprise..this shit has no place in this discussion and the real irony is its a man who suffers from delusions and paranoia that keeps inapropriatly injecting it in to the discussion
i didnt agree with you


no you jumped on RGS bandwagon of projecting his mental illness on to others ......lol
so what kind of psych-drug or antidepressant are you on divecon...lol
none, but you NEED some
mocking them is fun

careful, dive. rosie might sit on you.

shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old

right....like telling me no less than 3 times

fuck you piece of crap...

careful, dive. rosie might sit on you.

shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old

right....like telling me no less than 3 times

fuck you piece of crap...


but you are a piece of crap..saying I am pissing on the victims and their family's...a total piece of garbage...
shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old

right....like telling me no less than 3 times

fuck you piece of crap...


but you are a piece of crap..saying I am pissing on the victims and their family's...a total piece of garbage...

...but you are pissing on them when you spread your lies.

I feel sorry for your children Eots. Its not fair that they were forced into your delusional world. I shudder to think about all the lies you tell them on a regular basis. You telling your children that 9/11 was an inside job, is just as bad as when neo-nazis teach their children the Holocaust never happened. Its absolutely tragic and it will not serve them well in life.

You think you get beat up here on these boards? Just wait until one of your kids brings up one of your crackpot stories during history class at school. Thats a great way to instantly become the weird kid at school, which doesnt exactly help build self esteem. I would imagine you dont care about that though, and your conspiracy will likely take precedence over your childs well being.
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Without reading opinions, it looks like Dive and Eots have the biggest hardon's regarding this subject. Are they the types that know government is evil/corrupt but too gullable to understand that yes, they can be this sinister?

Dick Cheney is the devel. This guy doesn't follow any of the rules. He's even out bashing Obama. No former President bashes a sitting president, let alone his VP.

But just like while he was in office, Cheney doesn't follow any rules.

The mother fucker not only planned 9-11, he's the one that sent out the anthrax.

Look who got sent anthrax. Hastert & Leahy. Two Dems who were fighing the Patroit Act.

Coincidence? Only if you are a fool.
Without reading opinions, it looks like Dive and Eots have the biggest hardon's regarding this subject. Are they the types that know government is evil/corrupt but too gullable to understand that yes, they can be this sinister?

Dick Cheney is the devel. This guy doesn't follow any of the rules. He's even out bashing Obama. No former President bashes a sitting president, let alone his VP.

But just like while he was in office, Cheney doesn't follow any rules.

The mother fucker not only planned 9-11, he's the one that sent out the anthrax.

Look who got sent anthrax. Hastert & Leahy. Two Dems who were fighing the Patroit Act.

Coincidence? Only if you are a fool.
Hastert is a republican

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shit like that..makes it very clear your beat...you haven't got what it takes to debate me..your just not very bright,,even when its something as simple as making little jokes ...they are not funny,,,because they are not intelligent..they are on the level of a 12 yr old

right....like telling me no less than 3 times

fuck you piece of crap...


but you are a piece of crap..saying I am pissing on the victims and their family's...a total piece of garbage...

but, but, but....i know you are but what am i....
Without reading opinions, it looks like Dive and Eots have the biggest hardon's regarding this subject. Are they the types that know government is evil/corrupt but too gullable to understand that yes, they can be this sinister?

Dick Cheney is the devel. This guy doesn't follow any of the rules. He's even out bashing Obama. No former President bashes a sitting president, let alone his VP.

But just like while he was in office, Cheney doesn't follow any rules.

The mother fucker not only planned 9-11, he's the one that sent out the anthrax.

Look who got sent anthrax. Hastert & Leahy. Two Dems who were fighing the Patroit Act.

Coincidence? Only if you are a fool.
Hastert is a republican

Dennis Hastert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://www.house.gov/hastert/

I know he is a Republican. He was the one that lost his job because he was protecting Mark Foley. Remember Mark Foley, the anti gay Republican who was trying to fuck underage boys who went to Washington to work as Pages? Remember he got caught when he first got into politics and the GOP back then covered it up so Mark Foley could continue to fuck underaged boys for another 20 plus years.

And Hastert knew Foley was emailing underaged boys and he didn't say anything because winning in 2006 was more important than children's safety.

Yes, I know who Hastert is.

The point is, you Bush defenders forget all the details of what went down in 2000 and 2004. You are tryign to re write history.

When it is all said and done, it is obvious that the GOP committed election fraud, but they got away with it. They even got away with it in 2004 because all of the US Attorney's were Bush appontees and the GOP controlled all 3 houses.

And they tried it again in 2006 & 2008, but we were ready for them. And we had such a big turn out, they couldn't steal it again in 2008. Whey else were the GOP so hell bent on supressing voter turn out? Because if it was close, they could steal it again.
Hi Luissa:

Say for one second I believe you and flight 93 disappeared (I guess it went to never never land) and a missile was shot at the pentagon or a bomb was set off or whatever and the buildings were wired. Now show me the proof where it was an inside job?

Okay. That is easy:


This empty field is where Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed on 9/11. Let’s examine the evidence more closely:


We can see the same empty hole in the same empty field that ‘you’ say “went into never never land,” just like Senor Bush and company.


Here is a closer look at the workers all standing around the little empty hole . . .


. . . that still has unburned grass growing on all the inclines like we can also see in the 4/20/1994 pictures of this same grass-filled empty hole (pic). Now I can show you pictures of this EMPTY HOLE (pic and pic and pic) all day long, but this is the point in our discussion that ‘you’ begin showing us one reason to believe the Official Cover Story LIE that a real 100-ton Jetliner (pic) crashed into this empty hole. The “Inside-job Conspiracy” becomes evident by the fact that the Gov’t has been LYING from the very beginning ‘and’ you have no evidence to prop up ‘their’ silly 9/11 explanation.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush Is LYING![/ame]

Okay, so tell everyone the reason why Senor Bush is obviously LYING about 9/11??? (These people know!) The next time you come to this fine USMessageBoard to begin hurling insults about nut jobs, then I hope you have at least one picture of Flight 93 crashed where 'you' and the Gov't says that happened in this little empty hole . . .


Louissa can't understand that this inside job was well thought out and the culprits covered their tracks.

And she won't believe it until Cheney admits it.

Heck, I bet she would even accept his explaination. He would probably give the collateral damage or necessary evil arguments.
Louissa can't understand that this inside job was well thought out and the culprits covered their tracks.

And she won't believe it until Cheney admits it.

Heck, I bet she would even accept his explaination. He would probably give the collateral damage or necessary evil arguments.
yeah, shes such a bush/cheney fan

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