Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?

Holder in CIVIL Contempt as well.

I know they won't actually do it: but I wish someone on the Hill would at least start to make mention of the "self help" possibilities.

Let's get the Sgt. at Arms of the House to arrest the fucking AG and hold him in a cell in the bowels of Congress until his Office complies with the fucking subpoena.
Holder in CIVIL Contempt as well.

I know they won't actually do it: but I wish someone on the Hill would at least start to make mention of the "self help" possibilities.

Let's get the Sgt. at Arms of the House to arrest the fucking AG and hold him in a cell in the bowels of Congress until his Office complies with the fucking subpoena.

You mean like they did with Karl Rove? Oh wait, they didn't...
Holder in CIVIL Contempt as well.

I know they won't actually do it: but I wish someone on the Hill would at least start to make mention of the "self help" possibilities.

Let's get the Sgt. at Arms of the House to arrest the fucking AG and hold him in a cell in the bowels of Congress until his Office complies with the fucking subpoena.

Didn't Pelosi say SHE could have had Karl ROVE arrested?

John Roberts Outrages Conservatives In Health Care Ruling

Speaking of batshit crazy....

Health care ruling: Pence likens health care ruling to 9/11 - POLITICO.com
In a closed door House GOP meeting Thursday, Indiana congressman and gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence likened the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Democratic health care law to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to several sources present.

He immediately apologized.
Well, it didn't get shot down.

I have to say, I lost 8 bets on this one and will be eating copious amounts of crow for some time to come.

I am amazed that this flew and that Roberts turned out to be such a turd in the punch bowl.

The process has run and the law stands. That is the way the system works.

In the long run, the GOP only has themselves to blame for it.

I am devastated.

Correct. They spent all their time demonizing it, in their naked hatred for Obama, instead of working with the administration to make it better, which would have netted them more of what they wanted.

That is now what I meant.

They should have taken control of the conversation and the issue right after Hillarycare was defeated. They were not paying attention and GWB was a moron.

The GOP blew it.

I'm glad I could change your mind.
Pelosi accomplished things when she was Speaker. Obamacare, DADT repeal, Stimulus, TARP, Financial reform, Lily Ledbetter act

Still waiting for Boehners first accomplishment

A credit downgrade for the US, maybe?

Oh bullshit. Wouldn't that be one of the tremendous accomplishments accredited to the idiot infesting the Oval Orifice?

Nope. The House controls the purse strings, not the President.

And the President is not obligated to negotiate a single fucking thing in order for the House to do the job they were elected to do, which is control the purse strings.


You can rant all you want, and it does not change those facts.
Good luck with that one.

Pelosi has never said anything worthwhile since she's been in office.....she and Obama lost the house in four years.

It will be popular with leeches like you who need help as you are to lazy to take care of yourself.

Pelosi accomplished things when she was Speaker. Obamacare, DADT repeal, Stimulus, TARP, Financial reform, Lily Ledbetter act

Still waiting for Boehners first accomplishment

He is very expreienced in saying no and crying. (whining)
Don't forget the golfing and the drinking to excess!
The ONE doesn't CALL himself The ONE?

No shit!

Wow. That was certainly a useful additional piece of information.


Uhm. No. No, it wasn't, since nobody had made any claim (or even suggested) that The ONE ever calls himself The ONE.

I didn't like it when the smirking dumbass sanctimonious libs called President Bush "chimp," and so when I refer to The ONE I either refer to him AS The ONE or as PRESIDENT Obama. There have been a couple of exceptions, but generally, that's how I have dealt with the matter. So I don't need any suggestions or hints from any other sanctimonious libs like you, thanks all the same!

As for civility, Fuck that. The fucking President referred to HIS political opponents as the "enemy." You NEVER saw President Bush behaving like that while in Office -- or since.

And I see the way MOST other libs refer to those with whom they politically disagree. Either condescending shit such as yours or a steady pile of ad hominem manure like from the always mindless TdM or Ravi or rderp or that crew. Or both.

Keep your advice to yourself until you start acting like you preach, dumby.

Simple solution. Start your own message board. Then you will not have to be bothered with anyone elses opinion.

Liability is cool.

I misjudged our relationship and though he would be open to constructive criticism. Boy, I guess I got that one wrong huh...:badgrin:

Looks like you learned the same lesson I did - and the same way, as well.

He does 'sane' really well. For a time, anyway.
It's still a bit early, but to summarize:

The day wasn't a long one for the President. The SCOTUS handed him a gift wrapped and bow-tied gift right around the time he was scheduled for his daily Presidential Briefing.

The House did hold his AG in contempt, but hey -- it's not like the President expects anything to come of that. And it's not like he's necessarily wrong.

Nothing else really came crashing down, either.

Somebody here suggested yesterday that there would be some partying. If he meant AT the White House by day's end, I guess he made the right call.
The contempt vote is political posturing. Everyone knows it won't move in the Senate.
A massive tax on people who can't afford healthcare and there are libs cheering it....


I can't wait for the political ads with 0bama saying to Snuffalufagus "It's not a tax, George""...

At least the mandate was struck down... If it wasn't, the people's recourse would have been much more difficult... As a tax, there are options...

The wingnut spin that this is a tax has begun! :lol:

The mandate wasn't struck down, dope.
Wow, today went fast didn't it?

In fact the last week or so has gone fast.

Conservatives get hosed on immigration, Fast and Furious, and the healthcare bill.

Add another car to the Liability stupid train.

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