Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?

Wow, today went fast didn't it?

In fact the last week or so has gone fast.

Conservatives get hosed on immigration, Fast and Furious, and the healthcare bill.

Add another car to the Liability stupid train.

You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.
You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.

THAT'S IT!!!! No crab for you...
Just so you know, this is why we cant count our chickens before they hatch. This is why I adviced caution and humility.

Can we learn from this lesson or can we continue to do the same things and expect something different?

They shouldn't be blamed for thinking that the judges would do the right thing.

They did do the right thing.

I must agree.

ObamaCare is a Tax.

Congress has the power to Tax.


End of Story folks: if you don't like it then Vote for a "Tea Party" candidate instead of the 'pubs (Dem-Lite) or the Socialist (Dem) Party.
You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.

Throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power is ok though?

I have to admit it was hilarious watching Boehner and Cantor throwing said fits.. :cuckoo:
Wow, today went fast didn't it?

In fact the last week or so has gone fast.

Conservatives get hosed on immigration, Fast and Furious, and the healthcare bill.

Add another car to the Liability stupid train.

You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

F and F has degenerated into a birther type conspiracy. That is only good news for people like you.
They shouldn't be blamed for thinking that the judges would do the right thing.

They did do the right thing.

I must agree.

ObamaCare is a Tax.

Congress has the power to Tax.


End of Story folks: if you don't like it then Vote for a "Tea Party" candidate instead of the 'pubs (Dem-Lite) or the Socialist (Dem) Party.

Nope. Congress itself said it was a penalty not a tax. The words which were carefully chosen by Congress, with full intent, should have been given due effect.

It may SERVE as a tax, and if Roberts chose to so interpret it, then he should have been JUST as consistent and honest about the CONSEQUENCES of that terminology. He chose NOT to be.

If it was a tax, then the law should have fallen on the ground that the law did not originate in the House, as Constitutionally required for tax laws.

If it was a tax, then it should have fallen as not being apportioned, as required by the Constitution.

If it was found to be a tax, then the Court SHOULD have refused to proceed further on reaching any decision on the case since the anti-injunction act would have required that somebody must first be aggrieved by having PAID the tax. Nobody has yet done so, obviously. But the CJ dishonestly dismissed that matter by saying something as absurd as "it's a tax but not THAT KIND of tax."
Wow, today went fast didn't it?

In fact the last week or so has gone fast.

Conservatives get hosed on immigration, Fast and Furious, and the healthcare bill.

Add another car to the Liability stupid train.

You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

F and F has degenerated into a birther type conspiracy. That is only good news for people like you.

No, it hasn't. Nice try to deflect. But typically of you, a dishonest approach.

F&F was a clusterfuck for which ATF and DoJ and the AG should be held accountable. Ultimately, even if he had no actual knowledge of it, the President is accountable too.

But the AG is not concerned with such "trivial" things as complying with the law.

He is a disgrace and should resign or be fired. In fact, he should be held behind bars until he fully complies with the subpoena.

YOU don't get to determine which Congressional investigations are valid. In this case, your effort to do so is strictly partisan hackery which is all anyone ever sees from you.

This is one of a thousand reasons you have no credibility, carbuncle.
Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.

Throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power is ok though?

I have to admit it was hilarious watching Boehner and Cantor throwing said fits.. :cuckoo:

There was no throwing of a hissy fit. There was no abuse of power. Such claims are mere leftwing hack bullshit baseless talking pointlesses.

It could not have been hilarious to watch them "doing" something that never happened.
You left off the Contempt of Congress citation for The Attorney General of the United States, ya hack dim wit.

The day went better for Team Obama than it should have. That much is undeniable.

But the stupid train has lots of cars and several engines and don't you worry. YOU are always the little engine that could be -- and is -- dumber than shit.

Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.

Lets follow the trail

Holder has provided all requested documentation related to the actions related to fast and furious. Republicans themselves have indicated that they have no evidence of a crime being committed.

The only records not released relate to executive branch discussions weeks later. If no law was broken, what is the need to know from the Legislative Branch knowing how the Executive Branch was thinking?

How do you cover up something that wasn't a crime?
They did do the right thing.

I must agree.

ObamaCare is a Tax.

Congress has the power to Tax.


End of Story folks: if you don't like it then Vote for a "Tea Party" candidate instead of the 'pubs (Dem-Lite) or the Socialist (Dem) Party.

Nope. Congress itself said it was a penalty not a tax. The words which were carefully chosen by Congress, with full intent, should have been given due effect.


You don't realise all taxes are penalties?


You , sir, are indeed a Republican.
I must agree.

ObamaCare is a Tax.

Congress has the power to Tax.


End of Story folks: if you don't like it then Vote for a "Tea Party" candidate instead of the 'pubs (Dem-Lite) or the Socialist (Dem) Party.

Nope. Congress itself said it was a penalty not a tax. The words which were carefully chosen by Congress, with full intent, should have been given due effect.


You don't realise all taxes are penalties?


You , sir, are indeed a Republican.

No. Penalties are penalties. Taxes are vexing and often too high, but that's not the same thing when one bothers to speak with a little bit of precision.

And no. I am not a Republican.
Republicans demonstrated they are capable of throwing a hissy fit and abusing their power

They have yet to demonstrate that any law was broken.......but why should that matter?

They don't need to demonstrate a law was broken.

Lets follow the trail

Holder has provided all requested documentation related to the actions related to fast and furious. Republicans themselves have indicated that they have no evidence of a crime being committed.

The only records not released relate to executive branch discussions weeks later. If no law was broken, what is the need to know from the Legislative Branch knowing how the Executive Branch was thinking?

How do you cover up something that wasn't a crime?

No, I mean to be held in contempt, congress, or the court, does not need to prove you have broken a law: Indeed, you might be perfectly innocent of having broken any law.
Just so you know, this is why we cant count our chickens before they hatch. This is why I adviced caution and humility.

Can we learn from this lesson or can we continue to do the same things and expect something different?

They shouldn't be blamed for thinking that the judges would do the right thing.

They did do the right thing.

Forcing people to buy government products and interfering with people's personal health care is the right thing? Let alone Constitutional? Sorry, but no. I don't doubt that people like yourself may have some good intentions; but that's not right.
You guys have more faith than the SC than I do. I think Obamacare will be struck down. But I know there's enough hackery on that court now that I wouldn't celebrate in advance.

And my fears have come true.

Good. You can't win 'em all. My fears came true when Walker got to keep his office.

And my fears came true when Obama was elected. But this is worse b/c when the high court uphold unconstitutional BS then it cements our destruction further. There are various historic examples of it. Whereas we can otherwise recover from a bad term of office.
It was fun to see them back down because they don't and did not have a case.

SICK of the constant political theater from the useless R's. They ignore, filibuster and then go on another vacation.

Vote the worthless bums into the unemployment line.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know ... the nutters really love that we're paying huge tax dollars to keep them in booze and cigs and golf fees but I'd like to see the actually DO their job.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMeljyghMFg&feature=player_embedded]Feeling Good! - YouTube[/ame]

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