Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?

Liability: Still waiting for those specific penalties.

Candycorn: I'll get you a link later - I am at the beach! :)

/waving weakly

I'm sunburned for the first time in I wanna say this century.

I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and managed to only get a little burnt on my forehead. I didn't give a shit about getting color, I just kept putting on the SPF 50 and was able to enjoy my vacation without becoming a lobster.
Liability: Still waiting for those specific penalties.

Candycorn: I'll get you a link later - I am at the beach! :)

/waving weakly

I'm sunburned for the first time in I wanna say this century.

I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and managed to only get a little burnt on my forehead. I didn't give a shit about getting color, I just kept putting on the SPF 50 and was able to enjoy my vacation without becoming a lobster.

I've always been a whiter shade of pale. I should change my user name to BooptheRed. :(
Liability: Still waiting for those specific penalties.

Candycorn: I'll get you a link later - I am at the beach! :)

WTF is synth talking about?



If I don't take out a mortgage I must pay more tax than someone that takes out a mortgage.

There's no difference in the end result.

Sure there is. If you don't take out a mortgage, our idiot tax system saddles you with some idiot consequences. The problem thee is our tax system isn't fair or rational and it allows for this kind of bullshit social engineering. Yet you whack-a-doo libs object to flat tax or a fair tax. Shit. Make up your dopey minds.

By CONTRAST, if you don't comply with the mandate to BUY Obamaco's Insurance Products, then they will impose a very specific PENALTY on you which the CJ now calls a "tax" (even though Congress firmly resolved not to call it a tax).

You used the word "specific". So specify. Go for it, Hoss - tell us exactly what the criminal and/or civil penalties are, as spelled out in the ACA.

Or is that "irrelevant" now, too?

liability: Still waiting for those specific penalties.

Candycorn: I'll get you a link later - i am at the beach! :)

I can't find the full speech from Bishop Romney, but here's Jon Stewart playing some of it, and making fun of him - start at the 2:20 mark (although it's all funny):

The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling - Roberts' Rules of Order - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/28/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Perfection, as always. I love it when Mitt just climbs on the bench and sticks his neck in the noose - and Stewart has the video thereof. :thup:
liability: Still waiting for those specific penalties.

Candycorn: I'll get you a link later - i am at the beach! :)

I can't find the full speech from Bishop Romney, but here's Jon Stewart playing some of it, and making fun of him - start at the 2:20 mark (although it's all funny):

The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling - Roberts' Rules of Order - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/28/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

You're right....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp6d3JBLiAE]Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare"- YouTube[/ame]

He said he would keep the plank in the ACA that forces insurance companies to accept those with PECs (what Charles_Main is pissed about) at the 1:50 mark or thereabouts.. I didn't hear about keeping people on the insurance until they are 26.

In this video, you can see the Governor's problem (at least as I see it); "Obama bad." Thats basically what he said. Why not take the free media time that PBS gave him and lay out his own plan at that point. "I will repeal Obamacare. This is what will replace it....Point 1......Point 2.......Point 3". He said that he would keep parts of the ACA so it isn't as if he's actually going to repeal much; put that into the text of his own plan and actually look like he's got something in place; some sort of substance....

Anyway, I didn't see the part about 26 y/o staying on their parent's health insurance or the part about the medicate do-nut hole. Do you have a different source for them?
But I didn't.

I read the decision, so unlike lots of the libs here, I was able to come to the my conclusion without outside "help." And totally unlike the libs here, I was able to come to the CORRECT conclusion.

There is not a single solitary shred of honesty or integrity in the pertinent part of the CJ Roberts' opinion.

He was RIGHT in denying that the Act could be sustained on the basis of the Commerce Clause.

He was RIGHT in denying that the Act could be sustained on the basis of the Necessary and Proper Clause.

He lied and twisted and contorted to pretend that it could be sustained on the basis of the Taxing Authority. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

If what he said were true (and it isn't) then there is NO rational basis to deny to the fucking Congress the power, authority and ability to use the taxing authority to legislate on ANY matter whatsoever.

It stuns me that you libs either cannot see this or refuse to admit it.

It took all fucking weekend, but I too have read the entire decision and the dissent. While the dissent employs solid legal reasoning, the decision itself is simply absurd;


(a) The Affordable Care Act describes the “hared responsibility
payment” as a “penalty,” not a “tax.” That label is fatal to the appli-
cation of the Anti-Injunction Act. It does not, however, control
whether an exaction is within Congress’s power to tax. In answering
that constitutional question, this Court follows a functional approach,
“[d]isregarding the designation of the exaction, and viewing its sub-
stance and application.” United States v. Constantine, 296 U. S. 287,
294. Pp. 33–35. }

Roberts is on crack.
I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and managed to only get a little burnt on my forehead.

Cartel business, huh?

I didn't give a shit about getting color,

I assume you were only concerned with cutting the head off the local police chief to send a message to the peasants never to question their rulers.

I just kept putting on the SPF 50 and was able to enjoy my vacation without becoming a lobster.

Life in the cartel is good, then?
I can't find the full speech from Bishop Romney, but here's Jon Stewart playing some of it, and making fun of him - start at the 2:20 mark (although it's all funny):

The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling - Roberts' Rules of Order - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/28/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

You're right....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp6d3JBLiAE"]Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare"- YouTube[/ame]

He said he would keep the plank in the ACA that forces insurance companies to accept those with PECs (what Charles_Main is pissed about) at the 1:50 mark or thereabouts.. I didn't hear about keeping people on the insurance until they are 26.

In this video, you can see the Governor's problem (at least as I see it); "Obama bad." Thats basically what he said. Why not take the free media time that PBS gave him and lay out his own plan at that point. "I will repeal Obamacare. This is what will replace it....Point 1......Point 2.......Point 3". He said that he would keep parts of the ACA so it isn't as if he's actually going to repeal much; put that into the text of his own plan and actually look like he's got something in place; some sort of substance....

Anyway, I didn't see the part about 26 y/o staying on their parent's health insurance or the part about the medicate do-nut hole. Do you have a different source for them?
OK, upon further research, Bishop Romney has been squishy on it. Officially, he won't commit to keeping it even though it's one of the most popular provisions in the bill. Yet he and his staff support and praise the idea:

“Governor Romney recognizes the value of having insurance plans that cover family members until they turn 26, and fortunately the market is now making those plans available regardless of Obamacare’s requirements,” Mr. Chen said.​
I can't find the full speech from Bishop Romney, but here's Jon Stewart playing some of it, and making fun of him - start at the 2:20 mark (although it's all funny):

The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling - Roberts' Rules of Order - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/28/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

You're right....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp6d3JBLiAE"]Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare"- YouTube[/ame]

He said he would keep the plank in the ACA that forces insurance companies to accept those with PECs (what Charles_Main is pissed about) at the 1:50 mark or thereabouts.. I didn't hear about keeping people on the insurance until they are 26.

In this video, you can see the Governor's problem (at least as I see it); "Obama bad." Thats basically what he said. Why not take the free media time that PBS gave him and lay out his own plan at that point. "I will repeal Obamacare. This is what will replace it....Point 1......Point 2.......Point 3". He said that he would keep parts of the ACA so it isn't as if he's actually going to repeal much; put that into the text of his own plan and actually look like he's got something in place; some sort of substance....

Anyway, I didn't see the part about 26 y/o staying on their parent's health insurance or the part about the medicate do-nut hole. Do you have a different source for them?
OK, upon further research, Bishop Romney has been squishy on it. Officially, he won't commit to keeping it even though it's one of the most popular provisions in the bill. Yet he and his staff support and praise the idea:

“Governor Romney recognizes the value of having insurance plans that cover family members until they turn 26, and fortunately the market is now making those plans available regardless of Obamacare’s requirements,” Mr. Chen said.​

Amazingly they didn't do it before Obama proposed it....

Good stuff. Thanks.
I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and managed to only get a little burnt on my forehead.

Cartel business, huh?

I didn't give a shit about getting color,

I assume you were only concerned with cutting the head off the local police chief to send a message to the peasants never to question their rulers.

I just kept putting on the SPF 50 and was able to enjoy my vacation without becoming a lobster.

Life in the cartel is good, then?

You're really kind of lucky that this is a message board, because that kind of accusation is straight-up libel and your ass would be in court over it. Goddamn you're a pathetic fuck.
I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago and managed to only get a little burnt on my forehead.

Cartel business, huh?

I assume you were only concerned with cutting the head off the local police chief to send a message to the peasants never to question their rulers.

I just kept putting on the SPF 50 and was able to enjoy my vacation without becoming a lobster.

Life in the cartel is good, then?

You're really kind of lucky that this is a message board, because that kind of accusation is straight-up libel and your ass would be in court over it. Goddamn you're a pathetic fuck.

Just report it. No sense in trying to get him to own his shit. That kind of thing just doesn't happen round these parts.

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