Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?

See? You cannot be honest.

No. One does NOT get a penalty IMPOSED in the form of a fucking new TAX for not taking out a mortgage, shit bird.

Similarly, you dishonest liberal hack, one does not get a penalty imposed in the form of a fucking new TAX for not having children, you TdM-like truth-impaired wannabe.

Further, your false denial notwithstanding, the CJ Roberts' majority written SCOTUS opinion was indeed a fucking RAPE of the Constitution.
Old tax penalty, new tax penalty. It's still a tax penalty....you are breathlessly stupid.

False, you dishonest hack. There may be tax consequences from decisions we make, but there has never been a tax imposed on us by the fucking idiot Federal Government for delining to make a purchase of what THEY have MANDATED we must purchase, before.

They have imposed a specific new TAX.

Give honesty a try, Ravi. Really. You might find it refreshing. Your stale stable of dishonesty is tired and all boring and shit.

Your stupidity is boundless and your dishonesty is a thing beyond legends.

If I don't take out a mortgage I must pay more tax than someone that takes out a mortgage.

There's no difference in the end result.
Ya'll don't think this is boring? What are you all rehashing at this point....how angry you are....how much you hate Obama....etc...

Not whining...please carry on. Just sad watching someone I respect (Liability) in this downward spiral. The "T"...it's fun watching the anger boil over and there isn't a fucking thing he can do about it. That is sort of nice.
Old tax penalty, new tax penalty. It's still a tax penalty....you are breathlessly stupid.

False, you dishonest hack. There may be tax consequences from decisions we make, but there has never been a tax imposed on us by the fucking idiot Federal Government for delining to make a purchase of what THEY have MANDATED we must purchase, before.

They have imposed a specific new TAX.

Give honesty a try, Ravi. Really. You might find it refreshing. Your stale stable of dishonesty is tired and all boring and shit.

Your stupidity is boundless and your dishonesty is a thing beyond legends.

If I don't take out a mortgage I must pay more tax than someone that takes out a mortgage.

There's no difference in the end result.

Sure there is. If you don't take out a mortgage, our idiot tax system saddles you with some idiot consequences. The problem thee is our tax system isn't fair or rational and it allows for this kind of bullshit social engineering. Yet you whack-a-doo libs object to flat tax or a fair tax. Shit. Make up your dopey minds.

By CONTRAST, if you don't comply with the mandate to BUY Obamaco's Insurance Products, then they will impose a very specific PENALTY on you which the CJ now calls a "tax" (even though Congress firmly resolved not to call it a tax).

If your idiotic "complaint" is that economic choices (like to get a mortgage or not) have tax consequences, then you are right. Tehy do. But those consequences are OUR own fault for permitting our tax code bo be used in this manner and to be so incomprehensible and complex.

That's far different than a deliberate governmental decision to impose a PENALTY -- which it is (at least Congress was honest at the time they thought they had a right to use words in Congressional legislation).

Fuck ObamaCrap and the entirely dishonest notion that they have any right (in the name of a tax or on any other basis) to COMPEL us to BUY any particular product.

And fuck your dishonest analogies, too.
Ya'll don't think this is boring? What are you all rehashing at this point....how angry you are....how much you hate Obama....etc...

Not whining...please carry on. Just sad watching someone I respect (Liability) in this downward spiral. The "T"...it's fun watching the anger boil over and there isn't a fucking thing he can do about it. That is sort of nice.

Then fucking don't read it, dopey.

But your whining about it isn't gonna alter a single fucking thing.


Why is that concept so difficult for you nanny state libs?
Ya'll don't think this is boring? What are you all rehashing at this point....how angry you are....how much you hate Obama....etc...

Not whining...please carry on. Just sad watching someone I respect (Liability) in this downward spiral. The "T"...it's fun watching the anger boil over and there isn't a fucking thing he can do about it. That is sort of nice.

Unsubscribe idiotic wench. *SIMPLE*
False, you dishonest hack. There may be tax consequences from decisions we make, but there has never been a tax imposed on us by the fucking idiot Federal Government for delining to make a purchase of what THEY have MANDATED we must purchase, before.

They have imposed a specific new TAX.

Give honesty a try, Ravi. Really. You might find it refreshing. Your stale stable of dishonesty is tired and all boring and shit.

Your stupidity is boundless and your dishonesty is a thing beyond legends.

If I don't take out a mortgage I must pay more tax than someone that takes out a mortgage.

There's no difference in the end result.

Sure there is. If you don't take out a mortgage, our idiot tax system saddles you with some idiot consequences. The problem thee is our tax system isn't fair or rational and it allows for this kind of bullshit social engineering. Yet you whack-a-doo libs object to flat tax or a fair tax. Shit. Make up your dopey minds.

By CONTRAST, if you don't comply with the mandate to BUY Obamaco's Insurance Products, then they will impose a very specific PENALTY on you which the CJ now calls a "tax" (even though Congress firmly resolved not to call it a tax).

If your idiotic "complaint" is that economic choices (like to get a mortgage or not) have tax consequences, then you are right. Tehy do. But those consequences are OUR own fault for permitting our tax code bo be used in this manner and to be so incomprehensible and complex.

That's far different than a deliberate governmental decision to impose a PENALTY -- which it is (at least Congress was honest at the time they thought they had a right to use words in Congressional legislation).

Fuck ObamaCrap and the entirely dishonest notion that they have any right (in the name of a tax or on any other basis) to COMPEL us to BUY any particular product.

And fuck your dishonest analogies, too.

Do you take the mortgage deduction?
If I don't take out a mortgage I must pay more tax than someone that takes out a mortgage.

There's no difference in the end result.

Sure there is. If you don't take out a mortgage, our idiot tax system saddles you with some idiot consequences. The problem thee is our tax system isn't fair or rational and it allows for this kind of bullshit social engineering. Yet you whack-a-doo libs object to flat tax or a fair tax. Shit. Make up your dopey minds.

By CONTRAST, if you don't comply with the mandate to BUY Obamaco's Insurance Products, then they will impose a very specific PENALTY on you which the CJ now calls a "tax" (even though Congress firmly resolved not to call it a tax).

If your idiotic "complaint" is that economic choices (like to get a mortgage or not) have tax consequences, then you are right. Tehy do. But those consequences are OUR own fault for permitting our tax code bo be used in this manner and to be so incomprehensible and complex.

That's far different than a deliberate governmental decision to impose a PENALTY -- which it is (at least Congress was honest at the time they thought they had a right to use words in Congressional legislation).

Fuck ObamaCrap and the entirely dishonest notion that they have any right (in the name of a tax or on any other basis) to COMPEL us to BUY any particular product.

And fuck your dishonest analogies, too.

Do you take the mortgage deduction?

Again. Your studious desire to ignore the answer only proves how disingenuous you are.

When was the last time somebody put a monetary PENALTY on anything you did other than maybe speeding or littering, you dishonest petty derp?
Who is The One?


I'll be ready with my chainsaw. No zombies coming for my soul.
President Barack Obama

"The highest court in the land has now spoken. We'll continue to implement this law and we'll work together to improve on it where we can. But what we won't do, what the country can't afford to do, is refight the political battles of two years ago or go back to the way things were. With today's announcement, it's time for us to move forward."

Let it go, pubs. You're never getting it repealed.
President Barack Obama

"The highest court in the land has now spoken. We'll continue to implement this law and we'll work together to improve on it where we can. But what we won't do, what the country can't afford to do, is refight the political battles of two years ago or go back to the way things were. With today's announcement, it's time for us to move forward."

Let it go, pubs. You're never getting it repealed.

If The ONE gets his ticket punched on Dejection Day and if the House stays solidly Republican and if the Senate flips over to the GOP column with enough extra votes to compensate for the RINOs, then you will be wrong, Sarah.

And all of those things are within reach.
Who is The One?


I'll be ready with my chainsaw. No zombies coming for my soul.

Ask candycornball. She knows who The ONE is.

As do you.

The only ones who call him the "one" are idiots and Republicans (was that redundant)? I guess the Governor would be "the zero" in your vernacular?

WHO calls him that is quite beside the point.

What I said is that YOU know. Clearly, YOU did.

So does cowflop.

I know folks who call The ONE "Zerobama," too. It is spelled 0bama. I like that one.

Get over it.
I like Liability & consider him a grown-up here on the board (more than I can say for a lot of others) BUT shows what happens when you listen to the Pundits when starting a thread :p

* * * *

But I didn't.

I read the decision, so unlike lots of the libs here, I was able to come to the my conclusion without outside "help." And totally unlike the libs here, I was able to come to the CORRECT conclusion.

There is not a single solitary shred of honesty or integrity in the pertinent part of the CJ Roberts' opinion.

He was RIGHT in denying that the Act could be sustained on the basis of the Commerce Clause.

He was RIGHT in denying that the Act could be sustained on the basis of the Necessary and Proper Clause.

He lied and twisted and contorted to pretend that it could be sustained on the basis of the Taxing Authority. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

If what he said were true (and it isn't) then there is NO rational basis to deny to the fucking Congress the power, authority and ability to use the taxing authority to legislate on ANY matter whatsoever.

It stuns me that you libs either cannot see this or refuse to admit it.

But they can.

All they need is a majority of votes in the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and a President who is willing to sign it.

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