Who thought it was a good idea to invite Hildebeast to the Code Conference?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Let's see, what inspiring, insightful, tech savvy leader should we invite to speak at the Code Conference? Yes of course! Hillary! And what a surprise, she steered her talk around to her favorite subject, Hillary. And all the reasons why she lost. Again. OMG there she sat like a bag of tears in a house coat playing the poor me violin AGAIN. She is the number one advertisement for the GOP. Please keep inviting her to speak.

Hillary Clinton: 'I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that's not why I lost'
Is this the one I just saw where she sat there detailing this vast global conspiracy to bring her down! She blamed everyone including Obama and the DNC for screwing her out of her rightful place as Queen of America. It was hillarious! What is she on now, excuse #17 of why she lost? The GOP need not do anything but sit back and let these pathetic losers continue to show the world what useless garbage they really are.
She figured the DNC could rig the general election just like it did the primary. Obviously it was the DNCs fault.

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